2021W BUSN1210 Business Concepts APA Heritage PDF

Title 2021W BUSN1210 Business Concepts APA Heritage
Author Oprah Huang
Course Management Essentials
Institution Douglas College
Pages 5
File Size 475 KB
File Type PDF
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Your research and information source

InfoSkills Module BUSN 1210 – Management Essentials Business Concepts & APA Instructor: Russ Heritage Due Date: NOTE: Labs are DUE 1 week after your library session. Email your answer sheet to [email protected] Please ensure that all work is YOUR OWN. Plagiarism and copying are taken seriously at Douglas College.

Assignment Overview a. Once you have gone through all the videos and other learning materials from your class’ assignment guide (https://guides.douglascollege.ca/BUSN1210_Heritage), go through and answer the questions in this lab on the answer sheet document provided by your instructor. b. This assignment will help you explore two online databases containing scholarly articles: the and c. You will also learn how and where to locate help about APA citation and avoiding plagiarism. d. Use the Douglas College Library homepage as the starting point for all your research: library.douglascollege.ca Reminder: Search Strategies OR will BROADEN or EXPAND your search by requiring that either term be present, giving you more results: strategy OR strategic AND will NARROW your search by requiring that both terms be present, giving you fewer results in your search: organizational culture AND leadership your search as it searches for the phrase (2+ words), not the individual words: “organizational culture” = exact phrase must be in your results organizational culture = organizational and culture as individual words. Truncation (*) BROADENS your search by keeping the root of the word, allowing for various word endings or spellings: leader*= leader, leaders, leadership, etc.

Your Practice Research Issue Can Customer Relation Management (CRM) systems help small businesses succeed in retaining current customers and obtaining new ones without too much effort on the owners/operators?



A. Find business resources and articles: Business Source Ultimate Use the Research Guides tab on the Library homepage, then the Assignment Guides link, to locate the guide for your class. Under the Finding business & academic articles in a database tab, find the link for and follow the links into the database. You may need to log in at this point! Start your search with a keyword that represents one of your main research ideas. Type this Keyword search exactly as shown and click Search:

1. What does adding the quotation marks (“ “) around customer relationship management do to your search? (1pt) *Hint: Check the Search Strategies box on p.1 of this assignment! a) Using quotation marks increases your results by adding synonyms to your search b) Using quotation marks gives you a smaller, more focused results list by requiring that multiple terms be present c) Using quotation marks searches for your keywords as a phrase d) Using quotation marks broadens your search by keeping the stem or root of the word 2. How many results did you get? (1pt) 3. Look to the left and down at the Source Types menu. How many results are from magazines? (1pt)

Now look at the Limit To menu above on the left side and click on Peer-reviewed/Refereed (Scholarly), and change the date of publication to 2010-2020.

4. Look at the first few articles. Are our search terms listed as Subjects? (1pt)

 Yes

 No

Change the search so that “customer relationship management” and small business are Subject Terms as seen below.


3 Locate this title in the results list: THE IMPACT OF CUSTOMER RETENTION STRATEGIES AND THE SURVIVAL OF SMALL SERVICE-BASED BUSINESSES 5. Do we have full text access to this article? (1pt)

 Yes

 No

6. Click the title and record the following information for the article (7pts): a) Author/s: b) Journal/Magazine Title (Source): c) Year: d) Volume: e) Issue: f) Page range: g) DOI (if included): 7. Read the abstract of the article. Name TWO retention strategies mentioned other than customer relationship management. (2pts)

B. Search for news, trade publications, and scholarly articles: CBCA Return to your class’ assignment guide and the Finding business & academic articles in a database tab. This time, follow the links to enter the Before we start searching, change the Anywhere except full text – NOFT to through the full-text of the database.

. Now you will be searching

Type the keywords from our previous search into CBCA Complete exactly as shown below, making sure that you’ve changed your NOFT box to Anywhere, and click Search:

8. How many results did you get? (1pt)


4 Now look at the Source Type box on the left of your screen. 9. How many of your results were from Scholarly Journals? (1pt)

C. Avoiding Plagiarism and APA Citation Read the (pdf) handout by the Learning Centre. To find it, click the Cite your Sources link on the Library homepage. In the left hand menu click Avoid Plagiarism. The handout will be the first link at the top of the page titled Plagiarism How to avoid it. 10. According to this handout which statement is correct? Plagiarism is (1pt):  a) When you use someone else’s work without giving credit.  b) When you use your own words to restate what you read somewhere else without citing.  c) When you acknowledge the work of someone else in your paper.  d) Both a and b  e) None of the above  f) All of the above 11. According to the above handout, what is paraphrasing? (1pt)  a) Completely altering the statement into your own words.  b) Altering the information to fit your argument.  c) Changing the content by shifting the words of the original passage around.  d) Both a and b Next, open the Douglas College Academic Integrity Policy at the bottom of the list and answer the questions below: 12. Which is NOT an example of other academic offences specifically prohibited: (1pt)  a) taking another student’s work from a photocopier or printer  b) impersonating another student to take an exam  c) submitting your own work for credit in more than one course without getting permission from your instructor  d) taking notes during a lecture and using them to study for a midterm  e) allowing your friend to copy your answers for a homework assignment Now return to the Cite Your Sources page and click on APA Style. From there, click the first link titled and read through the tabs carefully to answer the following questions. 13. When formatting your APA reference list, what kind of indentation do you use? (1pt) Hint: Look under the Paper Format/Guidelines tab.

 a) No indent  b) A first line indent  c) A hanging indent  d) None of the above


5 14. When using information from a personal communication with someone, such as an interview, email, telephone conversation etc., do you need to cite any information you use in your paper? If so where? (1pt) Hint: look under the Personal Communications tab.

 a) No, you do not need to cite it  b) Yes, in the reference list  c) Yes, in-text and in the reference list  d) Yes, in-text providing person name and as exact a date as possible 15. When creating APA references for two or more works by the same author/organization and from the same year (like different webpages from a website), how do you differentiate between citations? (1pt) Hint: look under the In-text citations tab.

 a) list works by same authors in order of year of publication  b) list works by same author and year alphabetically by title and add a letter to year (ex: Starbucks, 2020a)  c) there’s no need to differentiate in this situation  d) none of the above 16. Using the information in the APA Style Online Guide, create a citation for the article in Question 7 - Section B – THE IMPACT OF CUSTOMER RETENTION STRATEGIES …— in proper APA format. (10pts) *NOTE: This question is marked out of 10. Make sure to pay attention to formatting, punctuation, capitalization, and indentation.

Need extra help creating your citation? Check out this link on How to read an APA reference by the Douglas College Library, or go to the Cite Your Sources main page and click on APA Style, or ask a librarian!


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