456190272 NAD exam 1 pdf PDF

Title 456190272 NAD exam 1 pdf
Author 4K9 Sai prathap
Course Electronics & Communication ENgineering
Institution Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur
Pages 7
File Size 156.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 33
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NAD OVERVIEW 1. APW POD is an entry point for all NAD users with access that is policy driven and as per role defined 2. Automated development pipeline is available in which PoD- DiCD 3. BDD stands for Behavior driven development 4. CaaS stands for Capability as a service 5. Capability as a Service enables the Project Manager to Plan for resources and infrastructure 6. Collection of loosely coupled services, which implement business capabilities, is called-Portfolio 7. FMO stands for Future Mode of Operation 8. Following is not a prototyping tools – HTML 9. Gamification is a key feature in APW 10. How many POD’s are there in #NAD? – 6 11. If an associate wants to upskill himself on new age tools he would approach UaaS 12. In which POD user stories and features are defined – DTaS 13. Key Benefits of New Age Delivery are smart planning, Reduction in project cycle time, Improved customer experience. 14. NAD platform is hosted on AWS 15. NAD will enable Delivery transformation in terms of which factors- Quality and Time 16. New Age Delivery is a Platform 17. New skill units will be designed by UaaS 18. On CAST analysis, TQI score of 3.62 indicates Low Risk 19. Partner onboarding is one of key features in CaaS and UaaS 20. Portfolio consists of Set of colonies where reusable assets are stored 21. Proactive early warnings will be given by APW 22. Prototyping can be done as a part of DTaS 23. Rapid prototyping with continuous delivery contributes to which theme -Speed of delivery 24. Reusable data lakes are part of CaaS 25. Schedule variance/technical debt is a new age metric. 26. Skill unit represents Skills required for the scrum team for Full-stack design and development 27. Smart planning is a feature of CaaS POD. 28. The #NAD prototype is available to all on nad.techmahindra.com 29. The following below are not NAD tools- Microsoft project 30. What are the concepts of “Factory of Future” – Reusability and BizDevOps 31. What are traits of a portfolio -set of colonies, reusable assets, tagged for industry, domain 32. What does NAD stands for New Age Delivery 33. What is DiCD?- Digital Inside Continuous Delivery 34. Which among these roles are available in NAD? Project Manager 35. Which development procedure is followed to develop micro services in NAD- Behavior Driven development 36. Which is the entry point for the project in NAD- APW

37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Which of the below 2 PODs are part of #NAD? DTaS, DiCD Which of the below is not a health parameter of CAST analysis – Designability Which of the below is not a learning platform- hackerrank Which of the below tools help in process measurements of the code? Sonar and CAST Which of the following is an assessment platform- Mettl Which of the POD provides automated Governance in #NAD? APW Which of these is a collaboration tool?-Mattermost Which one is the feature of CaaS? Planning for user story, SKU-RU, infra,environment Which out of these is not a feature of #NAD- Telecommuting Which POD is responsible for implementing Continuous Integration- DiCD Which PoD is responsible for Smart planning- CaaS Which POD provides a single view to all stakeholders? APW Which POD uses design thinking principles and Rapid prototyping- DTaS Who all can contribute to the platform – customer, partner, college students

SCRUM FUNDAMENTALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

A Development Team is not cross functional A scrum master guides the team A SCRUM master is a servant leader Agile manifesto is a public declaration of agile software development policy An agile customer will typically get business value delivered early Definition of Done means the user stories selected for delivery with in a sprint During the sprint review: The team demonstrates the product increment to the product owner and other stakeholders and gets feedback Empirical data relies on observations and experiences Following is not a quality of product vision- unclear and not frequently visited Following is not an agile methodology- Rational Unified Process How frequent are SCRUM project status meetings recommended to be held?- Daily How often should the work remaining in s sprint backlog be tracked- at least once in a sprint In scrum, when does the team commit how much to deliver in a sprint- during the sprint planning meeting In the sprint planning meeting the scrum master leads the task breaking activity as he is the technical leader INVEST stands for: Independent, negotiable, valuable, estimable, small, testable Potentially shippable product increment- suggests that the decision of shipping is a business decision Priority on the product backlog can be set by product owner Release planning is detailed description of tasks delivered SCRUM is not technique for building products

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

The agile manifesto states responding to a change over following a plan The Product backlog does not contain Product Budget THE product owner is the one who directs the team to work The scrum team is self organized team The three pillars driving SCRUM practices are: Transparency, inspection and adaption What does BDUF stands for Big design up front What does DoD stand for Definition of Done What is a purpose of daily scrum- to synchronize activities of the development team What is a user story- A representation of scenarios in real life defined as who wants what, why What is key characteristic of a cross-functional team? The team has all the skills on board needed to accept collective ownership for the next product increment What is most important in Agile Projects – Stakeholder satisfaction/working software What is not a job of the project team in SCRUM – manage business relationship, liaise with various stakeholders and decide priorities of user stories What is not a necessary/recommended trait for a SCRUM master? Soft natured What is NOT a responsibility of the SCRUM Master- Allocate tasks to the team What is SCRUM master responsible for? Ensuring that the team adheres to Scrum theory, practices and rules What is the duration of a Sprint in SCRUM – 1 to 4 weeks What is the main purpose of sprint review- for the scrum master to show what is done by the team What is true about the daily Stand-up meeting- Impediment are discussed till a solution is found What is true for the Product Owner for the daily Stand-Up meeting- Should never attend What is variable in Agile w.r.t Project Constraints – Features What kind of projects can be executed using SCRUM? All kind of s/w development projects Which is not part of the AGILE manifesto- customer satisfaction over delivering highest business value first Which of the following is an Agile Manifesto- customer collaboration Which of the following is not a SCRUM artifact- user story Which of the following is not artifact in scrum – product requirement definition Which of the following meetings is not part of scrum- product review Which of the following statement is true- Nothing can determine the team self organizing and self management Which of the following statements about velocity is TRUE? Velocity is a measure of productivity, the higher the better Which of the following statements is true- SCRUM master should be 100% allocated and dedicated to team facilitation Which of the following suits the responsibilities of a SCRUM master – the SCRUM master coaches the team and guides them Which of these best describes the agile approach to team working- the team should strive for a sustainable pace and a normal working week

51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.

Which of these is valid role in SCRUM – product owner Which one is not a key event defined by SCRUM- mid sprint status review Which one of these is not a ceremony- Story refinement meeting Which role(s) is/are responsible for managing the product backlog – Product Owner Who estimates for the user stories for a scrum – team members Who is responsible for the Rol in SCRUM? Product Owner Who tells the team how to turn backlog items into shippable increments- product owner Who validates the Product delivered? Product owner and team

MICROSERVICES 1. Agile is used to plan and isolate work into sprints, manage team capacity, and help teams quickly adapt to changing business needs in microservice world. 2. API gateway is responsible for authentication, load balancing, routing 3. Data owned by each microservice is private to that microservice and can only be accessed via its API – True 4. Docker tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run application applications by using containers. 5. Due to the disturbed nature of the micro services centralized logging is going to play a vital role 6. Hystrix tool can be used to monitor micro services 7. Kubernetes is an orchestration tool to schedule and mange containers 8. Microservice based architecture is an ideal choice when the application scope is incrementally defined, the application needs frequent deployments, individual services with in applications are required to be scaled up differently 9. Microservices are independently deployable- true 10. Microservices can be written in different programming languages and using different programming technologies- true 11. Testing a microservices application is complex -true 12. Tests the boundaries of the external services to check the input and output of service calls and validates whether or not the service meets its contract expectation is contract testing 13. What drives the ongoing merging and testing of code, which leads to finding defects early. Also include less time wasted on fighting merge issues and rapid feedback for development teamscontinuous integration 14. What refers to replacing siloed Development and operations to create multidisciplinary teams that now work together with shared and efficient practices and tools – DevOps 15. When a microservice publishes an event when something notable happened and other microservices subscribes to those events is called as event driven architecture 16. When change is required in a certain part of application, only the related service can be modified and redeployed. This is possible in Monolithic and Microservices architecture 17. Which contains the network locations of service instances- Service discovery

18. Which of the following are advantages of microservice architecture- increased agility, slow delivery, easy to scale 19. Which of the following are drawbacks of monolith architecture- Slow down development, longer the start-up time, grows over time and eventually become monstrous, obstacle to continuous deployment in the era where need to push changes into production many times a day, difficult to scale when diff modules have conflicting resource requirements. 20. Which of the following are driving forces of containerization- service must be independently deployable and scalable, services are written using a variety of languages, frameworks, and framework versions, deploy the application as cost-effectively as possible 21. Which of the following are ways with which Micro services can communicate with each other – REST and Messages based 22. Which of the following is very critical in production environment to find bottlenecks while execution- service monitoring 23. Which of the following testing simulates actual usage volume as a representative for performance like a production system – performance testing 24. Which tools can be used for logging in micro services architecture- ELK stack 25. While adopting microservices architecture pattern which of the following are important design considerations- decomposition, communication, testing, service discovery

DESIGN THINKING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

A design thinking team must learn to be comfortable with ambiguity At the storyboarding stage, your product should be the center rather than the persona- false Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation Design thinking research is qualitative and exploratory Design thinking’s differentiator from traditional ways of problem solving is to begin with what people need During interview if users get stuck at a question and there is a silence, the best strategy is to repeat the question During the empathy phase, what users say and what they do is captured in their own language and words During the ideation stage, it is recommended to openly discuss and evaluate the ideas as they get generated-true During the interviews it is recommended to challenge user assumptions- true During user interviews, open ended questions are used to make users comfortable How to choose an idea for prototyping- select the idea which best meets user goals In order to create a potential for multiple ideas, the user need in a PoV statement should ideally be expressed as a verb Integrative thinking means combining logic and creativity

14. One of the differentiator of design thinking from traditional ways of problem solving is to begin with what people need 15. The empathy map tool is used for inferring user thoughts and feelings 16. The ideal way to brainstorm during ideation is to encourage wild ideas, generate ideas rapidly, build on the ideas of others 17. The PoV statement generally includes which of the following elements to be able to narrow down the challenge- persona, need, insights 18. The purpose of creating the design thinking prototype is to validate understanding of needs 19. The purpose of PoV statement is to reframe the challenge 20. The recommended strategy for idea generation is rapidly generate as many ideas as possible 21. The Stanford 5 step design thinking process is ssystematic linear way to solve challenges in a single iteration- false 22. The sweet spot of design thinking is at the intersection of desirability, feasibility, viability 23. The technique used to enable the user to imagine interacting with the real product during the test phase is prototyping 24. Users start experiencing issues with an application which was recently updated and deployed into production. Which of the following can be the first step in problem solving – Data analysis 25. What can be called ultimate indicator of successful innovation when it comes to delivering value- mass adoption by users 26. What is a design thinking research persona? Real user facing problems 27. What is the significance of design in the digital age- understanding users 28. What is the typical limitation in generating new ideas to solve a problem- incomplete knowledge of user context 29. Which of the following can be described as a characteristic of a wicked problem- everyone involved have a different definition of the problem, problem resists solution and transforms into a new one, multiple stakeholders are involved. 30. Which of the following is a common issue in problem solving which results in waste of time, money and effort? Incomplete understanding of the problem 31. Which of the following is a method used to capture the emotional needs and insights from a select group of users? Empathic interviews 32. Which of the following is a typical mistake in problem solving which results in unexpected outcome- incomplete understanding 33. Which of the following is helpful to take into consideration for solving an issue when traditional ways of problem solving have failed- context of the situation 34. Which of the following is important to take into consideration while dealing with a design thinking challenge- context of the situation 35. Which of the following is not true when it comes to an ideal prototype- it is fast and cheap 36. Which of the following is the appropriate mindset for problems in the known-known category? Following checklist 37. Which of the following is the correct technique for storyboarding- make a list of challenges, identify key factors, identify environmental factors 38. Which of the following is the most commonly used tool for prototyping – storyboard

39. Which of the following is the most useful trait for having empathic conversation- Listening 40. Which of the following is useful in constructing research objectives- situations to which user gets exposed, user motivations for certain actions, the goals user is trying to achieve, what behaviors are exhibited in certain situations 41. Which of the following is useful int evaluating user experience at different stages in the processemotions at every touch point 42. Which of the following should be the focus for designing a solution with high chance of adoptability by the users? What goals users are trying to meet. 43. Which of the following tool helps to get the visualization of the process that the user goes through in order to fulfil a need? User journey map 44. Why paper and pencil are preferred for initial prototyping rather than software tools- we avoid getting lost in tiny details of implementation...

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