08-CPR-AED - notes on CPR and AED training PDF

Title 08-CPR-AED - notes on CPR and AED training
Course Emer Med Care: Emt Lab
Institution University of New Hampshire
Pages 6
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notes on CPR and AED training...


AUTOMATEDEXTERNALDEFI BRI LLATI ON AND CARDI ACARRESTMANAGEMENT Obj ect i ves Byt heconcl usi onoft hi sl ab,t hei nst r uct orwi l l hav epr ovi dedsuffici enti nf or mat i on, demonst r at i onandpr act i cei nt hear eaofAEDandcar di acar r estmanagementf ort he st udentt o: 1.Demonst r at et heappl i cat i onandoper at i onoft heaut omat edext er nal defibr i l l at or . 2.Cor r ect l ymeasur eandi nser tanor al / nasal ai r waydur i ngCPRpr ocedur es. 3.Demonst r at ecor r ectassembl yanduseofBVM wi t h100% Oxygendur i ngCPR pr ocedur es. 4.Demonst r at eabi l i t yt omanageacar di acar r estbyi nt egr at i ngCPRski l l s,AED, ai r wayadj unct s,100% O2byBVM andpat i ent / scenemanagementski l l s.

AUTOMATEDEXTERNALDEFI BRI LLATI ONANDCARDI AC ARRESTMANAGEMENT Par t1-Aut omat edExt er nalDefibr i l l at i on( AED) Appl i cat i onAndAnal ysi s 1.BSI ,scenesaf et y . 2.Per f or m ani ni t i al assessmentandv er i f yabsenceofpul seandbr eat hi ngonapat i ent over1yearofage 3.OneEMTshoul di ni t i at eCPRwhi l et heot herpr epar est heAED. 4.Pr ept heski n( shavi ng,cl eani ng,dr yi ng)t oassur egoodcont act . 5.Pr oper l ypl acet hedefibr i l l at orpadsont hepat i ent ’ schest ,t hewhi t e( )padi s pl aced ont her i ghtupperbor deroft hest er num andt her ed( +)padi spl acedovert hel ef tl ower r i bsatt heant er i oraxi l l ar yl i ne( l ookatt hepi ct ur eont hepads) . 6.Tur nont heAEDpowerandbegi nt henar r at i ve( descr i bewhoy ouar e,whatt he si t uat i oni s,whatyouar edoi ngasyoudoi t ) . 7.St opCPRandgetcompl et el ycl earoft hepat i ent ,pr esst heanal ysi sbut t on,wai tf or t hemachi net oanal yz et hepat i ent ’ sr hyt hm. I fTheMachi neGi vesA“Del i verShock”/“ShockAdvi sed”Message 1.Cl eart hepat i ent .“ I ’ m cl ear .You’ r ecl ear .We’ r eal lcl ear . ” 2.Pr esst heshockbut t ont odel i vert hefir stshock. 3.Af t ershock,i mmedi at el yr esumeCPR,begi nni ngwi t hchestcompr essi onsand cont i nueCPRf or2mi nut es 4.Af t er2mi nut esofCPR,AEDwi l lpr omptr epeatofanal ysi scy cl e,cl eart hepat i ent andr eanal yz e 5.I f“ ShockAdvi sed” ,cl earpat i entanddel i vershock,r esumeCPRandpr epar ef or t r anspor t . 6.I f“ NoShockAdvi sed” ,andt her ear enosi gnsofci r cul at i on,r esumeCPRand pr epar ef ort r anspor t 7.I f“ NoShockAdvi sed”andt her ear esi gnsofci r cul at i on,checkABCsandpr epar ef or t r anspor t

I fTheMachi neI ni t i al l yGi vesA“ NoShock”Message 1.Begi nCPRwi t hchestcompr essi onsandcont i nueCPRf or2mi nut es 2.Af t er2mi nut esofCPR,t heAEDwi t hi ni t i at et heanal yzecycl e,r eanal yzepat i ent ’ s r hyt hm 3.I f“ ShockAdvi sed” ,Pr esst heshockbut t ont odel i vert heshock. 4.Af t ershock,i mmedi at el yr esumeCPR,begi nni ngwi t hchestcompr essi onsand cont i nueCPRf or2mi nut es 5.Af t er2mi nut esofCPR,AEDwi l lpr omptr epeatofanal ysi scy cl e,cl eart hepat i ent andr eanal yz e 6.I f“ ShockAdvi sed” ,cl earpat i entanddel i vershock,r esumeCPRandpr epar ef or t r anspor t . 7.I f“ NoShockAdvi sed” ,andt her ear enosi gnsofci r cul at i on,r esumeCPRand pr epar ef ort r anspor t 8.I f“ NoShockAdvi sed”andt her ear esi gnsofci r cul at i on,checkABCsandpr epar ef or t r anspor t

Par t2-CARDI ACARRESTMANAGEMENTGUI DELI NES: Thi sl abex er ci sei sdesi gnedt ot estt hest udent ’ sabi l i t yt omanageapr ehospi t al car di acar r est byi nt egr at i ngCPRski l l s,AED,ai r wayadj unct s,BVM andpat i ent / scenemanagementski l l s. Thi si ncl udest hei nt egr at i onofpeopl eandequi pmentcommonl yassoci at edwi t han ambul ancer espondi ngt oacar di acar r estscenei nabasi cl i f esuppor tscenar i o.Thest udent wi l l ar r i veatt hesceneandencount eracar di acar r est ,wi t hCPRbei ngper f or medbyafir st r esponder .Thest udentwi l lber equi r edt ot r ansi t i oneffect i vel yi nt ot woper sonCPRusi ngt he AED,ai r wayadj unct sandBVM. Assessment 1.BSI ,scenesaf et y . 2.Gat herhi st or yofcar di acar r estevent : Howl ongi nar r est ? HowLonghasCPRBeenPer f or med? Doyouknow2per sonCPR? 3.Per f or msordi r ect si ni t i al assessment( br eat hi ng,pul se) 4.I ni t i at esCPR 5.Pr epst heski nandat t achesAEDt ot hepat i ent .CPRcanbei nt er r upt edbutnotf or mor et han10seconds. 6.Tur nsont heAED. 7.Di r ect sfir str espondert ost opCPRandensur esal l i ndi vi dual sar ecl earoft he pat i ent . 8.I ni t i at esanal ysi soft her hyt hm. 9.Del i ver sshockwi t hi n90secondsofi ni t i at i ngt hescenar i o. Tr ansi t i on 1.Di r ect st her esumpt i onoft woper sonCPR. 2.Gat her saddi t i onali nf or mat i onaboutt hepat i ent( age,car di achi st or y) . 3.Thest udentmaypr epar et heai r wayandvent i l at i onadj unct s.Thi scoul dbedone dur i ngr hyt hm anal ysi s. I nt egr at i on 1.Requestf orALS 2.Ver bal i zesi nser t i onofanai r wayadj unct . 3. I nt egr at esvent i l at i onoft hepat i entwi t haoner escuerBVM t echni queand15L/ M of O2.Thechestoft hemani ki nmustr i se. 4.I nt er r upt i onofCPRshal l notex ceed10seconds . 5.Af t er2mi nut esofBVM assi s t edCPRt hest udentmustst opCPR,r eanal yz et he pat i entandpr ecedeaccor di ngl y Conver si on 1.Ther ear e“ s i gnsofc i r c ul at i on”andwhent heABCsar eassessed,t her ei sapul se 2.Thes t udentshal l per f or m bot h1and2r escuerBVM vent i l at i onf or30seconds .

KIN 685 EMT-Basic Practical Exam #2

Cardiac Arrest Management Criteria Scene Size Up, Primary Assessment Scene Safety, BSI Briefly questioning about event Assesses ABCs (or directs partner) Directs partner to initiate CPR Turns on AED Attaches AED pads correctly to pt and AED Directs partner to stop CPR Clears patient for analysis Initiates analysis of rhythm Clears patient for shock (if indicated) Delivers shock First shock delivered within 90 seconds of arrival Transition Directs immediate resumption of CPR starting with compressions Integration Requests ALS intercept Verbalizes insertion of airway adjunct Ventilates patient to chest rise Connects BVM to oxygen at 15 lpm or higher Does not interupt CPR for >10 seconds Clears patient analysis when AED indicates Clears patient for shock when AED indicates When evaluator indicates "signs of life", checks ABCs Conversion/Rescue Breathing Performs one rescuer BVM for 30 seconds Correct rate during 1 rescuer BVM (1 breath every 5-6 seconds) Performs two rescuer BVM for 30 seconds Correct rate during 2 rescuer BVM (1 breath ever 5-6 seconds) Correctly performs CPR to current AHA guidelines throughout






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