5. Millennials Driving Brands To Practice Socially Responsible Marketing PDF

Title 5. Millennials Driving Brands To Practice Socially Responsible Marketing
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Millennials Driving Brands To Practice Socially Responsible Marketing

Millennials Driving Brands To Practice Socially Responsible Marketing Sarah Landrum Under 30 Under 30 I write about how millennials can be happier at work.

This article is more than 2 years old.

Source: Pexels


America is bracing for big changes. As our population gets older, millennials are gettin closer and closer to snatching the baton away from Boomers — not to mention the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world.




Millennials Driving Brands To Practice Socially Responsible Marketing

How are millennials going to collectively spend that $30 trillion? Nobody’s really sure yet, but one thing is clear: Millennials have distinct values, predilections, habits and fears tied to their earning and spending habits, same as the older generations always did. Millennials on average are more risk-averse and are less likely to spend money unnecessarily than previous generations. But when millennials do decide to part with their money, key patterns are beginning to emerge. Millennials prefer to do business with corporations and brands with pro-social messages, sustainable manufacturing methods and ethical business standards. Today In: Under 30

One of the ways this preference is manifesting is in the millennial generation’s preference for socially responsible marketing. But what is it — and does it stand a chance of improving the world? Companies That Do Good Work In 2015, Nielson published its annual Global Corporate Sustainability Report. It indicated that, globally, 66% of consumers are willing to spend more on a product if it comes from a sustainable brand. Millennials gave an even more impressive showing, with 73% of surveyed millennials indicating a similar preference. Additionally, 81% of millennials even expect their favorite companies to make public declarations of their corporate citizenship. Simply put, people — millennials most of all — want the companies they buy from to practice business sustainably and ethically. And because advertising and marketing in the States appears to have reached a deafening roar in recent years, millennials also want companies to get serious about marketing in a socially responsible way. Consider the typical millennial-and-younger response to “traditional” marketing techniques, such as the television commercial, the billboard and the radio ad. Younger folks almost recoil physically when their binging is interrupted by the ninth Geico commercial this hour. Sure, it’s a pretty First-World thing to complain about, but are




Millennials Driving Brands To Practice Socially Responsible Marketing

they wrong? Advertising takes up almost every beat of silence and unoccupied surface this country — aren’t millennials onto something by demanding a more civil approach? Matthew B. Crawford, in “The World Beyond Your Head,” had this to say about the proliferation of marketing in the modern world: “The ever more complete penetration public spaces by attention-getting technologies … direct[s] us away from one another and toward a manufactured reality, the content of which is determined from afar by private parties that have a material interest in doing so.” The point is, millennials are the first generation to become jaded about the fact that most marketing is wholly self-interested. That might sound a bit funny, in the “Well, of course it is” kind of way, but consider the alternative: a company that splits its attentio between self-interest and interest in the improvement of society. It’s not a crazy fever dream — corporate social responsibility (CSR) is already happenin all around us. So what does it look like?

CSR in Action Millennials are looking for four major qualities in socially responsible companies: They want companies to be actively invested in the betterment of society and th solution of social problems. They want companies that prioritize “making an impact” on the world around them. They want companies to be open and honest about their efforts — and to be public about their pro-social initiatives. Finally, millennials want companies to involve their customers in their good works. They want an opportunity to give back — whether it’s with a gift of their time or their money. Millennials expect modern brands to be open and communicative about how they operate in the world and to seek incremental and positive social change. Even the https://www.forbes.com/sites/sarahlandrum/2017/03/17/millennials-driving-brands-to-practice-socially-responsible-marketing/#38330ca54990



Millennials Driving Brands To Practice Socially Responsible Marketing

smallest deeds can affect distant shores, and that means every small effort counts. Thanks to additional research conducted at the Haas School of Business at Berkeley in California, we know millennials understand this, as “more than nine in ten millennials would switch brands to one associated with a cause.” In your own efforts to improve your corporate citizenship, you might find a cause of yo own. Maybe you can sponsor the construction of a new school in a third-world country every year or two. Maybe you can make a point to hire returning veterans from the United States’ several foreign wars. Maybe you can help spread out economic opportunity — and improve your own profits while you’re at it — by paying your worke a living wage. Maybe your own CSR efforts are as straightforward as using locally sourced materials in your products. Need another example? Sometimes swapping out a single piece of equipment in your establishment can net you an improvement on your bottom line and impress the publi while you’re at it. Consider restauranteurs’ response to the drought in California: they’v transitioned away from water-heavy dish-washing techniques and begun employing compressed air to pre-clean plates instead of water. While it might sound unorthodox, clean and efficient compressed air has been an advantage all across the food and beverage industry and society as a whole — and reduced more than a few carbon footprints in the process. The point is, everything you do while pursuing profit can at some level serve the betterment of society. Millennials seem to recognize and respond to this in a way that n previous generation has before — and they’re voting with their wallets to make their wishes known. It’s clear what CSR means to millennials: It means no infiltration of millennial hangouts like Reddit to shill for big banks politicians. It means no business practices that endanger the natural world. It means demonstrating your awareness of life’s iniquities — and drawing up a plan to help address them.




Millennials Driving Brands To Practice Socially Responsible Marketing

It means associating yourself with a cause (or maybe a few different ones, if you’re feeling generous) that you have the means to address — even if it’s in a limited way. No small effort goes unnoticed. Successful marketing requires successful storytelling — and one of the best stories you can tell is the one where you’re the hero. Sometimes, how you conduct yourself is your story — so make sure your actions are speaking loudly.

Sarah Landrum

I am a digital marketing specialist, freelance writer and the founder of Punched Clocks, a career advice blog that focuses on happiness and creating a career you love. I... Read More



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