\"A cup of coffee a day keeps the doctor away\", Informative essay PDF

Title \"A cup of coffee a day keeps the doctor away\", Informative essay
Course English Composition 1
Institution Grand Canyon University
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A Cup of Coffee a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Madelaina Fisk English, Grand Canyon University ENG-106 Brian Rafferty February 2nd, 2021

2 A Cup of Coffee a Day Keeps the Doctor Away Do you ever want to tell the loud person to quiet down in the morning because you have not had your coffee yet? Me too, as with many adults living in the real world. It seems that the whole world does not function until it has had its cup of coffee. The topic of coffee has been controversial seeing as coffee can be considered a drug with high addictive levels. However, recently it has come up among researchers that coffee can actually improve one’s health; for those who drink coffee religiously, this is fantastic news! The caffeine in a cup of coffee is healthy, and like all things it should be drunk in moderation, it can fend of health issues, and it contains good nutrients. Those who believe coffee should not be consumed daily argue that it is because coffee can be labeled as a drug due of the caffeine it contains. Although, caffeine is addictive just like other drugs, in moderation coffee can offer benefits to one’s health including: a lower chance of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, heart attack, and liver disease. In newer cases it has shown “some studies have found that those who drink lots of coffee (but not decaf) seem to be four to eight times less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease, according to the NIH’s National institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke” (Sagon, 2021, para. 18). In other words, those who do drink coffee regularly also see benefits to their morning beverages. Too much caffeine for anyone is unhealthy, yet if it is drunk in moderation as recommended it is safe for consumption. It should however be taken into consideration that those who suffer from certain conditions are more sensitive or susceptible to the side effects; this includes pregnant women, people who suffer from insomnia, and anxiety, etc. They should consider taking less than what is recommended for an average person or talk to their doctor. There are such things as too much of a good thing and people tend to go overboard with coffee, as a result of this the dependence of coffee is quite high

3 amongst Americans. For anyone who tends to drink more than they should, they are able to cut back, however, withdrawal symptoms can be unpleasant. Gradually cutting back is the best way to lower the daily intake and will most likely help the individual avoid symptoms like anxiety, headaches, and nervousness. More and more studies have come to the same results that coffee can be beneficial for anyone that drinks it. To be healthy means to have good health or lack illness or diseases. It could also mean something is beneficial to one’s health or could bring improvement. Coffee has been around for ages and it is only natural people are skeptical of the side effects it threatens. Too much caffeine can lead to anxiety, headaches, insomnia, and fast heartbeats. With symptoms like those it is obvious why people would be skeptical. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Up to 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day appears to be safe for most healthy adults” (Nutrition and Healthy Eating, para. 1, 2020). Coffee is not the only thing people turn to in order to start their day; people also enjoy popular beverages such as tea or energy drinks to fuel them in the morning. Of course, liquids are not the only way to consume caffeine either. Sugary foods or candies can wind up anyone. It is recommended to limit the amount of caffeine someone takes in on the daily to avoid overconsumption and negative symptoms. The amount an individual should take in depends on the individual themselves. Children do come into the play when talking about caffeine because most children would pick a sweet savory can of Dr. Pepper over a Green Machine smoothie. As expected, the intake for children is much less than the average adult, yet there are not many regulations regarding the consumption of caffeine for children. Monitoring the levels of caffeine is especially critical for children seeing as they are still developing and are much smaller in size. They can be impacted greater than an adult and it can similar symptoms of drinking too much caffeine for an adult if the intake is too much. The FDA also states 400 milligrams a day is the

4 recommended amount for an average person. (Spilling the Beans: How much Caffeine is Too Much, 2018). 400 Milligrams equals around four to five cups of coffee. More than enough to get someone through the day. However, the mistake takes place when people do not take into consideration other beverages consumed or food eaten in a day, or even the cup of decaf coffee and they end up taking in just a little too much. If adults were to track their intake of caffeine, they could possibly see potential health benefits in the future. A mug filled with coffee can actually contain various nutrients that a person needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle. According to Samoggia and Riedel (2019), “Coffee contributes to the daily intake of dietary antioxidants, more than tea, fruit, and vegetables” (p. 2). In other words, the intake of coffee offers antioxidants that may not be consumed in other foods or beverages. The amount of nutrients varies on how someone drinks a cup of coffee or rather do they prefer sugar and creamer and if so, how much. Interestingly, “Black coffee contains a number of micronutrients, notably potassium, magnesium, and niacin” (Coffee Composition and Nutritional Information, para. 6, 2021). One thing they fail to look at is what type of coffee drink is someone consuming, dark roast vs. light roast or a latte all have different amounts of caffeine. Adding a shot of espresso alters the amount of caffeine in one beverage, due to all of the fancy beverages or additives a cup of coffee for every is different. Just like any other food or beverage that is considered healthy coffee falls under the category seeing as it offers health benefits and nutrients. Another myth previously thought of coffee was the dehydration factor, what they did not know was coffee actually does not dehydrate anyone if it is again consumed as recommended. Coffee is made with water and is around 95% water so therefore, it cannot cause dehydration. (Coffee Composition and Nutritional Information, 2021). For those who fear the

5 other old more popular myth that coffee stunts one’s growth, take breather because this has proven to be false. As a beverage that is consumed on the daily and was previously thought of as unhealthy coffee proves to be quite the opposite. With undeniable nutrients if taken as recommended, then it is actually beneficial to one’s health. The pros to a cup of coffee unmistakably outweighs the cons and for anyone teetering on what a good morning beverage should be, coffee proves to a good one. It is important not to guzzle down a gallon of coffee but a cup in the morning and possibly a cup to help you finish off the day might just be the answer. Remember, before you quickly turn away from something because you are not sure if it is good for you, a little research can help you decide and maybe a cup of coffee.

6 References 9 reasons why (the right amount of) coffee is good for you. (n.d.). Retrieved February 04, 2021, from https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/9-reasons-why-theright-amount-of-coffee-is-good-for-you

Caffeine. (n.d.). Retrieved February

04, 2021, from


Caffeine: How much is too much? (2020, March 06). Retrieved February 04, 2021, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/indepth/caffeine/art-20045678

Donald Hensrud, M. (2020, February 26). The surprising health benefits of coffee. Retrieved February 04, 2021, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-andhealthy-eating/expert-answers/coffee-and-health/faq-20058339

Healthy. (n.d.). Retrieved February 04, 2021, from https://www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/healthy

Nutrition information. (2021, January 11). Retrieved February 06, 2021, from https://www.coffeeandhealth.org/topic-overview/nutrition-information/

7 Sagon, C. (n.d.). Coffee for health - positive and negative effects of caffeine. Retrieved February 04, 2021, from https://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-10-2013/coffee-forhealth.html

Samoggia, A., & Riedel, B. (2019). Consumers’ Perceptions of Coffee Health Benefits and Motives for Coffee Consumption and Purchasing. Nutrients, 11(3). https://doiorg.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.3390/nu11030653...

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