11 27 Class Notes PDF

Title 11 27 Class Notes
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution University of Washington
Pages 2
File Size 40.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 112
Total Views 158


Dr. Spector's Psych 101 Class, lecture notes, Fall 2018...


Anxiety Disorders Four Components - Subjective-emotional - Cognitive - Physiological - Behavioral Anxiety Disorders are the most prevalent disorders in the US Population - 18.6% of population - More frequently in females than males - Clinically significant in 70% of cases Phobias - persistent, strong, and irrational fears of certain objects or situations - Agoraphobia - fear of open or public spaces - Social phobias - fear of social evaluation and embarrassment (anticipation of a public situation) - Specific phobias - fear of dogs, snakes, spiders, heights, etc. (response to specific types of objects or situations) - Parthenophobia - fear of virgins - Porphyrophobia - fear of color purple - Triskaidekaphobia - fear of number 13 - Brontophobia - fear of thunderstorms GAD - generalized anxiety disorder - Can markedly interfere with daily functioning - Difficult to concentrate, make decisions, and remember commitments - Onset typically occurs in childhood and adolescence - Cultural Differences - Depends on whether it is an individualistic or collectivist culture - Asian cultures show the lowest rates of GAD - America and Russia show the highest rates of GAD Panic Disorder - sudden, unpredictable, and intense fear, feeling of lack of reality, not triggered by a specific stimulus - Typically occurs without any identifiable stimulus - Many develop a persistent fear of future attacks and or agoraphobia - Tends to appear in late adolescence or early adulthood - 6% of population

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Obsessions - repetitive and unwelcome thoughts, images, or impulses - Compulsions- repetitive behavioral responses - Affects men and women equally - People with OCD know that they are crazy and irrational and so they often try to hide their behaviors Post Traumatic Stress - can occur in people who have been exposed to traumatic life events - Sever symptoms of anxiety and distress that were not present before the trauma - Relieving the trama - Becoming numb to the world - Experiences intense survivor guilt - Also known as PTSD...

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