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Title 500 words definition of terms related to criminology compress
Author fool clarke
Course Introduction To Criminology And Psychology Of Crime
Institution Cavite State University
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“Definitions of terms”

Submitted by:

Montoya, Brixx L. Jennifer De Jesus Camile Joy Nisperos Patricia Mae Alcazar Arsen Romano Rechson Jay Nuevacobita


1. ABDUCTION- is meant the taking away of a woman from her house or the place where she may be for the purpose of carrying her to another place with intent to marry or to corrupt her. OR forcibly taking someone away against their will. 2. ABERRATIO ICTUS- mistake in the blow 3. ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR - Is something deviating from the normal or differing from the typical, is a subjectively define behavioral characteristic, assign to those with rare or dysfunctional conditions. 4. ACCIDENT- any happening beyond control of persons, consequences of which are not foreseeable. 5. ACCIDENTAL CRIMINAL - Those who commit criminal acts as a result of unanticipated circumstances. 6. Accused – A person whose case was forwarded to the office of the prosecutor and filed in court OR person who charged of an offense in court and facing trial. 7. Acetic Acid - serves as neutralizer 8. Achromatic Lens – correcting chromatic aberration 9. ACQUISITIVE CRIME - When the offender acquires something as a consequence of his criminal acts. 10. ACQUITTAL- a jury verdict that a criminal defendant is not guilty or the finding of a judge that the evidence is insufficient to support a conviction. 11. ACT- any bodily movement tending to produce some effect in the external world. 12. ACTIVE AGGRESSIVE CRIMINAL - Those who commit crime in an impulsive manner usually due to the aggressive behavior of the offender. 13. ACTUARIAL - This role involves usage of statistics in order to inform a case 14. ACTUS REUS - Sometimes called the external element of a crime. 15. ACUTE CRIMINAL - Refers to a person who violates criminal law because of the impulse of the moment, fit of passion or anger or spell of extreme jealousy. 16. Ada juke - Mother of criminals. 17. ADMISSION – an acknowledgment of facts 18. Admission – Any statement of fact made by a party which is against his interest or unfavorable to the conclusion for which he contends or inconsistent with the facts alleged by him. OR an acknowledgment of facts

19. ADULTERY- adultery is committed by any married woman who shall have sexual intercourse with a man not her husband and by the man who has carnal knowledge of her, knowing her to be married, even if the marriage be subsequently declared void. 20. ADVISORY - A psychologist may advise police about how to proceed with the investigation. 21. AFIS – Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) is a biometric identification (ID) methodology that uses digital imaging technology to obtain, store, and analyze fingerprint data. 22. AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT - A social movement that arose during the 18th century on that built upon ideas like empiricism, rationality, free will, humanism and natural law. 23. AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES- are those which, if attendant in the commission of the crime, serve to increase the penalty without, however, exceeding the maximum of the penalty provided by law for the offense. 24. ALI TEST - Excuses a defendant who, because of a mental disease or defect, lacks substantial capacity to appreciate the criminality (wrongfulness) of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of law (Model Penal Code Sec. 4.01).. 25. ALLEGIANCE- is meant the obligation of fidelity and obedience which the individuals owe to the government under which they live or to their sovereign, in return for the protection they receive. 26. ALTERNATIVE CIRCUMSTANCES- aggravating or mitigating according to the nature and effect of the crime and other conditions attending its commission. 27. Amateur Intermittent Offender – These types of robbers view themselves as lifetime robbers and commits infrequent robbery offenses, often recklessly. 28. AMNESTY - Refers to an act of justice by which the supreme power in a state restores those who may have been guilty of any offense against it to the position of innocent persons. 29. Anastigmat Lens – correcting astigmatism 30. Animus Lucrandi – means intent to gain, in Robbery. 31. ANTECEDENT CIRCUMTANCES – facts existing before the commission of the crime [i.e. hatred, bad moral character of the offender, previous plan, conspiracy, etc.] 32. ANTHROPOLOGICAL APPROACH - Focused on the studying the physical characteristics of offenders in the attempt to discover physical differences between criminals and noncriminals. 33. ANTHROPOLOGY - Science devoted to the study of man-kind 34. Anti-Halation Backing - is the one designed to hold back the light and prevents halation. 35. Apochromatic Lens – correcting both astigmatism and chromatic aberration

36. APPEAL- a request to a higher (appellate) court for that court to review and change the decision of a lower court 37. Appellant - one who filed an appeal. 38. APPLIED CRIMINOLOGY - The art of creating the typologies classifications, predictions and specially profiles of criminal offenders, there personalities and behavior patterns. 39. ARGRUMENTATIVE QUESTION – a type of leading question which reflects the examiners interpretation of the facts. 40. Armed Robbery – This involves the use of weapons such as firearm, a knife or other dangerous weapons. 41. ARRAIGNMENT – The initial step in a criminal prosecution whereby the defendant is brought before the court to hear the charges and to enter a plea. 42. Arrest – The legal taking of a person into a custody in order that he may be bound to answer for the commission of an offense. 43. ARREST- A restraint on person, depriving one of his own will and liberty, binding him to become obedient to the will of the law OR The taking of a person in custody in order that he may be bound to answer for the commission of an offense. 44. Arrest Warrant – An order in writing issued in the name of the Philippines commanding or directing a peace officer to arrest the 45. ARSON - the act or crime of willfully, wrongfully, and unjustifiably setting property on fire OR setting fire to a building, cars or property on purpose 46. Artificial Light = otherwise known as man-made light e.g. fluorescent bulb, incandescent bulb and photoflood lamp. 47. ASA (American Standards Association) - this is expressed in arithmetic value system. The bigger the number the more sensitive the film is. 48. ASSASSINATION - killing a famous person or public figure. 49. ASSAULT - attacking someone physically. OR a threat or use of force on another that causes that person to have a reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact; the act of putting another person in reasonable fear or apprehension of an immediate battery by means of an act amounting to an attempt or threat to commit a battery. 50. ASTHENIC TYPE - This person is skinny, with ribs easily counted and slender body type. This type usually commits crime known as petty theft and fraud. 51. Astigmatism - is a form of lens defects in which the horizontal and vertical axis are not equally magnified. Inability of the lens to focus both horizontal and vertical lines 52. ATAVISTIC – this criminals are those considered as born criminals.

53. ATHLETIC TYPE - This person has broad shoulders, powerful legs and muscular body type. This type usually commits violent crimes. 54. ATTEMPTED FELONY- when the offender commences the commission of a felony directly by overt acts, and does not perform all the acts of execution which should produce the felony by reason of some cause or accident other than his own spontaneous desistance. 55. August Aichorn - “Latent delinquency “ 56. August Comte - Father of sociology 57. AUTO-PHOBIA - (Mono-phobia) A morbid fear of one’s or of being alone 58. Autopsy – known as a post-mortem examination, necropsy, autopsia 59. BAIL - OIs the security required by the court and given by the accused to ensure that the accused appears before the proper court at the scheduled time and place to answer the charges brought against him or her OR The security given for the release of a person in custody of the law, furnished by him or a bondsman, to guarantee his appearance before any court as required under the conditions of law. 60. BANISHMENT - This was imposed by God to evil rebels lead by lucifer by throwing them out of the heaven. It is the first penalty ever imposed. 61. Base - Support the emulsion 62. Baseline – a method of locating object, particularly useful in in large, irregularly shaped outdoor areas. 63. BATTERY- the application of force to another, resulting in harmful or offensive contact. 64. BEHAVIOR SYSTEM IN CRIME - Progress in the explanation of disease is being made personally by the studies of specific diseases. 65. BEHAVIORAL OUTCOME - This phase describes the victim’s adjustment to the victimization experience. 66. Bienes Muebles – in Robbery, means personal property belonging to another. 67. BIGAMY- any person who shall contract a second or subsequent marriage before the former marriage has been legally dissolved, or before the former marriage has been legally dissolved, or before the absent spouse has been declared presumptively dead by means of a judgment rendered in the proper proceedings OR marrying someone when you are already married to another person. 68. BILIBID PRISON - Served as national penitentiary up to November 1943, when transferred to Muntinlupa to exchange of property between the government of the city of manila and the bureau of prison.

69. BIOLOGICAL APPROACH - The evaluation of genetics in explaining criminal behavior, under this approach, heredity is the main factor that pushes people to commit crimes. (Positivist Theory) 70. BIOLOGICAL CRIMINOLOGY - Some genetic theories believed that chromosome aberrations may be the cause of crimes. 71. BIOMETRY - A measuring or calculating of probable duration of human life. 72. BIO-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR - A person’s biological heritage plus his environment and social heritage influence his social activity. 73. Black and White Film = usually represented by a prefix or a suffix “Pan” or “Ortho” and generally used in black and white photography. Examples are Ortholith film, Tri X-Pan and Pan X-plus. 74. BLACKMAIL - threatening to reveal someone’s secrets if a lot of money is not paid. 75. Blue – Sensitive film - sensitive to U.V. light and Blue Color. 76. BLUE COLLAR CRIME - Any crime committed by an individual from lower social class OR are those committed by ordinary professional to maintain their livelihood. 77. BOMBING - detonating an explosive device with the plan of harming people or property. 78. Boric acid - serves as neutralizer 79. BRANDING - The offender was scarred with a hot iron on the flesh part of the hand or on the check. 80. BRIBERY - giving money or granting favors to influence another person’s decisions or behavior.OR The corrupt payment, receipt, or solicitation of a private favor for official action. 81. Bright Sunlight - object in an open space casts a deep and uniform shadow and the object appears glossy. 82. BROKEN HOME - The modification of home conditions by death, divorce or desertion. 83. Buff papers = prepare for tone prints 84. BURDEN OF EVIDENCE – the duty of a party of going forward with evidence. 85. BURDEN OF PROOF- the duty of a party to present evidence on the facts in issue necessary to establish his claim or defense by the amount of evidence required by law. OR the duty of the affirmative to prove that which it alleges. 86. BURGLARY - breaking into a house in order to steal something. 87. Burning-In = refers to additional exposure on a desired portion of the negative used for purposes of making a balance exposure.

88. Cadaverum - a highly specialized surgical procedure that consists of a thorough examination of a corpse to determine the cause and manner of death and to evaluate any disease or injury. 89. Camera - a light tight box designed to block unwanted or unnecessary light from reaching the sensitized material. 90. CARPETA-It refers to the institutional record of an inmate which consists of his mittimus, commitment order, the prosecutor’s information and the decision of the trial court, including the appellate court. 91. Cesare Becarria --- Free will theory 92. CHARACTER EVIDENCE – evidence of a person’s moral standing or personality traits in a community based on reputation or opinion. 93. CHARIVARI-the term charivari includes a medley of discordant voices, a mock serenade of discordant noises made on kettles, tins horns, etc.., designed to annoy and insult. 94. Chemical Process - is the process necessary for reducing silver halides into a form so as a latent image and a positive image be made resulting to what we called Photograph. OR The process of making the latent image visible and permanent. 95. CHILD ABUSE - treating a child badly in a physical, emotional, or sexual way. 96. Chromatic Aberration - Inability of the lens to focus light of varying wavelength. The lens refracts rays of short wavelength more strongly than those of longer wavelength and therefore bringing blue rays to a shorter focus than the red. 97. CHRONIC CRIMINAL

- Person who acted in consonance with deliberate thinking.

98. CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE – the proof of fact or facts from which, taken either singly or collectively, the existence of a particular fact in dispute may be inferred as necessary or probable consequence. 99. Close-up View - Is the taking of individual photograph of the evidence at the scene of the crime. It is design to show the details of the crime. 100. COHABIT- the term cohabit means to dwell together, in the manner of husband and wife, for some period of time, as distinguished from occasional, transient interviews for unlawful intercourse. 101. COLLATER MATTERS – matters other than the fact in issue and which are offered as a basis for inference as to the existence or non-existence of the facts in issue. 102. Colored Film - can be divided into two: The Negative type and the reversal type of colored film. The former is usually having names ending in color while the word chrome represents the latter.

103. Coma - (Also known as lateral aberration) = Inability of the lens to focus light that travels straight or lateral, thus making it blurred while the light reaching the lens oblique is the one the is transmitted sharp. 104.

COMPETENT EVIDENCE – not excluded by law.

105. COMPLAINT – A complaint is a sworn written statement charging a person with an offense 106. COMPLEX CRIMES- when a single act constitutes two or more grave or less, grave felonies, or when an offense is a necessary means for committing the other, the penalty for the most serious crime shall be imposed. 107. COMPOUND QUESTION -a question which calls for a single answer to more than one question. 108. CONCENTRIC ZONE THEORY - Crime is a product of transitional neighborhood that manifest social disorganization and value conflict. 109. CONCLUSIONARY QUESTION – a question which asks for an opinion which the witness is not qualified or permitted to answer. 110.

CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE – incontrovertible evidence

111. CONCLUSIVE PRESUMPTIONS [jure et de jure] – based on rules of substantive law which cannot be overcome by evidence to the contrary. 112. CONCOMITANT CIRCUMTANCES – facts existing during the commission of the crime [i.e. opportunity, presence of the accused at the scene of the crime, etc.] 113. CONCUBINAGE- any husband who shall keep a mistress in the conjugal dwelling, or, shall have sexual intercourse, under scandalous circumstances, with a woman who is not his wife, or shall cohabit with her in any other place. 114. Confession – An express acknowledgment by the accused in a criminal prosecution of the truth of his guilt as to the offense charged, while admission refers to statements of fact not directly constituting an acknowledgment of guilt. OR Direct acknowledgement of guilt.OR an acknowledgement of guilt. 115. CONFORMITY - It involves the acceptance of the cultural goals and means of attaining those goals. 116. CONSPIRACY- conspiracy exists when two or more persons come to an agreement concerning the commission of a felony and decide to commit it. 117. CONSUMMATED FELONY- a felony is consummated when all the elements necessary for its execution and accomplishment are present. 118. CONTINUED CRIME- a continued crime is a single crime, consisting of a series of acts but all arising from one criminal resolution.


CONTINUING CRIME - Those committed in several places.


CONVENTIONAL LEVEL - This stage reach at the end of middle childhood.

121. Converging Lens - Characterized by the fact that it is thicker at the center and thinner at the side which is capable of bending the light together and forms the image inversely. 122. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT - It was retained as a punishment for a lot longer that either identified with a corporation or other business entity. 123.

Corpus Delicti – Latin for the “body of the crime”.

124. Corpuscular theory (Newton) - this later opposed the wave theory stating that light has its effect by the motion of very small particles such as electrons. 125. CORRESPONDENCE- is communication by means of letters, or it may refer to the letters which pass between those who have friendly or business relations. 126. CORROBORATIVE EVIDENCE – additional evidence of a different kind and character tending to prove the same point as that of previously offered evidence. 127.

CORRUPTION - behaving illegally and dishonestly; especially those in power.

128. COUNTERFEITING- the forging, copying, or imitating of something (usually money) without a right to do so and with the purpose of deceiving or defrauding. 129.

COURTESY - Refers to politeness of the words being used in communication.

130. Cream - preferred for pictorial effect, portraits, landscape or when warmth effect is desired. 131. CRIME – doing something illegal that can be punished by law. OR crime is defined as an act committed or omitted in violation of public law forbidding or commanding it. OR the duty of the affirmative to prove that which it alleges. 132. CRIME BY IMITATION - Those committed the pattern of which is merely duplication of what was done by others. 133. CRIME BY PASSION - Those committed because of fit of passion, anger, jealousy and hatred. 134. CRIME CONTROL - Is the primary concern of the police, as the saying goes control before the act escalates into a serious proportion. 135. CRIME OF THE UNDER WORLD - Those committed by members of the lower or under privileged class of society. 136. CRIME OF THE UPPER WORLD - Those committed by the member of upper strata of the society.

137. CRIME PREVENTION - It is the basic police function or technique of determining the desire of the people to commit crime. 138. Crime Prevention - with the use of video camera (hidden camera) and other advanced photographic equipment crimes are being detected more easily and even to the extent of preventing them from initially occurring. 139. Crime Scene – A venue or place where the alleged crime/incident/event has been committed. OR The geographical area where the crime was committed. 140. Crime Scene Sketch - A simple diagram that creates a mental pictures of the scene to those who are not present. 141. CRIME VICTIM - It is generally refers to any person, group, or entity who has suffered injury or loss due to illegal activity. 142. Criminal – A person who is convicted by final judgment. OR who is found guilty by final judgment 143. CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR - It refers to a behavior which is criminal in nature; a behavior which violates a law. 144.

Criminal demography - criminality and population.

145. Criminal epidiomology - study of the relationship between environment and criminality. 146. CRIMINAL ETIOLOGY - Analysis of the causes of crime. OR study of the cause or the origin of crime. 147. Criminal Investigation – The collection of facts in order to accomplish the three-fold aims – to identify the guilty party, to locate the guilty party and to provide evidence of his (suspect) guilt. 148. Criminal Investigator – A well-trained, disciplined and experienced professional in...

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