49379446 questionnair on water purifier PDF

Title 49379446 questionnair on water purifier
Author Anonymous User
Institution West Bengal State University
Pages 7
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QUESTIONNAIRE SECTION-1 Name:_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ Age :_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Numberoff ami l ymember s:_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ Oc cupat i on o Busi nes sman o Govt .e mpl oyee o Pr i vat ee mpl oyee o Hous ewi f e o St ude nt o Ot her I ncome o Lesst han10, 000 o 10, 000-20, 000 o 20, 000-30, 000 o Mor et han30, 000

SECTION-2 1-Doyouuseanyki ndofwat erpur i fie rathome ? o Yes o No 2- Whatt ypeofpur i fierdoyouuse ? o El ec t r i cal o None l ect r i cal 3o o o o

Whati sy ourexi s t i ngdr i nki ngwat ersour ce ? Muni ci palwat er Bor ewe l l /Submer si bl e Cannedwat er Handpump

4-Rankt hef ol l owi ngf r om 1t o5ac cor di ngt oy ourpr i or i t y: Br andname

Technol ogy

Pr i ce

5- Wher edi dyouhearaboutt hepr oduc t ? ○ TV c ommer ci al ○ News paperpr i ntads

Col or& desi gn

Si z e

○ I nshopbr andi ng ○ Fr i end’ s/Rel at i ve ’ sr e f er ences 6- Rat ef ol l owi ngat t r i but esont hescal eof1–5wher e 1( Mos t 2( I mpor t ant 3( Neut r al ) 4( Somewhat 5( Least i mpor t ant ) I mpor t ant ) I mpor t ant ) ) Pr i ce Heal t h& saf e t y Soci e t al s t at us Aest het i cs 7-Ar ey ouawar eoft het echnol ogyusedi nyourpur i fier ? o Yes o No 8o o o o

Whosugges t edyout ousewat erpur i fier ? Doc t or Fr i ends Rel at i ves Sal esper son

9o o o o

Si ncehow l ongyouar eusi ngwat erpur i fier ? Lesst han1year 12year 23year Mor et han3year s

10-How muchcapaci t ydoesyourwat erpur i fierhave ? o l esst han10Li t er s o 10Li t e r s o 18Li t e r s o 20Li t e r s 11-Doyouagr eet hatt het echnol ogi esl i keRO andUV ar ebenefici alf or c l eani ngger msmor eeffect i ve l y o s t r ongl yagr ee o agr ee o neut r al o di sagr ee o s t r ongl ydi sagr ee 12-whi chwat erpur i fierar euusi ngcur r ent l y( name) ? _ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __

A Synopsis of FRP on

“To study the Buying Behavior Of Urban Consumers Towards Water Purifiers”


Under the supervision of:

Submitted By:

Prof. Suneel Gupta


Roll. No. 1158 Sec-A

Trim-V Batch-XV Session-2009-2011


“To study the Buying Behavior Of Urban Consumers Towards Water Purifiers”


People’s perception is influenced by their needs. Therefore Perception is very much important in understanding the human behavior as well as their different needs. In a competitive marketplace where business competes for customers, customer’s perception is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy. Customers perception with a company’s product is often seen as the key to a company’s success and long term competitiveness. With study of customers' perceptions, companies can determine the actions required to meet the customers needs. They can identify their own strengths and weaknesses, where they stand in comparison to their competitors, chart out path future progress and improvement. Therefore the study is conducted, to know the “ Buying Behavior Of Urban Consumers Towards Water Purifiers”


To find out the reason to buy water purifier.

To know the awareness level of consumers towards water purifier.

Factors influencing the choice of buyers while making the purchase of a purifier.


Study the Buying Behavior Of Urban Consumers Towards the purchase and usage of Water Purifiers”

On the basis of this problem statement, the following specific objectives have been crystallized.


To find out the reason to buy water purifier.

To know the awareness level of consumers towards water purifier.

Factors influencing the choice of buyers while making the purchase of a purifier.

RESEARCH DESIGN The research study first examines the various facets that have an impact on the Buying Behavior Of Urban Consumers Towards the purchase and usage of Water Purifiers” A survey taken among the general public with a sample to arrive at several conclusions regarding the buying behavior of urban consumer with respect to water purifier.


Ho: There is no awareness level of consumers towards water purifier. Ha: There is a awareness level of consumers towards water purifier.

Ho : There is no relationship between the usage of purifier and health & safety Ha : There is a relationship between the usage of purifier and health & safety

Ho : No factor influence the choice of buyers while making the purchase of a purifier.

Ha : Factor influence the choice of buyers while making the purchase of a purifier

SAMPLE SIZE The chosen sample size is of 150 customers who use water purifier between the ages 1865.


The data taken for study is a convenient sample representing the choice of people today, so that a proper conclusion can be reached. The target is people aged between 18-65.

INSTRUMENTATION TECHNIQUES The questionnaire technique is used for the survey and the reasons for using this approach are

· It covers wide area · It is not an expensive affair · Original data could be obtained · It is free from all bias · Easy to tabulate and understand


Data will be collected from both primary and secondary sources.

Primary data is collected by questionnaires and personal observation.

Secondary data is collected by the referring to several journals, books,

internet, magazines, etc. Proposed Outline

Preliminary pages-: 1)

Title and date




Table of contents


List of tables


List of graphs & charts

Chapter One: Brief description of the topic Chapter Two: Academic background of the topic Chapter Three: 1. Clear statement of the `objective of the research`. 2. Explanation of the methodology adopted 3. Scope of the study 4. Limitations Chapter No Four: Analysis of Data Collected and statement of findings. Chapter No Five: Conclusions and Recommendations Bibliography Annexure...

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