0118 Video Health Assessment Success Guide PDF

Title 0118 Video Health Assessment Success Guide
Author Jennifer Phelps
Course Health Assessment
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 10
File Size 450.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Video Health Assessment Success Guide C349 LJT1 0118 We recommend that you save this document to your computer. Click on the blue hyperlinks for more information on each section. Review Each Step Step 1: LJT Introduction Step 2: LJT Taskstream Directions -Example Jarvis Video Health Assessment

Step 3: Recorder Download Demo: PC or MAC

Step 4: Room Setup & Preparation

Step 5: Starting Your Recording

Step 6: How to Complete the PADF

Step 7: How to Upload All Items to Taskstream

Resource/Tip Utilize this Success Guide for FAQs & a review of the task. Use the Physical Assessment Documentation Form (PADF) and Jarvis textbook to review/practice assessment techniques required for this task. You will need to retrieve the fillable PADF form located in Taskstream as a file attachment. Mentally prepare what you will do and say for each area. Contact your Course Instructor with any questions! Go to WGU site to download recorder: wgu.hosted.panopto.com Plug in WGU webcam -make Adult Head-to-Toe Assessment video & Jarvis Ch 27 eText are your best resources to review all of the techniques on the PADF form. You can also review the system-specific materials in Modules 2 - 5. Q7: Does my patient need to take his/her shirt off for the Respiratory and Cardiac exam? A. No, it’s recommended your patient wear a tank top/t-shirt and shorts, and be barefoot for lower extremity assessment. All assessments can all be performed over the clothes. Be sure to thoroughly review the formal LJT1 instructions in Taskstream. Q8: Do I need to do a pelvic or breast exam? A. No, breast or genital/rectal exam is not on the PADF form. Q9: Do I need to do a full set of vital signs? What if I don’t have a BP cuff? T - you DO NOT need to take your patient’s temperature. It is not called for on the PADF form. P - take a radial pulse for 30 seconds and multiply x 2. R - count for 30 seconds and multiply x 2 (be sure you verbalize you’re checking this, as it can sometimes be difficult to know you’re inspecting the chest for the respiratory rate). BP - it’s OK if you don’t have a manual or automatic cuff. You can use a prop (a folded kitchen towel, a wide sock). And explain what you are doing, i.e. “I am using a prop for my blood pressure cuff; I will wrap the cuff (prop) around the patient’s arm and pump up the cuff, releasing slowly while listening through my stethoscope (in place) and note the patient’s blood pressure.” You will document on your PADF that a prop was used and that a B/P reading was not obtained. Pain – You must ask your patient if they are having pain, and if so, they should rate it on a 0-10 scale. This is part of the required VS for this task.

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Success tip! For best guidance on using the Panopto Recorder spend some time viewing this great resource: Panopto "How-To" Video Series. Many students have the button “Capture Computer Audio” checked and this is causing their video to have no audio. Ensure “Capture Computer Audio” is “Unchecked” and that your WGU webcam is selected for Video and Audio. Q10: Can I pause the recording? A. No, you should not pause or stop the recording, as the risk is high of not getting it started again. If you hit “Stop” you are done and cannot continue recording. This should be a seamless recording; however if you need to pause your assessment to collect your thoughts or remember what to do next, that is ok. If you accidentally stop your video, you can make two video parts and submit two URLs. For assistance with any Panopto related technical issues, contact ecare at [email protected] Success tip! - If you laugh, a phone rings, dog barks, etc.--keep recording -- interesting things sometimes happen! Q11: What if I realize I forgot something? A. If you go through the assessment and forget something, you can either perform it at the end of the video or, if you have not yet submitted, film an addendum video and attach both links when you submit via Taskstream. If you have already submitted, addendum videos are not allowed. You must rerecord an entire, full-length assessment once the task has been evaluated. Q12: What items are required to be uploaded into Taskstream? A. Here is the list of required items to be uploaded into Taskstream. All items must be submitted at the same time or your task will be returned as incomplete without evaluation! ● One consent form for your volunteer patient (remember, they must be able to provide consent in your home state & be at least 18 years old). Their signature MUST BE HANDWRITTEN. All blanks must be complete. Use full mailing address with city, state, and zip. ● URL of your Panopto video (Viewer Link) in the correct DropBox Folder. Your video URL link will be emailed to you by Panopto to your WGU email. ● Completed Physical Assessment Documentation Form (PADF) with all boxes addressed don’t leave any blanks spaces. If it is an item you forgot to assess in the video, you can simply write “not assessed” in the documentation box next to it. Analysis of Findings paragraph on last page. Sources are not necessary for this task; however, if you do use a source for any reason, you must reference and cite it properly according to APA standards.

Any revisions submitted must contain all items as if the submission was brand new (a new consent, new & complete PADF, and a new, full-length video). Q13: How do I submit the consent form for this course? A. You will need to print the form, fill it out completely, and have your patient sign it

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(must be a handwritten signature). Scan it to your computer to upload to Taskstream. You can also take very clear digital photo of each signed form, email as an attachment to yourself, and then upload the digital file into Taskstream using the Attachments button. Suggested file types include: PDF or Jpeg files. The entire form must be legible in your scan/image (full-length page with all wording visible). Success tip! DOUBLE CHECK THAT YOUR PATIENT HAS COMPLETED THE CONSENT COMPLETELY! Q14: What does the analysis portion contain and how do I submit it? A. The analysis portion of this task should be a 1-2 paragraph summary of your assessment findings. Per the grading rubric, a highly competent score = “The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with substantial detail, of the primary findings of the physical assessment performed.” What is your overall impression of the client’s health? Provide data/details to support your impression. Describe any abnormal findings. Can you correlate these findings to pertinent patient health history? Your analysis will be very similar to how you would provide report to another nurse. There is a space to enter your findings at the end of the PADF. Q15: How do I get my video from Panopto to Taskstream? A. Copy your video viewer link/URL from Panopto and paste into the URL form box in Taskstream - see short help video HERE Q16: Will my video be available for anyone to see? A. No, the default setting is Private for every student video. Only WGU Evaluators will be watching your video. They are nursing faculty and employees of WGU who are hired solely to grade tasks in Taskstream. Q17: Why can’t I type on the PADF after opening/downloading? You must download the form & save it to your computer as your own file before you can edit and save your changes. Q18: Why is my Originality report score so high? And what should I do? A. You are using a template PADF for documentation, so your turnitin report will likely be a high percentage. The evaluators are aware of this. However, your analysis of findings should be unique to your patient and assessment. As a reminder, you may not use a third party or the patient to direct you through your assessment. Only your notes are allowed. Having another individual cue or guide you is considered an originality concern. Q19: What happens if I fail the video submission? A. The rest of your submission (PADF, analysis, sources, & articulation) will not be scored/evaluated until your video achieves at least 51 points. If your video submission fails, you will need to rerecord a new, full-length video for reevaluation that includes all elements

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performed correctly. Addendum videos containing only the items you missed are not allowed as resubmissions. When you resubmit, all items must be submitted to Taskstream- including a new patient consent, a complete PADF & analysis that matches your new video, and a full-length Panopto video URL.

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Step 1: LJT Introduction Hi, and welcome to the introduction for your C349 LJT 0118 Video Health Assessment. First off, we want you to know that you can do it, and your Course Instructors are here to help! For this task, you will be recording a video of yourself completing a head-to-toe assessment on a volunteer in your home. You do not have to memorize the entire order of the assessment, nor do you have to collect a health history for this task. We also want you to know that almost everyone is nervous to start this task! However, after completing the task, most students state they wish they hadn’t put it off, and they actually found it much easier than expected. So now, let’s take a closer look at our video health assessment checklist. Once you open this Success Guide, we encourage you to save a copy to your computer in order to give you easy access. The first step in the process is to review our informative success and FAQ guide. Here you will find some great answers to common questions, as well as success tips. You will want to read through all the information and know it’s available for you when questions arise. After reading the FAQs, make sure to also go through each of the Steps at the top of the Success Guide. Don’t forget – your Course Instructors are here to help! Please reach out with any questions or issues. YOU CAN DO IT!

Step 2: LJT Taskstream Directions Step 2 on the Success Guide is highly important for understanding the directions and objectives for your video recording. From your C349 course, click on the center assessments tab and go into Taskstream. Here, you should see the 0118 version of the LJT video health assessment course. You should have a big yellow button to take you into Taskstream, and then you will land on the video health assessment page. Please ensure it shows you in the 0118 version. On the left side, you should click LJT1 to expand the directions, and they will populate in the center of your screen. Read through this information carefully, as the directions are very specific as to what you need to do for this task. Underneath the directions, you will find requirements, listed as letters, which will refer to various items included in your task. Item A is the patient consent, titled as “Nursing Program Audio/Video Recording Consent and Release Agreement (Patient).” Item B has two parts. B1 includes the video health assessment, which must obtain a score of at least 51 points. Part B2 is the functional Panopto URL for your video. Item C is the Physical Assessment Documentation Form, which you may see abbreviated as PADF throughout certain resources. This must be completely and appropriately filled out when you submit it. Item D is the analysis of your assessment findings. There is a place to type this at the end of the PADF. Item E is sources, which are not required for this task. However, if you do use sources for any reason, they should be referenced and cited appropriately per APA standards. Item F is articulation and professional communication. Your written word should be appropriate with minimal errors. Below the requirements, you will see a file attachment section. This includes attachments you will need to be successful in this task. You can download each of these files and save them directly to your computer. This will allow you to edit and print them more easily. Remember, the patient consent is a legal document that must be complete when submitted, and it must have a handwritten signature. The second attachment is the PADF which you will need to complete your documentation on after recording your assessment. This lists all of the assessments you should perform during your video recording. If you are unsure of how to perform any of the required assessments, you should review your Jarvis textbook. Techniques must be performed correctly or points will not be awarded. The 0118 video assessment requires 63 techniques. In order to meet competency on the video aspect, you must correctly perform at least 51 techniques. Remember to verbalize items as you perform them, especially for things that require inspection. Otherwise, it may not be clear to the evaluator what you are checking or doing. For example, when assessing skin color/pigmentation, you should verbally state this so that it is clear what is being observed. Prior to recording your assessment, review the entire PADF and what assessments are required, go through your Jarvis book for any technique you may

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be questioning, and practice doing the techniques and verbalizing the skills. This will better prepare you for your actual recording of the assessments. After you record your video, you should fill out the PADF entirely by checking the appropriate boxes, selecting from dropdown menus, or entering text where necessary. Note that you will not be able to edit the PADF or select your findings unless you download the file and save it to your computer. With any items that need more information or that include abnormal findings, you can document free text on the right hand column. The analysis of findings should be entered at the bottom of the PADF. If you realize you forgot to assess an item, you can simply type “not assessed” in the righthand column. Your PADF documentation should match your video. Under the web links section on Taskstream, you will find the task rubric as the first link. This will review all areas that you will be evaluated on. The evaluator will either select not evident, approaching competence, or competent on each section. You must meet competency on all rubric aspects in order to pass the LJT video health assessment course. Be sure you thoroughly review the directions, requirements, attachments, and rubric prior to recording your video and submitting your task for evaluation. Reach out to your Course Instructor with any questions!

Step 4: Room Setup & Preparation Hi! Let’s discuss preparing your exam area. A lot of us do not have volunteer patients who have a lot of extra time, so it’s nice to have things ready for your recording. You can use items such as a couch, lounge chair, or coffee table. You want to ensure you can be easily viewed. This typically means having your camera at a 90 degree angle so that both you and the patient are viewable. If your techniques are not visible within the camera frame, you will not receive points for those assessments. Next to your exam area, you should have whatever props or supplies you need to complete the video. Also, you should have your printed PADF or a copy of it pulled up on your computer to refer to as you complete the video. Lighting should be adequate enough to clearly see the techniques being performed. When you move your patient to a lying down position, ensure the full length of the patient remains in the camera’s view. You can shift your camera as needed during the assessment to ensure you and the patient always remain in view. Best of luck recording your video!

Step 5: Starting Your Recording Welcome to starting your Video Health Assessment recording! Be sure to watch the tips on how to use Panopto prior to trying to record. Also review the PADF for all of the techniques you will need to properly perform. To begin, ensure you have all necessary equipment close by, as well as your PADF to reference during the video. When you start the recording, ensure you introduce yourself and your patient. Start with asking height and weight, performing vital signs, and continuing through the remainder of the assessment techniques on the PADF. When items such as the posterior chest must be assessed, be sure you ask your patient to turn with their back facing the camera so the techniques can clearly be seen by the camera. Move the camera as needed throughout the assessment so that you and the patient remain in view. You can also ask your patient to turn or move if needed. Also remember to keep moving forward even with any distractions that may arise, such as dogs barking or the doorbell ringing. If necessary, you can always pause the recording and return to it a few minutes later once the distraction is minimized. You’ll do great!

Step 6: How to Complete the PADF The next step is to complete your Physical Assessment Documentation Form, or PADF. Download the PADF from the Taskstream attachments. This is a clickable form with checkboxes, drop down menus,

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and free text spaces in various parts. Click through and select your appropriate assessment findings for each area. Your form documentation should match your video assessment. For example, if you used a prop for blood pressure, you should write “prop used – actual BP not taken” on the right hand column. If you have an abnormal finding, such as a lesion on the skin, you would document that appropriately and provide any additional information in the right hand column. If you forgot to assess something during the assessment, simply write “not assessed” in the right hand column. Documenting something you did not assess is considered falsifying documentation. At the bottom of the PADF is an area for documenting the analysis of findings. This should be about a paragraph long and will be similar to how you would provide report to another nurse. Even if your patient has normal findings, you should still include an analysis. You could provide items such as the BP or other vital signs, BMI, denial of pain (or pain scale if they state they are having pain), and an overall summary of some of the assessment techniques you performed. If you did find something abnormal during the assessment, that should also be part of your analysis, and a more in-depth description of the abnormality can be dictated her. Based on their age or other factors, you may also state your recommendation for follow-up with a specialist, their PCP, dentist, or other healthcare related needs. References are not required for the 0118 LJT task. However, if you for some reason decide to use a reference, you must cite it appropriately and include a reference list at the bottom of the PADF. Any references used would need to follow APA format. Be sure you save your completed checklist to your computer in order to upload it to Taskstream as an attachment.

Step 7: Uploading Your Items to Taskstream Congrats on completing your video recording and PADF! Now it’s time to upload everything to Taskstream so it can be evaluated. The files you will need to upload include the fully complete and legible patient consent with a handwritten signature, the viewer link for a Panopto recording, and a completely filled out PADF with analysis of findings. Panopto will send you an email when your video has finished processing that will include the viewer link. For directions uploading your files to Taskstream, please review these instructions. If you face any difficulties uploading your files, you can review the FAQs for Taskstream issues. To upload your Panopto video URL to Taskstream, please review these helpful instructions. After attaching the Panopto link(s), ensure all items are present and attached. Go to the Scores Results tab and request your originality report, which may take up to 10 minutes. The PADF will be the only item that needs to be analyzed. Your PADF will have a high match due to it being a form template. However, your analysis of findings should be unique. After you review this, you can return to your files, review the attachments one more time before submitting, and hit the Submit Work button. Your work will then be sent into the queue to wait for evaluation. If you have any difficulties uploading your items, reach out to your Course Instructor or E-Care. Your ...

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