11. The Manchu Conquest PDF

Title 11. The Manchu Conquest
Course Society and Culture in China Under The Ming and Qing Dynasties
Institution Durham University
Pages 3
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Notes on the Manchu Conquest and the start of the Qing...


11. The Manchu Conquest General Characteristics of the Qing dynasty  Conquest dynasty- it wasn’t han Chinese people  Multi-ethnic (included Mongolia, Tibet etc) and multilingual (historical records in a number of different languages forms etc) “Manchu” Culture  How did the manchus maintain their identity  Manchu did not exist before the qing, they got given this name  They were in tribes but not nomads  Tartar is another name used to refer to manchus by westerns historically (traditionally a medieval name for foreign group, there was an actual group tartar but general term used for (below)  Free spiritied horse riding Eurasians who sometimes raided and conquered (western idea of what tar tar is Manchu society  Hierarchical  Used slaved  Societ formed on clans, different clans would intermarry, trade and conquest would take place between them- functional unit but also became political and economical unit as well  Maternal lineages and prestige- ban on foot binding in Manchu culture (shows different stance on women) Shamanism  Shamans are individuals who could influence the supernatural world (ideas is that they have been through a supernatural experience so have the ability now)  Politically very important- can deal with illness, weather, healing animals etc  Shamanic rituals important- spaces prioritised for them Languages  Manchu, Mongolian and Chinese are the state languages  Did Manchu translations of Chinese documents include the same information?  People afraid or dismissed of the Manchu languages- but once people started reading there are differences noticed- some are an exact translation, some things had been omitted, slightly changed  Security language- cannot be read by foreigners or peasants when communicating with the center  Imperially commissioned five-language disctionary.

Temporal Frames (when the transition happened)(different perspectives on when it started etc, different groups etc) Significance of this transition  Before manchus came to power they replicated all the mings government systems Nurhaci  Leader of the Manchus- expanded and united the manhurs  Created the banner system- the exclusive ruling elite which brought the manchus and han together  Hong Taiji, his son succeeded him The Banner System  New sytem to the qing  1601-1924  Members were manchus, mongols and han  A social cultural and military institution that minimized the importance of earlier groups by creating a new social basis of organization  Banners began in the early 17th century  Banner companies maintained the homogeneity while the banners mixed the Chinese, Mongols and Manchu companies  These banners cut across kinship connections- way to tie people to their commander more that family Shifts in forms of Manchu leadership  As Manchus conquered Liaodong and incorporated Chinese people, Nurhaci limited the power of the Manchu nobles  He also selected eight scolars called baksi, as principle advisors Hong taiji  Mrore autocratic rule  Excluded the Manchu princes from the council  His Chinese advisors also supported concentration of power in the hands of the khan  The conquest of the qing included a lot of own moving about structure- they replicated the ming but then brought in their own things, restructured a lot The state and bodies  1645, those in the armies were ordered to have their heads in the Manchu way  During mourning rituals you wernt supposed to cut your hair so directly affects your own ritual and culture...

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