.2. Scope and Importance of Jurisprudence PPT

Title .2. Scope and Importance of Jurisprudence
Author Bsl Pdl
Pages 18
File Size 162 KB
File Type PPT
Total Downloads 329
Total Views 957


1.2. Scope and Importance of Jurisprudence • It is only in comparatively recent times that legal education has established itself as an acknowledged discipline in English universities. • Law was previously taught under an apprenticeship system • whereby knowledge of the law was picked up in the cour...


1.2. Scope and Importance of Jurisprudence It is only in comparatiely recent tmes that legal educaton has established itself as an acknowledged discipline in English uniiersites. Law was preiiously taught under an apprentceship system whereby knowledge of the law was picked up in the course of legal practce without any systematc instructon. The lawyer was expected to apply himself to the problem of his clients without pausing, either as student, practtoner or eien judge,...

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