A Report on the Strategic Culture and Marketing Strategy of Canon PDF

Title A Report on the Strategic Culture and Marketing Strategy of Canon
Author Kago Gare
Course ACCA Sbr
Institution Botswana Accountancy College
Pages 5
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Canon offers a diverse product portfolio that includes not only a broad lineup of cameras, video camcorders and inkjet printers for both professional and general users, but also a wide range of office use products, such as copying machines and projectors, as well as industrial products like medical ...


9/19/21, 10:02 PM

A Report on the Strategic Culture and Marketing Strategy of Canon

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This is a report and detail analysis of internal structure and culture of Canon. Canon is an established in and imaging industry. It operates in diverse range of markets which includes business solution, comput communication, medical system and industrial product. This report further evaluates the overseas oppo framework. PESTEL is used to analyse the macro environment and to indentify the key drivers of change analysis of the internal structures and culture of Canon was carried out by using the McKinsey’s 7S mod analyze the company internal capabilities.

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This report is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the analysis of internal structures and cu 7S model and SWOT framework are used in this section for the analysis. The second part relies on Anso growth options available to Canon. The last segment is an analysis of the overseas’ opportunities for Ca overseas market for the company to entry. 2.0 An assessment of Canon internal structures and culture The structure in organization arises as a result of the necessity of the people in organization to know w and who to turn to if there is any concern. Therefore, whether small or large, local, national or multinat a structure. Henry Mintzberg (1983, p.2) submits that the structure of an organization is the sum total o divided into distinct tasks and then its coordination is achieved among these tasks. Canon as a horizont worldwide Group companies and management committees which are established to address important mutual-check function complementing its system of products and operations[1]. In this regard, the str affects how the company pursue and realized its strategic objectives. It allows or constraints workers (a makes changes and get culturally align with the company strategy. All of the company strategic initiativ worker to manipulate the culture of the company that guide employee behaviour in the organization. C the sociological markers and behaviours of those within an organisation. The degree to which this align values is a powerful driver for success. In using the McKinsey’s 7S model and SWOT framework, the ana and culture are further expatiated.

9/19/21, 10:02 PM

A Report on the Strategic Culture and Marketing Strategy of Canon

Canon, the ability of the company to implement the kyosei philosophy in every segment of the compan Likewise, teams are organized in flat design, employees are highly empowered and involved in the job, continuous improvement is emphasized throughout. Canon is a flat organization that values and entrust the experience of its staffs to do what is right in the 31, 2009 Canon staff strengths stood at 25,683 globally. It is has highly technical and talented staffs. Ca development is an important aspect of an organisation growth and development (Sadler-Smith, E 2006 its staffs and this has leads to an improved skills and knowledge by its staff and in particular area of sta the articulation of its value is based on aligning individual and organisational goals. Therefore with wel developed the ability overtime to compete favourably in the industry. Canon has sustains a vitalised cu long period of time (Kono and Clegg 1998, p. 176). The company ability to ensure that it’s shared value as a whole and that they are limited to the management levels explains its style and shared value. Furthermore, the style at which an organisation chooses to pursue its objectives is crucial to the succes objectives. The core values are foundational to everything that the company does, and organisational s core values. It helps defines how the employee, dealers and suppliers are going to help the company co organisation vision. Canon is an organisation that prides on excellence and technology. Canon of inven force that gently nudges the workers into compliance with being continuously innovative. Canon marke account the local consideration and languages. The kyosei corporate philosophy symbolizes the corpor value of the company. Kyosei means living and working together for the common good which embody organisation “All people regardless of race religion or culture, harmonising living and working together 2.1.2 The Swot analysis of Canon This section involves the identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as regards to management instrument for developing structured response options to deal with external threats and e Strengths The unique concept and quality of the services offered by Canon is its one major competitive strength. through its focus on inventions and also continuous management innovative reforms. “Improved mana achievement of real-time management that immediately puts into practise strategies based on well-ho (The Canon Story, 2009/2010). The strength of the company to maintain its competitiveness also emana relationship it has established with its customers overtime. It has succeeded in transforming the mindse total optimization and profit and has thus enable the employees to relate to customers in an effective a has multi skilled labour that cut across all segment of the organisation expertise and they are very effec tangible and intangible company resources to its strategies. Weakness Despite the fact that Canon is a global name, it has not extensively exploits other business areas and do markets of Europe, United States, China and Japan. It should not only restrict its participation to exhibit traditional zones, it has to be seen to establish production lines in such emerging economies like Brazil potential of sustain its global competitiveness and these markets are rapidly growing with major globa company diversification process. Opportunities Although, the company expansion into China is also applicable to all major brands in the imaging indus

9/19/21, 10:02 PM

A Report on the Strategic Culture and Marketing Strategy of Canon

As shown in the above diagram, the matrix formulation considers two growth areas which could be the product in the markets and growth of a new or expansion of the existing markets. Therefore the growth on the formulation of growth strategy for the business concerning the products and markets. These are existing market, which is indicated as market penetration. Two, new products in an existing market, this development. Three, existing product in new markets, this is market development, and four, new produ the diversification strategy. Canon’s Ansoff Matrix 3.1.1 Market Penetration The market penetration strategy of Canon is focus on selling the existing product in existing markets. T products in the markets can embark of product price cuts in other to increase the sales in existing prod continue to achieve higher market share in existing markets which of course involve improving the elem 3.1.2 Market Development This will involves launching the existing products into a new market overseas or targeting new segmen example, Canon launch its products in various countries with different purchasing powers therefore the cost of production of their product in competition with others existing business in the same county. 3.1.3 Products development This simply involves the development of a new product for their loyal customers in the existing markets by creating new products with modified feature to attract customers. Canon uses this as strategy of con upgrading its products while at the same time aiming to ensure the loyalty of its customers. 3.1.4 Diversification Diversification involves that Canon enter a new market with completely new products. This strategy ma gained a market share in established markets and are seeking new growth opportunity of business whi markets. Therefore, it can invest completely in new areas as it is doing now medical imaging and other 4.0 An evaluation of overseas opportunities for Canon The PESTEL framework is used here to analyse Canon’s overseas opportunities and its suitability for ove environment where an organisation stands contains both the micro and macro aspects of the environm the macro environment and to indentify the key drivers of change affecting customer buying behaviou industry. The PESTEL framework for Canon in three countries is first tabulated below before the short a Factors (PESTEL) China USA Brazil Political Attract Investment

9/19/21, 10:02 PM

A Report on the Strategic Culture and Marketing Strategy of Canon

Technological Growing rapidly Established Growing Environmental Conducive Conducive Conducive Legal Unstable Stable Stable Table 2: PESTEL Analysis The above table shows a simple evaluation of how the political, economic, social, technological, environ Canon business expansion in three countries. In terms of the political factor, China, USA and Brazil polit for investment. They are attractive for investment and as such there is opportunity for expansion by Can been growing between 9%-11% every year since the 1980s. China’s rapid economic growth is reflected High Net Worth Individual (Ultra-HNWIs); it raises the people’s standard of living. This is also similar to purchasing power is on the increase. Therefore the Chinese economic development over the past three consumer consumption and United States large middle class are indications of market opportunities fo

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The rapidly and upper class in China seeks to enhance its identity and quality of life with luxury goods w Canon as its concentrates into high-tech products. China is not only an attractive market because of its consumer markets is increasingly tending towards high-tech products. The growing demand for medic opportunity that Canon has to tap into. In regards to the environmental factors, a keenly awareness of t demographics and burgeoning technologies is important for Canon strategic business development. Fo

9/19/21, 10:02 PM

A Report on the Strategic Culture and Marketing Strategy of Canon

company seeks to enter developing markets, there are additional strategies and issues to address. Cano the strategy that have serves it well without significant adaptation. Therefore, Canon normally enters ne achieving greater market penetration. Largely, this approach has been successful for the company in Ch  Share this:

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