3.3 VAT Input Taxes (303) PDF

Title 3.3 VAT Input Taxes (303)
Course Business Taxation
Institution Far Eastern University
Pages 7
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TAXATIONFAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY – MANILAVAT-INPUT TAXES (303)A. Input Tax Defined1. Meaning of input tax Input tax is the value- added tax due from or paid by a VAT registered person in the course of his trade or business on importation of goods or local purchase of goods, properties or services, inc...



VAT-INPUT TAXES (303) A. Input Tax Defined 1. Meaning of input tax Input tax is the value- added tax due from or paid by a VAT registered person in the course of his trade or business on importation of goods or local purchase of goods, properties or services, including lease or use of properties from a VAT registered person. It shall also include the transitional input tax and the presumptive input tax

2. Four categories of creditable or deductible input taxes a. VAT paid on local purchases (passed on by seller) or on importation (passed on VAT) b. Presumptive input tax c. Transitional input tax d. Standard input tax

3. Persons who can avail of input tax credit The input tax credit on importation of goods or local purchases of goods, properties or services by a VAT registered person shall be creditable: a. To the importer upon payment of VAT prior to the release of goods from custom custody b. To the purchaser of the domestic goods or properties upon consummation of the sale or c. To the purchaser of services or the lease or licensee upon payment of the compensation, rental or royalty or fee

B. Presumptive Input Tax 1.Persons or firms allowed presumptive input tax

Persons or firms engaged in processing of: 1. Sardines 2. Mackerel 3. Milk

Persons or firms engaged in manufacturing of: 1. Refined sugar 2. Cooking oil 3. Packed noodle based instant meals

2. Basis of presumptive input tax

Gross value in money of purchases of primary agricultural products which are used as input to their production

3. Rate of presumptive input tax


4. The term processing means

1. Pasteurization, 2. canning, 3. activities which through physical or chemical process alter the exterior texture or form or inner substance of a product in such manner as to prepare it for special use to which it could not have been put in its original form or condition.

C. Transitional Input Tax 1. Situations where transitional input tax may be allowed a. Taxpayers who became VAT registered persons upon exceeding the minimum turnover of P1,919,500 in any 12 month period b. Taxpayers who voluntarily register even if their turnover does not exceed P1,919,500 (except franchise grantee of radio and / or television broadcasting whose threshold is P10,000,000) 2. Basis of transitional input tax Beginning inventory of goods, materials and supplies (Excluding those that are VAT exempt under Sec. 109) 3. Amount of transitional input tax 2% of the value of the beginning inventory on hand or actual VAT paid on such goods, materials, and supplies whichever is higher. The value allowed for income tax purposes on inventories shall be the basis for the computation of the 2% transitional input tax, excluding goods that are exempt from VAT under sec 109 of the Tax Code.

D. Standard Input Tax 1. Input tax attributable to VAT sales to Government not creditable against output tax on sales to non-government entities Input taxes that can be directly attributable to VAT taxable sales of goods and services to the Government or any of its political subdivisions, instrumentalities or agencies including GOCCs shall not be credited against output taxes arising from sales to nongovernment entities. 2. Government required to withhold

3.3 VAT input taxes

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The government or any of its political subdivisions, instrumentalities or agencies, including GOCCs shall deduct and withhold a final VAT due at the rate of five percent (5%) of the gross payment. 3. Final withholding VAT represents the net VAT payable of the seller The five percent (5%) final withholding VAT rate shall represent the net VAT payable of the seller The certificate or statement to be issued is the certificate of final tax withheld at source (BIR Form No. 2306), a copy of which is to be issued to the payee. 4. Difference between the VAT rate and the withholding VAT rate accounts for the standard input tax The remaining seven percent (7%) effectively accounts for the standard input VAT for sales of goods or services to government or any of its political subdivisions, instrumentalities or agencies including GOCC’s in lieu of the actual input VAT directly attributable or ratably apportioned to such sales. If the actual input VAT attributable to sale to the government exceeds 7% of the gross payment, the excess may form part of the seller’s expense or cost  If the actual input VAT attributable to sale to the government is less than 7% of the gross payment, the difference must be closed to expense or cost.

 Standard input tax > Actual input tax; the difference is credit entry expense or cost.  Standard input tax < Actual input tax; the difference is debit entry expense or cost.

E. Determination of Allowable Input Taxes 1. Determination of creditable input tax Input tax carried over from previous period Input tax deferred on capital goods exceeding P1,000,000 from previous quarter Transitional input tax Presumptive input tax Others Total Input taxes on current transactions Total available input taxes Less: Deductions from input taxes Total Allowable input taxes

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx (xxx) xxx

. 2. Deductions from input taxes a. Input tax claimed as tax credit certificate or refund b. Input tax attributed to VAT-exempt sales c. Input tax attributed to sales to Government

F. Sources of Creditable Input Taxes (Local Purchases or Importation) Passed on VAT 1. Input tax evidenced by a VAT invoice or official receipts issued by a VAT registered person a. Purchases or importation of goods: 1) For sale or 2) For conversion into or intended to form part of a finished product for sale, including packaging materials or 3) For use as supplies in the course of trade or business 4) For use as raw materials supplied in the sale of services. 5) For use in trade or business for which deduction for depreciation or amortization is allowed b. c. d. e. f. g.

Purchase of real properties for which a VAT has actually been paid Purchase of services in which a VAT has actually been paid Transaction deemed sales Presumptive input tax Transitional input tax Transitional input tax credits allowed under the transitory and other provisions of RR 16-2005

2. VAT registered person is also engaged in transaction not subject to VAT A VAT registered person who is also engaged in transactions not subject to VAT shall be allowed to recognize input tax credit on transactions subject to VAT as follows: a. Total input taxes that can be directly attributed to transactions subject to VAT may be recognized for input tax credit; 

Provided, that input taxes that can be directly attributable to VAT taxable sales of goods and services to the Government or any of its political subdivisions, instrumentalities or agencies including GOCCs shall not be credited against output taxes

3.3 VAT input taxes

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arising from sales to non-government entities and b If any input tax cannot be directly attributed to either a VAT taxable or VAT exempt transaction, the input tax shall be pro-rated to the VAT taxable and VAT exempt transactions and only the ratable portion pertaining to transactions subject to VAT may be recognized for input tax credited computed as follows: VAT Sales Total Sales

x Input taxes

G. Claimed for Input Tax on Depreciable Goods (Under RR 16-2005) 1. Where a VAT registered person purchases or imports capital goods, which are depreciable assets for income tax purposes, the aggregate acquisition of which (exclusive of VAT) in a calendar months exceeds P1,000,000, regardless of the acquisition cost of each capital good. a. If the estimated useful life is 5 years or more - input tax shall be spread evenly over a period of 60 months and the claim for input tax credit shall commence in the calendar month when the capital good is acquired. b. If the estimated useful life is less than 5 years - input tax shall be spread evenly on a monthly basis by dividing the input tax by the actual number of months comprising the estimated useful life. The claim of input tax shall commence in the calendar month the capital good is acquired. Provided, further, that the amortization of the input VAT shall only be allowed until December 31, 2021 after which taxpayers with unutilized input VAT on capital goods purchased or imported shall be allowed to apply the same as scheduled until fully utilized. Provided, finally, That in the case of purchase of services, lease or use of properties, the input tax shall be creditable to the purchaser, lessee or licensee upon payment of the compensation, rental, royalty or fee.

2. Where the aggregate acquisition cost (excluding of VAT) of the existing of finished depreciable capital goods purchased or imported during any calendar month does not exceed P1,000,000. The total amount of input taxes will be allowable as credit against output tax in the month of acquisition. Rules on recognition of Input VAT for Capital Goods Aggregate Acquisition for the month >P1,000,000 exclusive of VAT: Life > 1 year

Input Tax shall be spread evenly over such useful life but not to exceed 60 months

Life < 1 year

Not a capital asset. Input tax is not allocated

Aggregate Acquisition Cost for the month...

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