50 Cards for ielts PDF

Title 50 Cards for ielts
Author ruichun Chen
Course 个人理财 Personal Finance
Institution Peking University
Pages 52
File Size 512.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 80
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Physical sports-physical health participating in physical activities can enhance their immune system and help them build a stronger body lower their risks of catching illnesses When an epidemic occurs, they are less likely to be infected than those who rarely work out.


Physical relax- physical health When people feel relaxed, it can enhance their immune system lower their risks of catching illnesses; whereas stress and pressure can give rise to several health problems ( like the infection in case of epidemics or digestive issues)

Social past-identity 2

history provides us an insight about ancestors’ thoughts and behaviours inspire us to relate them to our current life enhance the sense of belonging to our nation and contribute to national pride We would feel very proud of our past generations’ wisdom strengthen self-esteem


Social modern communication tools- social skills If modern communication dominates our life (if we use modern communication tools too regularly) when we interact with people in real life situations we may encounter several difficulties: children tend to feel shy to talk with strangers; adults may lack the social manners in communication or misunderstand others’ message, giving rise to disputes. These problems would impair our social skills prevent us from building a strong bond with people.


Social time-good relationships If students spend a considerable amount of time on studying school subjects, their social time with friends and family would reduce impair the quality of their interpersonal relationships They may not have lots of friends who can share their happiness and difficulties and more disputes may occur within the family.

Social moral value-crime-stable society 5

Through education, students would develop a sound moral value system so that they would have the ability to differentiate the right from the wrong As there are many misbehaviours promoted on the media and in the society, if they are exposed to that information this moral awareness would prevent them from being misled result in lower crime rates among children and contributing to a stable society. They are also likely to develop into responsible citizens with sufficient consideration to others and their surroundings, which could facilitate a cohesive and healthy living environment.

Social - Emotional


social skills-good relationships belonging-feel connected People who are equipped with excellent social skills are able to communicate with others effectively so that they could get along well with people from various backgrounds contribute to strong bond with friends and family. This would result in a strong sense of belonging and connection.

Emotion Getting away from boring activities-relax

travelling provides people a period of time to 7

escape from stressful daily tasks such as family duties, study or work, so that they can forget the pressure and completely immerse themselves into a more exciting atmosphere.

Emotion social skills-good relationships-relax People who are equipped with excellent social skills are able to communicate with others efficiently


so that they could get along well with people from various backgrounds, contributing to strong bond with friends and family. Whenever we feel stressed, friends and family would offer help: some may provide sensible suggestions to cope with stress; some may just listen to us to vent the negative emotions. Thus, we would feel more relaxed. Cognition Broad knowledge-creative Studying a wide range of subjects can provide students with the exposure in various areas broaden their views so that they are more likely to approach a task from 9

different angles contribute to efficient problem solving By contrast, if students only study a few subjects, they tend to cultivate only one or two thinking styles restrict students’ ability to think outside the box


Cognition No fear -creative Unlike other subjects, paintings and drawings are not judged by a universal/fixed standard students will not be afraid of trying out different ways to express their ideas and emotions and will not have the self-consciousness so that they will be encouraged to try out .. inspire them to think outside the box and cultivate creative thinking


Cognition Make own decision -motivation-creative If young people choose their favourite jobs, their passion for work will drive them to invest a considerable amount of time to improve their work outcomes and try out different approaches to a task to see the most effective one facilitate the generation of innovative ideas

Cognitive concentration-efficient learning / work 12

Most TV programs are intriguing attract children to watch them for a long period of time. This could distract children from studying result in poor learning outcomes. When they sit in the classroom, they may still think about what their favourite TV programs or may even discuss with their classmates impair their concentration and create difficulty for them to comprehend what is taught in the class

Cognitive love-no distraction-efficient learning/work


If students choose their favourite subjects to study their passion will drive them to invest a considerable amount of time in studying, which could help resist temptations in their life : intriguing TV programs, video games or friends invitation to hangout

Cognitive Interesting-understand quickly=efficient learning The reduced cost of travelling overseas/ abroad 14

has been encouraging an increasing number of people to visit other countries provide them first-hand experiences about different cultures Their learning about foreign cultures has become more interactive and engaging facilitate their understanding about cultural differences

Cognitive hands-on-understand quickly=efficient learning If teachers could demonstrate more hands-on experiences to explain to students how science looks like in practice 15

this would raise students’ awareness about how science is closely related to their life and raise their curiosity to explore more scientific knowledge


Cognitive Interaction-efficient learning In a physical school, a teacher will interact with a group of students, explaining their confusions immediately and commenting on their learning, facilitate the comprehension of knowledge



Relax-efficient learning As most subjects such as mathematics are less hands-on, more tedious, and complex than the arts, if students study those subjects for a long period of time, their concentration and enthusiasm towards learning would decrease impair the learning outcomes By contrast, if they can spend a moderate amount of time on drawing and painting, their mind would take a break and become more refreshed facilitate creative thinking and the comprehension of knowledge Cognitive paper books-understand quckily-efficient


Readers can highlight and underline important points, make notes on the paper more easily than doing them on the screen facilitate the comprehension of knowledge


Cognitive 这组卡片 教会你如何串联学过的词组 联 联联 联 联 联 联 relax focus on the process understand quickly


Efficient Do not need to spend time-efficient

It is less time-consuming for us to attend online meetings or training. attendees do not need to spend the time on commuting to a physical office and can avoid traffic congestions;


Efficient Do sth quickly-efficient It is less time-consuming for us to attend online meetings or training. they can also find a relaxing environment conducive to work so that they can maintain concentration for a longer period of time and work more productively

Efficient understand quickly-efficient It is less time consuming for students to understand knowledge if teachers can use more intriguing ways to engage them. 22

For example, experiments .. .. (hands-on experiences)


Money Knowledge-job-money Good quality and affordable education can equip a significant number of people with professional knowledge and skills, contribute to strong employability. They could easily find decent jobs and earn a good living.


Money Industry development-demand-job-money The development of tourism industry can increase the demand for related products and services such as accommodations, transports and tourist attractions’ tickets. This would generate more employment opportunities so that locals would have a higher income.


Money relationships-friends introduce jobs-income Good social skills help us make friends from different fields and cultural backgrounds so that we will have many personal resources to draw on. These friends may introduce us to good employment opportunities help us get a job with higher earnings

environment 26

Buying more products-more demand Produce more- pollution Consumerism has negative impacts on the environment : the demand for goods has increased the need to produce them result in more pollutant emissions, land-use and deforestation which are main factors contributing to climate change E.g. Without sufficient trees, global warming may become even worse.

environment burning fuels-pollution 27

是否有必要让所有国家都降低 burning fuels burn 很多的国家应该减少 For big energy consumers, it is necessary for the international community to curb their fuel consumption because this has been worsening global warming, causing more drastic climate changes and the extinction of species. If no measures were taken to stop those countries from continuing the combustion of fuels, the earth would not be suitable for us to live endanger our lives

environment trees-pollution trees can obsorb pollutants


improve the air quality and reduce our risks of suffering from illnesses related to air pollution; on the other hand, it can also reduce the carbon emission which is the contributor to global warming and climate changes. Thus, more trees can improve our health and our living environment.

Cohesion good relationships-social cohesion 语言的消失如何降低 cohesion As languages are part of one’s culture that separates them from others, 29

if a language disappeared it would impair the sense of belonging of people who speak that language They may not feel proud of their culture or being themselves and they may even feel that their cultures are not valued by the majority. impair self-esteem and may result in dissatisfaction towards those from other cultures This may/can trigger conflicts between people from distinct ethnic backgrounds undermine social cohesion Cohesion help-good relationshp-cohesive 国际救援 国际救援-cohesive world receiving countries would show appreciation to those supplying aid and donors can also enjoy some bonuses contribute to a very intimate and supportive 30

relationship between countries facilitate/foster a more cohesive world

economy money-demand-national productivity-economy After people’s income increases They may purchase more products and services increase national productivity contribute to economic growth 31

economy competition-economy as foreign companies tend to be more experienced and have better quality products, if they enter into the market of developing countries local companies could lose their market share and their development would be hindered


stability long time study-exposure to bad -crime-stable If students spend most of their free time on studying, they would have limited exposure to misbehaviour on the media or in their surroundings so that they would not be misled and have a lower risk of committing crimes


This would contribute to a stable society.


Stability dangerous sports -violence-crimes-stable some sports like boxing involve intense body contact with other participants and the competition tends to be very fierce. This could mislead the public, especially the younger generation, to believe that violent behaviour is acceptable in real life situations and some may follow this behaviour blindly , which may result in a tendency to commit crimes and further impair the social stability.



这组卡片 教会你如何串联学过的词组 联 联联 联 联 联 联

moral values low crime rates


联是特殊话题 ABC advertisements-buy We are bombarded/surrounded by too many advertisements and they entice/attract us to purchase featured products or services via persuasive marketing techniques: intriguing product descriptions, celebrity endorsement, or some desired qualities attached to those products.

Most of us cannot resist these temptations, result in many impulsive purchasing decisions.

为什么我们不需要动物产品 37

食物不需要 many plant-based foods have been discovered to provide us the same nutrients and even more health benefits than meats. For example, plants like beans, lentils, and chia seeds have been proven to be better sources of protein than meats because they contain the same quality of protein but a limited amount of fat. The health benefits from consuming plant-based foods can explain why an increasing number of people have adopted/followed a vegan or vegetarian diet.

为什么我们不需要动物产品 衣服不需要 38

The development of cutting-edge technologies have also allowed scientists to produce materials serving the same functions as those obtained from animals : Clothes made from man-made (synthetic) fabrics have reduced our reliance on fur or feather clothes to keep warm;


为什么没有必要保护所有动物 the extinction of some animal species is caused by natural selection not by the activities of human beings. If we intentionally disturb this natural process, the ecological balance would be destroyed and it may endanger the lives of other species.


nuclear energy-sustainable Nuclear energy is also a more sustainable approach to solving our energy issue. It has massive reserve and a small amount of nuclear energy can provide a significant amount of power. By contrast, fossil fuels have been used by human beings for a long period of time, so they are going to be exhausted soon and they are less efficient in generating energy than nuclear energy.


nuclear energy-reliable Even though, clean energy, like solar, can also provide the same benefits mentioned above, their function heavily depends on the weather condition; whereas nuclear energy is a more reliable source because it generates power inside a plant without relying on the weather.


国际组织 有责任治理环境 International organisations-responsibility International organisations definitely have the duty to tackle environmental issues. organisations such as UN ( United Nations) are established to facilitate international cooperation in solving global problems. Undoubtedly, environmental problems like global warming have developed into a global issueraising the temperature in all countries, leading to the extinction of many species Therefore, they require the contribution from international organisations.


为什么探索外太空 不是最好的解决地球问题的方法 太贵了 exploring outer space will impose a huge financial burden on governments. Governments have to allocate a massive amount of funding to various fields including building the space shuttle, training experts and conducting experiments in the space.


为什么探索外太空 不是最好的解决地球问题的方法 不可靠 Even though some governments may have the financial capacity to implement research on other planets, this approach may not be effective. We only have limited knowledge and experience in the field of outer space, and many mysteries yet remain uncovered. Based on such weak evidence, how can we guarantee that substitute resources will be found or other planets will be suitable to live on?

为什么水资源不能免费? do not cherish 45

We tend to take everything free for granted and do not cherish it, which







resources and speed up the rate of water scarcity. If water were depleted, some species would become extinct and it would disturb the ecological balance threaten our well-being.


国际救援的弊端 aid-misuse of resources If the aids is cash, some countries lack experts having the ability to properly use the money. Some politicians may squander or even misuse the money for their own means.



aid-sustainable development Another risk is that some countries would become overly reliant on assistance and lose the motivation to seek a more sustainable approach to promote their development.



纸张的报纸 第 1,3 段落可以应用在 ebooks Oh Yeah:D Some may like the tangible experience of flipping pages and think this can evoke more emotional response than electronic information; others may consider newspapers are more trustworthy than digital media which can easily use cutting-edge techniques to distort or omit the truth; most elderly people are reluctant to change their habit of reading newspapers.


为什么电子书/报纸 不能取代纸张的 not everyone can access ebooks. Those who live in poverty may not be able to afford a smartphone or computer to read them; there are also some areas that are not covered by the internet so that residents there can only read paper books.


付费课程包括 所有预测题目 100 个 ABC 词组答案 帮你写出答案,不跑题



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