2021-interpersonal_communication-Meyers_Briggs_Essay_week3 PDF

Title 2021-interpersonal_communication-Meyers_Briggs_Essay_week3
Course Interpersonal Communication
Institution Orange Coast College
Pages 3
File Size 74.2 KB
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Myers Briggs Personality Type – INFJ 1. Synopsis of personality type - The INFJ also known as the advocate is an introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging personality type. Also referred to as a rare personality type, INFJs are passionate about helping others but not for personal gain. They envision a society with no hardships and unfairness towards its people. With relationships, INFJs tend to have a small group of individuals they can be emotionally intimate with. But, it is common for them to shut out people to spend time by themselves to recharge. Their passionate focus on their ideals can harm them as it can mentally burn them out. Also, any form of criticism can cause them intense stress and can be an offense to them. 2. Parts of the personality type I agree with – I agree that INFJs will tend to withdraw themselves from others, even people they are close with. I must spend time with myself to relax and organize my thoughts and emotions. Also, I agree that as an INFJ that I am emotionally intimate with a few individuals. I don’t express my intimate emotions with any person and it takes time for me to speak freely about my thoughts. Lastly, any form of criticism does make me question my abilities and think I am lacking. a. Parts of the personality type I disagree – I disagree that I am not mistaken as an extrovert and mostly appear as a reserved person. It is said that INFJs often have charisma, which I do not possess, even though it is a trait I have always yearned to have. Also, I disagree that I do not have a disadvantage at hard logic such as sciences and mathematics. On the contrary, I enjoy those subjects as well as the liberal arts.

2. Famous people with my personality type I like (identify with) – Martin Luther King is one INFJ that I admire greatly. His approach to fighting against segregation with no violence is a method I admire and agree with. I believe that using violence to solve a social issue only worsens the situation. In addition, I am willing to express my thoughts on current social issues such as racism. Another INFJ I have recently grown fond of is a Japanese organizing consultant known as Marie Kondo. Through her organization method, I have begun to view tidying up as an act of care for my possessions, not a chore. It was intriguing to learn her tactic of getting rid of items that do not spark joy anymore. Applying this technique has helped me feel at peace, surrounding myself with possessions that give me joy. Lastly, Atticus Finch from the novel “To Kill a Mocking Bird” is a character that captivated me throughout this novel. What made him stand out apart from other characters in this novel was that he had a strong belief in justice for all, no matter what their race is. Especially during the Jim Crow era, he went against the norms of his community but he took the risk of staying firm to his beliefs. That quality made me relate to him in the sense that I have established opinions towards injustices and I wouldn’t convert to the traditional beliefs of others to fit in. a. Famous people with my personality type I do not like (do not identify with)- One INFJ character I am not fond of is the fictional character Saruman from The Lord of the Rings novel. The reason I dislike him is that he was influenced by the antagonist, which made Saruman stray from wisdom and to focus on obtaining a powerful weapon known as the one ring. Another individual that has the personality type I used to be fond of is the author, J.K Rowling. I admire that she created the magical series of Harry Potter, but I dislike the commentary she has stated about this book series to be more inclusive. The issue is that the books never mention these statements or are

usually not relevant to the plot. Lastly, actor Mel Gibson has expressed offensive statements towards various groups of people such as Jewish, Black and homosexual individuals. As an INFJ, I could never offend groups of people and stir conflict. 3. Other MB personality types I get along with - An INFj would best get along with an ENFP. An ENFP shares the intuitive and feeling counterparts that allow them to easily connect with an INFJ. The NF counterpart helps them engage in meaningful conversations and reflect their authentic values. Overall, conflict rarely occurs between these two because they can understand each other’s perspectives. a. Other MB personality types I do not get along with – An INTJ is the personality type that may be difficult to get along with. To begin, they are focused on an intellectual connection, not an emotional one. Even though an INTJ may appear interesting upon meeting them if they are too critical it will be offensive to an INFJ. Misunderstandings can occur between each other through communication since they spend less time communicating on facts and more on general ideas. a. Potential Jobs my MB type would enjoy – Since INFJs want their job to have a purpose and desire to help people, some great potential jobs for them include a counselor, psychologist, or teachers of the humanities. INFJs who are strong communicators intrigued by the arts such as music, writing books, and design because it helps them delve into themes of growth and purpose. Overall, this personality type seeks a job that aligns with their values to fulfill the mission they want to establish in society to be satisfied....

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