202003 30 wk12 Urinary System PDF

Title 202003 30 wk12 Urinary System
Author Kathy Hall
Course Physioligy
Institution Centennial College
Pages 4
File Size 149.2 KB
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Week 13 Pre-Reading Note: Please answer these questions from Chapter 26 and 27 of your Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology Textbook 1. Ketosis develops in the postabsorptive state. What is ketosis? Why does it develop? What metabolic effects does it have? Ketosis: A metabolic in which fat will provide most of the fuel for the body, there are elevated levels of ketone bodies in the blood or urine. This occurs when there is limited access to glucose. This will slow the metabolism and provides an additional energy source. 2. Why is the TCA cycle called a cycle? What substances enter the cycle, and what substances leave it? Called a cycle because the beginning molecule is regenerated at the end of the cycle. The urinary system (Chap 26) 1. What are the three primary functions of the urinary system? Excretion or removal of metabolic waste products from body fluids Elimination or discharge of the waste products out of the body Homeostatic regulation of the volume and solute concentration of blood 2. How does urine get from the kidneys to the urinary bladder? The ureter carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder. 3. How does Urine get from the bladder to the exterior of our body? Urine travels from the bladder to the exterior of the body by passing through the urethra. 4. List the three connective tissue layers that protect and stabilize the kidneys Fibrous capsule Perinephric fat Renal fascia 5. What is the Hilum and what is its purpose? Prominent medial indentation, the point of entry for the renal artery and the renal nerves. Its also the point of exit for the renal vein and the ureter. 6. Define the renal cortex: The superficial region of the kidney, in contact with the fibrous capsule. It forms a continuous smooth other zone with a number of projections the extend between the pyramids. 7. What does the renal medulla consist of? Made of 6-18 triangular structures called pyramids. The base of each pyramid will touch the renal cortex. 8. Define a renal lobe: Aka. The kidney lobe. A portion of the kidney that is made up of the renal pyramid, the renal cortex and the adjacent tissues of the renal columns. 9. What gets dumped into minor calyx from the renal lobes?

Ducts in each renal papilla wll discharge urine into a cup-shaped drain (the minor calcyx). 10. What do minor calyx dump into? 4-5 minor calyces will merge to form a major calyx and 2-3 major calyces will combine to form the renal pelvis, a large funnel-shaped chamber. The renal pelvis will fill most of the renal sinus and is connected to the ureter, which will then drain the kidney. 11. What is the renal pelvis? A large funnel-shaped chamber. The renal pelvis will fill most of the renal sinus and is connected to the ureter, which will then drain the kidney. 12. What is a nephron? Microscopic, tubular structural and functional unit of the kidney. It’s made up of a renal corpuscle and a renal tubule. 13. What percentage of cardiac output do your kidneys receive? The kidneys will receive 20-25% of the total cardiac output. 14. What artery brings blood into the kidney? The renal artery. 15. What does the renal artery provide blood to? The kidney 16. What do segmental arteries divide into? A series of interlobar arteries 17. What do Interlobar arteries supply blood to? Arcuate arteries 18. What arteries do arcuate arteries give rise to? Several cortical radiate arteries 19. What do Interlobular arteries supply? The cortical regions of the adjacent kidney lobes 20. What do interlobular veins supply? The arcuate veins 21. What do arcuate veins supply? Interlobar veins, which then drain into the renal vein 22. Are there capillaries after the afferent arterioles? No 23. Are there capillaries after efferent arterioles? Yes 24. Are there two sets of capillaries supplying the nephron? Yes 25. Complete the following picture of the flowchart of renal circulation.

Renal vein

Renal artery Segmental artery

Interlobar vein Arcuate vein

Interlobar artery Arcuate artery

Cortical radiate Cortical radiate vein artery Venule

Afferent arteriole


Peritubular capillaries

Efferent arteriol e

Glomerul us

26. What are the two parts of the nephron? Renal corpuscle Renal tubule 27. Which part of the nephron contains the glomerular capsule or bowmans capsule? Each renal corpuscle is made up of Bowman’s capsule (glomerular capsule) 28. Which capillary, glomerulus or peritubular, is found in the Bowmans capsule and which arterial or venular structures are on either side of that capillary? Bowman’s capsule enveloped the glomerulus capillary network. Blood is delivered to the glomerulus by an afferent arteriole and leaves the glomerulus in an efferent arteriole. 29. What capillaries surround the renal tubule? The peritubular capillaries 30. What three things happen to the filtrate that enters into the renal tubule? The filtrate the enter the renal tubule, is now called tubular fluid, gradually changes composition. Then it will be reabsorbed by the renal tubule, then secreted. 31. What are the two convoluted segments of the renal tubule? Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) Distal convoluted tubule (DCT) 32. What separates the proximal and distal convoluted tubule? They are separated by the nephron loop (loop of Henle). 33. What does the distal convoluted tubule dump into?

The collecting duct 34. What does the papillary duct drain into? 4. The minor calyx Glomerula Capsular Capsular 35. Please complete the following r capillary picture of the renal corpuscle space

Efferent arteriole Distal convoluted tubule 1. Macula densa

outer layer

5. Visceral layer

4-5: Glomerular Capsule

Proximal convoluted tubule

2. Extraglomerular mesangial cells

1-3: 3. Juxtaglomeru Juxtaglomerular cells lar Complex Afferent

36. How narrow are materials which pass out of the blood at the glomerulus? Narrower than the glomerulus....

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