02.04 Gather and Organize PDF

Title 02.04 Gather and Organize
Author kuh ukhbu
Course Bio-Medical Ethics
Institution University of Northern Iowa
Pages 2
File Size 142.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 64
Total Views 148





1. Topic: Video games 2. Cause: The first video game was made in 1952, with the name “OXO”. It has made Alexander Shafto Douglas. But there were other two names, John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry, they made the first computer between 1937 and 1942. The effects it has in society, especially in childrens and teenagers. 3. Possitive effect 1: A huge advantage. Suporting details: How it has help us to interact and make friends online. 4. Possitive effect 2: It was able to the all people. Suporting details: Especially is able for childrens and teenagers, how to help everyone to drive on the computer. 5. Negative effect 1: Risk of obesity or overweight. Suporting details: There is a risk of overweight or obesity due to the sedentary lifestyle

that most video games require. Hence the good reception that have had the games that force you to move or practice a sport. 6. Negative effect 2: Relate with inadequate people. Suporting details: By connecting with other players through the Internet, they can meet undesirable people or provide data they shouldn´t. 7. Questions: 1- Who did invent the first video game? 2- Why did he do it? 3- When did he make the first video game? 4- How was the name of the first video game? 5- What did he use to make it? 6- What´s a huge advantage about video games? 7- Do the video games prevent you from going out with your friends? 8- Do the video games cause you addiction? 1- The inventor was Alexander Shafto Douglas. 2- He did it because he love computing and the arcade world. 3- He made it in 1952. 4The name of the first video game was “OXO”. 5- He used a lot of time to make it, used a rotary phone dialer to control the game. 6The huge advantage is the facility to interact and make friends online. 7- Yes, the video games can prevent you to going out with your friends. The most serious cases usually occur when they move the game to reality. 8- video games can be diagnosed as an addiction if comply this four important factors: the need to use more and more technological devices; the withdrawal syndrome, that when the use is prohibited, a contrary psychological reaction takes place; a loss of high control, trying to reduce the time you are connected and unable to; and the loss of interest in other leisure activities. 8. Source A: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game 9. Source B: https://www.google.es/search?client=firefoxb&dcr=0&ei=K0UZWqTUEZCukwXiLqQAg&q=quien+fue+el+inveror+de+la+primera+computadora&oq =quien+fue+el+inveror+de+la+primera+computadora&gs_l=psyab.3..0i13k1j0i13i30k1l5j0i8i13i10i30k1.10367.18420.0.19512.30.28 . JB8NTJzUE 10. Source C: https://www.webconsultas.com/bebes-y-ninos/juegos-yocio-infantil/aspectos-positivos-y-negativos-de-los-videojuegospara-los...

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