7.2.8 Packet Tracer – Verify IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing (Answers) PDF

Title 7.2.8 Packet Tracer – Verify IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing (Answers)
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Network security
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 6
File Size 403.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 35
Total Views 149


Packet Tracer - Verify IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing (Answers) LAB...


7.2.8 Packet Tracer – Verify IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing (Answers) Topology:

7.2.8 Packet Tracer – Verify IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing Device


IP Address / Prefix

255. 255. 255. 224

Default Gateway


G0/ 0

10. 10. 1. 97

N/ A


G0/ 0

2001: db8: 1: 1: : 1/ 64


S0/ 0/ 1

10. 10. 1. 6


S0/ 0/ 1

2001: db8: 1: 2: : 2/ 64

N/ A


S0/ 0/ 1

f e80: : 1

N/ A


S0/ 0/ 0

10. 10. 1. 5


S0/ 0/ 0

2001: db8: 1: 2: : 1/ 64


S0/ 0/ 1

10. 10. 1. 9


S0/ 0/ 1

2001: db8: 1: 3: : 1/ 64

N/ A


S0/ 0/ 1

f e80: : 2

N/ A


G0/ 0

10. 10. 1. 17


G0/ 0

2001: db8: 1: 4: : 1/ 64


S0/ 0/ 1

10. 10. 1. 10


S0/ 0/ 1

2001: db8: 1: 3: : 2/ 64

N/ A


S0/ 0/ 1

f e80: : 3

N/ A

N/ A 255. 255. 255. 252

255. 255. 255. 252

N/ A

N/ A N/ A

255. 255. 255. 252

255. 255. 255. 240

N/ A

N/ A N/ A

255. 255. 255. 252

N/ A



IP Address / Prefix



10. 10. 1. 100



2001: db8: 1: 1: : a/ 64



10. 10. 1. 20



2001: db8: 1: 4: : a/ 64

255. 255. 255. 224

Default Gateway 10. 10. 1. 97 f e80: : 1

255. 255. 255. 240

10. 10. 1. 17 f e80: : 3

Addressing Table Objectives  Part 1: Complete the Addressing Table Documentation  Part 2: Test Connectivity Using Ping  Part 3: Discover the Path by Tracing the Route Background Dual s t ac kal l owsI Pv 4andI Pv 6t ocoexi s tont hes amenet wor k .I nt hi sact i v i t y ,y ouwi l l i nv es t i gat ea dual st acki mpl ement at i oni nc l udi ngdocument i ngt heI Pv 4andI Pv 6confi gur at i onf orenddevi c es ,t es t i ng r ac i ngt hepat hf r om endt oendf orI Pv 4and c onnec t i v i t yf orbot hI Pv 4andI Pv 6us i ngping,andt I Pv 6. Compl et et heAddr es si ngTabl eDoc ument at i on Instructions Part 1: Complete the Addressing Table Documentation Step 1: Use ipconfig to verify IPv4 addressing. a.Cl i ckPC1 andopent heCommandPr ompt . b.Ent ert heipconfig /all commandt oc ol l ectt heI Pv 4i nf or mat i on.Fi l l i nt heAddressing Table wi t h t heI Pv4addr es s ,s ubnetmas k ,anddef aul tgat eway . c .Cl i c kPC2 andopent heCommandPr ompt . d.Ent ert heipconfig /all commandt ocol l ectt heI Pv 4i nf or mat i on.Fi l l i nt heAddressing Table wi t h t heI Pv4addr es s ,s ubnetmas k ,anddef aul tgat eway . Step 2: Use ipv6config to verify IPv6 addressing. a.OnPC1,ent ert heipv6config /all commandt ocol l ectt heI Pv 6i nf or mat i on.Fi l l i n t heAddressing Table wi t ht heI Pv6addr ess ,s ubnetpr efi x ,anddef aul tgat eway . b.OnPC2,ent ert heipv6config /all c ommandt oc ol l ectt heI Pv 6i nf or mat i on.Fi l l i n t heAddressing Table wi t ht heI Pv6addr ess ,s ubnetpr efi x ,anddef aul tgat eway . Part 2: Test Connectivity Using Ping Step 1: Use ping to verify IPv4 connectivity. a.Fr om PC1,pi ngt heI Pv 4addr es sf orPC2. Wast her es ul ts ucc es s f ul ? Yes b.Fr om PC2,pi ngt heI Pv4addr essf orPC1.

Wast her es ul ts ucc es s f ul ? Yes Step 2: Use ping to verify IPv6 connectivity. a.Fr om PC1,pi ngt heI Pv 6addr es sf orPC2. Wast her es ul ts ucc es s f ul ? Yes Fr om PC2,pi ngt heI Pv 6addr essofPC1. Wast her es ul ts ucc es s f ul ? Yes Part 3: Discover the Path by Tracing the Route Step 1: Use tracert to discover the IPv4 path. a.Fr om PC1,t r acet her out et oPC2. PC> tracert

Whataddr es s eswer eenc ount er edal ongt hepat h? 10. 10. 1. 97,10. 10. 1. 5,10. 10. 1. 10,10. 10. 1. 20 Wi t hwhi c hi nt er f acesar et hef ouraddr ess esass oc i at ed G0/ 0ofR1,S0/ 0/ 0onR2,S0/ 0/ 01onR3,NI CofPC2

b.Fr om PC2,t r ac et her out et oPC1.

Whataddr es s eswer eenc ount er edal ongt hepat h? 10. 10. 1. 17,10. 10. 1. 9,10. 10. 1. 6,10. 10. 1. 100 Wi t hwhi c hi nt er f acesar et hef ouraddr ess esass oc i at ed? G0/ 0ofR3,S0/ 0/ 1ofR2,S0/ 0/ 1ofR1,NI CofPC1 Step 2: Use tracert to discover the IPv6 path. a.Fr om PC1,t r acet her out et ot heI Pv 6addr essf orPC2. PC> tracert 2001:db8:1:4::a

Whataddr es s eswer eenc ount er edal ongt hepat h? 2001: db8: 1: 1: : 1,2001: db8: 1: 2: : 1,2001: db8: 1: 3: : 2,2001: db8: 1: 4: : a Wi t hwhi c hi nt er f acesar et hef ouraddr ess esass oc i at ed? G0/ 0ofR1,S0/ 0/ 0ofr 2,S0/ 0/ 1ofR3,NI CofPC2 b.Fr om PC2,t r ac et her out et ot heI Pv6addr essf orPC1.

Whataddr es s eswer eenc ount er edal ongt hepat h? 2001: db8: 1: 4: : 1,2001: db8: 1: 3: : 1,2001: db8: 1: 2: : 2,2001: db8: 1: 1: : a Wi t hwhi c hi nt er f acesar et hef ouraddr ess esass oc i at ed? G0/ 0ofR3,S0/ 0/ 1ofR2,S0/ 0/ 1ofR1,NI CofPC1...

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