48726336-Cambridge-English-for-Engineering PDF

Title 48726336-Cambridge-English-for-Engineering
Author Mohamed El Behi
Pages 110
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CAVTnRIDGE f, I Describingtechnical functionsand applications Wordsstemmingfrom use allow, enable,permit, ensure, prevent Listening GPS applications Spaceelevators Advantages of a newpump Explaininghowtechnology Verbsto describemovement works A guidedtour Verbsand adjectives to describe Emphasising ...




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Listening GPSapplicat ions Spaceelevators Advant ages of a newpump A guidedt our Reading Spaceelevators Ot is lift t echnology Pilefoundat ions

Describingt echnical funct ionsand applicat ions Explaininghowt echnology works Emphasising t echnical advantages Simplifying and illust rat ing t echnicalexplanat ions

Wordsstemmingfrom use allow, enable,permit, ensure, prevent Verbst o describemovement Verbsand adj ect ives t o describe advantages Adverbsfor addingemphasis Phrasesfor simplifying and rephrasing

Describingspecific mat erials mat erials Cat egorising SpeciÍ ying and describing properties qualit yissues Discussing

Listening Commonmat erials audit An environment al Cat egoriesof mat erials t ools Specialised made made of, comprise, of, consist wat ches High-performance from,modeout of Reading Propert iesof mat erials Mat erialsrecycling Phrasesfor describingrequirement s Regenerat ive brakes CompoundsoÍ resistant Kevlar Adverbsof degree

Describingcomponent shapesand feat ures Explainingand assessing manufact uring t echniques j oint ingand Explaining fixingt echniques Describingposit ionsof assembledcomponent s

Shapesand 3D feat ures Wordst o describemachining Phrasesfor describingsuit abilit y Verbsand nounst o describej oint s and fixings of posit ion Preposit ions

Listening A proj ectbriefing Elect ricalplugsand socket s Met al fabricat ion UHPwat erj etcut t ing Opt ionsfor fixing Clust erballooning Reading Cut t ingoperat ions Flowwaterjettechnology Joint sand fixings Theflyinggardenchair

Workingwit hdrawings and Discussingdimensions precision Describingdesignphases and procedures Resolvingdesignproblems

Viewson t echnicaldrawings Phrasesrelatedto scole Phrasesrelatedto tolerance length, width, thickness, etc. Drawingt ypesand versions Verbsfor describingst agesof a designprocess Verbsand nounsfor describing designpr oblems

List ening A drawingquery Scale A floordesign Designprocedures Revisinga det ail Reading Superflatfloors Oueriesand inst ruct ions

Describingt ypesof t echnicalproblem Assessingand int erpret ing fault s Describingt he causesof fault s Discussingrepairsand maint enance

Verbsand adj ect ives for describing Listening A racingcar t est session t echnicalproblems Testsessionproblems Wordsfor describingfault sand Technical help{ ine t heir severit y Tyrepressureproblems Phrasesfor describingcert aint y/ A maint enance check uncert aint y Reading Adjectiveswith prefixesfor Air TransatFlight236 describingt echnicalproblems Verbsfor describingrepairsand maint enance

Cont ent s



ry n

Discussing t echnical requirement s ideasand Suggest ing solut ions Assessingfeasibilit y Describingimprovement s and redesigns

Phrasesfor referringt o issues Phrasesfor referringt o quant it y and ext ent Phrasesfor suggest ing solut ions and alt ernat ives ldiomst o describefeasibilit y Verbswit hre...t o describe modificat ions ldiomst o describeredesigning

Listening Simulat orrequirementand s effect s Lift ingopt ions Holerequirementand s forming A projectbriefing Reading Mammot hproblem

Describinghealt hand safetyprecautions Emphasising t he import ance of precaut ions Discussingregulat ions and standards Workingwit hwrit t en inst ruct ions and not ices

Typesof indust rialhazards Typesof prot ect ive equipment Phrasesfor emphasising import ance Termst o describeregulat ions Commonlanguageon safet ynot ices Languagest ylein writ t en inst ruct ions

Listening A safetymeeting Hazardanalysis Livelineprecaut ions Safet yt raining Oral inst ruct ions Reading Livelinemaint enance Helicopt ersafet yon oil plat forms

Describingaut omat ed systems Referringt o measurable paramet ers Discussingreadingsand t rends Givingapproximat e figures

Wordst o describeaut omat ed systems Wordst o describemeasurable parameters Wordst o describefluct uat ions Wordsand phrasesfor approximat ing numbers

List ening I nt elligentbuildingsand aut omat ion Monit oringand cont rolsyst ems Elect ricit ydemandand supply problems Pumpedstoragehydroelectricpower I nt ernalreviews Reading I ndust rialprocessmonit oring Dynamicdemandcont rols

Explainingt est sand experiment s Exchanging viewson predict ions and t heories Comparingresult swit h expect at ions Discussing causesand effects

Wordsto describetest types Wordsand phrasesfor st at ing assumpt ions Wordsand phrasesfor agreeingand disagreeing Phrasesfor comparingexpect at ions and result s Wordsfor linkingcausesand effect s

List ening Vehicledesignand t est ing Water rockets Air drop problems Moon landings Reading A rocketcompet it ion Chickencannon

Discussingperformance and suit abilit y Describingphysicalforces Discussingrelat ive performance Describingcapabilit ies and limit at ions

Adj ect ives for describingsuit abilit y and performance Wordsto describetypesof forces foctof criteria, criterion, consideration Wordsand phrasest o describe degreesof difference Wordst o describecapabilit ies and limit s

Listening Windt urbinet owers Tallst ruct ures TCVworld speed record Thest oryof John Paul St app Reading Windt urbinesfact file Solar towers Transportalt ernat ives The Sonrc Wind tests The rocketsled proposal

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Cont ent s

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Describingt echnicalf unct ions I



andapplicat í ons 1

a ln pairs, think about two or three productsyou use regularlyand discussthe followingquestions. o o


What ar e t he main f unct ionsof t he pr oduct s?( What do t hey do?) What are t heir different applicat ions? (What are t hey used for?)

What do you know about Global Posit ioning Syst em (GPS) devices? ln pairs, describe t heir main funct ion, and give some examples of different applicat ions of GPS devices.


)1.1 Paula, a design engineer for a CPS manufact urer, is discussing product development wit h José , a senior manager new t o t he company. List en t o t he conversat ion and complet e t he following not es.

o t he primaryapplicat ion of GPS

more creat ive feat ures

(l) Trackingsystemsfor (2) Trackingsystemsfor (3) (4)

not t echnicalinnovat ions


associat edapplicat ions



alar ms but t ons t he t echnology

Complet e t he following ext ract s from t he discussion wit h words t hat come from use. thot are reloted to 1 Then Aou've got associated applications, navigat ing... for monitoring deliverg vehicles ... 2 ... traclsing sAstems Aou can point of view, accuracg is no longer the main selling 3 . .. from the end-point. Most devices are accurate enough. The keg is to make them more

in use Unit 1 Technot ogy

I 3a

Mat ch t he GPS applicat ions ( 1- 6) t o t he descr ipt ions ( a- f l. 1


3 4

t opographicalsurveyinggeot ogical. explorat ion \ \ ciüt engineering avionicsequipment


naügat ion and safet 1rat sea set t ingout posit ionsand levet sof new st ruct ures mappingsurhce feat ures appt icat ionsin miningand t he oil indust ry

5 6

marit imeapplicat ions GPs in carsand t rucks

e f

highwaynavigat ionand vehict et racking air t rafficcont rol,naügat ion and aut opilot syst ems


b c

ln pair s, pr act ise explaining t he applicat ions of GPS in Exer cise 3a t o a colleague who has limit ed knowledge of t he devices using t he f ollowing

phrases. usedfor -ing


usedt o


anot her/ a similar use

Complet e t he following ext ract s from t he conversat ion by underlining t he correct words. 1 ... there's a setting on the CPS that allows/ prevents it to detect the movement . . . 2 ... an alarm sounds to warn gou, and allows/ prevents the boat from drifting unnot iced. 3 ... and enables/ ensures that gou don't lose track of where gou were, which then enables/ ensures uou to turn round and come back to the same poi nt . . . Mat ch t he words in Exercise 4a t o t he synonyms.

: makessure



: permit s 3

= SI oPS

Complet e t he following ext ract from t he user's manual of a GPS device using t he ver bs in Exer cise 4a. Somet imes, mor e t han one answer is possible.

you t o locat e your precise The core funct ion of your GPS receiver is t o (1) geographical posit ion. To (2) t he device t o funct ion, it receives at least t hree signals simult aneously from t he GPS const ellat ion - 30 dedicat ed sat ellit es which (3) extremely precise receivers can function anywhere on earth. To (a) posit ioning and (5) errors from occurring due t o ext ernal fact ors, t his device is designed t o receive four separat e signals (see enhanced syst em accuracy on page 18).

I n pair s, explain t he main f unct ions and applicat ions of a pr oduct made by your company or a pr oduct you know about . St udent A, you ar e an engineer ing manager ; St udent B, you ar e a new employee. Use t he language f r om t his sect ion and t he phr ases in t he box. Swap r oles and pr act ise again. I see.5o . . .

0K. I n ot herwor ds. . .

So vou mean. . .

Unit 1 Technology in use


Expt aininghowt echnologyworks 6a

ln o . . o


pairs, look at t he pict ure and discuss t he following quest ions. How do you t hink a space elevat orwould wor k? What could it be used f or ? What t echnicalchallengeswould it f ace? How ser iouslydo you t hink t he concept of space elevat or sis being t aken at pr esent ?

Read t he following art icle and compare it t o your answers in Exercise 6a.

lN his 1979novel,I he Fount ainsof Paradise,Art hurC Clarkewrot eabout an elevat orconnect ing t he eart h's surfacet o space. Threedecades lat er,t hissciencefict ionconcept is preparingt o t ake ot f in t he realworld. NASA has launchedt he Space Elevat orChallenge,a compet it ionwit ha generousprizefund,and severalt eams and companiesare workingon seriousresearchproj ect s aimedat winningit . As it s name suggest s,a space elevat oris designedt o Í aiset hingsint ospace' Sat e| | it es, component sÍ orspace ships, supp| iesÍ orast ronaut st n space st at ions,and even ast ronaut st hemselvesare examplesof payloads t hat cou| dbe t Í ansport edj nt oorbitwit houtt he need

s. Í orexpI osiveand environment aI unÍ ly riend|rocket y However,t he alt it udeof orbit alspace - a colossal35,790 km above t he eart h- is a measureof t he challengefacing engineers.How could such a heightbe reached? The answeris by using an incrediblyst rongand light weightcable, st rongenought o support it sown weightand a heavy| oad'The design oÍ such a cab| eis Thiswould be at t ached t o a base st illlargelyt heoret ical. st at ionon eart hat one end and a sat ellit ein geost at ionary orbit ( lixedabove a point on t he equat or)at t he ot her.Lift vehicleswouldt hen ascend and descend t he cable, powered by e| ect romagnet ic Í orceand cont rol| ed remot elv.

C Mat ch t he ver bs ( l - 9) f r om t he t ext in Exercise 6b t o t he definit ions ( a-i) . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


connect ing raise

a b

carried (objects, over a distance) hot dsomet hingfirmt y/ bear it s weight

transpoÉ ed support

c d e f g

climb down providedwith energy/ moved by a force j oining


ct imbup tift / makesomething go up

attached ascend descend powered



driven / have movementdirected fixed

Space Elevgfors James, an engineer , is giving a t alk on qble is signií cont . space elevat ors. o To (2) its own weighf, ond be securely (3) _________ o.! Complet e his not es each end, cable would need phenomenal st renqt h_t o_weight rat io. using t he correct _ . How could vehicles be ( 4) _ int o form of t he verbs cable? . Self-cont aine4 slt ergv source problemot ic, due t o ( l- 7) in Exer cise weight ( heavy fuel ol 6c. ( 5) bat feries required cu t o u \ )/ _ _ vehic Ven l cl e. ) . ^ )


l \





c Two possible ways round problem: _* : yt .l"r: ,r,ry


ut fechnique only ot research st age.

z, ' o l a rp o w e r . Bu tw o u l d ot uf f io* t y. ""ty y: t t : : ! ! : fblem, (t-1\ // _

Unit 1 Technology in use

as cor could bu ,ort rollJ

No t .!

payloads unmonned.

ft f" Yllg_!. ,t:

,u,rot nly-t b-kq _-




) t .Z t ist en t o par t of James't alk and check your answer s in Exer cise 7a.


What kinds of wor d ar e missing f r om t he not es? ln pair s, compar e t he audioscr ipt on page 86 wit h t he not es in Exer cise 7a. Some space elevat or designs pr opose an of f shor e base st at ion. I n pair s, discuss how such a syst em might wor k using wor ds in Exer cise 6c. What advant ages might an offshore base have compared wit h a land base? ) t .3 James goes on t o discuss of f shor e base st at ions. List en t o t he t alk and answer t he f ollowing quest ions. ] How wou| dan oÍ f shor ebase st at ion be suooor t ed? 2 What would t he f unct ionof it s anchor sbe? 3 How would payloadsr each t he base st at ion? 4 What pr obl emw oul da mobi l ebase st at i onhel p t o pr event ? 5 What would t he pr ocedur ebe if t her e was an aler t ?


You ar e member s of a space elevat or r esear ch t eam designing a concept f or of f shor e base st at ions. ln pair s, analyse t he not es below, which wer e made dur ing a br ief ing given by your manager . lmagine you ar e giving a pr esent at ion. Begin by r eading out t he abbr eviat ed not es in f ull.

* \ . . \ \ \ L\

\ L\ r


Ú f 3 o 3l3 e 0 Ü 0 0 o t t o | | J

L r r r r r r I I r r . r = l - L- t

- AN'HoR| NGa?w?uL6l0N l56uÚ6 oFF6HoR'É AsE6TA.t1oN Anchoring ayatom ulindloadson Lablevrillbehuge.ulhatimplicaiions for anchoring slstom? É ase Willn?,od lo bgmovodcontinuall1, sometimes urgentl1. vrlhat tomp system couldbeussdto holdbassin position? 9a* in shallowwatgrnearcoasi,or deepwalerfurtheroffshorg? óhoicewill haveimpacton dosignoÍ anchors1stem. ?ropulsion ststem \ ^ lillWeight e baseto bs movedb1ownProPollors? oÍ cab\ allow Or more powerful 5.í 5t9m for propulaion andcontro|noc.?o.g.ertern'powersource? ! n pair s, discuss t he quest ions r aised in t he not es and t hink of some suit able solut ions f or t he anchor ing syst em and t he pr opulsion syst em. At t his st age, t hese should be over all concept s, not det ailed designs. Remember t o make not es. ln small gr oups, t ake t ur ns t o give a shor t t alk using your not es t o explain how t he syst ems wor k, in gener al t er ms. lmagine you ar e speaking t o a small gr oup of colleagues, including your manager . wr it e t wo or t hr ee par agr aphs t o summar ise your t alk. These will be included in your manager's longer report on offshore base st at ions.

Unit 1 Technologyin use

t echnicaladvant ages Emphasising

I 10

ln pairs, discuss t he t erm t echnical advant age' Give some examples of t echnology you are f amiliar wit h.


Read t he first ParagraPh of some promot ional lit erat ure from Ot is, a leading elevat or company. What is t he Gen2" syst em?

OTI Sf,,ioJl

b tvtatctrthe words (l -6) from the text in Exercisel l a to the sYnonYms(a-0' 1 2 3 4 5 6

convent ional eliminat es \ superior \ \ energy-efficient enhanced reduces

a b c

At t heheartof t heGen2ruelevat orsyst em to byandunique is a Í | atbe| (t deveI oped st r onger it is Yet t hick. 3mm is lt Ot is) . lust st eelcables.lt last sup t hanconvent ional . it hasenabled t o t hr eet imeslongerAnd The ' t heelevat or r e- invent Ot ist o complet ely eliminat es beltt ot ally f lat ,coat ed- st eel t hemet al{ o- metefalf ectof convent ional wit ha smoot h- sur f ace Coupled syst ems. t her esultis sheave, machine cr owned andsuper ior quietoper at ion except ionally lat t he e,Í | exib|Í e r idecomf or Fur t . t her mor , gya mor ecompactener beltenables whichcanbecont ained machine, eÍ f icient This int hehoist waY. enhancedt echnologY and r educesbuilding cost s, operat ing syst em andf r eesupvaluable space.

decreases better / the best


improved standard,usual


gets rid of


has low energYconsumPt ion

Completethe followingtext usingthe correct form of the words (1-6) in ExerciseI I b' You will need to use some words more than once'

nar ,,0;;;;;;m ::p;ff:Y berts, pu,.r' inth.";ffi;,T# .


tliiltiügl;;:ö m# H, Hli.űJ

Jff .d;É ,x [J,üi .uto jnl'iff{ ljil' * ti,u rrvt.-t., tffi ,.?ffil

mat nt enance per sonnel f or

il ;1,.'n

':fi ;* ;-ff ilT ffi ;;:í?jJ;:ll'''

sYstem that1a)-

ih. * .d fr_


;. ica lTili,',liT;,:,,':lT r ;:T* il i.# ;lnom belt syst em. Discuss d I n pairs, summarise t he advant ages of t he flat aut omat ion' durabilit y, wear, noise, space' cleanliness' efficiency' maint enance and cost . 10

in use Unit 1 TechnologY

I 72a

Complet e t he following t ips on emphasising t echnical advant ages using t he words in t he box. conventionatetiminated enhanced reduced superior When descr ibingt echnicaladvant ages,it 's usef ult o emphasise... a ( l ) - p e r f o r m a n c e , c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e o | d e r m o d e | o f t h e sa m e pr oduct . b n e g a t i v e i ssu e st h a t h a v e b e e n ( 2 ) - , o r c o m p | e t e | y ( 3) _. c special feat ures t hat different iat et he t echnology from (4) sysrems. d p er f o r m an ce| ev e| st h at m ak et h et ech n o | o g y ( 5 ) - t o t h e comDet it ion. )t .l St efan, an engineer, is briefing some sales colleagues on t he advant ages of a new pump design. List en t o t he briefing and mat ch t he t ips (a-d) in Exercise I 2a t o t he ext ract s (l -4).

Extract I -

Extract2 -

Extract3 -


Complet e t he following sent ences from t he briefing by underllning t he correct emphasising wor d. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We've come up with a completelg/significantlg unique profile. lt completelg/dramaticallg reduces vibration. Machines lilse these can never be entirelg/ highlg free from vibration. The new design runs dramaticallg/extremelA smoothlA. Another advantage of the new profile is thot it's consideroblg/entirelg lighter. So compared with our previous range, it's highlg/totallg efficient. Trials so far suggest the design is completelg/exceptionallg durable. We expect it to be entirelg/significantlg more reliable than rival units.

Mat ch t he words in Exercise 12c t o t he synonyms. considenbly dnmatically entirely exceptionattyhighty totatty I


: com pl et el y



: si gni f i cant l y

3 -l-:


ext r emel y

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