1freelancing task 3 Capston-Project HRM Case studies PDF

Title 1freelancing task 3 Capston-Project HRM Case studies
Course Introduction to bussiness
Institution COSMATS University Sahiwal
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Digiskill assignment HRM This is 12389278-#+(#;#;)@)191#;*. I want to help all of you.This is 12389278-#+(#;#;)@)191#;*. I want to help all of you.godd luck all...


Reetika Sharma

Capstone Project Recruitment and Selection


BCH Ques 1: What contextual and what task performance behavior did BCH hire you for? (6 marks) Ans: BCH recruited me for my capacity to speak effortlessly and convey successfully and clever influence abilities. These abilities are expected to draw in individuals in a work market described by hardened rivalry. Then again, the BCH is encountering a checked setback in its necessary strength of experts to keep up with its activities. A reasonable, persuading human asset the executives methodology is quintessential for BCH in such a situation, for which it has legitimately employed me. Ques 2: Discuss the process that is designed to establish BCH’s identity and perception in the marketplace as an employer of choice. (6 marks) Ans: Branding:- To settle on BCH a business of decision in the impression of youthful medical attendants, position the BCH as a profoundly productive association. There are a few different ways through which BCH can make a superior brand picture and draw in capable contender to its labor force.

● Giving nonstop enhancements in the BCH working environment so representatives feel that their working environment has a decent promising society.

● BCH the executives needs to foster a consistent preparing program that gives medical attendants freedoms to upgrade their abilities. This will make a superior picture for the BCH in the personalities of attendants.

● Furthermore, BCH needs to make a superior presentation based pay framework so that medical caretakers and different doctors feel that BCH is a decent choice for work.

● BCH additionally needs to make a superior exhibition assessment framework which 2

urges attendants to pick work opportunity at BCH.

● The promoting branch of the association should give a positive picture of BCH so that applicants in the market consider BCH a business of decision. Everything relies upon the correspondence techniques that BCH uses to separate itself from the leftover bosses on the lookout. Ques 3: Discuss the process that is designed to raise BCH’s profile positively to attract job seekers’ interest. (6 marks) Ans: Image advertising and strategic communication plan are required to effectively promote the profile of BCH in a positive manner which increases its attractiveness for the job seekers in the market. The BCH requires its specialized employees to create a strong presence on social media platforms especially platforms related to the medical field. ● The social media pages must promote good HR policies effectively. This will help in ensuring that a large number of job seekers become aware of the positive policies implemented by BCH for their employees. ● The HR policies and latest appreciation posts for hardworking staff must also be posted on the social media pages. ● Similarly, engagement with job seekers is very important. This portrays that the BCH management pays attention to the questions of their prospective employees. ● The company should focus on ensuring that all relevant employees have ample opportunities to grow with and within BCH which is another point that raises the attractiveness of BCH in the eyes of job seekers. Ques 4: Explain and discuss the term for BCH’s process of gathering information about demographics such as nursing shortages and the aging population. (7 marks) Ans: Labour market analysis: BCH's process is quite simple for gathering relevant information about the demographic such as nursing shortages and the aging population. The labor market analysis allows the BCH management to see the labor in the market in various chunks. The


analysis allows BCH to view the labor through demographics as well as various other factors. This helps BCH to know how it can improve its recruitment and selection process to prevent any shortages and effectively deal with the aging workforce. This includes timely training, hiring, and retirement so that the BCH can have an effective number of nurses. Doing the labor market analysis will help in reducing the patient care time and improve the overall operational efficiency of BCH.

Coleman & Sons Inc. Ques 1: Identify at least six (3 marks) legal mistakes in the process, and identify the legislation or legal principles they violate. (7 marks) Ans: 1. They have their first impression without actually knowing the background of the applicants ● They are not given the applicants and equal attention to proved their skills and competencies instead

their first impression lasts. ● From the case "He also insisted on one of the male candidates getting hired because he was better

dressed than the others". ● They apply the first impression lasts.

2. Relying too much on the applicant's physical appearance

● They are using "porma vs. substance" rather than hiring qualified applicants. The hiring committee failed to listen instead they claimed to have a great instinct for judging the 'person-organization fit' at a glance, and pointed out that he asked every candidate different questions, to make sure the questions 'fit their personality better 3. Not recording the response of the employee.


● The hiring committee never records the responses of the applicants therefore the recruiter cannot store information for findings and the result of the interview.

4. Gender discrimination ● The interviewer chooses to hire man rather than a woman because they believe that man is stronger than women when it comes to administrative work. ● In the case mentioned that an administrative assistant had to carry heavy loads, and "women... just can't deal with heavy lifting 5. Judging applicants using " porma vs. substance ● From the case they " They pointed out that he asked every candidate different questions, to make sure the questions 'fit their personality better." ● He also insisted on one of the male candidates getting hired because he was better dressed than the others. 6. The interviewer doesn't give standardized questions to the applicants ● They don't give standardized questions to the applicants because the case claimed that "to have a great instinct for judging the 'person-organization fit' at a glance, and pointed out that he asked every candidate different questions, to make sure the questions 'fit their personality better. The legal principles they violated are as follows: 1. Gender discrimination 2. Discrimination or bias in their decision making Ques 2. Provide a specific, legally acceptable alternative for four of the six mistakes, and explain why implementing these alternatives would improve upon Coleman & Sons Inc.’s recruitment and selection practices. (8 marks) Ans: My first suggestion to the managers would be to use structured interviews, this will help with bias and errors in the unstructured approach they were using. The use of a structured interview will increase 5

reliability and validity. I.

Interviews questions are derived from job-specific analysis- stops the managers from claiming to have a great instinct for judging a person-organization fit


Interview questions are standardized (all applicants are asked the same question)- this will help the managers not asking each candidate different questions that “fit their personality better


Each answer is rated during the interview using a rating scale tailored to the question, this will help with being unbiased and with being fair to every candidate


Detailed notes are taken during the interview (such notes should be a record of applicants’ actual words and behaviors as related in the interview rather than an evaluation of applicants)- This is great record-keeping if a manager is ever sued for discrimination. Ques 3. Since you expect a lot of resistance to your report, explain the concept of B.F.O.R., how it applies to this specific situation, and how the job requirements should be assessed to make sure the right person is hired for the position. (7 marks) Ans: A Bona Fide Occupational Requirement, or BFOR, is a standard or criteria that allows an employer to “discriminate” based on an otherwise prohibited ground if there is a legitimate reason that is connected to the ability to do the job. That doesn’t mean you can discriminate based on a preference or minor inconvenience, though! We already know that there is a high threshold for accommodation, and employers have to accommodate whenever possible. So how do you know whether a standard you’ve set is a BFOR or discrimination? The Supreme Court of Canada has laid out three primary criteria to establish whether a standard, policy, practice, or procedure counts as a BFOR, and therefore isn’t discrimination: Criteria 1: The standard is rationally connected to the performance of the job. That means the standard has been introduced for a good reason (usually related to an employee being safely and efficiently able to perform essential job duties – like a construction worker being able to lift 50 lbs repeatedly – this requirement may discriminate against those with a disability, but is rationally connected to the performance of the job, and counts as a BFOR). Questions to ask and answer about Criteria 1: ● What is the standard we’re using to assess employees? ● Why have we introduced this standard (What are we trying to achieve)? ● Is the standard connected to the ability to perform the job safely and effectively? 6

Criteria 2: The employer adopted the standard in an honest and good faith belief that it was necessary to accomplish that legitimate work-related purpose in Criteria 1. This means the employer honestly believes that the standard is: ● Necessary to be able to perform the job. ● Not introduced with the intent to discriminate. Criteria 3: The standard is reasonably necessary to the accomplishment of that legitimate work-related purpose in Criteria 1. This means you must be able to clearly show that the standard is necessary to accomplish your purpose. So, to meet Criteria 3, you must also establish that you cannot accommodate anyone negatively impacted by the standard you’ve set without running into undue hardship (which includes considerations like financial costs, the efficiency of operations, and health and safety).

Wilson Brothers

Ques 1: Provide a definition for “ethics”, and explain why it is important that HR practitioners be aware of the ethical standards influencing HR practices. (5 marks) Ans: Ethics- At its simplest, is a system of moral principles. Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and is also described as moral philosophy. The relevance of ethics in human resources management is much since the HRM deals with human interaction, policies, programs, decisions, and organizational conduct. Similarly, ethics increases industrial harmony and employer-employee relations through trust that each party conforms to the organizational ethical rules. To name a few: a. Equity and Equality in gender, race, and disability- In various roles that the HRM accomplishes, the inclusion of ethics becomes much more important when handling issues about gender, race, and disability. For instance, during a recruitment process, the HRM will ensure that all groups are given equal opportunity. This is not only ensuring that the


company is compliant with human rights legislation but also creates a good balance for the organization. b. Privacy in the workforce- Privacy is a very important component to the organization and its employees. Ethics within HR ensures that the organization and its employees’ privacy is never violated. Ques 2: The HRPA lists 7 principles. Name 4 of them, and provide an example or explanation of what each means. (5 marks) Ans: The HRPA Code of Ethics comprises seven principles: 1.



Legal Requirements.


Dignity in the workplace.


Balancing interests.




Conflict of interest.


Professional growth and support of other professionals.

Competence - Registrants must maintain competence in carrying out professional responsibilities and provide services honestly and diligently. They must ensure that the activities they engage in are within the limits of their knowledge, experience, and skill. When providing services outside one’s level of competence, or the profession, the necessary assistance must be sought so as not to compromise professional responsibility. Legal Requirements- Registrants must adhere to any statutory acts, regulations, or by-laws which relate to the field of human resources management, as well as all civil and criminal laws, regulations, and statutes that apply in their jurisdiction. They must not knowingly or otherwise engage in or condone any activity or attempt to circumvent the clear intention of the law. Confidentiality - Registrants must hold in strict confidence all confidential information acquired in the course of the performance of their duties and not divulge confidential information unless required by law and/or where serious harm is imminent.

Professional Growth and support of other Professionals - Certified registrants must maintain 8

personal and professional growth in human resources management by engaging in activities that enhance the credibility and value of the profession.

Ques 3. The company already reviews resumes and WAB’s. Name three other screening methods, and provide at least one benefit and one disadvantage for each method. (6 marks) Ans: Three other screening methods are: 1. Skills Testing- The number one priority for most employers is simply- whether the candidate can do the job or not. However, this is not something that you will be able to tell from resumes, reference checks (not entirely at least) and looking up your candidates online. Many employers use pre-employment tests in some shape or form to determine if a candidate is a good fit. Pros: You get to see a candidate’s performance. There is no bias of any kind. When completed correctly, they can eliminate lots of unfit candidates in very little time. Cons: Skills tests lend themselves more to certain roles than others. For example, medical terminology tests are great for hiring unit clerks, or medical admin staff, but would not be great for hiring marketers or accountants. 2. Cover letters- Resumes are a great way for candidates to present themselves, but they can be rather limiting. If you want them to tell you more about who they are early on, ask for a cover letter long with a resume as part of the application process. Besides showing off their writing abilities, here are a few more things you can find out about applicants from a cover letter. Following direction, Length and organization, personality, tailored for the job. Pros: You get to find out more about the candidate, without a test or an interview. You can see how the candidate presents themselves. Cons: Wading through hundreds of cover letters can take lots of time. The only skill you can test is how well somebody writes- nothing more. Because they take some time to write, you may see you have fewer applicants apply as some cant be bothered to write a cover letter. 3. Phone interviews- Before video became big, phone screening was one of the major ways of communicating with candidates before calling them in for a proper interview. They’re still common to this day, and they are a good method to learn more about someone without 9

hassling the candidate to come in and worry about commuting and missing out from their ongoing job if they have one. To get the phone interview right you must- “Be consistent, Have a worksheet, Schedule the calls”. Pros: Relatively easy to do. You learn about candidates’ communication skills and availability. Cons: Scheduling a phone call can be a logistic nightmare. Phone interviews take a lot of time to do right with very little to show in return. Ques 4. Describe what is meant by Emotional Intelligence, and explain its value in HR recruitment/selection activities. (3 marks) Ans: Emotional Intelligence (EI) provides a proven practical and powerful framework for individual, team and leadership development. The value of EI is immense; developing emotional intelligence encourages many positive traits, from resilience to communication, motivation to stress management, all of which are conductive to effectively achieving personal, physical, and occupational health and success. Understanding emotional intelligence can help you identify traits and characteristics that will help you understand how candidates respond to work situations such as: “High Pressure Environments, working with different team members and groups, Working with different levels of seniority”. Ques 5. Name two simulation tests that are commonly used in selection, and give an example of when they would be used for each. (6 marks) Ans: A job simulation is any task that is designed to give you an accurate preview of what the role you are interviewing for entails on a day-to-day basis. Job simulations are becoming increasingly popular among employers, as they help companies more accurately predict whether candidates would be successful if hired. In-basket exercises: Here, the candidate is required to complete certain tasks such as responding to emails, taking phone calls and handling grievances within a set amount of time. 10

Often, these exercises are best for administrative and managerial positions. Situational judgment tests: The candidate is presented with a work-related scenario and is asked to use their judgment to provide a solution that can amicably resolve the situation at hand. These tests lend themselves well to positions such as customer service and supervisory roles.

TS Inc.

Ques 1. The CEO has asked you, the HRM, to explain some of the differences between the use

of his practice-based selection approach and an empirical-based process (3 marks). Also explain what challenges you anticipate he would face in using validation techniques. (3 marks). Ans : General Analysis of Presidents hiring Process It wouldn’t be harsh nor late enough to defy the “fact” that the method, president was using, “the recruitment based on his gut feeling” have failed his company from the years since the inception of his company. Now, to address this properly, the reference of the case study under consideration will be taken in, a fact that a company with “10 employees 10 years” ago have undergone only an increase of 20 employees within 10 years of time. Not, only this the company have failed itself in devising any proper method for hiring and recruiting candidates in the years, as the company was always in the delima or lacks decision making of devising This is to be taken in serious consideration, successful companies grow leaps and bounds every day and after 10 years of their inception they become an “employment opportunity” worthy of consideration with a huge employee cap. This happens when you weigh in your gut feeling or not having a proper hiring system will have more than substantial effects while hiring a candidate. Difference between President’s practice-based selection approach and Emperical-based process First discussion on Emperical based hiring process will take place, this principle applies to build an 11

effiective hiring process. This process will be discussed in 5 points: 1. Whenever possible, used the science, processes and the right tools used by the innovative and successful companies, it is good to learn from successful companies about the process they use while hiring candidates and what innovative softwares they use. 2. Indentification of the personal attributes that predict success on job. 3. Creating an objective based hiring system that targets all the necessary skills that are needed in order to be an ideal candidate for the specific company. 4. The Hiring Application, asses...

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