4850 syllabus 2020 - sqqccq PDF

Title 4850 syllabus 2020 - sqqccq
Course History of Astronomy
Institution York University
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Propaganda and Culture AP/ CLTR 4850 6.0 (cross-listed as AP/HUMA 4906 6.0) Fall - Winter 2020-21 Lectures: Wednesdays Location ONLINE

Cour s eDi r e c t o r Dr . J o s e p hKi s p a l Ko v a c s 2 19CFT j ki s pa l @y or ku . c a

Cour s eDe s c r i pt i o n: I n v e s t i g a t e st hee mpl o yme n toft hec r e a t e de n v i r on me nt a ndo t he re xp r e s s i on so fc ul t ur e f orpr op a g a n di s t i cpu r po s e s , me a nt t oa d v a nc epr i v i l e g e di d e ol o g i e si npol i t i c s , r e l i gi o n, a n ds oc i a li nt e r c h a n g e . Di s c u s s e se xa mp l e sc h os e nf r omdi ffe r e n te r a sa n dc o mmuni t i e s , i n c l u di n gmo de r na n dc ont e mpor a r ya p pl i c a t i o ns . Sp e c i a le mph a s i swi l lbep l a c e don e xa mi ni n gwa rpr op a g a nd aa c r os sd i v e r s eme d i ai nt heUn i t e dSt a t e sf r om 1 898t ot he p r e s e nt . Pr e r e qui s i t e s :7 8c r e di t sa ndpe r mi s s i onoft hec oor di na t o ro fCul t u r ea n dExpr e s s i on. Cou r s ec r e di t e x c l us i on:AP/ CLTR48506. 0 0. PRI ORTOF ALL2009:Pr e r e q ui s i t e s :7 8c r e di t sa ndp e r mi s s i ono ft he c oor di na t orofCul t ur ea ndExpr e s s i on. Co ur s ec r e di te x c l us i ons :AK/ CLTR4 8503 . 0 0,AK/ CLTR48 50 6. 0 0.

Marking Scheme: Student Presentations 2 Research Essays Final take home test

(2X15%) (2X25%)

30% 50% 20%

Note: 1. All information in this course outline is tentative and subject to change. Please pay attention in class to for announcements regarding any changes to the course schedule of topics, readings and screenings. 2. I mpor t antda t es : Se pt e mbe r22:l as tda yt oenr ol li nTe r m Yc our s ewi t houtper mi s s i onofi ns t r uc t or ; Oc t obe r2 7l as tda yt oenr ol li nTe r m Yc our s ewi t hpe r mi s s i onofi ns t r uc t or ; Fe br ua r y5:l as tda yt odr opTe r m Yc our s ewi t houtr e c e i vi ngagr ade ;

Required Readings:

Mirrlees, Tanner. Hearts and Mines: The US Empire’s Cultural Industry. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2016. Taylor, Philip M. Munitions of the Mind: A History of Propaganda From the Ancient World to the Present Day. Third Edition. Manchester UK: Manchester University Press, 2003.

Suggested Readings: Bernays, Edward (1928). Propaganda. Brooklyn, NY: IG Publishers, 2005. Brewer, Susan A. (2009). Why America Fights: Patriotism and War Propaganda from the Philippines to Iraq. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Caplan, Amy (2002). The Anarchy of Empire in the Making of U.S. Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Cull, Nicholas J. (2008). The Cold War and the United States Information Agency: American Propaganda and Public Diplomacy, 1945-1989. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Ellul, Jacques. Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes. Translated by Konrad Kellen and Jean Lerner. New York, NY: Vintage Books, 1973. Hixson, Walter L. (1997). Parting the Curtain: Propaganda, Culture, and the Cold War, 1945-1961. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin. Jowett, Garth S. and O’Donnell, Victoria (1999). Propaganda and Persuasion. Third Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Rosenberg, Emily S. (1982). Spreading the American Dream: American Economic and Cultural Expansion, 1890-1945. New York: Haill and Wang.

Class Schedule

September 9

Introduction to the Course

September 16

Reading: Taylor, Introduction

September 23

Reading: Taylor, Chapters 1-3

September 30

STUDENT PRESENTATIONS START Reading: Taylor, Chapters 4-8

October 7

Reading: Taylor, Chapters 9-15

October 21

Readings: Taylor, Chapters 16-18 Mirrlees, Introduction

October 28

Reading: Taylor, Chapters 19-20

November 4

Readings: Taylor, Chapters 21-22 Mirlees, pp. 68-73

November 11

November 18 November 25 December 2

Readings: Taylor, Chapter 23 Mirlees, pp. 75-78

January 13

Reading: Taylor, Chapter 24

January 20

Reading: Mirlees, Chapter 1

January 27

Reading: Mirlees, Chapter 2

February 3 February 10

Reading: Mirlees, Chapter 3

Reading Week February 13-19 February 24

Reading: Mirlees, Chapter 4

March 3

Reading: Taylor, Chapters 25-28

March 10

Reading: Mirlees, Chapter 5

March 17

Reading: Mirlees, Chapter 6

March 24

Reading: Mirlees, Conclusion

March 31 April 7...

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