24415 Subject Outline PDF

Title 24415 Subject Outline
Course Business Statistics
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SUBJECT OUTLINE 24415 Marketing Planning and Strategy Course area

UTS: Business


Spring 2019; City

Credit points 6cp Requisite(s)

24108 Marketing Foundations AND 24202 Consumer Behaviour These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses. There are also course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.

Result type

Grade and marks

Subject coordinator Dr Hillbun (Dixon) Ho (Subject Coordinator and Lecturer) Phone: 02 9514 3539 Room: City campus - 08.11.012 Email: [email protected] Student Consultation Hours Monday 11am to 1pm. Please note: Appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance via email to the subject coordinator. Time-Keeping It is vital that you arrive at your appointment on time. Please use the telephones situated at the Marketing DG entrance to dial the subject coordinator’s extension and notify his of your arrival. Booking Cancellations If you want to cancel your booking, please notify the subject coordinator prior to the appointment.

Teaching staff YOUR FIRST POINT OF CONTACT FOR QUICK HELP In almost circumstances, the information you require is contained either in the subject outline or on UTS Online (http://online.uts.edu.au). Please use these facilities FIRST before contacting staff. The reason is simple – over 100 students asking the same question can be dealt with more efficiently in a centralised area. This means you will get quicker and more detailed responses. If the answer to your question cannot be found, post any unanswered questions you have to the UTSOnline discussion forum. For questions of a personal nature please contact the tutor to make inquiries or to request an appointment with the subject coordinator. NOTE: Emails will only be accepted from, and sent to, your UTS email address. ALL email correspondence should contain your full name and student ID number in the subject field. Mr Joshua Smith (Tutor); Email: [email protected] Mr Peter Rodgers (Tutor); Email: [email protected] Mr Manjunath Padigar (Tutor); Email: [email protected] Ms Syma Ahmed (Tutor); Email: [email protected]

Subject description Why do some organisations deliver better performance than others? This is the fundamental question of strategy. This subject covers the knowledge and skills necessary to create and sustain superior performance in the marketplace

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through market-led strategic management. It focuses on the essential issues in strategy, such as opportunity identification, strategy formulation and strategy implementation. There is almost never one right answer to a business scenario, but strong analysis skills always deliver a much better set of answers than weak analysis skills. The subject develops a competence to develop marketing within organisations as a strategic force rather than just as an operational department.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs) Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to: 1. review relevant marketing strategy concepts 2. undertake competitive marketing analyses and specify competitive positions 3. formulate and implement competitive marketing strategies that lead to sustainable, superior performance in the market place.

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes Marketing Planning and Strategy deals with the processes of developing and implementing marketing strategies and how these processes can be managed to gain and sustain superior performance in the market place. This subject contributes to the development of the following graduate attributes: Business knowledge and concepts This subject also contributes specifically to develop the following Program Learning Objectives: 1.2: Demonstrate inter-relationships between differing business and related disciplines

Teaching and learning strategies It is taught through a combination of lectures and workshops (i.e. tutorials). Students will need to access materials (available on UTSOnline) prior to each week's class and complete any set activities to ensure adequate preparation. The lectures and tutorials involve a variety of different learning activities including critical debate, in-depth case deliberations, simulation exercises and presentations. Tutorials and lectures will include time where students will work together in student led discussion of the exercise and/or case with the provision of tutor and peer feedback. These classes will be supplemented with both printed and electronic learning materials and resources which students use to prepare and complete activities before and after lectures and tutorials. The UTS web-based communication tool (UTSOnline Course Information) will be used to share information and encourage interaction between staff and students. Students will also use appropriate computer software such as spreadsheets and word processors to complete assigned tasks. All students will be provided with the opportunity for initial feedback on their performance in the subject during the first six weeks of the semester, for example, online quizzes, tutorial exercises, presentations and other assessment methods. Further feedback will be provided in relation to submitted assessment tasks.

Content (topics) Market-led strategic management Strategic marketing planning Company analysis Analysing markets Competitive positioning strategies Formulating marketing strategies Implementing marketing strategies

Program Week/Session




July 26

Course overview and Introduction Topic: Today's Challenges to Marketers Reading: Chapter 1 Tutorial:

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No tutorial in first week


Aug 2

Lecture topic: Strategic Marketing Planning Guest talk Reading: Chapter 2 Tutorial: Introduction of group project Introduction of tutorial mini cases Notes: Confirmation of team members for tutorial presentation and sign up for the presentation slots.


Aug 9

Lecture topic: External and Internal Environmental Analysis Reading: Chapter 3 & 4 Tutorial: Mini case 1


Aug 16

Lecture topic: External and Internal Environmental Analysis - Continued Reading: Chapter 3 & 4 Tutorial: Mini case 2


Aug 23

Lecture topic: Customers, Segmentation and Targeting Reading: Chapter 5 Tutorial: Mini case 3


Aug 30

Lecture topic: Branding and Positioning Reading: Chapter 7 Tutorial: Mini case 4


Sep 6

Lecture topic: Customer Relationships Reading: Chapter 10 Tutorial: Mid-Semester Quiz in Tutorial

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Sep 13


Sep 20

Lecture topic: Supply Chain Partner Relationsips Reading: refer to UTS Online for assigned readings Tutorial: Mini case 5


Sep 27

Lecture topic: Culture and Employees Reading: refer to UTS Online for assigned readings Tutorial: Mini case 6


Oct 4

Course Review Tutorial: Mini case 7 Notes: Final Q&A for presentations and examination


Oct 11

Group presentations in tutorial/lecture Notes: Presentations will be scheduled in both tutorial and lecture time. Deadline for report submission for all teams.


Oct 18

No lecture Group presentations in tutorial/lecture Notes: Presentations will be scheduled in both tutorial and lecture time.

In addition to the details provided here, important information about lectures and tutorials will be placed on UTSOnline. It is a requirement for this subject that all students review this information, which is regularly updated throughout semester. NOTE: The above schedule may change. All changes will be announced in class and/or on UTSOnline. Further details regarding specific tutorial activities, topics, and reading assignments will be provided to you during the semester. This information will be made available in class and/or on UTSOnline.

Additional information You have been allocated to a specific tutorial. You MUST attend the tutorial to which you were allocated. Changes in tutorial allocations can only be made through the university tutorial allocation systems and cannot be done by the teaching team. Tutorial attendance will be recorded.

Assessment In addition to all the assessment information given below guidelines instructions and specific criteria for the 23/07/2019 (Spring 2019)

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assessment will be placed on to UTSOnline at an appropriate time during the semester. It is a requirement for each assessment items that students review this information before attempting the assessment task.

Assessment task 1: Project Report (Group) Objective(s): This addresses subject learning objective(s): 1, 2 and 3 Weight:



This is a group assignment that requires students to form teams to perform a strategic marketing case project. For this assignment, students must demonstrate they understand the marketing strategy concepts, theories, and framework that they learn in class and apply them to critically evaluate business situations of a company. Students are also required to recommend sound strategic marketing actions. The project report is to be submitted to UTSOnline on Oct 11 before 5:00pm. Each team is expected to submit an analysis report of 12 to 15 pages, and present its work in the last two weeks of the semester (please consult your tutor regarding the exact time of your team's presentation). This assessment will be subject to a peer evaluation via SPARK (on UTSOnline) and each student's final score could be adjusted on the basis of team members' qualitive and quantitative feedback. Please refer to UTS Online for further details about the requirements of this assignment.


1. Thorough environmental analysis and the extent to which the analysis is based on well-researched facts and information 2. Sufficient use of theories, frameworks and tools learned in lectures, tutorials and textbook 3. Sound marketing strategies - the extent to which the proposed strategies match with the market environment that the focal company is facing 4. Presentation clarity - the extent to which students present their ideas clearly and coherently throughout the presentation

Further In addition to the information given above, further guidelines and instructions for the assessment will information: be placed on to UTSOnline at an appropriate time during the semester. It is a requirement for this assessment item that all students review this information before attempting the assessment task. Special Consideration: Any student that has a difficulty with the assessment task should apply for special consideration and must do so before the due date of the assessment item. For full details of the special consideration application process and to apply go to http://www.sau.uts.edu.au/assessment/consideration.html. Late assignments: Late assignments will be penalised. Ten percent (10%) will be deducted for each working day late. Assignments more than five days late will usually not be marked. As the assignment is designed as a week by week exercise, extensions for assignments will not be granted.

Assessment task 2: Mid-session Quiz (Individual) Objective(s): This addresses subject learning objective(s): 1, 2 and 3 Weight:


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Lecture notes and assigned readings (Chapter 1 to 5 and 7 of textbook - six chapters in total) will be used in developing the mid-term quiz. Answering questions in the quiz will require knowledge of concepts, theories, terminology, principles and applications that students learn in lectures, tutorials, and textbook. This quiz addresses subject learing objectives 1 through 3 and will test individual students' understanding of subject content covered in this course. The quiz is in the format of multiple choice questions and will be conducted in the tutorial (refer to the weekly schedule). Students are required to bring their student identity card to the tutorial venue. This mid-term quiz will be conducted in the tutorial time and venue.


1. Understanding of concepts covered in lectures, tutorials and textbook 2. Interpretation of business scenarios pertinent to strategic marketing planning 3. Application of theories and frameworks to different strategic marketing issues

Further In addition to the information given above, guidelines and instructions for the assessment will be information: placed on to UTSOnline at an appropriate time during the semester. It is a requirement for this assessment item that all students review the information before attempting the assessment task. The tutorial quiz will be administered in accordance with UTS Student Rules “Section 9 - Examination of coursework” and students must bring an official UTS Student ID card. Students who fail to bring their valid UTS Student ID card will not be allowed in the examination room which will result in a mark of zero for this assessment. Students are required to attend their allocated tutorial time during this examination, failing to do so will result in a mark of zero for this assessment. There is no alternative quiz for this subject. Students who do not attend the faculty-based tutorial quiz will have the weighting of that assessment added to the final examination conditional on the students submitting, receiving approval and complying with the requirements of special consideration in accordance with the UTS rules. If the composite mark for the final exams totals more than 50 per cent and the student is in the final subject of their degree, the UTS rules on borderline result (range 45-49) shall apply whereby students will be allowed to undertake a supplementary final examination. Where a student completes and passes a supplementary examination, the maximum mark awarded for the subject will be 50 Pass. Special Consideration: Any student who has difficulty with the assessment task should apply for special consideration and must do so before the due date of the assessment item. For full details of the special consideration application process and to apply go to http://www.sau.uts.edu.au/assessment/consideration.html.

Assessment task 3: Final Exam (Individual) Objective(s): This addresses subject learning objective(s): 1, 2 and 3 Weight:



All lecture notes and assigned readings will be used for developing the final examination paper. Answering questions in the examination will require knowledge of concepts, theories, terminology, principles and applications that students learn in lectures, tutorials, and textbook. To be able to perform well in the examination, students should attend all the lectures and tutorials, and read all the assigned readings. The final examination addresses subject learing objectives 1 to 3 and will test individual students' understanding of subject content covered in this course. The final examination is in an open-book format. Students are allowed to bring lecture notes, textbook, assigned readings, and personal notes (printed or hand written) to the examination venue.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Understanding of concepts covered in lectures, tutorials, and textbook. Interpretation of business scenarios pertinent to strategic marketing planning. Application of theories and frameworks to different strategic marketing issues. Persuasiveness of arguments. Clarity of academic writing, structure and grammar.

Further The final examination is a centrally conducted examination and subject to the strict rules of the information: Student Administration Unit. These rules cover how students are assessed and what you must do in order to sit an exam. There are also processes to help you if you want to query your results or if you need to ask for special consideration. Students must contact the Student Centre regarding any matters partaining to specific requirements for Special Conditions, Scheduling Difficulties, Rescheduled Exams, Special Consideration and Special Exam procedures. The course coordinator has no administrative authority in handling these matters on behalf of the Student Center. Examinations will be conducted under University examination conditions, and hence thoroughly address concerns regarding secure assessment. More information, as well as links to the relevant forms, is available on the Student Administration Unit website: http://www.sau.uts.edu.au/assessment/exams/central.html or speak to the staff at the Faculty of Business Student Centre. If the composite mark for the final exam then totals more than 50 per cent and the student is in the final subject of their degree, the UTS rules on borderline result (range of 45-49) shall apply whereby students will be allowed to undertake a supplementary final examination. Where a student completes and passes a supplementary examination, the maximum mark awarded for the subject will be 50 Pass.

Assessment task 4: Business case discussion (Group) Objective(s): This addresses subject learning objective(s): 1 and 2 Weight:



This is a group assignment that requires student teams to analyse a brief case of strategic marketing assigned by the tutor. Student teams are required to present their analysis in the tutorial and initiate classroom discussions. In addition, student teams must participate in the classroom discussions in all tutorials. Details of this assignment will be released on UTSOnline. In the Week 2 tutorial, eachstudent team must sign up for a particular tutorial for their presentation.


1. Thorough assessment of the critical issues the focal case company is facing. 2. Sound managerial recommendations that address the identified critical issues effectively.

Further In addition to the information given above, further guidelines and instructions for the assessment will information: be placed on to UTSOnline at an appropriate time during the semester. It is a requirement for this assessment item that all students review this information before attempting the assessment task.

Moderation of marks Grades may be moderated if deemed necessary.

Minimum requirements Students must achieve at least 50% of the subject’s total marks.

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Required texts Textbook is not mandatory

Recommended texts Recommended Textbook The content of this course is partly based on the following textbook. Students are encouraged to buy a hard-copy/electronic copy of this textbook. However, please note that only 7 chapters of the book will be used and examined in the course. Students have the discretion in deciding whether to buy the book or not. Marketing Strategy and Text, 6th Edition (2014), Author: O C Ferrell and Michael Hartline. http://www.cengage.com/c/marketing-strategy-text-and-cases-6e-ferrell Please note that this textbook is mainly for students' self-learning to boarden their understanding of various issues in marketing planning & strategies. The lecture content will focus on critial issues and practical ...

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