a n s w e r k e y New American Inside Out Workbook Upper intermediate Answer Key 1 Impressions PDF

Title a n s w e r k e y New American Inside Out Workbook Upper intermediate Answer Key 1 Impressions
Author Masa Lazin
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Workbook Upper intermediate Answer Key 1  Impressions 6 a) doesn’t she Vocabulary b) did I 1 Grammar c) aren’t I d) haven’t you Usually positive characteristics: warm, charming, hearty, sparkling 1 e) was it Usually negative characteristics: a) 1  b)  6  c)  4  d)  8 f) does she abrasive, fake, hars...


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a n s w e r k e y New American Inside Out Workbook Upper intermediate Answer Key 1 Impressions Masa Lazin

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Workbook Upper intermediate Answer Key 1 Impressions Grammar 1 a) 1 e) 3

b) 6 c) 4 d) 8 f) 2 g) 7 h) 5

just bought was walking saw had been looking was selling used to have always feel ’m wearing

3 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

So does Venice. So is Titanic. Neither has Jodie Foster. So did Daniel Day-Lewis. So does Keifer Sutherland. Neither has Antonio Banderas. Neither was Schwarzenegger. So did Tom Hanks.

Sentences c, f, and h are completely untrue.

4 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

So do I. / I don’t! So have I. / I haven’t! So would I. / I wouldn’t! Neither do I. / I do! Neither do I. / I do! So am I. / I’m not! So did I. / I didn’t! Neither have I. / I have! Neither could I. / I could!

5 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

doesn’t she did I aren’t I haven’t you was it does she do they

1 Usually positive characteristics: warm, charming, hearty, sparkling Usually negative characteristics: abrasive, fake, harsh, shrill, strident



2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



weren’t you aren’t you are you do you don’t you didn’t you can you have you did you


New American Inside Out

a) ✓ b) Do you mind telling me how you met him or her? c) Could you tell me what your first thoughts were? d) ✓ e) Do you think that you made a good impression on him or her? f) Do you know what he or she is doing now? g) I’d like to know if/whether you still have the same opinion about this person.

d) 4

3 a) b) c) d)

charming firm impassive forced

e) f) g) h)

staring spiky husky designer

rediscover reunite rebuild reinvent

e) f) g) h)

relocate reconsider rewrite reschedule

rearrange reconstruct rethink reword

e) remake f) redo g) repackage h) re-examine

buckle zipper button cuff

e) f) g) h)

4 a) b) c) d)


8 a) Do you know know what kind of salary you are looking for? b) Could you tell me which political party you vote for? c) Do you think that you work well under stress? d) Do you mind telling me if/ whether you have ever been in trouble with the police? e) I’d like to know what is more important for you: money or job satisfaction. f) Would you say that you are a “morning person” or an “afternoon person”? g) I’d like to know whether you believe in God.

Pronunciation a) b) c) d) e) f)

a) 6 b) 5 c) 2 e) 1 f) 7 g) 3

Speaker A Speaker A Speaker B Speaker B Speaker A Speaker B

a) b) c) d)

6 a) b) c) d)

sleeve belt hem collar

7 a) cuff b) button c) belt

d) sleeve e) buckle

8 1 c 2 d

3 a

4 e

5 b

9 1 guess 2 can’t 3 down

4 up 5 annoying

10 1 2 3 4 5 6

that over one with image bears

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7 8 9 10 11 12

resemblance same recognize looks like looking

a n s w e r

k e y




1/2 The second and the third ads will probably get the most replies.

3 a) 3 e) 1

b) 2 c) not needed d) 5 f) 4 g) 6

4 appeal / appealing attract / attractive entice tempt

1 c) A voice and a life

2 2 c

3 a

3 I first discovered her music because my mother used to like it and listen to it when she was cooking. About ten years ago, Marianne Faithfull was in concert here, and we went together. She was superb. I love the way she sings, and she has had such a fascinating life. I don’t like everything that she has done, but she’s always interesting.


to understand talking going to help

e) f) g) h)

arrange attempt mind ask

1 a)

3 a) b) c) d)

spending to leave know to give

a) They couldn’t afford to buy lots of new clothes. b) They encouraged me to go to church every week. c) They never let me bring friends home. d) They made me come home at ten o’clock every night. e) They warned me not to go to nightclubs (because they were dangerous). f) My father expected me to work in his factory. g) My parents taught me to respect authority. h) I was dreading telling my parents that I had a boyfriend. i) I managed to run away from home when I was 15. j) I tried to live on my own, but it was very hard.


Grammar 1

a) Lidia decided to study in the USA. b) She wanted her parents to pay for her studies. c) Unfortunately, they could not afford to help her. d) ✓ e) ✓ f) The family friends didn’t ask her to pay any rent. g) She loved going to classes and she made lots of friends. h) She spent her free time taking care of the friends’ children.

k e y

a) Do you find it difficult to get up in the morning? b) Is it embarrassing for you to speak English? c) Do you find it irritating to get spam email? d) Is it easy for you to keep a secret? e) Do you find it boring to watch commercials on TV? f) Do you find it amusing to look at old family pictures?

1 1 infancy 2 childhood 3 adolescence

2 f) 3 e)

4 d)

4 adulthood 5 middle age 6 old age e) f) g) h)

urged warned mind encourage


6 b)

5 a) b) c) d)

impressed fed up irritating terrible

e) optimistic f) allergic g) amazed

terrible allergic amazed impressed

e) optimistic f) irritating g) fed up

take call have welcome

5 6 7 8

6 a) b) c) d)

7 1 2 3 4

make show help holler

Pronunciation 1 a) b) c) d) e)

gray, say, chase, fake buy, try, flight, wild boy, toy, annoy, join go, know, clothes, host how, now, clown, ground

2 a) lost b) wear c) give

d) low e) have

Listening 1 Speaker 1: Picture c Speaker 2: Picture b Speaker 3: Picture a

2 Speaker topic









2 dreading aiming avoid manage

5 c)



a) b) c) d)

Blood is thicker than water. Home is where the heart is. Birds of a feather flock together. Two’s company, three’s a crowd. One good turn deserves another.


1 at 2 to 3 in 4 at 5 for 6 about 7 to 8 of 9 with 10 with

2 Generations

a n s w e r

f) g) h) i)


appeared beautiful concert different extremely fascinating favorite including interesting recently serious ✓


making Let force allow get



1 b

a) b) c) d) e)

b) c) d) e) f)




a) Charity begins at home.

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

New American Inside Out

3 a) b) c) d) e) f)

a bad job not as good as people claim caused things to go wrong made very easy for them survive financially a situation where you have two very different advantages

writing 1 1 d 2 e 3 m 4 n 5 i 6 k 7 c 8 l 9 f 10 g 11 a 12 j 13 b 14 h

2 a) P b) H c) H f) H g) P h) P

d) H

e) P

3 Gold Grammar 1 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

was going would see they had had the next day wasn’t finished would love ‘d gone we were going

2 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

he had just won he had won; he was going to do he didn’t know; he would buy would use up he wanted she wanted they were going she was doing

e) f) g) h) i)



A 1 2 3 4

loaded splash out blow living

5 6 7 8

B 1 2 3 4

worth made pricey hard

5 range 6 budget 7 stretch

a) 8 b) 2 c) 7 d) 3 f) 5 g) 4 h) 1

e) 6


“I got the tickets.” “Can/Could I see them?” “When are we leaving?” “You have (got) two days to get ready.” “Do I need to bring any money?” “I’ll pay for everything.” “I’m going to buy some new clothes.” “Do you want to come/go with me?” “I’ll wait for you at home.”

4 a) If I was/were the president of my country, I’d spend more money on the environment. b) If I ever had the chance, I’d take a year off and go traveling. c) If I could live anywhere in the world, I’d probably buy a beach villa in the Caribbean.

New American Inside Out

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

a steady stream of people digest the information use your time more profitably food for thought a half-baked idea spare a couple of minutes spent the evening trickling slowly wasting your time worth your while

7 breadwinner peanuts a rainy day debt

a) If I’d studied harder at school, I’d have a better job. b) If it was/were made of real gold, it would be worth a lot. c) If they hadn’t cornered the market, they wouldn’t have put up the price. d) If he didn’t have a talent for seeing a gap in the market, he wouldn’t have made millions. e) If she had realized it was valuable, she wouldn’t have given it away. f) If my time wasn’t /weren’t so precious, I would have spoken to them. g) If I hadn’t been working late, I wouldn’t have missed the movie. h) If I had known you were coming, I would have come to meet you.

a) I was looking for something a little more colorful. b) I was wondering if you might have something a little less formal. c) I was thinking of something a little more exciting. d) I was hoping for something a little less expensive. e) I’d like something that looks a little older. f) I’d prefer something a little more fun.





a) office b) a trash c) a fortune a) b) c) d)

d) special e) stretch f) deluge

2 took make take make; take

e) f) g) h)

have / take having take make

dinner action fortune way

e) f) g) h)

loss exam difficulty duty

3 a) b) c) d)


a) wealthy b) whether c) treasure

d) action e) a risk f) way


3 a) b) c) d)

d) If I didn’t need to learn English, I would have stopped a long time ago. e) If I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow, I would stay at home. f) If I had been good at math, I would have studied it at college. g) If I had done more exercise when I was younger, I would be a lot healthier now. h) If I’d been born with very rich parents, I wouldn’t be doing this job.

e) 1

b) dʒ

c) ʒ d) θ e) ʃ f) ð

reading 1 a) by inventing a meatball-making machine b) ten years c) that they can also be successful if they take a few risks and believe in their dreams

4 a) 5 b) 9 c) 7 d) 6 g) 10 h) 4 i) 3 j) 2

a) tʃ

f) 8

2 a) 5



a) Expressions a/5, c/7, d/6 b) Expressions b/9, g/10 c) Expressions e/1, f/8, h/4, i/3, j/2

a) F g) F

b) 4

c) 6

d) 2

e) 1

b) F c) T d) T e) F h) F i) T

f) 3 f) F

4 a) entrepreneur b) expert c) prototype

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

d) perseverance e) aired

a n s w e r

k e y


off at the elbow in order to save his life. Once he had cut off his arm, he managed to climb to the floor of the canyon. As he was walking out of the canyon, he met a group of people who had been hiking in the area. They called for help and a helicopter soon arrived to take him to a nearby hospital.

writing 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

when as soon as While / As then after / as soon as While during As soon as / When until

4 a) What had Aron been doing when the accident happened? b) Why hadn’t anyone come to look for him? c) Why hadn’t he called for help? d) How long had he waited in the canyon? e) What had he done to get away? f) What had he been doing when he met the hikers?

2 totally – completely Apparently – it seemed Suddenly – just then frantically – desperately finally – at last

4 Challenge


had always wanted; saw came; just closed; jumped had been preparing; canceled had never done had been waiting; had finally arrived; didn’t know f) were getting; rang; told; had stolen

a) He had been climbing in a remote canyon. b) Because he hadn’t told anyone where he was going. c) Because he hadn’t brought his cell phone with him. d) He had waited in the canyon for five days. e) He had cut his arm off. f) He had been walking out of the canyon.



a) ✓ b) He heard a strange noise behind him. c) It sounded as if someone was following him. d) ✓ e) ✓ f) He had never felt so scared in his life. g) ✓ h) John didn’t know what to do. i) He took one last look over his shoulder. j) ✓

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

Grammar 1

a) b) c) d) e)

3 Aron Ralston had been climbing in a remote canyon in Arizona when disaster struck. He was climbing down a particularly narrow part when a huge rock fell and trapped his arm. As he had been climbing on his own, there was no one to help him. And he knew that no one would think of looking for him there because he hadn’t told anyone where he was going. He hadn’t brought his cell phone with him, so he couldn’t call for help. He waited for five long days, but no one came to find him. By the fifth day, he had lost all sensation in his arm. He realized that he had no choice. He would have to cut his arm


a n s w e r

k e y

have finished be going be working have had have gotten be going be playing have gotten; had

7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

will/’ll be doing will/’ll have started will/’ll have made will/’ll have fallen will/’ll have given up will/’ll be living will/’ll have changed will be running

Pronunciation 1 a) up b) off c) down

d) out e) off f) after

Vocabulary 1 a) b) c) d)

imminent shambolic interest deal

D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

e) genuine f) obscenely g) particularly

2 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

self-conscious enjoyable reasonable self-discipline self-esteem accessible self-employed unbearable achievable doable

3 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

self-conscious self-esteem enjoyable doable; achievable unbearable reasonable accessible self-discipline self-employed

4 a) b) c) d)

of jammed no out

e) f) g) h)

slow load into undo

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

figure out undid the zipper loaded the gun in charge of no way swung into action it / the gun jammed go into slow motion

6 1 c 2 f 3 d 4 i 8 h 9 b 10 j

5 e

6 g

7 a

7 a) b) c) d)

feel picks give lit

e) f) g) h)

Look keep come taking

8 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

coming down with put me off shake it off takes after him let you down get over it look into it do without it

9 a) b) c) d) e)

it’s horrible when that happens. It serves you right. You’ve only got yourself to blame. I’d go home if I were you. You look like death warmed over.

New American Inside Out

10 1 2 3 4 5

It’s horrible when that happens. You’ve only got yourself to blame. You look like death warmed over. I’d go home if I were you. It serves you right.

Listening 1 a) To raise the media profile of the wildlife park. b) The confined space of the cage. c) No, she doesn’t. d) Yes, she does.

2 a) T g) T

b) F c) T h) T

d) F

e) F

f) F

3 a) b) c) d) e) f)

do some exercise give someone an idea go for a walk stay in shape raise money set a new record

b) Marathons for beginners

2 b) 5

c) 1

d) 4

e) 6

f) 2

3 Start by Try It’s important to really think Next, you should It’s a good idea to Remember to you definitely ought to consider it’s definitely worth trying out Or maybe you could Think about Why not You just need to you could always

5 Ritual Grammar 1 find decide clear not possible

5 6 7 8

not possible do spend not possible

3 1 2 3 4

used to didn’t use to didn’t use to used to

5 6 7 8

New American Inside Out

not possible wouldn’t wouldn’t would

5 6 7 8

would would wouldn’t not possible

used to used to didn’t use to used to

a) b) c) d)



Suggested answers a) He used to / would drink beer. b) He used to have a beard. c) He used to be a hippie. d) He’d / would / used to go to nightclubs. e) He didn’t use to drink champagne. f) He didn’t use to be a businessman. g) He’d / would / used to smoke cigarettes. h) He’d / would / used to wear his hair in a ponytail. / He used to have a ponytail. i) He didn’t use to have a cell phone.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


a) 3

1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4



used to be would chase found tried would smoke would always get would have to saw had ’ll/will always pay ’ll/will play

apt run through gone for walked

5 6 7 8

service happy couple pronounced sunglasses

ceremony reception honeymoon best man groom speech

g) h) i) j) k) l)

aisle vow confetti rice cake bridesmaid

4 a) b) c) d) e) f)

5 a) b) c) d) e)

to do to get to go visiting /to visit to go

f) g) h) i)

being flying to get to do

4 keeps 5 mad 6 telling

7 a) I hate it when people tell me what to do. b) It really annoys me when people shout. c) The thing that annoys me most is a messy desk. d) I can’t stand it when people keep me waiting. e) I find it irritating when nobody listens to me. f) Bad manners really get on my nerves. g) It’s so annoying when it rains on the weekend. h) The way some people drive makes me crazy.

reading 1 b) 27 Dresses




a) b) c) d) e) f)

d) mind e) understand f) crazy


Rachel Getting Married, 27 Dresses Mamma Mia! Mamma Mia!, Rachel Getting Married 27 Dresses Mamma Mia!, 27 Dresses 27 Dresses


1 jinxed striding outfit derive upper hand

first domes...

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