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A RESEARCH PAPER ON THE FAMILY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES ----------------- A Requirement Submitted to the Theology Department of Don Bosco Technical College ----------------- In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture by DANIELLE ANNE E. REODICA MA...




A Requirement Submitted to the Theology Department of Don Bosco Technical College


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture



MAY 2017 Mandaluyong City, Philippines


INTRODUCTION God created the world one by one in every specie from plants to animals until human beings. At first, it almost looks perfect but there was a moment that God realized there's something lacking. In the human history, God created the first female from first male's flesh that made her to be his partner in having dominion to all other creations and serving God. But life doesn't end there. The first parents had their offsprings then followed by many generations. From those moments, procreating human beings became continuous and everything is free. The life of human beings is driven by freedom. Freedom is limitless but it must be utilized in good way to avoid unwanted circumstances or unnecessary effects. Is freedom could be managed? How do the first family of Adam and Eve exercise freedom? What may happen to them and to the following generations of family if there are no setting rules or guidelines on how to exercise one's freedom to have good effect to oneself or to others? These are some of the essential queries that leads on seeking the availability and accountability of the rules in one's life. In application to the present time, I believe that the primary reason of all the struggles of the citizens of the Philippines is their innocence or unawareness of the different codes or executive orders in the context of the state that's why the use of freedom is being misaligned. It would be important to begin learning of the laws from an individual then to the basic unit of society, the Family code.


BODY OF RESEARCH On the 6​th of July 1987, former President Corazon C. Aquino has promulgated the ​Executive Order No. 209 entitled as “The Family Code of the Philippines”. This order is a code concerning family matters from the persons involved down to their rights, roles, responsibilities/obligations, belongings, limitations, sanctions and many more. The whole content is contractual and need to go under judicial processes. The “The ​Family Code of the Philippines” consists of twelve titles with corresponding chapters and/or sections each. These are the following titles:






Legal Separation


Rights and Obligations between Husband and Wife


Property relations between Husband and Wife


The Family


Paternity and Filiation






Parental Authority


Emancipation and Age of Majority


Summary Judicial Proceedings in the Family Law


Final Provisions

In my own analysis, I would categorize the titles according to their focus. The first four titles (Title I to Title IV) focus on the spousal matters and the latter titles (except Title XI and XII) give emphasis on the children matters. On the spousal category, it discusses the terms marriage, separation, rights, obligations, property, husband and wife in the contractual and judicial context. The topics covered in each title are the following: Title I - Marriage​: It explains the requisites; exemption from license requirement; void and voidable marriage are being subcategorized explaining the different issues and requirements like civil wedding or marriage, marriage license, right age and time to do legal actions, identity recognition, absolute nullity of marriage or annulment and etc. Title II - Legal separation​: The grounds for petition, grounds for dismissal of petition, legal separation judicial requirements and actions, effects, liabilities and the reconciliation matters are being elaborated. Title III - Rights and Obligations between Husband and Wife​: It discusses the role and responsibility of the husband and wife to each other and to the family that soon they will build; husband and wife’s rights and obligation in their dwelling place, career or source of income and properties. Title IV - Property Relations between Husband and Wife​: Issues like marriage settlements, donations by reason of marriage, absolute community, conjugal partnership of gains and property, and separation of property are being discoursed. In the category concerning the welfare and sustenance of the children, it discusses the terms family, paternity and filiation, adoption, support, parental authority

and emancipation of children in the contractual and judicial context. The topics covered in each title are the following: Title V – The Family (Articles 149 to 162): It is divided into two chapters that tackle about family as an institution and the family home or dwelling place’s liabilities, ownership and requirements. Title VI – Paternity and Filiation (Articles 163 to 182)​: It is divided into four chapters discussing about the nature, issues and rights of the legitimate children, proof of filiation, illegitimate children and legitimated children. Title VII – Adoption (Articles 183 to 193)​: The factors being focused here is the adopter (parents/spouse) in their full capacity and requirements to adopt; criteria and effects of adopting and mostly the rights and needs of the adopting child. Title VIII – Support (Articles 194 to 208)​: This part gives emphasis on everything indispensable needs of the family, persons who are in charge of supports especially if the parents or spouse are absent or incapacitated for support and all the requirements and procedures need in this contractual support. Title IX – Parental Authority (Articles 209 to 233)​: It is divided into five chapters conferring about the authority and responsibility of parents to the care, welfare, sustenance, property of the children; substitute persons or persons with special parental authority like school staff/administration; effect of parental authority upon children themselves and their property and suspension or termination of parental authority.

Title X – Emancipation and Age of Majority (Articles 234 to 237)​: This part talks about the age and stages where a child could be free from parental authority with corresponding contractual requirements and documents. The last two parts are summary of the overall executive order: Title XI – Summary Judicial Proceedings in the Family Law (Articles 238 to 253)​: It is divided into four chapters discussing on the separation, abandonment and other incidents involving parental authority, separation in fact, things to do to the entire contractual and judicial procedures of all cases regarding the family or the members involved. Title XII – Final Provisions (Articles 254 to 257)​: It shows the lists of the associated codes such as Civil Code of the Philippines and Child and Youth Welfare Code; date of effectivity; judgment on provisions and setting of this code’s promulgation.


PERSONAL CRITIQUE Upon reading and analyzing the Family Code of the Philippines, I got into different emotions because of some points that are related in my situation and some are unexpected to be found there. I agree most of the points in the code like those definitions of marriage and family as they are connected with the church; those points that are emphasizing the rights and obligations of spouses and children to the family; and many more but there are some statements that I do not agree that much like in the cases to ​valid annulment of marriage when either of the spouse has sexually transmissive/serious or incurable disease ​- for

me it is kind of immoral treatment; ​marriage can be a fraud case with homosexuality or lesbianism case – well I think this statement is a bit unfair because even though there’s homosexual or lesbian in either of the spouse, procreation and concept of family is still there and lastly in the ​case of property management especially on conjugal properties – I think this must be limited to large entities or accounts or maybe could have added light orders especially for the common people. The Family Code of the Philippines has numerous topics that are essential today like the marriage when it comes to civil wedding requirements and procedures as most of the couples today are living together at early age and not yet prepared financially or for lifetime commitment (church wedding). Also, there are numerous cases with regards to annulment or absolute nullity of marriage due to unpreparedness of the couples. It is important to spread the points of this code especially the part of discussing the rights and obligations of the parents and children to one another and the support and parental authority so that children would be guided accordingly. All of these points that I believe essential are very necessary to address and put attention to because nowadays unprepared, incapacitated and weak parents or spouses don’t fulfill their obligations to their children that’s why the number of abandoned and aborted children are increasing the same way to the children who are rebellious, and easy to influence in crime and immoral acts.


REFLECTION Beforehand, I chose this topic because I want to learn about the state or human nature’s law on family because all my life my perspective in all aspects of life is based on church. After reading and researching on this topic, I didn’t expect that it is somehow too complicated because there are many circumstances that I have known and heard but I’m not sure if it goes up to the judicial process. Most family cases especially to the common people don’t mind this code because of the expenditures but I really hope there would be a way that this would be disseminated to all in a better understandable medium. For me this code is appropriate as it discussed everything involved in the family. It’s not too much to undergo the procedures once mentioned case is being experienced because it is for the legality and recognition of one’s identity, property, rights, obligations and limitations. In my personal case, I’m just happy to realize that I belong to my family who is stable and complete without any struggles reaching to separations. I’m also happy to know that my parents fulfill their obligations to us especially the paternity and filiation. I would enhance my learnings from this topic to take care of my family and avoid conflicts. In some points, I think of the relatives and friends that are exactly in the situation of not yet married but living together and have children already; those who are stable in marriage but couldn’t procreate on their own; those who are in complicated situation of null marriage but with other family already. Upon knowing the do’s and don’ts regarding these matters, I would like to share it to the people I know so that they could perform the necessary actions as early as they could so that children will not suffer in the future

especially those cases that one spouse has many family – this is really difficult and hurting. This topic of the Family Code strengthens my knowledge about the issues of the family that mostly came from tradition and hearsays. It also helps me balance the understanding of church and state law and perspective about this matter. I’m satisfied to say that my family fulfills our rights and obligations under this code. I will just continue what we are doing, correct the wrongs and be mindful always of the limitations. I will share it as well to others. Most especially, I will bring my learnings and use it well in my future family.


CONCLUSION Executive Order No. 209 also known as “The Family Code of the Philippines”, a 257 articled ordered list of definitions, persons involved, requirements, rights, obligations, limitations, sanctions on different cases involving the family that are being taken care of and secured by the contract through judicial procedures. There are many things that this topic could justify but the things that interest me the most are the marriage, annulment, adoption, support and emancipation and age of majority. I see these things belong to one of the most pressing concerns in our country. These seem to be little of the attention but it would affect the rest of the problems if not being taken care of and disseminated well. With regards to ​marriage and annulment​, most of the couples of today are teenagers who are accidentally becoming family because of their sexual pleasure and

immature decisions and behavior that’s why they need to be informed well about this matter for them to know their ends. In ​adoption and support,​ these are for the children’s welfare and parental fulfillment. Many children today are losing their track to good and moral life. They are in need of full support financially, physically, academically, spiritually, and morally. And as of the cases for those unprepared parents who abandon their child, those abandoned children still have the right to live and since there are incapacitated spouses to procreate their own, they will adopt and raise them properly. Further study on the adoption case like how to know if a child is suitable for a couple, any requirements or time need for experiential strategy and the like would be helpful for this. In the case of ​emancipation and age of majority​, this would be a need for the teenagers especially those who are below 18 or 21 years of age to be well informed so that they will not lose their respect, obligations and connection to their parents. This is for the guidance, safety and security of teenagers who have the biggest capacity to be influenced by crimes and addictions. From all the points that I have read and pondered, I have realized that church and state's law and guideline to human beings basically on family matters and issues are almost the associated to one another. Family maybe a simple and littlest group in the world but we could not take away the truth that it takes the biggest role in the community or society for every member belongs to it. Family is the perfect example of God's founding creation of human beings so it is highly valued and respected. The Family Code especially of the Philippines is one good example on guiding the life of each Filipino family especially with regards on exercising their freedom....

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