A Study ON Customer Satisfaction PDF

Title A Study ON Customer Satisfaction
Author Vikas Jian
Course Master Business Administration
Institution Shivaji University
Pages 66
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WITH SPECIAL REFERANCE TO “Rajarambapu Patil Sahakari Dudh Sangh Ltd”

Submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur

In partial fulfillment of the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

, 2009-2010


This is to certify that the project report entitled, “A STUD STUDY Y ON CUST CUSTO OMER SA SATISF TISF TISFACTION” ACTION”

“Rajarambapu Patil Sahakari Dudh Sangh Ltd” is written and submitted. during the academic year 2009-10 in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) under Shivaji University, Kolhapur. The project is submitted through the principal, college of Y.C.COLLEGE ISLAMPUR.

Dat e: Pl ace:


This is to certify that the project report entitled “A STUD STUDY Y ON CUST CUSTO OMER SA SATISF TISF TISFACTION” ACTION”

“Rajarambapu Patil Sahakari Dudh Sangh Ltd” is written and submitted. during the academic year 2009-10 in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) under my guidance and supervision to Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Management Studies, Sakharale, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. His conclusions are based on the data collected by him during his summer training. To the best of my knowledge and belief the matter presented in this report has not been submitted earlier for the award of M.B.A. or any degree or diploma.


Place: .


I, the undersigned, hereby state that this project report entitled

“CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WITH SPECIAL REFERANCE TO THE Rajarambapu Patil sahakari Dudh Sangh Ltd”. The genuine and bonafied work prepared by me the empirical findings in the report are based on the date collected by me. The matter presented in this report is not copied from any source. I understand that any such copying is liable to be punished may the university authorities deem to be fit. The work has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma either to Shivaji University, Kolhapur or any other university. This project study is submitted to Shivaji University in partial fulfillment of the degree of management.

Date: Place: -


Firstly thanks my parents for giving me such a precious opportunity to undergo and study the MBA Programme. This project report is never and individual efforts. It is contributory efforts of many hearts, hands and heads. I am especially grateful to Mr. Hanmant Patil., Marketing Manager,” The Rajarambapu Patil sahakari Dudh Sangh Ltd” for his kind permission to undertake this study in their esteemed organization. Finally, I want to show my deep sense of gratitude to those persons who with their love made this project all together easy to me.

Date: Place: .




Introduction to the study


Introduction to the organization


Theoretical Background


Data Analysis and Interpretation




Suggestions & Conclusions Questionnaire Bibliography



Dedicated to My


My beloved parents & Best friends



INTRODUCTION With the rapid increase in Urbanization and rise in income of Urban and rural people, the demand for milk is rising continuously. This has made dairy as a remunerative proposition. In addition to this implementation of various

policies and programs like Operation Flood Provided impetus to the farming community to take up dairy as a subsidiary enterprise. In this connection, dairy co – operative organisation in Gujarat and Maharashtra are also performing pivotal role for encouragement of dairy business. “Krishna” is favorite trade/brand name of various milk products sold by Sangh. The satisfaction of customers is more important to any organisation. Therefore analysis of various problem faced by the consumer is very important in organization. Research is part and parcel of any systematic knowledge. It has occupied the Realm of human understanding in some form or the other form times immemorial research has now become and integral part, not only of academic pursuits, but of all areas of human activity. Research is an inseparable part of human knowledge. It role in human life is as precious as that of salt in vegetable. In Agricultural and religious pursuits research plays a very vital role. To be precise no academic body of knowledge and no functional area of activity.

1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The study is carried out in KRISHNA for Customer’s satisfaction and complaints regarding Krishna Milk and Milk Product.

1.3 NEED FOR THE STUDY As there is no direct contact between the customer and Sangh, it is a one type of communication between Krishna Dudh Sangh and Customer.

As there is a face to face communication with the customers. It is easy to understand the customer’s feelings.

To draw conclusions from study and offer suggestions for effective marketing of milk products. 1.4 OBJECTIVES OF STUDY 1. To study the consumer complaints regarding milk and milk products of Krishna.

2. To study the opinions of customers about the Krishna Milk and Milk products.

3. To find out the level of satisfaction of customers of Krishna Milk.

4. To find out customer awareness about Krishna milk and it’s milk products. 5. To give observations and suggestions if any.



a) Questionnaire Method For the collection of the data the questionnaire method was used. Sample was selected form different areas of Islampur City. Sample size was 100 for consumers of milk and milk products. The survey was undertaken in Islampur city because it is Home City of “Krishna” and most of the people are consuming Krishna Milk and Milk Products.

b) Discussion Method Other method used for primary data collection is discussion method. Direct informal interviews were conducted with various officers from marketing department and MIS department.

B) Secondary Data Annual reports of company, magazines etc. are used for getting information as secondary data.

SAMPLE DESIGN Sample The sample of study was consumer in Islampur City. The consumers in Islampur city were contacted by using the random sampling method.

Sampling Unit Sample unit which was taken for this study was Islampur City. Sample Size For detailed information sample size was choose as 100 Consumers for milk and milk product.

Field Survey The field survey was carried out during the study. In case of consumer survey customers were selected from different parts of Islampur city by visiting personally. For the purpose of interview, questionnaire was prepared. Questionnaire is mainly designed to know what are the opinions of customers about Krishna Milk and Milk Products.

2.2 DATA TABULATION AND ANALYSIS All the data collected during the interviews, during observations and by questionnaires was tabulated scientifically in the table and analyzed.

2.3 CONCULSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS By analyzing data various conclusions were drawn and based on that observations some suggestions are offered.

2.4 LIMITATIONS OF STUDY  The study is subject to the limitation of time.  The study is limited to the area covered under the study and it may not be

applicable in other area.



COMPANY PROFILE Organizational Profile:** Brief Introduction of organization * Name of the organization:-

Rajarambapu Patil Sahakari Dudh Sangh Ltd., Islampur.

Office Plant:Address: -

Plot No. A1 to 4 & 16 to 19 MIDC Islampur, Tal – Walwa, Dist- Sangli

(Maharashtra) Phone – (02342) 220136, 220179, 226660, 226661 Washi Branches 0 Fax 220671

Imperial cold storage sector No. 18, 45-5 A PAMC Yard, Washi New Mumbai Phone No. (022) 2789877, 9860600223/ 224, Fax 27898777

Pune Branch:C-1 Royal orchid, Pune Satara Road Dhankawadi, Pune – 43 Cattle feed factory Kupwad. Krishna Pashu Khadya Karkhana Plot No. L-31, MIDC Kupwad (Sangli) Phone, (0233) 2644209, 9860600132, Fax No. 2644209 Registration No.- SAN/DFG/121-75 Registration Date : 30-12-1975 Government Auditor – Mr. B.B. Yadav Special Auditor Class IST.

Co-operative societies (Milk) Sangli

Internal Auditor – R. G. Humber (C. A. Sangli)

Sales Tax, Income tax Advisor – M. R. G. Humber (C. A. Sangli.)

Legal Advisors – Ad. V. D. Narwekar, Kolhapur Ad. Arvind Deshmukh, Sangli. Ad. A. D. Mali, Chikurde Ad. Pradip S. Salunkhe, Kapuskhed.


Sangli District Central co-operative bank Ltd., Islampur Branch.


Rajarambapu Co-operative bank Ltd., Islampur Branch.


Bank of India- Islampur, Sangli, Mumbai Branches.

Axis Bank, Branch Islampur ICICI Bank, Branch Kolhapur Karad Urban Co-op Bank, Branch, Islampur & Pune.

Board of Directors:From the date: 11/02/2008

** Now we will see the organization in detail:-

** Historical back ground:(or genera Idea about the dudh sangh)

The Rajarambapu Sahakari Dudh Sangh Ltd., Islampur, has been established by late, Rajarambapu Patil in 13 Dec 1975. at the time of establishment the name was walwa sahakari Dudh sangh, but after the death of his founder honlate Rajarambapu patil his name has been given to the sangh so now the sangh is wildly known as Rajarambapu Patil Sahakari Dudh Sangh. The main purpose behind establishing this organization is to provide the subsidiary business to farmers improve the living standard among them, this organization will be also help full to the farm labours, unemployed persons so the over all development can be busted. Now at this stage after 33 years from its establishment the dream come into existence & the purpose of establishing the organization has been got success. Now a days this org is one of the leading co-operative organization in the field of milk & milk products. The organization is developing fastly with the help of N.D.D.B., Maharashtra State Sahakari Dudh Mahasangh Ltd., Mumbai D.E.C. Pune, & Providing much qualitative products. To it’s customers & also put his full attention to it’s milk grower farmer’s who are most the common mans tries to give maximum rates to the milk which supplies to the organization. So with the help of above Description we have come to know general idea about the organization science it’s starting. Now with the help of following description we will come to know how the organization’s administration works.

** Share & Share holders:To the year ended at 31st march 2008.

Society share holder- 134 Individual share holders- 2,927 Total -3,061. Share capital – 1, 35, 28,950/-

** Raw material The main of raw material for organization. The main source to connect this raw materials is the nerve by villages. To produce qualitative products it is necessary to have, cleaned, fresh & qualitative milk. So to collect the qualitative milk organization adopt following techniques. -

Proper planning for the roots, to reduce the transportation time from inlet to plant


To collection of milk the stainless steels can are brought in use so it reduces the damages.


To motivate the milk growers collection centers to keep cleanliness while handling.

Bulk milk coolers:The organic have 45 bulk milk coolers which keep the milk under 40. so it will help to maintain quality of milk & is also helpful to reduction in the transportation cost.

 Production:o The organization produces following products. 1)

Milk, cow, buffalo, Toned


Srikhand & Mango Shrikhand,




Flavored milk






Butter milk




Table butter





The collected milk from the site is got in with the help of RMRD which is supported by computer used ERP system. The only collecting is done through ERP but the milk process in plant, milk, soyalo, CIP. Steam etc., a these kinds of work is done manually. The organization has much advanced plant for processing milk for this N.D.D.B. has supported the organization. To collecting, cheeling, processing, packing, storage, cleaning, there is automation computerized systems. The organization have adopted is management policy so it got ISO certificate Also got HAP certificate & AG mark- for the qualitative production & the qualities of its products.

Marketing :The marketing of it’s product the Rajarambapu dudh sangh started to the brand name as “Krishna Milk & Milk products” In the globalised world there is great competition for marketing of milk & milk products so to overcome the competition or to retain in this competition organization focus on quality of its product. & with the help of proper administration various marketing policies the organization have created reputation of its brand i.e. “Krishna Milk & Milk products”

now a days this brand is getting popular because the

organization prompt this with the help of various advertisement through different medias like. T.V. Radio, News papers, Posters, Truck Banners, etc.

The organization sales its products in Mumbai, Pune, Sangli, Satara, Kolhapur, Baramati, Belgaum, Kokan & every measure cities in Maharashtra & also in certain villages so there is much wider market for the products of the organization. Total sale of Polipack loose milk in the year 2007-08

Milk Products:-

Cattle feed Department:Organisation has its own cuttal feed plant in Islampur & Kupwad so it supply the cattle feed to societies & various dealers associated with it.

Other activities conducted by the organizations:Medical service for Milk productions animals. 1.

heat sicronisation


Laboratory for animal.


artificial planting


Healthy animal program.


Proper feed.



Rajarambapu Gram Abhiyan. Clean milk production program. Woman leadership development for program.

Milk; day Green feed development program ‘Janashri’ Insurance Policy.

Human Resource:The human resource department in the organization is much committed to produce better effects in the organization. Total no of employees are working in the organization are 294 for all these employee organization paid monthly 19, 56,000. The departments provide time to time training development for working properly at work place & to provide much efficient performance & produce the better out put. The working hours in the organization is 8 hr. & the work is done in 2 shifts there is ½ hours recess of employees, tea is available at free of cost to all employees two time in a day. So this department in the organization keeps updating the every employee in the organization.

** Objectives of the organization:As this organization in co-operative & got established for the purpose to provide the subsidiary business to farmers & other concern people so following are the certain objectives of the organization. 1)

To provide the subsidiary business to farmers & make their economical development is the main basic objective of the organization.


To provide the job opportunities to the people of walwa taluka.


To provide & increase the employment for people, farm labour for adopting milk growing business to earn their live-hood & increase in living standard.


To make improvement & bring cleanliness hygiene in the process of milk collection.


To produce qualitative products to its customer.


To create more & more popularity of its brand i.e. “Krishna milk & milk products”


To reduce cost of production & earn more profit.


To satisfy it’s customers delight.


To fulfill social responsibilities along with progress & business operations.

Achievements:As we know this organization has been established before 34 years ago during these ears organization have develop a lot & achieve so many things are as follows. 1)

Organization has got ISO 9000-2001 certificate.


Organization has got HACCP certificate.


Organization has got National productivity council certificate.


Organization has got AG mark for its one product i.e. ghee.


The wide spread market & the increasing popularity of Krishna milk & Milk products is one of the achievement of the organization.


At the time of establishment thee was motto to expand the organization more & more to create job opportunities to people in large.

So now organization is providing the jobs to more than 300 peoples. 7)

One of its director is chairman of Mahananda which is the chief organization of all co-operative milk organization of Maharashtra.




3.1 INTRODUCTION Milk is vital food of mankind from the time immemorable and mankind realize much on milk and milk products as food. All essential nutrients for human body are contained in milk. Milk has no substitute food. In vernacular language it is termed as ‘PURNANNA’ Marketing of milk is not new phenomenon but it is traditional. We have many references for it in our mythological books like “MAHARABHARATA” Lord Krishna himself was from the milk producing communities. So known as “gopal” and has been troubling the Gopis” who use to go to Mathura market with their milk and milk products ineathe4rn post. This evidence is sufficient to tell how old is the milk marketing thus for Indian people cattle raising and dairy farming is traditional livelihood. India has a vast population, so it has great problems of providing adequate food to each and every and every citizen both in terms of quality as well as quantity. Most of the regions in the county suffer from malnutrition. Indian people are dependent upon staple food such as rice and other food grins for nourishment. But number of people depends upon milk and milk products as most important source of nourishment. India is an agricultural county. Main occupation of 79% people is farming Indian farmers very small land pieces so dairy farming is a vitally significant occupation of farmers. Besides organized dairy farming also create substantial employment opportunities dairy industry provides additional employment on one hand and it reduce burden of population on agricultural on the other keeping his in view it is necessary to develop the dairy industry as fast as possible. So that we can overcome the problems of employment, income,

nutrition of the country. Dairy farming in India is now dominated by cooperative sector along with government.

3.2 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES Cattle were among the firs and most important animal domesticated about 4000 BC up to 18t...

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