425405380-Construction-Contracts PDF

Title 425405380-Construction-Contracts
Course Bs accountancy
Institution Mindanao State University
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The following data pertains to Bell Co’s construction jobs, which commenced during 2016. Project 1 Project 2Contract Price P420,000 P300, Costs incurred during 2016 240,000 280, Estimated costs to complete 120,000 40, Billed to customers during 2016 150,000 270, Received from customers during 2016 9...


1. The following data pertains to Bell Co’s construction jobs, which commenced during 2016.

Contract Price Costs incurred during 2016 Estimated costs to complete Billed to customers during 2016 Received from customers during 2016

Project 1

Project 2

P420,000 240,000 120,000 150,000 90,000

P300,000 280,000 40,000 270,000 250,000

What amount of gross profit (loss) would Bell report in 2016 under the zero profit method and the percentage-of completion method? a. b. c. d.

P(20,000) and P20,000 P20,000 and P(20,000) P20,000 and P340,000 P40,000 and P420,000

Solution 1 Answer A Under the zero profit method. The expected income on project 1 [P420,000 – (P240,000 + P120,000) = P60,000] is not recognized until the project is completed. However, under this method, an expected loss on a contract must be recognized in full in the period in which it is discovered. Project 2 has an expected loss of (P20,000) [P800,000 – (P280,000 + P40,000)] which must be recognized immediately in 2016. Under the percentage-of-completion method gross profit is recognize using the following formula: Cost to date X Estimated profit = Gross profit to date Total estimated costs Bell would recognize gross profit of P40,000 on project 1: P240,000 X [P420,000 – (P240,000 + P120,000)] = P40,000 P240,000 + P120,000 Note that prior years’ gross profit need not be subtracted from P40,000 because the project commenced during 2016. Under both the percentage-of-completion method and the zero profit method an expected loss must be recognized in full in the period in which the expected loss is discovered. Project 2 has an expected loss of (P20,000) [P300,000 – (P280,000 + P40,000)] which must be recognized in full in 2016. The net gross profit recognized on the two projects is P20,000 (P40,000 profit less (P20,000) loss. 2. Cord Builders, Inc. has consistently used the percentage-of -completion method of accounting for constructiontype contracts. During 2014 Cord started work on a P9,000,000 fixed-price construction contract that was completed in 2016. Cord’s accounting records disclosed the following: December 31 2014 Cumulative contract costs incurred Estimated total cost at completion

P3,900,000 7,800,000

2015 P6,300,000 8,100,000

How much income would Cord have recognized on this contract for the year ended December 31, 2015? a. P100,000 b. P300,000 c. P600,000 d. P700,000 Solution 2 Answer A The total expected income on the contract at 12/31/2015 is P900,000 (P9,000,000 – P8,100,000). The formula for recognizing profit under the percentage-of-completion method is: Costs to date X Expected profit = Profit recognized to date Total expected costs P6,300,000 X P900,000 = P700,000 P8,100,000 This result is the total profit on the contract in 2012 and 2013. The 2012 profit recognized must be subtracted from P700,000 to determine the 2010 profit. At 12/31/2013, the total expected income on the contract was P1,200,000 (P9,000,000 – P7,800,000). The income recognized in 2014 was P600,000, as computed below: P3,900,000 X P1,200,000 = P600,000 P7,800,000 Therefore, 2015 income id P700,000 less P600,000, or P100,000.


State Co. recognizes construction revenue and expenses using the percentage-of-completion method. During 2015 a single long-term project was begun, which continued through 2016. Information on the project follows:

Accounts receivable from construction contract Construction expenses Construction in progress Partial billings on contract

2015 P100,000 105,000 122,000 100,000

2016 P300,000 192,000 364,000 420,000

Profit recognized from the log-term construction contract in 2015 should be a. P50,000 b. P108,000 c. P128,000 d. P228,000

Solution 3 Answer A Profit to be recognized using the percentage-of-completion method is generally computed as follows: Costs to date X Expected profit = Profit recognized in previous periods Total expected costs Not enough information is given in this problem to perform this computation, so 2016 profit must be computed indirectly. Since only construction expenses and profit are debited to the construction-in-progress (CIP account), 2015 profit must have been P17,000 (P122,000 CIP less P105,000 cons. exp.) Cumulative profit recognized by the end of 2014 must be P67,000 [P364,000 CIP less P297,000 cumulative cons. exp. (P105,000 + P192,000)]. Therefore, 2016 profit was P50,000 (P67,000 – P17,000).

CIP 2015 Exp. 2015 profit 2015 End. Bal 2016 Exp. 2016 profit 2016 . Bal

10,000 ? 122,000 192,000 ? 364,000

2015 Profit = P17,000

2016 Profit = P50,000

4. Lake Construction Company has consistently used the percentage-of-completion method of recognizing income. During 2015 Lake entered into a fixed-price contract to construct an office building for P10,000,000. Information relating to the contract is as follows: At December 31 2015 2016 Percentage of completion 20% 60% Estimated total cost at completion P7,500,000 P8,000,000 Income recognized (cumulative) 500,000 1,200,000 Contract costs incurred during 2016 were a. P3,200,000 b. P3,300,000 c. P3,500,000 d. P4,800,000 Solution 4 Answer B Based on the information given it must be assumed that costs incurred are used to measure the extent of progress toward project completion. At 12/31/2015, the project was 20% complete and total estimated costs were P7,500,000. Therefore, costs incurred as of 12/31/2015 were 20% of P7,500,000, or P1,500,000. At 12/31/2015, the project was 60% complete and total estimated costs were P8,000,000, or P4,800,000. The costs incurred during 2016 were P4,800,000 less P1,500,000, or P3,300,000. 5. Hansen Construction, Inc. has consistently used the percentage-of-completion method of recognizing income. During 2016 Hansen started work on a P3,000,000 fixed-price construction contract, The accounting records disclosed the following data for the year ended December, 31, 2016: Costs incurred Estimated cost to complete Progress billings Collections How much loss should Hansen have recognized in 2013? a. P230,000 b. P100,000 c. P30,000 d. P0

P 930,000 2,170,000 1,100,000 700,000

Solution 5 Answer B The requirement is to determine the amount of loss to be recognized in 2016 on a long-term, fixed-price construction contract. Under both the percentage-of -completion method and the zero profit method, an expected loss on a contract must be recognized in full in the period in which the expected loss is discovered. Therefore, Hansen must recognize a loss of P100,000 in 2016. Expected contract revenue P3,000,000 Expected contract costs (P930,000 + P2,170,000) 3,100,000 Expected loss P(100,000) 6. Marr Construction Company has consistently used the percentage-of-completion method. On January 10, 2015, Marr began work on a P6,000,000 construction contract. At the inception date, the estimated cost of construction was P4,500,000. The following data relate to the progress of the contract: Income recognized at 12/31/2015 Cost incurred 1/10/2013 through 12/31/2016 Estimated cost to complete at 12/31/2016

P 600,000 3,600,000 1,200,000

How much income should Marr recognize for the year ended December 31, 2016? a. P300,000 b. P525,000 c. P600,000 d. P900,000 Solution 6 Answer A Contract Price Less total estimated costs: Cost to date Cost to complete Estimated gross profit % of completion (P3,600,000 ÷ P4,800,000) Income recognized to date Income recognized at 2015 Income recognized in 12/31/2016

P6,000,000 P3,600,000 1,200,000

4,800,000 1,200,000 75% 900,000 600,000 P300,000

7. The following data relating to a construction job started by SS Co. during 2016: Total contract price P100,000 Actual costs during 2016 20,000 Estimated remaining costs 40,000 Billed to customer during 2016 30,000 Received from customer during 2016 10,000 How much gross profit would SS Co. recognized for 2016 under the zero profit method and the percentage-ofcompletion method? a. P0 and P13,333, respectively b. P0 and P26,667 respectively c. P4,000 and P13,333, respectively d. P12,000 and P33,333, respectively

Solution 7 Answer A Under the zero profit method no gross profit is to be recognized since the project is not yet completed, under the percentage-of-completion method the gross profit to be recognized in 2013 is computed below: Contract price P100,000 Estimated cost: Cost to date P20,000 Cost to complete 40,000 60,000 Estimated gross profit 40,000 % of completion (P20,000 ÷ P60,000) 33 – 1/3% Gross profit recognized P13,333 8. On April 1, 2016, BB Inc. entered into a cost-plus-fee contract to construct an electric generator for Dalton Corporation. At the contract date, BB estimated that it would take two years to complete the project at a cost P2,000,000. The fixed fee stipulated in the contract is P300,000. BB appropriately accounts for this contract under the percentage-of -completion method. During 2016, BB incurred costs of P700,000 related to the project, and the estimated cost of December 31, 2016 to complete the contract is P1,400,000. Dalton was billed P500,000 under the contract. The gross profit to be recognized by BB Inc. under the contract on December 31, 2016 is. a. P300,000 b. P100,000 c. P200,000 d. P0 Solution 8 Answer B BB Inc. will earn P300,000 in total income from this project, regardless of the actual costs incurred, since it is a cost-plus-fixed-fee contract. The amount to be recognized in 2016 is computed as follows: Cost incurred to date X Fixed Fee = Income recognized for 2008 *Total estimated costs P700,000 X P300,000 = P100,000 *P700,000 + P1,400,000 9. The Robert Construction Corporation uses the percentage-of-completion method of accounting. In 2016, Robert began work on a contract it had received which provided for a contract price of P8,000,000. Other details follow: Costs incurred during the year Estimated costs to complete as of December 31 Billing during the year Collections during the year What should be the gross profit recognized in 2016? a. P160,000 b. P240,000 c. P400,000 d. P1,600,000

P1,200,000 4,800,000 1,440,000 1,000,000

Solution 9 Answer C Contract price Estimated cost: Cost incurred during the year Cost to complete Estimated gross profit % of completion (P1,200,000 ÷ P6,000,000) Gross profit earned to profit

P8,000,000 P1,200,000 4,800,000 2,000,000 20% P400,000

10. In 2016, Long Corporation began construction work under a three-year contract. The contract price is P800,000. Long uses the percentage-of -completion method for financial- accounting purposes. The income to be recognized each year is based on the proportion of cost incurred to total estimated costs for completing the contract. The financial-statement presentations relating to this contract at December 31, 2016 follows: Statement of Financial Position Accounts receivable-construction contract billings Construction in progress Less contract billings Cost-of-uncompleted contract in excess of billings

P15,000 P50,000 47,000 3,000

Statement of Comprehensive Income Income (before tax) on the contract recognized in 2016. The cash collected in 2016 and the initial estimated gross profit on this contract are: a. P32,000 and P10,000, respectively b. P32,000 and P160,000, respectively c. P15,000 and P160,000, respectively d. P15,000 and 30,0000, respectively Solution 10 Answer B The cash collection in 2016 is computed below: Contract billings Less Accounts Receivable Cash collected in 2016 The initial gross profit on the contract is computed as follows: Contract Price Gross profit rate: Income recognized P10,000 = Const. in progress P50,000 Initial gross profit Alternative Computation: GP Recognized Divided by percentage of completion: CIP P50,000 = = CP P80,000


P47,000 15,000 P32,000


20% P160,000 P10,000


.0625 P160,000

11. Cortez Construction Company, Inc. entered into a firm fixed-price contract with Rod Association on July 1, 2014 to construct a four-story office building. At that time, Cortez estimated that it would take between two and three years to complete the project. The total contract price for construction of the building is P4,000,000. Cortez appropriately accounts for this contract under the zero profit method in its financial statements and for income tax reporting. The building was deemed substantially completed on December 31. 2016. Estimated percentage of completion, accumulated contract costs incurred, estimated costs to complete the contract and accumulated billings to Rod under the contract were as follows:

Percentage of completion Contract costs incurred Estimated costs to complete the contract Billings to Rod

At December 31, 2014 10% P350,000 P3,150,000 720,000

At December 31, 2015 60% P2,500,000 P1,700,000 2,160,000

At December 31, 2016 100% P4,250,000 3,600,000

The amount to be shown as excess of cost over billings or (billings in excess of cost) in December 31, 2016? a. (P400,000) b. P260,000 c. P400,000 d. (P260,000) Solution 11 Answer C Constract Costs incurred to date, 2016 P4,250,000 Less: Loss on contract to date: Contract Price P4,000,000 Total estimated Cost 4,250,000 (250,000) Net 4,000,000 Billings to date 3,600,000 Costs in excess of billings P400,000 12. X Company uses the percentage-of-completion method of recognizing income. In 2015, work was started on a P18,000,000 job completed in 2015. Records in 2016 show the following: Progress billing Costs incurred Collections Cost to complete Gross profit recognized in 2016 was: a. P1,400,000 b. P1,200,000 c. P 900,000 d. P 600,000 Solution 12 Answer D Contract Price Estimated cost: Cost incurred Cost to complete Estimated gross profit % of completion (P5,400,000 ÷ P16,200,000) Gross profit recognized in 2016

P6,600,000 4,500,000 4,200,000 10,600,000

P18,000,000 P5,400,000 10,800,000

16,200,000 1,800,000 33.1/3% P600,000

13. In 2016 North Construction Co. was constructed to do the private road network of Subdivision Corp. for P100 million. The project was estimated to be completed in two years. The construction contract provided among other things the following: a. Five percent mobilization fee (to be deducted from the last billing) payable within fifteen days after the signing of the contract; b. Retention provision of 10% on all billings, payable with the final bill after the acceptance of the completed project; and c. Progress billings on construction are payable within seven days from acceptance. North estimated its gross margin on the project at 25%.It used the percentage of completion method of accounting. By the end of the year, North presented progress billings corresponding to 50% completion. Subdivision Corp. accepted all the bills presented except the last one for 10% which was accepted on 10 January. With the exception of the second to the last billing of 8% accepted in 2016 which was due on 3 January 2017, all accepted billings were settled.

In 2016 North realized gross profit from the Subdivision project the sum of a. P10,000,000 b. P12,500,000 c. P25,000,000 d. P 7,500,000 Solution 13 Answer B Contract Price Gross profit rate Estimated gross profit % of completion Gross profit realized in 2016

P100,000,000 25% 25,000,000 50% P12,500,000

14. On September 14, 2016, Contractors Inc. won the bid for the construction of a 1,000 room hotel for Victoria, Inc. on the reclamation are for P1.2 billion. On the terms of payment, parties agreed to the following: a. One percent mobilization fee (deduction from the final bill) payable within fifteen days after the signing of the contract; b. Retention of 10% on all billings, payable with the final bill after the acceptance of entire completed project; and c. Progress billings on construction within seven days from date of acceptance. By the end of 2016, the company had presented only one progress billings for 10% completion which Victoria, Inc. evaluated and accepted on 28 December for payment in January. The company used the percentage of completion method of accounting. Contractor’s, Inc. received a fee of: a. P 9,800,000 b. P10,800,000 c. P12,000,000 d. P 1,200,000 Solution 14 Answer C The fee received by contactor’s fee is P12,000,000 (1% of the bid price of P1.2 Billion).

15. Bona Constructors, Inc. has the following data for a large jobs in its Jobs in Progress account (000’s omitted): Project no. 101 102 103 104 105

Actual Cost P8,756 11,457 53,865 22,800 44,500 P141,378

Estimated Total Cost P172,800 14,875 61,250 39,760 122,310 P410,995

Contract Price P192,000 17,500 87,500 49,700 151,000 P497700

Percent Complete 5 75 80 55 35

The company accounts for its large jobs under the percentage of completion method. Billings are done as follows: a. 20% down payment upon contract signing. b. Balance is billed according to percentage of completion less an application of the down payment which is also according to percentage of completion. The total billings made for the large job is: a. P203,286 b. P99,540 c. P104,246 d. P193,786 Solution 15 Answer A 20 % Down payment on contract price: P192,000 x .20 17,500 x .20 87,500 x .20 49,700 x .20 151,000 x .20 Total

P38,400 3,500 17,500 9,940 30,200 P99,540

Billing on balance, less applied down payment: (P192,000 x .80 x .05) – (P38,400 x .05) (17,500 x .80 x.75) – ( 3,500 x .75) (87,500 x .80 x .80) – (17,500 x .80) (49,500 x .80 x .55) – ( 9,940 x .55) (151,000 x .80 x .35) – (30,200 x. 35) Total Total billing made for large jobs

P 5,760 7,875 42,000 16,401 31,710 103,746 P203,286...

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