5 Stages Of Grief - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title 5 Stages Of Grief - Lecture notes 1
Course Nursing
Institution North Central College
Pages 1
File Size 35 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 29
Total Views 158


Breakdown of the stages of grief one experience ...


Five Stages of Grief: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Individuals may not experience every stage or go through the stages in sequence. The individual may experience two stages at one Dme.


“Not me” “This can’t be happening” “I don’t believe it” The person is usually in a state of shock Denial is not always negaDve. It serves to protect the person as they prepare to psychological accept the situaDon


“Why me” Why is this happening!” Can be obvious or subtle It is a response to the person feeling this is not fair The person may take their anger out on those who are considered “safe” (spouse, close family) or from those who there is no reprisals (nurses, providers)


“If only I can live unDl…” “Yes but…” Usually takes the form of bargaining with God or a higher power, one which the person asks to live to see a birth, or a wedding etc….


Withdrawn sadness. Not to be confused with clinical depression. A response related to the situaDon


Not necessarily wanDng death, but coming to terms with it and ceasing to Vght it. Person may be devoid of feelings....

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