A survey on the Effectiveness of Kaamulan Festival 2019 In promoting Bukidnon culture PDF

Title A survey on the Effectiveness of Kaamulan Festival 2019 In promoting Bukidnon culture
Author ken comonong
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1 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM Introduction The cultural diversity in the Philippines is showcased in numerous festivals, locally known as fiestas, which are celebrated in the country. All of the festivals have religious or cultural significance. For instance, the Silmugi Festival (held in honor of Saint S...


1 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM Introduction The cultural diversity in the Philippines is showcased in numerous festivals, locally known as fiestas, which are celebrated in the country. All of the festivals have religious or cultural significance. For instance, the Silmugi Festival (held in honor of Saint Sebastian), the Sinulog Festival (held in honor of Santo Nino de Cebu), and the Kuraldal Festival (held in honor of Saint Lucy). While most festivals are only observed in particular regions or towns, some are public holidays which are celebrated all over the country. Mankiller (2009) stated in her article A Celebration of Pacific Culture (CSQ issues 33.1) that indigenous people have the benefit of being regularly reminded of their responsibilities to the land by stories and ceremonies. They remain close to the land, not only in the way they live, but in their hearts and in the way they view the world. Kaamulan Festival, the only authentic festival in the Philippines, had started to be celebrated since 1974. The value of celebrating the Festival of the ‘Gathering’ is to promote or strengthen the ties of every tribe in Bukidnon, especially in terms of diversity, language and culture. Aside from its countryside appeal, Bukidnon has a traditional culture that is a source of its pride. Among the major tourist attractions are festivals that highlight Bukidnons’ hospitality, heritage, creativity, and ethnicity. The word “Kaamulan” comes from the Binukid word “amul” which means “gathering”. It is a festival celebrated annually by the Bukidnon people. During the festival, the seven tribes in Bukidnon namely: The Bukidnon, Talaandig, Tigwahanon, Manobo,

2 Umayamnon, Matigsalog, and Higaonon are gathered to celebrate. Each tribe showcase their own tribal costumes, dances, and products. However, there are controversial issues under the Kaamulan Festival, for example the issue on modernizing some of the events, the Laga ta Bukidnon programme is hereby some of the contestants are not by blood native. The Philippine government has passed the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act (IPRA) of 1997, which affirms Indigenous Peoples’ rights to ancestral domains, selfgovernance and empowerment, social justice and human rights, and rights to cultural identity. Ten years later, in 2007, the UN General Assembly adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), which provides a framework for the survival, dignity, well-being and rights of the world’s Indigenous Peoples, and strengthens their rights to identity, education, health, employment and language, amongst others. More recently, the United Nations adopted Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, which also include the rights and well-being of Indigenous Peoples. He cited that peace and security is among the top three issues tackled in the Indigenous Peoples Mindanao Conference Committee of holders of Certificate of Ancestral Domain Titles (CADT) in Mindanao. The festivals have major impact on the development of cultural tourism to the host communities. According to Stiernstrand (1996), the economic impact of tourism arises principally from the consumption of tourism products in a geographical area. According to McDonnell, Allen and O Toole (1999), tourism related services, which include travel, accommodation, restaurants, shopping are the major beneficiaries of the event. The social benefits of festivals are less visible, but they are just as important. Building on Schneider's

3 observation, it's fair to say that festivals foster community pride, teach people new things, and strengthen relationships. The study can also be of a great help to the community. This is the first study, conducted in connection with cultural promotion with the example KAAMULAN festival here in bukidnon part of Mindanao, several students will study of related researches about the perception Kaamulan festival in recent times. This would also tackle the prior knowledge of the residents in accordance with the cultural presentation that is celebrated annually or the Kaamulan festival. There is also a chance in developing or strengthening the foundation of Kaamulan festival that will be benefited to the tribal communities in terms of cultural promotions, products, languages and tribal based practices. This study examine the effectiveness of Kaamulan festival in promoting Bukidnon culture. It will tackle the cultural status of Bukidnon inclined with the 7 tribes since these tribes are the very foundation in promoting culture.

Theoretical Framework Edward Tylor, who was a nineteenth-century British anthropologist, originally proposed a modern technical definition of culture. He explains culture as, “socially patterned human thought and behaviour” (Tylor in Bodley, 1999:1). According to Bodley (1999:1) there has been a considerable theoretical debate over what such a technical concept of culture should comprise of. This has an influence on the focus of research concerning culture. Bodley (1999:2) states that culture involves three components: thoughts, behaviour and products produced by people. “Thus, mental processes, beliefs, knowledge, and values

4 are parts of culture” Bodley (1999:2). Bandura (in Coursework Info, 2004:1) states that moral values belong to specific cultures. Each culture’s morals only apply to that specific culture. Vasduez and Hummel (in Coursework Info, 2004:1) studied moral reasoning with Indians.

Conceptual Framework According to Khan Academy, culture is the beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics shared by groups of people. Culture could be based on shared ethnicity, gender, customs, values, or even objects. Some cultures place significant value in things such as ceremonial artifacts, jewelry, or even clothing. Culture can also demonstrate the way a group thinks, their practices, or behavioral patterns, or their views of the world. For our input, the researchers will going to get the basic profile of the respondents; Name would be optional, Gender, and Age. This will help the study to be more accurate and specific. This can also identify how long the respondent experiencing the Kaamulan festival. For the process, street dancing, Laga ta Bukidnon, Demo (ground presentation) and Floats, this are the dominant activities during the Kaamulan festival and of the foundations in promoting the Bukidnon culture. Finally, for the output, these are the Bukidnon literary arts/forms that started the year Kaamulan festival first to celebrate. These are also the tribal amenities.




Profile of the Respondents 


Respondents General

o From Bukidnon

Assessment during the

o Not from

Kaamulan Festival 2019.



Bukidnon Material Culture

Kaamulan Festival events

a. Bukidnon Sculptures; b. Bukidnon Paintings;

Street Dancing

c. Binukid Language;

Laga ta Bukidnon

d. Bukidnon Poems;


e. Bukidnon tribal songs;

Ground Presentation

f. Bukidnon tribal song composers; g. Bukidnon ritual dance; h. Bukidnon tribal attire; and i. Bukidnon tribal accessories? Figure 1. Schema of the Study

6 Statement of the Problem This study examined the effectiveness of Kaamulan Festival 2019 in promoting the culture of Bukidnon. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 Address; 1.1.1

From Bukidnon


Not from Bukdinon

2. What is the respondents’ overall assessment of the Kaamulan festival 2019? 3. Which of the following Kaamulan Festival 2019 activities is the most effective strategy in promoting Bukidnon culture? 3.1 Street Dancing; 3.2 Laga ta Bukidnon; 3.3 Floats; and 3.4 Demo (Ground presentation)? 4. How effective are the following promote Bukidnon Material culture of the Kaamulan festival, namely: 4.1 Bukidnon Sculptures; 4.2 Bukidnon Paintings; 4.3 Binukid Language; 4.4 Bukidnon Poems; 4.5 Bukidnon tribal songs;

7 4.6 Bukidnon tribal song composers; 4.7 Bukidnon ritual dance; 4.8 Bukidnon tribal attire; and 4.9 Bukidnon tribal accessories?

Significance of the Study This study is beneficial to the following: Bukidnon Tribal Communities. The result of this study provides tribal communities with information with regards to the effectivity of celebrating. Kaamulan festivals in promoting the culture of the natives in Bukidnon. The study serves as basis for crafting a more effective program of activities for the nest Kaamulan Festival Bukidnon Tourism & National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP). The study tackled the culture on Bukidnon, it’s a great help to Bukidnon tourism and also for the NCIP. The results of this study can be utilized to further boost the tourism of the province with the help of the NCIP. Researchers. The researchers develops their research skills, at the same time ignite their passion for cultural studies their love for their very own bukidnon culture and their appreciation of the Kaamulan Festival. Future Researchers. For the future researchers, it’d be easier for them of look for any other additional information when it comes to cultures of the Bukidnon, Kaamulan festival and for does people who comes to visit the Kaamalan festival.

8 Scope and Limitations of the Study The study focuses on the culture of Bukinon tribal communities. This tackled the Kaamulan festival as a means of promoting culture in Bukidnon. The study focuses on the recent festival which is in 2019. The respondents of the study are randomly selected from from Bukidnon and outside of Bukidnon.

Definition of Terms The following terminologies are defined operationally and theoretically. Bukidnon Ritual. Rituals refer to part of a ceremony. In Bukidnon, examples of rituals are Lagti, or lagon, is a ritual of thanksgiving for harvest among members of the Bukidnon tribe where the palagbasuk, or farmer, together with a baylan or shaman, shares his produce with the community and the spirits. It is part of the cultural practices of kagbasukan or agriculture. Bukidnon Language. The Bukidnon people of the southern Philippines speak the Binukid dialect within the Manobo Language Family. "Bukidnon" is a Bisayan word for "people of the mountains," first used by Bisayan-speaking settlers of Mindanao's north coast, on whom its negative connotation for non-Hispanicized (i.e., "non-civilized") mountain people was not lost. Bukidnon Cultural Attire & Accessories. This refers to the tribal attire with accessories worn by natives or indigenous peoples in Bukidnon. Usually, their traditional attire has red, yellow, blue white and black colors. As to the accessories, beads are prominent.

9 Bukidnon Visual & Graphic Arts. This refers to arts that are visible and appeals to the eyes. These arts could be made using canvass, oil, paint, soil, etc. Bukidnon Songs & Music. These refers to the tribal music and songs being produced, sung and composed by tribal communities in Bukidnon. Culture. The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. Hence in this study, culture focuses on the 7 tribes of Bukidnon. Effectiveness. The degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result; success. In this study, effectiveness is defined as the outcome or the result of celebrating Kaamulan festival in Bukidnon. Kaamulan Festival. Gathering or to Gather. A day or period of celebration, typically a religious commemoration. In our study festival is defined as the annual Kaamulan celebration. Laga ta Bukidnon. Is a highlight event during the Kaamulan festival in Bukidnon. In Binukid dialect, it means the “WOMEN OF BUKIDNON.” It is the pageant that every municipality have to send participants to. Street dancing. It is a cultural activity. It happens in the street, people who are involved in the Kaamulan Festival could be having their cultural dance, with a Float that represents every municipality of Bukidnon. Demo (ground presentation). It is the event where the participants of the street dancing present their final presentation. Floats. It is the representation Traditional amenities from different municipalities of Bukidnon. This happen during the street dancing.

10 Internal respondent. Internal respondent are those respondent that are inside the place where the study is conducted. Hence, in this study, internal respondent are those who lived inside Bukidnon. External respondent. External respondents are those respondents that are outside the place where the study is conducted. Hence, in this study, external respondent are those who lived outside Bukidnon. Material Culture. Material culture is the aspect of social reality grounded in the objects and architecture that surround people. Hence in this study, Material culture is defined as the Bukidnon products, compositions and artworks. Survey. A general view, examination, or description of someone or something. Hence in this study, survey is the type of questionnaire the researcher will use.

11 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter indicate the supporting ideas of the study. It would be collected literatures that are connected to the study.

Culture and society According to Phil Musings of their sociology book, functionalists view society as a system in which all parts work or function together to create society as a whole. In this way, societies need culture to exist. The cultures function is to assist of support the operation of society, and cultural values guides in making options. Members of society work together to attain the needs of society. According to Sumner (1906), society involves a belief or attitude that one’s own culture is better than all others. Cultural norms accompany even the smallest nonverbal signals (DuBois 1951). Binford (1967) and Harris (1968) said, that culture is a system of socially transmitted behavior patterns of relate human communities to their ecological settings, namely technologies, and modes of economic, political organization, social grouping, religious beliefs, practices and so on. The culture concept has come down to behavior patterns associated with particular groups of people- their customs or their way life. Culture is one of the images why there are many tourist or travelers engage in visiting many other countries. Since they are new to a place, the culture of that certain country will be new to them, culture shock will be on. Anthropologist Kalervo Oberg (1960) is credited with first coining the term “culture shock.”

12 The other two issues are violations of the FPIC and livelihood opportunities. Perino, a core group member of the committee appealed for both parties to keep the ancestral domains as zones of peace and for the monitoring of the compliance with the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. National Department for Culture & Arts (JKKN)- Implementing cultural and arts programs with community involvement to preserve and conserve the culture and arts for sustainability as outlined in the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture (2016 – 2020). According to sociologist Lenski Jr (2015) societies are defined in terms of their technological sophistication. Societies are often engaged in technological satisfaction, and will lead to development of foreign cultural features. In the Philippine society, and culture there had been many changes as per observed, this is due to the evolving technologies and emerging new cultures and traditions. Going back to the Philippine history, Philippines had been colonized by several countries. This shaped the present, Filipinos are more likely to engage in new cultures especially to that of richer countries which in turn can easily influence Filipino citizens.

Philippine Culture According to ethnic groups Philippines (2016), the Philippines is the only predominantly Christian country in all of Asia. The practices taught by the Spanish clergy have merged well with indigenous ritual practices and carried over to this day. Philippine festivals are celebrations to express gratitude for a good harvest in honor of the town’s patron saint. Filipinos, especially those living in provincial areas, go all out to celebrate

13 these festivities to guarantee comfort in the coming year, believing that the bigger they spend, the more returns they will obtain. For many Filipinos, fiestas are important because of the miraculous power of the saints. It is believed that the saints are responsible for all the good fortune and favor one receives. More than that, it is also during this time that the locals get to celebrate their culture and traditions that are passed on to the next generation. Fiestas reflect Filipino religion and faith, which are the most essential part of society. Nowadays, however, a distinguishing cultural aspect that is unique to the community is preferred as a central subject for many celebrations. According to the Ethnic groups Philippines, Filipinos are mostly religious people, no matter what beliefs they hold and religious affiliations they have. The church and faith have always been pillars of strength and were highly regarded by the people for support or guidance. Festivals are reminders of the past; it gives glimpse of the rich cultural heritage and at the same time connects people to families and loved ones. Filipinos have this distinction between the “ethnic majority” and the “ethnic minority”, which is a result of the Philppines colonial past. The Filipinos who were assimilated by Spain became the “ethnic majority”. While those who contued the practices of their ancestors were labeled as “minorities” and “indigenous peoples”. And it’s saddening that a lot of Filipinos perceive minorities as uneducated, basbaric and ancient. The kaamulan festival is known in bukidnon, as per observe not all the participant of the event are by blood related to the tribal people. In the province, the focus for province is on the festival development, content gathering of the tribes. Festivals are sent to different provinces, it meant to happen to value the tradition of the first tribe who live first in the province. Aside from respecting

14 and valuing the tradition, festivals also offered recreational and socialization for the people who are involved with this. The Filipino culture is a very vibrant and alive. It is a blend of many cultures that have come to the shores and rooted in Filipinos own native culture. Many scholars say that culture is constantly changing that is why it is very hard to define. While this is true, sometimes, it is not changing for the better. In some ways, this is happening to Filipino culture. Filipinos tend to put more importance to foreign culture and things as compared to their own. Many foreign ideas and ways of thinking is what we, Filipinos believe heartedly bring the country progress.

Bukidnon Culture Bukidnon is located at the center of Mindanao Island, southern part of the Philippines. Bukidnon is rich in culture as it has the living heritage of seven indegenous tribes the Manobo, the Higaonon, the Talaandig, the Matigsalug, the Tigwahanon, the Bukidnon and the Umayamnon (Jesuit research). According to Gaite (2016), the province does not have the typical Philippine islands and beaches. But, it does have abundance of natural springs. Most of them are converted into resorts. Bukidnon is also labelled as the highland paradise in the heart of Mindanao. While it derived its name from the Visayan term “bukid” for “mountain”, it is predominantly a rolling grassland plateau with an average elevation of 915 meters. The rolling uplands, deep canyons and valleys alternating with the low plains create a refreshing vista for dwellers and travellers alike.

15 The Bukidnon province is an ethnic melting pot with Visayan, Tagalog and Ilocano migrants. Despite a diversi...

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