(18) Bob Pinker - (1) Tywardreath Village Shop Forum for Pledgers and other Interested Parties PDF

Title (18) Bob Pinker - (1) Tywardreath Village Shop Forum for Pledgers and other Interested Parties
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(1) Tywardreath Village Shop Forum for Pledgers and other Interested Parties - Home(1) Tywardreath Village Shop Forum for Pledgers and other Interested Parties - Home(1) Tywardreath Village Shop Forum for Pledgers and other Interested Parties - Home(1) Tywardreath Village Shop Forum for Pledgers and...



(18) Bob Pinker

Bob Pinker 6 hrs ·

Happy anniversary! #Tywardreath who can forget that moment when the vendors of No43 finally got hold of the directors of Hunter Grange Investments Ltd to find out why they hadn’t completed the sale only to be told that one of the directors had a strategic illness! We asked then as we ask now why the other director could not have completed the sale? After all they are apparently “joined at the hip” and the little fella is also a”leader” and and “successful entrepreneur” surely he could have taken five minutes and transferred some money to the solicitor? After all at this point they are still maintaining that they had a history of amazing success as entrepreneurs success in business usually coming with a nice fat bank account, and not including of course the “investors” clamouring to join their “amazing venture” allegedly Shall we mention the millionaire from 2016 who gave them a £1,000,000 to draw down on as needed ? Pledge now for your 6% Trudy Anne Thompson, Joshua Deacon Taylor you are frauds so print this off and give it to that imaginary policeman and imaginary solicitor that advised you to “keep quiet” we look forward to hearing from them


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Pat Walker Did anyone ever hear any feedback from @edencommunities about their experience? It would be interesting to hear especially in view of the current situation.


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Bob Pinker The thing that strikes us is that this chance for Josh to play mine host really struck a chord with them as the visitors are still to this day used as the main picture on their social media out-put https://web.facebook.com/bob.pinker.14?_rdc=1&_rdr#



(18) Bob Pinker

landing pages. It really is all about ego with these two


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Peter Cramp Yes that picture on their Facebook page is there to make them appear popular and jolly, and so it may well be there for some time yet. From what I gather, Eden/Eden Communities do not want to be connected to Hunter Grange in any way. Few people do these days. 2 Like · Reply · 4h

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Bob Pinker 26 September at 06:30 ·

Have you seen this Van? After all pledgers you paid for it.


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Gerry Ashworth I think I’ve seen it..




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Bob Pinker It will probably be up your way Gerry , as far away from a Cornish bailiff as possible2 Like · Reply · 2d




(18) Bob Pinker

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Maggie Smith I wonder how quickly the signage was replaced with the next venture’s name?3 Like · Reply · 2d

Guido Winch Oh no! That looks awful Gerry Ashworth2 Like · Reply · 2d

Gerry Ashworth Guido are you talking about my arm?


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Maggie Smith Meanwhile the shop staff are dragging a trolley around making home deliveries! Where is the van? Guildford I imagine and all paid for by pledges.


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Pat Walker Could this be posted on Guildford forums?2 Like · Reply · 1d

Hide 12 Replies Gerry Ashworth I can post this on the Guildford and Woking Forums....1 Like · Reply · 1d

Pat Walker It would be interesting to see if anyone responds with a sighting. After all, this was paid for and kept on the road by pledgers' money. 2 Like · Reply · 1d

Maggie Smith When you see that notice on the back of the van it’s a joke isn’t it.


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Bob Pinker Gerry Ashworth that would be a great experiment Like · Reply · 1d

Gerry Ashworth I would have to give a reason as to why I’ve posted.... Like · Reply · 1d

Bob Pinker Gerry Ashworth the anaesthetic?


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Graham Slack Lost?


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Pat Walker AWOL. Like · Reply · 21h

Gerry Ashworth No, seriously... Like · Reply · 21h

Pat Walker The villagers of Tywardreath are wondering where it is because it belongs to their shop and many of them paid for it and they would like it back?? And the trolley that's replaced it is getting worn https://web.facebook.com/bob.pinker.14?_rdc=1&_rdr#



(18) Bob Pinker

out and tired.


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Graham Slack If the van is not being used for the business, then it is possibly in breach of VAT regs.5 Like · Reply · 21h

Peter Cramp Good point Graham! Like · Reply · 19h

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Bob Pinker shared a photo. 25 September at 09:12 ·

Tywardreath Pre-School Playgroup

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23 September 2016 · Today we went to say 'Thank you and goodbye' to Keith, Julie and Alison. The village shop has been owned by Keith and Julie for 50 Years, since 1965. When I moved down to Cornwall just before I came a Tywardreath Pre-Schooler myself (in 1982) one of my first memories is going to Keith and Julie's shop with my grandparents and buying sweets. They have served the community loyally, with passion and hard work for over 50 years, always going that extra mile, particularly well known for helping older members of the community maintain their independence and socialisation and being a great source of village news. Huge thanks Keith, Julie and Alison, enjoy your retirement Sarah, and all at Tywardreath Pre-School Playgroup xXx


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Peter Cramp 2 years ago. Funny how the shop page didn’t acknowledge their 2 year anniversary - they used to love any excuse for a social media love-in..... 3 month, 4 month, 6 month, one year (we’re going to buy next door!!!!), 100 days, 200 days, 10,000th customer, 500th can of Coke sold, 50 billion litres of milk sold etc etc. https://web.facebook.com/bob.pinker.14?_rdc=1&_rdr#



(18) Bob Pinker

Yet now their 2 year anniversary doesn’t even get a mention. It’s almost like they’ve lost interest in their lovely lovely little shop.


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Bob Pinker 25 September at 07:18 ·

There are so many names for scams and frauds its tempting to silo them and think that unless the fraudster ticks all the boxes to meet the definition, then its not a scam. This however is not true as you can see from the screenshots below Bricks and bread and Hunter Grange meet the criteria on most of these scams 1) property Investor scams... Continue reading

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(18) Bob Pinker

Bob Pinker 24 September at 07:17 ·

Happy anniversary! to all the new Hunter Grange Investments Ltd Shareholders! what? you didn’t get your shares? they didn’t build a £5,000,000 hub and property empire? no millionaire FTSE100 business turned up? and they wanted you to pay an extra £1000 for each of these shares? But that would have valued Hunter Grange equity at over £1,000,000 and all they have is a tiny shop? their own accounts (which look a bit fishy to us) only value the equity at less than £100! looks like you had a lucky escape you only have that small shop and that is worth less than the total pledges? and what’s that? they are now saying they have had a commercial loan all the time and that they haven’t drawn down on it because of the “Haters”? you will be telling us next that they didn’t have any liquidable assets of their own to put into the company as they promised to do in the beginning ha ha ha.....what really? they said that in COURT!! OMG! but that’s fraud! still happy anniversary


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Peter Cramp This is the bit that the whole scam hinges on..... convert your loans to overpriced shares and we’ll never have to pay you back! Been downhill ever since they didn’t pull that off. The £5m property aim just makes my cry with laughter. I’m aiming to be a multimillionaire by this time next year. Does that mean it’s likely to happen?


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Maggie Smith With the gift of hindsight you can see how ridiculous this share offer was. As ever the language used is uber-positive ‘we ARE starting to issue shares’ but the promises are never fulfilled. Also if the shop was being run by local people it would be better than the current situation where we have fortnightly visits to empty the till, no 6% interest being repaid and no pledges being repaid. Where IS that money going? 3 Like · Reply · 4d

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Bob Pinker 23 September at 16:31 · https://web.facebook.com/bob.pinker.14?_rdc=1&_rdr#



(18) Bob Pinker

At a loss at what to wear for Halloween? try our soft amazing t shirts and show that no Gruesome twosome is going to ruin your village community! as always we make no money from these they are purely for fun


Check out the SignatureSoft Men's T-shirts I created with Vistaprint! Personalise your own SignatureSoft Men's T-shirts at https://www.vistaprint.co.uk/customt-shirts.aspx. Get full-color custom business cards, banners, checks,…


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Peter Cramp Christmas coming up too... would be a great stocking filler!2 Like · Reply · 4d

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Bob Pinker shared a video. 22 September at 18:36 ·

we know someone like this dont we?

363 ViewsInformi

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22 September at 18:00 · Louis Theroux meets Doctor Win, a man with such a ferocious entrepreneurial drive his house is covered top to bottom with notes for half-baked business ideas and inventions.


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(18) Bob Pinker

Like Peter Cramp Wow! We really do!!!!




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Pat Walker Ha ha ha. We certainly do! Are they related? His infomercial reminds me of the word pictures generated at the think tank sessions


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Pat Walker 'I've earned millions and millions and millions....' 'I assumed you owned this place' Same script! lol3 Like · Reply · 5d

Peter Cramp The similarities are SCARY! Josh, if you are reading, your ‘mentor’ is basically this guy.1 Like · Reply · 5d

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Gill Birchall Louis’ isn’t buying it is he lol


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Gill Birchall Best bit is him admitting he is renting his genius incubation hub!!! has more credibility

like this guy 1

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Bob Pinker shared a video. 22 September at 11:41 ·




(18) Bob Pinker

162,546 ViewsITV News

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21 September at 21:00 · Lee Rigby House is about to mark its first birthday and has plans to expand and further help struggling military families and victims of terrorist attacks. Via Granada Reports

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Bob Pinker shared a post. 22 September at 11:08 ·

Eventbrite again? They seem to be the link between Hunter grange and big local going back to when TT was and “expert” in twitter for business lol




(18) Bob Pinker

Tywardreath Village Shop Forum for Pledgers and other Interested Parties

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22 September at 10:50 · Amazing what goes on at Pinewood Studios. This looks interesting.


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Bob Pinker The joy of searching for TT and JT’s past bullshit, made easier by the universal appeal of eventbrite check it out 1 Like · Reply · 6d




(18) Bob Pinker

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Bob Pinker shared a link. 21 September at 07:11 ·


5 psychological reasons why people fall for scams – and how to avoid them 2

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Bob Pinker Reciprocate you give us your pledges we will give you community projects Sound familiar?


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Maggie Smith This technique was used with PBBL too, when asked about match funding Josh said to them that the project would cost a lot more than £33,200 but not to worry he’d top it up. I’ve just emailed Ian Smith the Big Local rep to let him know that the technique is called Reciprocit but suspect it will fall in deaf ears. 6 Like · Reply · 1w

Patrick Hughes Good post Bob. I think the world depends on trust, and scammers abuse it terribly. There is nothing clever about what they do. It’s just mean and driven by a desire to take other peoples savings and money 5 Like · Reply · 6d

Peter Cramp Agreed. The worst thing about scammers is they identify people’s best qualities and use them for their own gain. They are human leeches. Even worse than burglary in my opinion. 5 https://web.facebook.com/bob.pinker.14?_rdc=1&_rdr#



(18) Bob Pinker

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Bob Pinker shared a link. 20 September at 07:18 ·


This Could Be You | Speakers Corner Are you energetic, dynamic and a team player? Do you thrive on daily challenges with fulfilling results? Speakers Corner is always on the lookout for hard-worki




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Bob Pinker 20 September at 07:18 ·

They spent all weekend alone with that computerised till, and crowed about giving staff the time off and they are trawling the bottom of the bean counter market why do we have a strange feeling that there might a new Enid Blyton version of Hunter Grange’s accounts in the offing?

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Bob Pinker 19 September at 20:29 · https://web.facebook.com/bob.pinker.14?_rdc=1&_rdr#



(18) Bob Pinker

Entrepreneurs ideas for a retreat


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Gary Goodman I loved Michael Bentine's Potty time and would invest in a Flea Circus.1 Like · Reply · 1w

Bob Pinker This one has real sausage dog fleas although we hear trudy has tried to claim they are her neighbours cat fleas Like · Reply · 1w

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Bob Pinker shared a post. 18 September at 20:56 ·




(18) Bob Pinker

Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose

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17 September at 16:03 · SEA KING FLYPAST CHANGE OF DATE: Due to the bad weather forecast for tomorrow, we hope to carry out the Farewell Flypast on WEDNESDAY 19th SEPTEMBER now (subject to weather and aircraft serviceability). The aircraft plan to leave RNAS Culdrose at 1100. These aircraft have been flying for nearly 50 yrs - we hope that Storm Helene won’t stop their lap of honour. Before she retires & passes the ASaC baton to Merlin Mk2, the last Sea King ASaC Mk7 helicopters hope to perform a special farewell flypast around Devon and Cornwall.




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Bob Pinker 18 September at 07:39 ·

It’s our anniversary! A year ago today this BOB was formed to find out exactly why trudy and Josh of Hunter Grange Investments (AKA Bricks and Bread CIC AKA bricks and bread retreats) had reneged on their contract to buy No 43. This week we have been accused by trudy and josh in a rant to pledgers by email of being instrumental in this failure of theirs- we didn’t even exist as a bob before they lost the deposit!... Continue reading




(18) Bob Pinker


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Peter Cramp Happy anniversary Bob! And what a jolly excellent job you’ve done over the last year.2 Like · Reply · 1w

Bob Pinker Thank you peter Like · Reply · 1w

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Pat Walker Yes, well done Bob. You're contributions to this have been invaluable.3 Like · Reply · 1w

Ginger Tompkins Respect


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Norma Jean Many happy returns, Bob!


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Gary Goodman Trudy has “met” members of Take That and Enrique Iglesias..... please tell me, that’s still true?3 Like · Reply · 1w

Hide 31 Replies Benjamin Walker I thought she said she slept with Enrique Iglesias?? Please tell me it's not a lie!2 Like · Reply · 1w

Gary Goodman you wouldn’t lie about that surely? Like · Reply · 1w

Benjamin Walker Maybe it was his dad Julio?


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(18) Bob Pinker

Anil Biltoo Are you sure it wasn’t Julio Iglesias? Like · Reply · 1w

Benjamin Walker Anil Biltoo Like I said


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Benjamin Walker Maybe it was Ricky Martin?


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Gary Goodman She said Enrique!! Like · Reply · 1w

Benjamin Walker Ahhh yes. She met Enrique at a classic car convention in Italy. That's where the romance blossomed. Like · Reply · 1w

Benjamin Walker Here's to the Doobie brothers


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Peter Cramp I was going to say “you couldn’t make this stuff up”. But that’s exactly what she does!4 Like · Reply · 1w

Gary Goodman I think we need to separate "fact from fiction" did she really meet him at a Classic car rally? this is how the bible got misinterpreted, I don't remember that bit..... Like · Reply · 1w

Anil Biltoo Who would know, Gary, when there have been more porkie pies produced than Melton Mowbray? Like · Reply · 1w · Edited

Gary Goodman Well back in the day when she was telling people about Enrique, did she actually say...

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