Author Saroj Acharya
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A CASE STUDY OF HANDMADE PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCT Introduction 1.1 Background of the study Handmade paper is unique product representing Nepalese tradition ,arts and skill.The history of this paper is very old.Nepalese handmade paper is in existence since time immemorial.previously there wasnot any s...


A CASE STUDY OF HANDMADE PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCT Introducton 1.1 Background of the study Handmade paper is unique product representnn Nepalese traditon ,arts and skill.The history of this paper is very old.Nepalese handmade paper is in existence since tme immemorial.previously there wasnot any such technolony and there was no other paper so handmade paper is only on alternatve.Most of the hindu and Buddhist epics are writen in this paper. It is said that Tibetan people who are minrated to Nepal fromTibet introduced handmade paper.Any writnn done in this paper partcularly usinn black ink doesntt become dim for a quite lonn tme.The traditonal paper was mostly from waste paper and the manufacturinn method was very crude.The use of this paper was restricted to writnn account books of diferent traders.Handmade paper is raw material for fabricated products such as calendar,diary,paper sheet ban,lampshade ,curtains statonery and other decoratve items are produced. Nepalese loktapaper and its predicted have a natural and unique beauty.Handmade paper is made from natural fbers and has artstc texture.Handmade paper product are used as hinhly valued nifts items,exclusive statoneries and quality packinn. These papers are of ancient orinin.It is difcult to trace how and when this traditonal paper came to be introduced in Nepal.The Nepalese paper were made various part of country,but with the establishment of Bhaktapur craft printers,with support from UNICEF in the year 1982,the paper makinn business flourished in the internatonal market.Foreinn visitors have started reconniiinn the value of these handmade papers.Thus they have helped to boost up the traditonal paper craft.This is one of the reason that the producton of these papers are stll thrivinn in places such as Banlunn and Dailekh in the western,and Solukhumbu,Ramechhap and Barabise in the eastern part of Nepal.Handmade paper is popular all over the world and to expect its market and fulfll the innovaton demand of customers Handicraft Assocaton of Nepal has introduce the project named handmade paper and paper product project in order to increase the export of handmade paper project. 1.2 Nepalese Handmade paper and paper product Nepal has a traditon of paper crafts of more than thousand years. Nepalese handmade papers are made from the fber of daphne plant.The paper is priied for its rounh atractve texture, its durability and its resistance to insests.As well as a lonn history of domestc used in Nepal,lokta paper is used for wrappinn,calendars and block prints,ect.Nepalese handmade paper and paper products are acquirinn popularity in the internatonal market....

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