1618597411822 exam-guide-ipt2-final-April-21 PDF

Title 1618597411822 exam-guide-ipt2-final-April-21
Author hariom sharma
Course Modern Political Philosophy
Institution University of Delhi
Pages 134
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2021 EditionBy the Author ofPOL SC HELPEXAM GUIDE Chapter wise Key points and Model Answers to Past Year’sQuestions 3 sets of Sample Papers with answer Hints Tips for Writing Essay Type Answers in University ExamINDIAN POLITICALTHOUGHT 2BA Hons Semester 6PLEASE SPARE FEW MINUTES TO READ THISDear stu...


EXAM GUIDE 2021 Edition


• Chapter wise Key points and Model Answers to Past Year’s Questions

• 3 sets of Sample Papers with answer Hints

• Tips for Writing Essay Type Answers in University Exam

By the Author of


Pol Sc Help Exam Guide

Indian Political Thought 2

2021 Edition

PLEASE SPARE FEW MINUTES TO READ THIS Dear students…WELCOME BACK! This guide is intended to be like a cheat code (oh no ! not cheating, like the cheat code of winning the computer game) for your semester exams! What it contains? •

Key points on each of topics/theme of the revised CBCS Syllabus.

Theme/topic wise Answer templates to past year’s questions (taken from DU) and other important questions.

3 sets of sample question papers with Answer Hints.

Answer writing tips and tricks for OBE.

What is Answer Template? •

Answer written in a particular way (Intro, Body, Conclusion) as expected against essay type questions in university exam.

I have given you a template(format/structure). You may add or delete contents to make the answer as your own.

How to use the Guide for the best results? •

For best results, this guide must be used with Pol Sc Help Videos on You Tube.

First, watch the videos on the theme/topic from POL SC HELP- at least 4-5 times, first in normal speed, later on with faster speed and selectively. Final watching shouldn’t take more than 5 min.

Second, read the key points on the theme/topic very carefully. In fact, even if you only remember the key points you can write answers in the exam.

Third, read the answers of past year questions, at least 5 times. Again, the final reading may not take more than 5-10 minutes. o I have chosen the questions to cover the entire syllabus. o Note the key phrases repeated, made bold underlined, and in violet colour in the answers. You should remember and reproduce them in your answers. Violet bold are most important phrases. You should google them for further understanding. o Also, note the standard (academic or legal) words I have used in the answer. Their easier meaning/synonyms are given in bracket.

Fourth, read carefully the sample question papers (3 sets). I have given hints to those questions, too. Read them carefully.

Finally, read the answer writing tips; use them in the exam. GOOD WISHES!

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Pol Sc Help Exam Guide

Indian Political Thought 2

2021 Edition

SECTION 1 Chapter Wise Key Points and

ANSWERS Past Year Questions

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Indian Political Thought 2

2021 Edition


Bases, Features & Themes of Modern Indian Political Thought

1.B: Key Points •

What is Modern Indian Political Thought? o How and in what manner India as a community/society and nation, in modern times- beginning late 18th century- conceptualized or understood the meanings of normative political values and concepts such as liberty, equality, rights, independence, democracy, etc. o Political thoughts of modern Indian political thinkers/political activists.

Bases of Modern Indian Political Thought: o Ancient political philosophies contained in Veda, Upanishads, Mahabharat, Ramayana, Arthasashtra, Buddhist texts, syncretic thoughts of Kabir, Nanak, Akbar, etc. o Modern western political philosophies such as Liberalism, Humanism, Socialism, Communism, etc. o How Modern Indian political thinkers thought about western modernity discourse and Enlightenment principles? o Vision of socio-cultural reforms to bring new civilization. o Overarching context of colonialism and national movement for Independence.

Essential Features of Modern Indian Political Thought •

Developed in the context of Colonialism, India coming into contact with European modernism- Enlightenment, Liberalism, Nationalism

Intimately linked to National Freedom Movement

Also affected by: •

Rise of Italian and German nations in 1861 and 1871 respectively

Rise of fascism in Germany, Italy, Japan

Communist Revolution in Russia

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Indian Political Thought 2

2021 Edition

Break as wells as continuity with ancient/medieval Indian Political Thought

Overarching elements of Humanism, oriental spiritualism, socio-religious reforms

Multiple themes or strands: Liberal, Idealist, Humanist, Socialist, Feminist, Sub-altern Reformist, etc

Themes of Modern Indian Political Thought: •

Liberal Theme or Strand: first wave or generation of thinkers, led by well-educated upper caste/class men in big cities- Kolkata, Mumbai •

Influenced by western Liberalism

Considered British colonial rule good for Indian society/nation

Main thinkers: Raja Ram Mohan Roy, M.G.Ranade, G.K. Gokhale, Dadabhai Naoroji, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

Idealist or Nationalist strand: Second wave or generation of modern thinkers •

Critical of western Modernity and liberal political ideology

Revivalists: Reviving ancient intellectual and spiritual resources to bring new civilization

Main thinkers: Lala Lajpat Rai, Bipin Chandra Pal, Bal Gangadhar Tilak (LalBal-Pal), Dayanand Saraswati, Sri Aurobindo, Veer Savarkar, Iqbal

Socialist strand: 3rd wave or generation of thoughts. •

Multiple sub-strands •

Influences: •

Communist: Influenced by Marxism;

Social democrats- by Fabian Socialism,

Third way- Marxism, Fabianism, and Gandhian Philosophy of decentralization and social reconstruction;

Socialist revolutionaries- by Communist revolution in Russia

Vision of Caste less and Class less Society •

Communist, Social democrats, third or Indian way of Socialism, Socialist revolutionaries

Social ownership of production, worker’s rights, Socio-economic equality, social justice, positive rights and liberty, Welfare State

Main thinkers: •

Communist: S.A.Dange, M.N.Roy ;

Social Democrats: Ambedkar, Nehru;

Third way: Lohia, Jay Prakash Narayan, Acharya Narendranath, Minoo Masani;

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Indian Political Thought 2

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Socialist Revolutionaries: Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad

Humanist strand: •

Primacy to human dignity, worth of human life, human agency over anything else

Influenced by: European Humanism, Vedantic philosophy of Adwaitwad ( monism- no duality between God and soul in all being)

Main thinkers: Vivekananda, Tagore, M.N.Roy, Deen Dayal Upadhaya

Feminist strand: •

Raised Women’s question: Women’s subjection, their status in marriage, family, society

2 Sub-strands: Liberal feminism and radical feminism

Main thinkers: •

Liberal Feminists: Raja Ram Mohan Roy, M.G.Ranade, Ramabai Ranade, Gopal Hari Deshmukh, Keshav Chandra Sen, Jyotibha Phule

Radical Feminists: Pandita Ramabai, Rakhmabai, D K Karve, Tarabai shinde, Annie Besent, Anandibai Joshi

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Pol Sc Help Exam Guide

Indian Political Thought 2

2021 Edition

1. C: ANSWER TEMPLATES OF PAST YEAR’S AND OTHER IMPORTANT QUESTIONS Q.1: Write an essay on major characteristics of Modern Indian Political Thought Answer Template

Introduction: Modern Indian Political Thought denotes how and in what manner India as a community/society and nation, in modern times- beginning late 18th centuryconceptualized or understood the meanings of normative political values such as Democracy, Liberty, Equality, Justice, etc. It also reflects collective political consciousness of a nation, its different strands and features. Indian political thought has an unbreakable history beginning in ancient Indian civilization. In ancient time, Indian and Hindu political thought were one and same. But later on, with the advent of Buddhism, Jainism, and many other sects within Hinduism, an alternate Shramanic political thought emerged in parallel to Brahminic Political thought. Subsequently, Muslims came in India, first as trader, and then as ruler. That gave rise to Islamic political thought in India. In the mediaeval period, the Bhakti saints such as Kabir, Nanak, Tukaram, etc. give a syncretic Indian political thought which was synthesized Brahmanic, Shramanic, and Islamic political thoughts. After the disintegration and decline of Mughal Empire during early 18th century, Europeans came to India, first as trader and then as colonial ruler. Urban middle-class Indians learnt English and came into direct contact with the western political thought and were greatly influenced by enlightenment principles, Liberalism, and normative political values of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, and Democracy. Thus, modern Indian political thought was developed as curious mix of ancient Indian political thought and modern political thought influenced by western modernity and enlightenment. What gives distinct features to modern Indian political thought is different ways in which Indian political thinkers approached Western modernity. Three distinct approach is evident. First, was acceptance and praise of Western modernity and Colonial rule as a God send opportunity. The second approach was just opposite to the first one. It negated Western modernity and blamed it for corrupting Indian society and civilization. The third approach was a balanced one which tried to synthesized Western modernity with Indian spiritualism. These three distinct approaches to western modernity led to multiple themes or strands in Indian Modern Indian political thought. All rights reserved @polschelp.in


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Indian Political Thought 2

2021 Edition

Modern Indian political thought developed some interesting features due to unique position of India which had close physical contact with all mainstream religions and cultures of the world. Modern Indian political thinkers had the privilege to have the personal knowledge of all religions and all cultures and relating them to the Indian context of colonialism and national independent movement. Therefore, the features of modern Indian political thought can only be understood in the context of colonialism and National freedom movement. Another distinct feature of modern Indian political thought is that it is not developed by pure political thinkers or political philosophers as happened in western world. All those individuals whose thought became part of modern Indian political thought were political leaders and activists, not academician or political thinkers per se. Hence, the modern Indian political thought lacked in depth original theorisation. We cannot find such original political treaties as Kautilya’s Arthashastra or Veda Vyasa’s Rajadharma, or Barni’s ‘Fatwa-i-Jahandari’ in modern Indian Political thoughts. They were at best broad theoretical sketch for political actions. After stating the meaning, background, context and essence of modern Indian political thought, in the next section of the question, I will try to explain in brief some of its features and also evaluate their strength and weaknesses as part of the conclusion.

Before discussing the features, let us first discuss attitude towards discourse on western modernity by the leading modern Indian political thinkers. Most important factor in the formation of Modern Indian Political Thought was its interaction with western modernity and associated political values. Unfortunately for Indian political thinkers, western modernity came into India in the form of colonialism. Also, the context of national freedom movement also affected interactions of Indian thinkers with western modernity. Hence, many thinkers adopted antagonistic approach to western modernity and Enlightenment principles. This was the single most important factor which largely affected Modern Indian Political Thought.

3 attitudes towards Western Modernity: Three types of attitudes towards Western Modernity are clearly noticeable; these are: 1. Positive; God sent opportunity; helpful in socio-religious reforms •

First wave; Liberal strand;

Indian Renaissance: They were, led by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, the force behind Indian Renaissance beginning late 18th century.

Main thinkers: Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ranade, Gokhale, Dadabhai Naoroji, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

2. Negative; corrupting effect on Indian society, culture, civilization

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Indian Political Thought 2

2021 Edition

Second wave: Idealists or revivalists- recovering glory of ancient Indian culture/civilization

Main thinkers: Dayanand Saraswati, Lala Lajpat Rai, Tilak, Sri Aurobindo, Veer Savarkar

3. Balanced; synthesis of western modernity with Indian spiritualism •

Main thinkers: Vivekanand, Tagore, Gandhi, Nehru, Lohia, Ambedkar

Features or characteristics of Modern Indian Political Thought •

Highly Contextual: •

Developed in the context of Colonialism, India coming into contact with European modernism- Enlightenment movement, Liberalism, Nationalism

Indian national movement for independence became the overarching context in which Modern Indian Political Thought played out its role.

They were also affected by: •

Rise of Italian and German nations in 1861 and 1871 respectively

Rise of fascism in Germany, Italy, Japan

Communist Revolution in Russia

Break as wells as continuity with Ancient/medieval Indian Political Thought •

Contained many elements from ancient Indian political thoughts. For example: principle of RajaDharma, Vedantic principles, Universalism of Advaitwad, Buddhist principles of truth and non-violence, Islamic principles of Monotheism, etc.

All modern Indian political thinkers drew concepts and values heavily from ancient Indian political thoughts. Especially, Gandhiji, Vivekanand, Dayanand Saraswati etc. combined many elements from ancient India into their thoughts.

Overarching elements of Humanism, oriental spiritualism, socio-religious reforms

Multiple themes or strands: Liberal, Idealist, humanist, socialist, feminist, Subaltern reformist (anti-caste movements), etc

Lack of grand political theories •

Lacked any path breaking, original political theorisation, as in anciant in medieval periods.

As in ancient/medieval period- Kautilya’s Arthashastra, Rajadharma by Veda Vyas, Barni’s advise to Sultans, and Fazl’s ‘Sulh-i-Kul’

Or as in western world- Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Marx

Most of theorization in Modern Indian Political Thought came from political leaders/activists; they were broad theoretical sketch for political actions

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Indian Political Thought 2

2021 Edition

Lack of syncretic tradition in modern political thoughts •

More like Hindu revival, could not take along Islamic, Buddhist, and other streams

Lack of syncretic figure like Nanak, Kabir, Akbar; Gandhiji was lone syncretic voice

Was elitist and Bourgeois in character •

Sub-altern and feminist thoughts were at margin

Intimately linked to National Freedom Movement, which became the arena (site) for experimenting the political thoughts developed by political leaders/thinkers.

Political freedom vs social freedom ( social reforms- caste system) •

Heated debate on which should come first? Social reforms or political freedom & reforms?

Ram Mohan Roy, Tagore, Ambedkar, Gandhi put social reform before political freedom & reforms.

For Tilak, Lal-Bal-Pal, Aurobindo, Savarkar, Nehru, Political Freedom was to come first.

Discussion & Conclusion: From careful analysis of the above-mentioned features, we may notice some very positive aspects of Modern Indian Political Thought. First, it is very curious synthesis of western and oriental political philosophies. It combines Western Liberalism and its focus on individualism to the oriental notion of communitarianism and societal common Good. Indian version of socialism combines western materialism with Indian Spiritualism. Second, these political thoughts came from great political leaders and political activists. Hence, they were connected to real political practices. They were not merely an academic or intellectual exercise. Finally, range of these thoughts are very wide. They cover the entire political spectrum, from extreme left to far right. However, we can also notice some weaknesses in Modern Indian Political Thought. First, they lack theoretical depth. This was bound to happen as they were not developed by political scientist or political philosophers but by practising political leaders, except few thinkers such as Swami Vivekananda, Dayananda, and Tagore. Second, most of them were influenced by western or European political thoughts. Liberalism, socialism/communism, Fabian socialism, etc. deeply affected Modern Indian Political Thought. Thirdly, these thoughts were highly contextual. They were intimately tied to the context of colonialism and national movement for independence. However, some of them, especially Gandhian thoughts, transcends ( surpasses, cross) these specific contexts and are timeless. Finally, they could not develop a syncretic modern political thought as done during the medieval period by Nanak, Kabir, and Akbar. Most of them based primarily on Hinduism. They used religious motifs, symbols All rights reserved @polschelp.in


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Indian Political Thought 2

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