Abbotsford PDF

Title Abbotsford
Author Ladan Ataollahi
Course Homicide SFW
Institution University of Guelph
Pages 9
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Notes on Crime Story Abbotsford Killer and Articles to relate to Crime story ...


2019-09-23   

Abbotsford, BC Victim of a brutal attack

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Community was terrified Those who chronical the investigation, on film, paper and tape, and

they capture the our darkest chapters of crime (public’s first witness) October 1995, Friday the 13th starts off quiet, 2 hours east of Vancouver, quiet and peaceful sanctuary of the busy city away from the troubles of the city o Highly religious, very conservative

5:30 am following morning, girl stumbles into a hospital, confused, covered in blood and has a fracture and nurse realize fatal if left un treated, name is Misty, popular student in a local high school (badly beaten with a baseball bat) staggering around semi-unconsious o missing friend, still outside and a sudden violent attack

Misty is in/out of unconscious, coming in and out , and told nurses

and doctors friend Tanya smith was missing and still out there also 16 Tanya and misty were close friends

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Sunrise 7;30 am, daylight BC Lower Mainland, horrible discovery Vetter Canal between Abbotsford/Chillowat

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Spot the naked body of young girl, laying dead Investigators who arrived at scene will able to identify it was Tanya

Smith with a photo While police mark off scene, man watching over from the river, calls

the media Media, knew they had something serious, more than normal officers

at the scene, being very mitaculous in details Pull and examine body, found evidence that it wasn’t accidental, it

was premeditated with a psychotic individual Tanya Smith, was sexually assaulted, police found DNA in the form

of semen Clothing was tossed up in the trees and bushes, very easy to find o He wants to be known, found out, people know what hes dones, murderer is broadcasting

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News of the violent attack comes surprise to community Misty is the only witness still fighting for her life, Misty builds

fragments of the night, in her few coherent moments Friday night, The girls were at a party, and hitched a ride home at

midnight, around midnight, and decided to walk over to another friends house for a birthday party Got ¾ blocks from Mistys house and man stepped out the bushes

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Grabbed both their arms and pushed them over the hedges Forces the girls to undress with a baseball bat He raped Tanya, misty scrambles grabs the bat and hits him

He grabs at the bat, and tugs it away from her and strikes it at

Misty Misty apologized and was counting and screaming for help, and

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than passed out looking over her school Hours later, misty wakes up, guy is gone and her friend Entire community knows the fate of Tanya, Misty was told she was

sparred and Tanya was in the other end of the hospital With misty still in intensive care, brought over forensic artist, and he made a drawing of the man, police debate releasing the

composite sketch to the public October 17th, 4 days after the attack, police answers a call, and

man said he drove misty to the hospital, police tried to convince the guy to come in and identify himself, but refused, heard a train in the and hung up Days past, Police convinced the man who called is the killer and he

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starts a dialogue with the guys are trying to hunt him down 22 investigators on the case October 17th, one witness no suspects, check the hedge where the attack occurred, found one of the victims earrings and takes a sickening twist o Later that day, 3:45 pm call comes from the police, man on the other speaks in detail of the crime, noting a bitemark on tanyas body o No one knew except the people who did the autoposy o And this triggered man had to have intimate detail of the case

o the call is trailed to a payphone, by the time got there no one was there o Went over to see if he was there doing surveillance, lots of cars patrolling and no one is there o phone is examined but no dna found is by foresnsic experts o killer makes another call o the second call is untraceable o calls again and makes another threat o police felt he was watching them arriving at the call places and he watch and than disappear o He engaged in a “cat and mouse” game with police that may have made him feel powerful, relative to the police, and that he was smarter than by the police, fustrating them in their efforts to find him o October 20th, Police release sketch, news that the killer making contact fears community, press release to stay calm, rumors circulate that he is staking in the city, number of calls saying spotted him there are made 85 investigators in the case o Killer made threats to go on to his next victim 

On Halloween killer calls 911,

Nothing to go on the voice, how can they not find him when he is

making himself so available Police release the audio of the tape, and there was a chill that went over the community, taunting community and police, to see if

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people recognized voice but scared community Community was terrified Novermber of 1995, is gripped by fear, a man on the loose called

the Abbotsford killer, the town was scared Thought they had someone but it wasn’t, him after two months of

police custody, he is released In January of 1996, a new tactic is adopted, hoping to intitate

contact on their terms, police decide to send a message, false news report challenges the killers ego and plays on his need for attention THE PLAN WORKED

Febuary 17th, killer is on the move

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Concrete headstone of Tanya smith at radio max car How could someone be so sick to take a life and mess up someones tombstone  threatens misty saying hes looking for her

Placing the tombstone on the car was almost the thing that would push the community over the edge, as if the guy was invisible (things are not moving up fast enough, does something crazy, the story moved up a notch, the media was apart of the story, got all

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the publicity he could ask for, so close on the border of insanity) Killer reacts to story that he left, he called back two more times He has called them 4 times, and removing her tombstone, his infamy catches the attention of media outlets across North America o Case everyone was invested in and it wasn’t over

2 days after gravestone incident, killer surfaces again, making

reference to the incidient at Radio Max, 2 days later most wanted man in BC, is on the move, walks up the

front lawn of a house picked at random, and hurls a wrench through the front window, attached with a note to the police He claim responsibility for three other sexual assaults, he described them enough detail to know they took place, they were prior

investigations Bring the note and wrench to forensics, nothing on the note or wretch but on the long piece of tape a distinct finger print emerges o If the finger print is his, he made a crucial mistake

Had a finger print and the teeth mark, no records, no such physical

evidence on one person but no idea who it is Police fall back on one piece of evidence the public could help,

Audio clips of the 5 phone calls are enhanced and made more accessible Phone line set up to listen to audio tapes

Terry driver’s mom hears the tapes and ask her other kids to listen

and whole family could identify him Terry Driver, 31 works full time as a pressman, wife and two kids o Had a very normal life, family man

He refused all three, terry calls his boss, and consults his laywer meets with police and cooperate but with conditions, he said he would not provide DNA but give a fingerprint, as long as police

would destroy right away after comparison was made Terry is confident comes in with his laywer o His fingerprints are tested on the spot

Terry was confident he supply his fingerprints and he walks out,

Finger prints match, and hes arrested and remains in custody Overwhemling physical evidence, scientific proof that he touched the letter, confesses to the murder, the bite mark, and his DNA was

found in the bitemark and the semen from the autopsy Terry Driver o Psychologist speak of him as introvert with a troubled childhood o Uncontrollable lust, craves attention and suffers from OCD o I have the thought and than I act, and people as impulsive

theres a dramatic Driver admits to rape but not murder, no remorse, no feeling, sat

there as if it wasn’t his trial Behaviour is consistent with someone who is a serial killer

Misty was to identify if she saw her attacker, pointed at him, and he

had a cocky smile October 17, 1996 - Terry driver is convicted of first degree murder of Tanya and attempted murder of misty, sentenced to life in prison no parole for 25 years + got more years for the crimes he confessed in the letter, will be in prison indefinitely o

Crime Story Analysis 


The Abbotsford Killer  A brief summary or description of the crime being portrayed,

concluding with a thesis statement about how accurate (factual) it has been portrayed; A detailed critique which will support your thesis statement as to how the true crime portrayal may have aligned/not aligned with course materials, even if overall it was more fact than fiction or vice

versa; A concluding paragraph, restating your argument and key pieces of supporting evidence.

Paper Breakdown 

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Intro.  BRIEF explaination of crime story  Thesis Body Paragraph  National Stats comparing to the case stats o Being attacked by a stranger/ male attacking female o Crime rates in BC o Weapon and setting of the crime Break-down of the killer  Mental illness being attached to killer’s actions  Upbringing

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Effects on the community

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Effects on the family

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Homicide in Canada


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Homicides committed by strangers represented 16% of all solved

crimes, while 84% were killed by someone they knew Type of relationship shared between the victim and acussed differs for males and females. Males were killed more frequently by an

acquaintance (52%) or a stranger (20%) than female victims (28% and 8%, respectively). BC is not considered to have the one of the highest homicide rates in the country in comparison to provinces such as Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta o But has a slightly higher average than the national average

Psyc 2740 Paper


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Goldwater rule – o Mention in intro,

Identifying someones mental health without meeting them...

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