06.07 Disillusionment PDF

Title 06.07 Disillusionment
Course World History Since 1500
Institution Miami Regional University
Pages 3
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06.07 Disillusionment...


Assignment for 6.07 Question: Explain how events such as the Vietnam War and Watergate affected the American public’s opinion of the U.S government. Part 1: Read the

The question above is asking how the Vietnam War and Watergate changed

question above and write

the American people's opinion of there government.

down what you think the question is asking in your own words. Part 2: Use an Internet search engine (such as Google, Yahoo or Bing) to find sources that would help you answer the question. Try to use the advanced search option to limit the number of results. You must choose four sources to complete this portion of the assignment. ● Two on Watergate ● Two of the Vietnam War Watergate:

● Google

● What search engine

● Watergate Scandal, U.S. Government, Public Opinion

did you use? ● What words did you

● (Watergate scandal: Public distrust of government begins) Magazine Article

type into the search


engine to get your




● What sources did

● Google

you choose? Provide

● Watergate Scandal, U.S. Government, Public Opinion

the web address and

● (Watergate Effects at Home and Abroad) Topic Website

title of each source.


Vietnam War:

● Google

● What search engine

● Vietnam War, U.S. Government, Public Opinion

did you use? ● What words did you

● (Vietnam: The War That Killed Trust) Magazine Article https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/07/opinion/sunday/vietna

type into the search


engine to get your

● Google


● Vietnam War, U.S. Government, Public Opinion

● What sources did you choose? Provide

● (How did the Vietnam War affect America?) Topic Website https://thevietnamwar.info/how-vietnam-war-affect-america/

the web address and title of each source. Part 3: Choose one Vietnam War and one Watergate source from Part 2 and complete the following: ● Write two or three sentences to summarize each source. ● Write what you think the purpose of the source is and who the original audience would have been. ● Write at least one sentence explaining how the source helps you explain the way the event affected the American public’s opinion of the government. ● Choose a quote from the source that you would use as evidence to support your answer to the question. The Federal Times covering the Watergate Scandal stated that “Just as Mr. Summary:

Nixon was entitled to a proper Constitutional trial, the people were entitled to all the facts, which now we may never know," the unsigned editorial reads.” (Watergate scandal: Public distrust of government begins). It continues on to talk about how Nixon avoids the impeachment process by resigning and how the scandal led to a widespread of distrust towards the government with the lasting effect of the suffix “-gate” meaning deception at high levels of power. The magazine article then talks about how the effect is more pronounced for Democrats, The Privacy Act of 1974, and how the Watergate scandal helped push the passage of Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code. The American People in the 1970s.

Audience: To show the effects of the Watergate scandal. Purpose: This source could be used to show how the Watergate scandal sparked the

Explanation of use:

general public distrust in their government and the reasons behind it. “Just as Mr. Nixon was entitled to a proper Constitutional trial, the people


were entitled to all the facts, which now we may never know," the unsigned editorial reads.” (Watergate scandal: Public distrust of government begins) This New York Times post examines “how the events of 1967 and early


1968 shaped Vietnam, America and the world” by dividing the conversation into topics such as Cynicism, Race, and Service. The article was an attempt to rekindle the important question “What did the war do to us as Americans” showing how the generations switched the American people to distrust the government. The Magazine Post was intended for anyone who reads it that might not


have an understanding of what Vietnam War did to us as Americans or the ones who are too young to remember it. The purpose is to explain how the Vietnam War affected this current


generation and their view towards the government. This source shows this current generation is now cynical and distrustful of

Explanation of use:

our government because of Vietnam. “I live near Seattle, hardly Donald J. Trump territory. Most of my friends


cynically deride Mr. Trump’s slogan, Make America Great Again, citing all that was wrong in the olden days. Indeed, it wasn’t paradise, particularly for minorities. But there’s some truth to it. We were greater then. It was the war — not liberalism, not immigration, not globalization — that changed us.”...

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