6138-Mobile Application Development PDF

Title 6138-Mobile Application Development
Author Anonymous User
Institution University of Madras
Pages 136
File Size 2.9 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 4
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SITTTR – Smart Device Programming Manual

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GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Rough record and Fair record are needed to record the experiments conducted in the laboratory. Rough records are needed to be certified immediately on completion of the experiment. Fair records are due at the beginning of the next lab period. Fair records must be submitted as neat, legible, and complete. INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS FOR WRITING THE FAIR RECORD In the fair record, the index page should be filled properly by writing the corresponding experiment number, experiment name , date on which it was done and the page number. On the right side page of the record following has to be written: 1. Title: The title of the experiment should be written in the page in capital letters. 2. In the left top margin, experiment number and date should be written. 3. Aim: The purpose of the experiment should be written clearly. 4.Apparatus/Tools/Equipments/Components used: A list of the Apparatus/Tools /Equipments /Components used for doing the experiment should be entered. 5. Principle: Simple working of the circuit/experimental set up/algorithm should be written. 6. Procedure: steps for doing the experiment and recording the readings should be briefly described(flow chart/programs in the case of computer/processor related experiments) 7. Results: The results of the experiment must be summarized in writing and should be fulfilling the aim. 8. Inference : Inference from the results is to be mentioned. On the Left side page of the record following has to be recorded: 1. Circuit/Program: Neatly drawn circuit diagrams/experimental set up. 2. Design: The design of the circuit/experimental set up for selecting the components should be clearly shown if necessary. 3. Observations: i) Data should be clearly recorded using Tabular Columns. ii) Unit of the observed data should be clearly mentioned iii) Relevant calculations should be shown. If repetitive calculations are needed, only show a sample calculation and summarize the others in a table.

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4. Graphs : Graphs can used to present data in a form that show the results obtained, as one or more of the parameters are varied. A graph has the advantage of presenting large amounts of data in a concise visual form. Graph should be in a square format. GENERAL RULES FOR PERSONAL SAFETY 1. Always wear tight shirt/lab coat , pants and shoes inside workshops. 2. REMOVE ALL METAL JEWELLERY since rings, wrist watches or bands, necklaces, etc. make excellent electrodes in the event of accidental contact with electric power sources. 3. DO NOT MAKE CIRCUIT CHANGES without turning off the power. 4. Make sure that equipment working on electrical power are grounded properly. 5. Avoid standing on metal surfaces or wet concrete. Keep your shoes dry. 6. Never handle electrical equipment with wet skin. 7. Hot soldering irons should be rested in its holder. Never leave a hot iron unattended. 8. Avoid use of loose clothing and hair near machines and avoid running around inside lab .

TO PROTECT EQUIPMENT AND MINIMIZE MAINTENANCE: DO: 1. SET MULTIRANGE METERS to highest range before connecting to an unknown source. 2. INFORM YOUR INSTRUCTOR about faulty equipment so that it can be sent for repair. DO NOT: 1. Do not MOVE EQUIPMENT around the room except under the supervision of an instructor.

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Contents 1. Introduction

2. Installing Android Studio 2.1 Installing Android Studio on ubuntu 2.2 Installing Android Studio on windows 3. Creating New Project on Android Studio 4. Open, Re-open and Close existing project on Android studio 5. Creating Android Virtual Devices 6. Android Applications 6.1 Create Hello World application 6.2 Linking Activities using Intent 6.3 Passing Data Using an Intent Object 6.4 Implicit intents Familiarization 6.5 Understanding different layouts in android 6.6 Create a simple listview 6.7 Create a listview with image and text 6.8 Integrate a website inside the application using Webview 6.9 Saving Data Using the SharedPreferences Object 6.10

Saving Data to Internal Storage as files


SQLite program for database operations


Student database using SQlite


Create a hello world html5 application


Digital Bio Data Application using HTML5

7. Installing an application on a mobile device 8. Syllabus 9. References SITTTR – Smart Device Programming Manual

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Introduction Android is an open source and Linux-based Operating System for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Android was developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google, and other companies. Android offers a unified approach to application development for mobile devices which means developers need only develop for Android, and their applications should be able to run on different devices powered by Android. The first beta version of the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) was released by Google in 2007 where as the first commercial version, Android 1.0, was released in September 2008. The source code for Android is available under free and open source software licenses. Android is an operating system based on Linux with a Java programming interface. Android provides a rich application framework that allows to build innovative apps and games for mobile devices in a Java language environment.

The Android Software

Development Kit (Android SDK) provides all necessary tools to develop Android applications. The Android SDK contains tools to create, compile and package Android application. The Android SDK also provides an Android device emulator, so that Android applications can be tested without a real Android phone. We can create Android virtual devices (AVD) via the Android SDK, which run in this emulator. The Android SDK contains the Android debug bridge (adb) tool which allows to connect to a virtual or real Android device.

Google offers the Google Play service in which programmers can offer their Android application to Android users. Google phones include the Google Play application which allows installing applications. Google Play also offers an update service ie. if a programmer uploads a new version of his application to Google Play, this service will notify existing users that an update is available and allow to install it.

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Step1: Setup the repo for installing Android Studio $ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:paolorotolo/android-studio

Step2: $ sudo apt-get update

Step3: $ sudo apt-get install android-studio

Above install command will install android-studio in the directory /opt. Now, run the following command to start the setup wizard: Step4: $ /opt/android-studio/bin/studio.sh

This will invoke the setup screen. Following are the screen shots that follow to set up Android studio:

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Once you press the Finish button, Licence agreement will be displayed. After you accept the licence, it starts downloading the required components.

Android studio installation will be complete after this step. When you relaunch Android studio, you will be shown the following welcome screen from where you will be able to start working with your Android Studio. SITTTR – Smart Device Programming Manual

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Chapter-2 Installing Android Studio on Windows Android Studio is one of the best and most popular IDE for development of Android application which is released by IntelliJ IDEA. Android studio has rich functionalists and easy to work. Android studio has great and awesome user interface, it is also smart with coding and will save your time.

Android programming is Java based programming so it requires JDK & JRE environment. You must have toinstall JDK & JREfor working with android. After installing JDK and JRE you need to configure Environment variables on your computer. Environment variables let to provide some specific path for android. There will be JDK/bin or JDK only. After installing JDK & JRE and configuring environment variables, the next step will be installation of SDK (Software Development Kit). This is another important component for android programming. If you are thinking to develop android apps, then you must install SDK on your computer. Installing Andrio Studio on Windows To download Android Studio for you computer, you need to visit official site of android. There you will see android studio download button.

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After downloading android studio, follow below steps to install android studio on your computer. Step1: Open you downloaded android studio file and wait for few seconds, it will take some time to load on your screen. Step2: After that the window will appear on your screen, where it will show you welcome to android studio. Go for "Next"

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Step3: Now choose what you want to install, all are most important component in android programming. Go for "Next"

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Step4: Go for "I Agree", It's for integrating SDK, it will confirm SDK installation.

Step5: Go for "I Agree", It's for Haxm installation. SITTTR – Smart Device Programming Manual

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Step6: Now choose the location for Android Studio and SDK.

Go for "Next"

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Step7: Here you need to define the size of android emulator processor. You can define up to 2GB and more than that, depends on your RAM capacity. The size will be determined through Haxm. This will help your android studio to run faster.

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Step8: Now choose setting for shortcut of android studio on your computer.

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Step9: After that it will take lots of time to copy all the files to the storage location you have selected before.

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Chapter-3 Creating New Project on Android Studio Android Studio is one of the best IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Android Developers with rich functionality and control mechanism. It was announced on 2013 and today it is one of the most popular IDE in the world for android development purpose. In this chapter we will learn how to create new project on android studio. Step1: First of all you need to start your Android Studio. Then it will show you the default start window on your screen, where you can see various options.

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