20BCA1258 Nishant Paliwal DBMS Worksheet 3 PDF

Title 20BCA1258 Nishant Paliwal DBMS Worksheet 3
Author Nishant Paliwal
Course Master of computer applications
Institution Chandigarh University
Pages 11
File Size 1.3 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 11
Total Views 132


1. (a) What is the basic difference between BASH and DOS?
(b) Is there any difference between UNIX and LINUX?
(c) Elaborate the functions of kernel along with the types of kernel.
(d) What are the advantages of an open-source?
2. Suppose recently your company switched their ...


EXPERIMENT - 3 Student Name: Nishant Paliwal UID: 20BCA1258 Branch: BCA Section/Group: 1/B Semester: 3 Date of Performance: 26/09/21 Subject Name: DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYATEM Subject Code : 20-CAP215

 Aim/Overview of the practical: Aim 1a: Create a following table Project with the following information PROJNO

Project number


Department number of the department responsible for the project

EMPPHONE Employee phone number of the person responsible for the project PROJSAL

Estimated Fixed salary given to the Employee engaged in the project


Estimated start date of the project

PRENDATE Estimated end date of the project

Aim 1b: Based on the above scenario, insert at least 10 relevant records into the Project table. Aim 1c: Remove the duplicate records from Project Table 2. Display all Project related table Information in Descending order based upon PROJNO Aim 1d: 1. List the details of the Project having PROJSAL greater than 5000 2. List the details of the project based on the PROJSAL between some ranges of values Aim 1e: 1. List the details of the projects having second character as ‘A’ 2. List the details of the projects having last character as ‘K’

 Steps/commands involved to perform practical:  create table Project(  Proj_No int Primary key ,  Proj_Name varchar(20),  Dept_Name varchar(20),  Emp_Phone number(20),  Proj_Salary integer,  Proj_Start_Date date,  Proj_End_Date date);   desc Project;   insert into Project values(100 , 'Project_1' ,'Department_1' ,9000110 , 1000000 ,date '20 21-10-10' , date '2022-10-10' );   insert into Project values(200 , 'Project_2K' ,'Department_2' ,9000111 , 2000000 ,date '2 021-10-11' , date '2022-10-11' );  insert into Project values(400 , 'Project_K' ,'Department_4' ,9000113 , 4000000 ,date '20 21-10-13' , date '2022-10-13' );  insert into Project values(600 , 'Project_3K' ,'Department_6' ,9000115 , 6000000 ,date '2 021-10-15' , date '2022-10-15' );   insert into Project values(300 , 'PASS-3' ,'Department_3' ,9000112 , 3000000 ,date '202110-12' , date '2022-10-12' );  insert into Project values(500, 'PASS-5' ,'Department_5' ,9000114 , 5000000 ,date '202110-14' , date '2022-10-14' );  insert into Project values(700 , 'PASS-7' ,'Department_7' ,9000116 , 7000000 ,date '202110-16' , date '2022-10-16' );   insert into Project values(800 , 'Project_8' ,'Department_8' ,9000117 , 8000000 ,date '20 21-10-17' , date '2022-10-17' );   insert into Project values(900 , 'Project_9' ,'Department_9' ,9000118 , 9000000 ,date '20 21-10-18' , date '2022-10-18' );  insert into Project values(9009 , 'Project_9' ,'Department_9' ,9000118 , 9000000 ,date '2 021-10-18' , date '2022-10-18' );  insert into Project values(9008, 'Project_9' ,'Department_9' ,9000118 , 9000000 ,date '20 21-10-18' , date '2022-10-18' );   insert into Project values(1000 , 'Project_10' ,'Department_10' ,9000119 , 10000000 ,date '2021-10-19' , date '2022-10-19');  insert into Project values(1001 , 'Project_10' ,'Department_10' ,9000119 , 10000000 ,date '2021-10-19' , date '2022-10-19');   Select*from Project;

  Select distinct Emp_phone from Project;   SELECT Emp_phone,COUNT (Emp_phone) FROM Project GROUP BY emp_phone HAVING COUNT (emp_p hone ) > 1;   Delete from Project where Proj_No NOT IN (Select max(Proj_No) from Project group by Proj _Name , Dept_Name , Emp_Phone , Proj_Salary , Proj_Start_Date , Proj_End_Date);   Select * from Project order by Proj_No desc;   Select * from Project where Proj_Salary >5000000;   Select * from Project where Proj_Salary>1000000 AND Proj_Salary...

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