425210781-Advertising-Notes ababababababa abbabababa babababa bbababa PDF

Title 425210781-Advertising-Notes ababababababa abbabababa babababa bbababa
Author Utkarsh Bajaj
Course Physical Science And Biological Science Practical
Institution University of Mumbai
Pages 16
File Size 332.3 KB
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It is arguably the oldest definition of public relations. ... As Public Relations evolved through the years, there were the pioneers in the industry. They became PR's historical figures because of the occurrences and significant events that further established public relations as a notable professio...


1)Scope of advertising 1. Element of Marketing Mix Advertising is an important component of the promotion mix. Promotion mix in turn is a component of marketing mix. Price, product, promotion and physical distribution are the four main elements in a marketing mix. Unless the promotion mix is effective, the other elements of marketing, viz., price, product and physical distribution cannot achieve their respective objectives.

2. Promotion Mix Advertising is an essential element in the promotion mix. Personal selling, sales promotion, publicity and advertising are the four elements in the promotion mix. Advertising has been considered as the most effective method of promotion. For, it creates demand, stimulates sales, and reaches customers quickly and effectively. An advertisement is mass communication, the other media of promotion are individual communication or face-to-face communication.

3. Mass Communication Mass communication is the basic purpose of advertising. Advertising not merely conveys information to only one person but to a very large group of persons who may be expected to purchase the article. The mass communication media such as radio, television, newspapers, billboards and magazines, etc., are used for advertising purposes, even though print media have been adopted in many countries for mass communication. Electronic media have now become more popular for advertising purposes. Television is one of the most effective media of advertising.

4. Messages An advertisement carries a message which motivates and inspires customers to purchase a particular product. It gives information on the attributes of the goods and services advertised. The voice and sight combine together and make the message very effective. The visual effect plays an important role in carrying the messages, which is provided by advertising.

8. Element of control The time, place, message and direction of advertising are controlled to make them effective and purposive. The selection of the medium, message and time is carefully done to achieve the most economical results.

9. Identifiable Advertising is identifiable from the sponsor’s point of view as well as from the point of view of audience. The message and presentation should be recognized by customers.

2)Objectives of Advertising

1) Introduce a product The most common reason Advertising is used is to introduce a new product in the market. This can be done by existing brands as well as new brands. Have a look at the latest IPhone in the market or a Samsung smartphone and you will find a lot of advertisement for these new products. The objective of advertising here is to tell customers – “Here is the new product we have launched” 2) Introduce a brand There are many startups in the market today and many of them are services. Services are generally marketed as a brand rather than marketing their individual service product. Thus, Uber will market its own brand and introduce that Uber has started servicing customers in a new market. Same goes for Oracle or Accenture – Companies which market their brand and their presence in the market rather than marketing an individual product. 3) Awareness creation According to the AIDA model, the most important job of advertising is to get attention which is nothing but Awareness creation. Advertising needs to capture the attention of people and make them aware of the products or their features in the market. Example – Most of the Bank ads that you see are awareness campaigns. The ads that advertise the benefits of savings / mutual funds or benefits on credit and debit cards are all awareness creation ads. 4) Acquiring customers or Brand switching One of the major objectives of advertising and the first objective of many advertising campaigns is to acquire more customers. This is also known as making the customers switch brands. This can happen by passing on a strong message so that the potential customer leaves the brand which he is tied up with and comes to your brand. Example – Most telecom companies launch plans and strategies just to acquire customers and then advertise these strategies in the market so that the customer switches brands. There is hardly any differentiation in the telecom market – thus advertising is a major way to acquire customers. The Vodafone Zoozoo campaign

was just that – Influence the customers and create passion in such a way that they do brand switching, 5) Differentiation and value creation A most important aspect of Advertising is to differentiate the product or the service from those of the competitor. A customer can only differentiate between services based on the value the firms provides over that of competitors. If a competitor is just advertising the features, whereas your firm advertises the promises and commitments that it will keep, naturally more customers will “trust” your brand over others. This is the reason that advertising is used commonly to create value and to differentiate one brand from another. Coca cola, Toyota, Amazon are some of the most trusted brands in the market. It is no doubt that these brands are also amongst the top advertisers in their respective segments. These brands target value creation as well as differentiation via their advertising campaigns. 4)Types of advertising 1) Online Advertising Online advertising or digital advertising as a form in which the message is conveyed via the internet. For every website ads are a major source of revenue. Advertising online has become very popular in the last decade and has surpassed the expectations of most of the advertising experts. 60% revenue of Google is generated from ads and the same goes for Facebook. Online advertising has become so effective that a particular ad can be targeted to a specific person of specific age of a specific location on a specific time. In terms of pricing advertising online is very cheap compared to all other forms of advertising. 2) Television Ads About a decade ago television was the most popular form of advertising. Events like the super bowl, international cricket games, Olympics where the top attractions for advertisers to advertise about their products. To some extent, it still is effective for most advertisers but with the advent of online streaming of

television on mobiles, marketers have now moved from television to online as their preferred advertising medium. 3) Ads in Theatres The advertisements in movie theatres before all the movies start or during the intimation are called movie ads. These are one of the costliest forms of advertising since people cannot skip it change the channel or move away. Many of the companies have started opting for movie ads since it ensures that the entire message reaches the audience and unlike online advertising, the audience cannot interfere till the advertisement is over. Movie ads are different from placement ads. 5) Radio Radio advertisements are the ones that are broadcast it through radio waves and heard on radios all over the place. These mostly consist of audible advertisements or jingles. While some consider this to be an ineffective form of advertising there are still many followers listen to the radio every morning. Advertisement for almost every product can be found on the radio. Every single feature and benefit of the product have to be explained on the radio, unlike other sources where the customer can see the product for inside.

6) Print Advertising Printing is the slowly decreasing form of advertising. There were days before the evolution of television when printing was a major source of advertising and considered to be one of the most effective media. But since the explosion of television usage, print advertisements have taken a backseat. The main disadvantage of print advertising is the shelf life of the ads is short . However, because its reach is solid, Print advertising is one of the most expensive and most effective types of advertising. Following are the few Print Types of Advertising 0) E-mailers While some have classified this under internet advertising E-mailers have gained a separate category owing to the fact of personalization. The emails sent from

companies have a personalized message including a personalized greeting makes E-mailers more effective than most of the forms of advertising. Companies work hard so that mail reaches the inbox of the customer rather than junk mail and thousands of dollars are spent to ensure that. 5)Functions of advertising

1. Advertisements increase sales The main function of advertising is to increase the sales of the product of the company by securing greater consumption, by attracting new buyers and by introducing new uses for a commodity.

2. Advertising Persuades dealers to stock Advertising persuades dealers to stock more advertised goods. It ensures wider distribution of goods, even to remote places. Where a product is not in demand, the advertisers directly contact their dealers to stock the goods and persuade the consumers to buy their goods through advertisements.

3. Advertising assists dealers to liquidate stock Advertising not only assists the producer or advertiser, but also helps dealers (wholesalers and retailers) to sell the advertised goods. Thus, wholesalers and retailers are able to clear their shelves speedily resulting in higher profits. This is all possible due to effective advertising.

4. Advertising increases per-capita use Advertising may tend to increase the per capita use of commodity by repeating the product features and its uses constantly. Advertising is effectively used to increase the per capita consumption by describing new uses of articles that may never have been thought of by the general user.

5. Advertising recognizes quality Advertising brings goodwill for the producer. If a producer has been recognized for bringing out quality products, his new product in the same line or new model will be well received by the public.

7. Advertisements eliminate seasonal fluctuations One of the primary functions of the advertisements is to eliminate or lessen the seasonal fluctuations for the seasonal products by describing their various uses during off season. For example, by advertising, the use of refrigerators all the year round has been highlighted to people.

8. Advertising creates demand Competitive advertising of two or more manufacturers in the same field expands market and creates more business for them. It creates demand for the product and not merely for a particular brand. For example, a lap-top computer is widely recommended and vigorously suggested through advertisements,

highlighting its advantages. It ultimately results in more such computers being sold.

6)Functions of advertising department Business The newspaper advertising department plays an important role in helping small businesses market their products and services. According to Professional Advertising, 57 percent of adults in the United States read a daily newspaper, and newspapers get the biggest share of advertising revenue in the country. Over 85 percent of newspaper advertising expenditure is accounted for by local advertisers. Classified Many advertisements in a newspaper are small, low in cost and generally consist of text only, although some may include the use of photographs. These are known as classified advertisements and they are published in a special section of the newspaper under different headings or classifications. The advertising department takes orders for classified advertisements via telephone, email or the Internet, and processes the orders for publication on an agreed-upon date. Design Advertisements that appear within the editorial sections of a newspaper are known as display advertisements. Generally, they include photographs or illustrations as well as text. The advertising department may offer design services to advertisers who do not have their own facilities or do not use an advertising agency; an in-house graphic designer will create and write an advertisement to suit the space the advertiser has purchased. Media Data Providing media data to advertisers is an important function of the advertising department. Media data includes the circulation of the newspaper, its frequency of publication, geographical coverage and a profile of its readership based on audience research. The department also produces a rate card that lists the costs of different sizes of advertisements, together with discounts available for multiple bookings. Advertisers and advertising agencies use media data and rate cards to plan their advertising campaigns. They choose a medium, such as a newspaper or magazine, that reaches the largest proportion of their target audience for the lowest cost.

Features Advertising departments work with editorial teams to develop special features that will attract advertisers. An example is a feature on home improvements where the editorial content would include a series of articles on decorating, furniture placement and small building projects. The advertising department contacts suppliers of relevant products and services, inviting them to advertise in the feature and emphasizing the benefits of the editorial environment. Relationships To encourage customers to become regular advertisers, advertising departments call or visit businesses or advertising agencies to discuss their advertising requirements. Advertising departments also help small businesses plan advertising campaigns. Sales representatives often meet with advertisers to discuss their business objectives and recommend the best way to use the newspaper to advertise their products and services. Advertising departments may also offer special deals or discounts to high-profile advertisers that they wish to attract to the newspaper. 7)Functions of Advertising Agencies 1. Advertising Plan Advertising agency either prepares or helps in preparing advertising plans and programmes for its clients. Preparing an advertising plan needs concerted efforts and investigative information. In performing this function, the agency should have full information about the products. It may pertain to a. b. c. d.

the product’s positive aspects, past record, its position in the competitive market, and competitors’ negative aspects, strengths and weaknesses.

2. Creation and Execution An advertising plan, prepared by the advertising agency will be sent to the advertiser for approval. Once approved, its execution is normally assigned to the agency. The agency enters into contracts with the suitable media and the stage is set for creating an effective advertisement to suit the advertising media. Copy will be written, layouts are made, illustrations are drawn or photographed; commercials are produced, advertising messages are prepared. Billing for service space is done.

3. Co-ordination Coordination is another important function of an advertising agency. It has to ensure a proper coordination between the clients, sales force and the distribution network to ensure long-run success of the advertising programme.

The goal of the advertising programme must be to assist the efforts of sales persons, distributors and retailers to maximize sales for the client. Many agencies also render special services in such areas as market research, publicity, preparation of product literature, etc.

4. Research Research may enable them to make stronger presentation to their clients. It may help the copy and art personnel, to create better advertisements for their clients.

5. Mechanical production The function of this department is to transform copy, illustrations and layout into a satisfactory printed advertisement. Obviously, this department interacts closely with the copy and art directors.

6. Traffic In an advertising agency, the term tragic refers to scheduling and control. This department sets up a work schedule and a routing sequence for each advertisement, and then supervises its progress through various stages in the agency. Once an advertisement is prepared, it is forwarded to the media which will carry it. It can happen only after copy, illustration, mechanical production and client’s approval are on schedule. Where there is no separate traffic department in an advertising agency, the duty is assigned to the production manager or the account executive.

7. Accounting The common assignments of the accounting department of an agency include — to check the appearance of advertisements in media, to check media invoices against release orders; to pay media bills; to bill clients and collect from them; to look after such matters as records, book-keeping, and other office routines.

8. Public Relations The fundamental objective of this department is to build and maintain goodwill with the cross sections of public. The tools used in communicating with the public are corporate advertising and publicity. The main job of this department is to build stronger relations with clients and the various sections of the public — customers, employees, middlemen and shareholders.

Unit 2 1)Objectives of advertising copy Credibility- An ad copy must focus on the credibility or the reliability of the ad. The copywriters should essentially flaunt an element of reliability in the ad so

that the consumers are convinced to go ahead with the product. The credibility of an advertisement is the extent of honesty in the ad message. Misleading and misinterpreted ads harm the reputation of the selling house. Attention- The keywords, punch lines or phrases that seize the attention of the potential consumers or some component in the ad that attracts the target audience is essential in a good advertising copy. Assurance of benefit– An advertisement copy must contain some promise of the benefits that the product offers if the consumer purchases and uses the product. Brief and clear- An ad copy must be brief and clear, i.e. it must be to the point. It doesn’t mean that the copy must omit the important elements of the ad. A clear copy is easy and quick to be read by the readers. It is self-explanatory, definite, and precise. Clarity makes way for interpretation. Apt and conforming- The copy must be apt and must match the needs of the prospects. A copywriter has to use the most suitable USP. Every ad copy must meet the conforming standards and rules acceptable to the advertising media and the laws of the land. A copy that offends the morality challenges religious beliefs of the people is not welcomed by any media. 2)Attributes of effective adv copy 1. It is brief: Brevity is the soul of wit. Most readers are interested in shorter advertisements. Being brief is not dropping words or chopping sentences. It is the meticulous work of eliminating and substituting the words without jeopardizing the meaning. It cuts to the core; it is to the point to cover all. 2. It is clear: A clear copy is one which is easily and quickly read and grasped by the readers. It is unambiguous and self- explaining. It is one that clicks fast. Clarity gives clue to interpretation. The manner in which a copy is interpreted is dependent on factors like local traditions habits, customs and nationality. Clarity is adjusted to these points. 3. It is apt: A copy is apt that matches to the needs and counts of the prospects. Writing an apt copy is the art of putting in the words that create strong desire to possess the product where the product features or the qualities satisfy the consumers’ desire to possess. Copy writer is to place himself in the position of a customer to make it apt. He is to use the most suitable USP.

4. It is personal: A personal copy is specific where generality is dismissed to do away with ambiguity. A personalised copy is centred on the prospect. It presents something of interest to the prospect. It is an individualised appeal copy. It is written from ‘prospect’ to ‘product’ rather than ‘product’ to ‘prospect’. The copy has ‘you attitude’. 5. It is honest: Credibility or believability of an advertisement message is decided by the extent of honesty. An ad to be good must ...

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