60105 How Society Has Changed Over Time PDF

Title 60105 How Society Has Changed Over Time
Author George Okubi
Course Education
Institution University of Nairobi
Pages 10
File Size 126.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Research proposal...



How Society Has Changed Over Time Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation:




Table of Contents Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................2 1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Methodology..............................................................................................................................3 2.0 Findings.....................................................................................................................................5 2.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................7 Reference Lists................................................................................................................................9 Appendices....................................................................................................................................10



1.0 Introduction This report seeks to determine whether the relationships have changed over time and whether the change is a natural change. The initial research question is; has relationship changed over time and is it natural change? I cared about relationships because they are great thing that happens in somebody's life and for one to live with one partner in a long-term relationship for years are a very unusual thing. I cared because many people carry out the issue of relationship in a different way depending on what they value most. Everybody should care because the relationship that yields support towards each other is essential. In times of distress and problems, those involved in the healthy relationship play a significant role in helping each other, based on financial aid and encouragements among others. I am looking forward to find how the relationships have changed over time and factors necessary to avoid the negative part of an ill relationship in the current world. 1.2 Methodology I conducted an interview with Jane who is an elder aged 67 years to ascertain whether the relationships have changed over time and whether the change is a natural change. I preferred her because she has been in a relationship with her husband Shadrack for fifty-five years and therefore she has experience. Moreover, the fact that she is old guarantees reliable information on possible changes in relationships. The interview was conducted on November 28, 2018, in her town which we agreed will remain anonymous at 0900hrs for two hours. It was held in her home which is a huge mansion at the center of the village as we had some drinks and snacks prepared by Jane. Her husband is seventy-five years and Jane confessed that, although they have had their differences, their love has never come to an end. Jane studied catering at Calvary University while Shadrack studied Finance and Economics at Harvard University. They both got employed



in a local bank in Detroit where Jane was working as a chef for the staff while Shadrack was working as an assistant manager. Since then their love life has been one worth admiring. This couple was selected for the interview because they are the oldest couple that always walks holding hands in the streets hence many people admire them. Jane begun by saying that the relationships have actually changed because in the modern world, most relationships are based on financial stability rather than love. In the ancient era, people in relationships could walk together in their journey of marriages. She explained to me that by the time they met, they were earning poor salaries which rarely enabled them to pay for two houses at the same time so they opted to move in together to Shadrack's house so that they can cut on the costs. They lived as friends until they trusted each other and got into a relationship. She gave me three tips to last long in a relationship. Trust, love and believe. “For a relationship to be successful, two people must be in true love where they follow their heart and not love each other for certain benefits or to gain something from each other.” Jane explained. “Trust should grow between them to a point where they trust each other with their lives. The two of them must believe in each other in such a way that in case they one of them is in need of something, the other will work hard to help the partner.” She added. Jane too explained the nature of relationships to me both from ancient times along with current era. The relationship was successful in ancient times and could last for many years and even decades because the couple would learn to do small things for each other. Little things seemed meaningless, but in the real sense, they were the key to excellent relationships. She said, “Nowadays, people do not appreciate the little things that they have, they do not sacrifice everything for their partner. Moreover, they do not accept the flaws of one another, and fail to apologize when one makes a mistake. Nevertheless, ancient relationship maintained



the things they used to do when they were young couple like going out on dates, hiking, surprise gifts among others.” Jane revealed that forgiveness was another most important thing in ancient’s relationship. Jane revealed that relationships have changed adversely over time and whether the change is not a natural change. However, she advocated, “If your partner makes a mistake that hurts you, both of them should work a way out of the mess and come up with a solution.” She added, “After that, none of the partners should hold a grudge against the other for a mistake they solved in the past.” She insisted that it takes a lot of love, trust, forgiveness and believing in each other for a relationship to be long-term in such a way that it lasts for years, lead to marriage and go on existing many decades after the wedding. The interview was a success in explaining how the relationships have changed and advocated how one can manage their marriage for decades without getting a divorce. 2.0 Findings From the interview, I learned that relationship patterns in the society has changed and they represent the diversity in many social aspects where individuals choose partners who are of a similar to themselves according to their economic status, race, gender or sexual orientation. The interview established the extent to which relationship represent the range of diversity and the barriers in drawing a diverse pool of individuals in an experience of close ties. Besides, this concept connects with the studies carried out by Burgess et al., (2016) that established that relationship ties are created between different individuals in society to develop the social relationships that provide equal opportunities for different individuals in the community. The categories may either be of same type or cross-category where the relationship ties may exist between individuals who are of distinct social identity. The sexual orientation in the society may



be used to determine the nature of the relationship where different individuals may have relationship ties with members of a different sexual relationship. Another studies by Dincer, Eksi and Aron, (2018) concluded that relationship is an essential attribute in the society where people with diverse social characteristics may be engaged for mutual benefit, and thus different individuals have different concerns when they enter into a relationship. In addition, I discovered that relationships have changed over time, as in the course of the interview, Jane revealed that, “different members in the society in different eras have diverse social values and attributes that determine the nature of the relationship, and thus one of the most significant challenges in maintaining close relation is that people are created differently.” From this context, the quality of the relationship between the past and the current world for groups in the society affects the close friendship where the differences between the two groups affect the ideal association. The barriers to close relationship may be as a result of social differences, race or the gender values where ancient relationships had higher amount of friendship as compared to the current periods, therefore, a close relationship was common in the past than in the present days. The differences in social identity create a barrier in the development of the close relationship where different individuals have their perception about the patterns of friendship in society (Dincer, Eksi and Aron, 2018). It is evident that the relationship has undergone a significant change from the traditional period. The issues of domestic violence are common in the current era. They link with a pattern of the manners that calls for destruction along with other abuse through which individual acts against another within the context of domestic background like in the cohabitation. The issue of domestic violence is regarded as “intimate partner violence” in case it is committed by the spouse or else a partner within the intimate bond against another spouse (Laws, Sayer,



Pietromonaco and Powers, 2015). Besides, the element of domestic violence may occur in the heterosexual, that is, within the concept of same-sex affiliations and between the former partners and spouses). The issue of domestic violence can comprise the violence against the children and the elderly through taking various forms such as physical, oral, emotional, fiscal, spiritual and sexual among others (Dincer, Eksi, and Aron, 2018). The significant victims that are affected by the issue of domestic violence are devastating women because they are inclined to go through more harsh elements of the force. It is also important to mention that, within some nations, the issue of domestic violence is frequently regarded to be defensible especially in the circumstances of authentic or alleged cheating on woman’s part, and therefore it is legally endorsed. The contemporary world has proven that there is a straight and substantial association between the nation's level of masculinity equivalence and the proportions of domestic violence (Laws, Sayer, Pietromonaco and Powers, 2015). 2.1 Conclusion As revealed by this article, it is evident that the relationships have changed over time and the change is not a natural change. The interview with the old woman has exhibited that in the ancient time, the issue of domestic violence was not rampant like in the present days. However, the article advocated supporting one another in times of distress and problems as those involved in the healthy relationship provide financial aid and encouragements among others. There are unanswered points that have not being highlighted concerning the adverse concepts in the world today. It is feasible to mention that the issues of domestic violence range from intelligent, harsh forms to spousal rape as well as violent physical manipulation like unpleasant beating, the exercise of female genital disfigurement along with the component of throwing acid that facilitates the death and disfigurement. Moreover, the issue of domestic violence comprises of



domestic killings through dowry deaths, stoning, partner burning and honor murders among others. This research could delve into the appropriate measures that need to be formulated and implemented to curb the issues of breaking marriages.



Reference Lists Burgess Moser, M., Johnson, S. M., Dalgleish, T. L., Lafontaine, M. F., Wiebe, S. A., & Tasca, G. A. (2016). Changes in relationship‐specific attachment in emotionally focused couple therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 42(2), 231-245. Dincer, D., Eksi, H., & Aron, A. (2018). Two new scales in the field of couples and marriage counseling: The inclusion of other in the self scale and Turkish self-change in romantic relationships scale. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 48, p. 01053). EDP Sciences. Laws, H. B., Sayer, A. G., Pietromonaco, P. R., & Powers, S. I. (2015). Longitudinal changes in spouses’ HPA responses: Convergence in cortisol patterns during the early years of marriage. Health Psychology, 34(11), 1076.




Summary Ancient times

Current era

Domestic violence were not rampant

The matter of domestic violence is one among the major underreported delinquencies all across the global boundaries for not only the women but also for the men

In the context of abusive associations, the tensions escalated and were followed by the calm and reconciliation period.

Where abusive relationships emerge, there are no tensions as both parties are aggressive. It is followed by the divorce or separations.

There were few issues of physical violence. The common issues in relationships were manipulation together and restrictions on individual liberty.

The issue of physical abuse is common and calls for a contact that is anticipated to bring panic, agony, harm, other bodily pain, and physical harm...

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