Abc uploda - Subject outline PDF

Title Abc uploda - Subject outline
Author John Doe
Course Business, Environment and Society in the Tropics
Institution James Cook University
Pages 18
File Size 680.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 112
Total Views 152


Subject outline...


2019 Subject Outline – PART A Subject Name

Business, Environment and Societies in the Tropics

Subject Code


Study Period


Study Mode


Subject Coordinator

Dr Alf Kuilboer

Subject Lecturer

Dr Caroline Wong

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters where our University is located and actively seek to contribute and support the JCU Reconciliation Statement, which exemplifies respect for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait cultures, heritage, knowledge and the valuing of justice and equity for all Australians.

© Copyright 2019 This publication is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism, or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process or placed in computer memory without written permission.

Contents 1 2

Subject Staff Contact Details ................................................................................................................... 2 Subject calendar.......................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1


Subject details.............................................................................................................................................. 6 3.1



Key dates ..................................................................................................................................................5

Subject description...................................................................................................................................6


Subject learning outcomes (SLO) .............................................................................................................6


Learning and teaching in this subject.......................................................................................................6


Student participation requirements ........................................................................................................7


Feedback on student learning..................................................................................................................8


Subject resources and special requirements ...........................................................................................8


Student Support .......................................................................................................................................9

Assessment details .................................................................................................................................. 11 4.1

Requirements for successful completion of subject ..............................................................................11


Assessment tasks ...................................................................................................................................11


JCU assessment policy............................................................................................................................15


JCU assessment support ........................................................................................................................15

Rubrics: Grading Criteria for Presentation (30% of BX3152 assessment) ................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1 Subject Staff Contact Details Teaching team

Subject Coordinator

Staff member




Consultation times*

Dr Alf Kuilboer



[email protected]


Dr Caroline Wong



[email protected]

By appointment


Mr Cheong Tack Hoong


[email protected]

By appointment

Business Online contact details: Please email [email protected] for support and assistance with all educational technologies

CBLG: Brisbane | Cairns | External | Singapore | Townsville

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2 Subject calendar Please note, the sequence of some topics may change due to staff availability, resourcing, or due to unforeseen circumstances. Week/Topic and date

Lecture Topic(s)


Tutorial Activity

Relationship to assessment

Lecture 1: Subject Introduction


16/07/2019 Lecture

Introduction to Business Management Competitive Advantage & Situational Analysis

Ch 3: pp.49 - 55 Ch. 6: pp.96-100 (3rd ed. Text)

PELA Exercise


23/07/2019 Lecture

Lecture 2: Changing Organisation Environments Embedded writing workshop 1: Paragraph Writing


30/07/2019 Lecture

Lecture 3: Global & Regional Challenges of Sustainability: Focusing on Innovation & Change

Ch. 6: pp.96-100 (3rd ed. Text)

Small Business Workbook 1 Final Exam

Tutorial 2 Ch 7

Small Business Workbook 1

06/08/2019 Lecture

Lecture 4: Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility

Ch 8

13/08/2019 Lecture ** Assignment 1 due this week on 16 Aug 2019 (Fri) at 12 noon.

Lecture 5: Historical & Scientific Perspectives of Management

Final Exam Managing Cultural Change & Innovation

Ch 4

Embedded writing workshop 2: APA referencing & plagiarism


Tutorial 1 Case study: McDonald’s Situation Analysis

Case study: Body Shop Library skills: How to source for journals and reliable materials from online sources


Ch 3

Tutorial 3

Small Business Workbook 1

Preparation of Assessment Task 1 draft:

Final Exam

Tutorial 4 Ch 2

Small Business Workbook 1 Case study: GlaxoSmithKline & CSR Final Exam

Mid-Semester Break 19/8 – 23/8

CBLG: Brisbane | Cairns | External | Singapore | Townsville

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Week/Topic and date



27/08/2019 Lecture

03/09/2019 Lecture

Lecture Topic(s)

Lecture 6: What is Management Planning?

Lecture 7: Organisation Part 1


Ch 1 Ch 5

Ch 9 Ch 10

Tutorial Activity

Tutorial 5(only for those on the Thurs tutorial classes) Case study: McDonald’s & Scientific Management

Relationship to assessment

Small Business Workbook 2 Final Exam

Tutorial 6

Small Business Workbook 2

Case study: Qantas & Managing Change

Final Exam

Tutorial 7 8


10/09/2019 Lecture 15/05/2019 Tutorial

17/09/2019 Lecture 22/05/2019 Tutorial *Assignment 2 due this week on 20 Sep 2019 (Fri) at 12 noon

24/09/2019 Lecture

Lecture 8: Organisation Part 2

Lecture 9: Leadership & Control

Ch 11 Ch 9: pp. 162- 165 (3rd ed. Text)

Ch 13 Ch 15

Discussion & Preparation of Assessment Task 2 draft: paired work

Tutorial 8 Case study: Google & HRM

Session 10: Revision Lecture


All the relevant chapters from lecture 19

Final Exam

Small Business Workbook 2 Final Exam

Tutorial 9 Work on a sample exam case question

EXAMS / PREP EXAMS – Monday 30/09/2019 to Friday 04/10/2019

CBLG: Brisbane | Cairns | External | Singapore | Townsville

Small Business Workbook 2

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Final Exam

2.1 Key dates Key dates Census date

Date See 2019 Study Periods and Important Dates For JCU Australia Census Date 28-Mar-2019 For JCU Singapore Census Date 11-Apr-2019

Last date to withdraw without academic penalty

See 2019 Study Periods and Important Dates

1. Workbook Assessment Task 1 (20%)

16 Aug 2019 (Fri) 12 noon – Week 5

2. Workbook Assessment Task 2 (30%)

20 Sep (Fri) 12 noon – Week 9

3. Final Exam (50%)

Due in the Examination Period

CBLG: Brisbane | Cairns | External | Singapore | Townsville

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3 Subject details 3.1 Subject description This subject explores the external and internal environmental context of business and organisational practices in the tropics. It examines different facets of management operating in remote locations experiencing constraints on resources. The subject places emphasis on the fundamental building blocks of management: plan, organise, lead and control, which are crucial to starting, growing, and maintaining a successful business. Prominence is also placed on the contemporary drivers of global, societal, and regional change, such as, sustainability, cultural perspectives, corporate social responsibility, ethical accountability and governance. BU1104 is a first-year core subject of the Business degree, as such; it is part of a suite of essential subjects which forms the basis of your degree. This subject provides a robust foundation on which to build and customise your degree according to your choice of majors and/or minors.

3.2 Subject learning outcomes (SLO) Students who successfully complete this subject will be able to: These outcomes will contribute to your overall achievement of course learning outcomes. 1. Explain how organisations can be ethically, corporately, and socially responsible in achieving sustainable practice 2. 3. 4. 5.

Discuss the principles of diversity management Examine key features of the four functions of management in the context of organisational structures. Analyse key drivers of change to business practices in a tropical and non-tropical context Evaluate management principles that apply specifically to small & medium business environments.

Your course learning outcomes can be located in the entry for your course in the electronic JCU Course and Subject Handbook 2019 (click on ‘Course Information’ bar/ select ‘Undergraduate Courses’ or ‘Postgraduate Courses’/ select relevant course/ scroll down to ‘Academic Requirements for Course Completion’, ‘Course learning outcomes’). The course learning outcomes (CLO) most relevant to this course include: CLO 1 Demonstrate essential knowledge necessary for a career in business related professions CLO 2 Synthesise underlying principles and concepts for making business decisions CLO 5 Apply critical thinking to address issues in business CLO 6 Convey information clearly and fluently, in high quality written form appropriate for their audience.

3.3 Learning and teaching in this subject This subject uses a combination of approaches to teaching and learning, including both student centred and teacher directed approaches. The content of the subject is disseminated using a variety of teaching strategies including workshops, group work, case studies, discussions, simulations, and readings. At the beginning of each lecture session, you will be made aware of the expected learning outcomes, how such outcomes are relevant to the world of business, and the resources that support the learning outcomes of this subject.

CBLG: Brisbane | Cairns | External | Singapore | Townsville

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BU1104 is a first-year core subject and forms the basis of your Business degree. Many of the topics covered are subjects in their own right depending upon which major you have chosen. All the subject material, assessment and results will be located in Learn JCU, the learning management platform utilised by all teaching staff at JCU. Students are encouraged to make use of JCU library, learning advisers, career counsellors, courses such as EndNote, using databases, finding journal articles and the like. The way to maximise the JCU student experience is dependent on students learning how to find the facilities and opportunities relevant to individual needs. You are expected to be an active participant in the learning process and are encouraged to participate in workshops/tutorials and undertake weekly readings. Key subject activities Lecture (2 hours per week)

Tutorial (2 hr per week)

Day/Time Tuesday 0900 - 1050 Tutorial A Tues 12:00 to 13:50 Tutorial B Tues 14:00 to 15:50 Tutorial C Tues 16:00 to 17:50 Tutorial D Wed 09:00 to 10:50 Tutorial E Wed 11:00 to 12:50 Tutorial F Thurs 12:00 to 13:50 Tutorial G Thurs 14:00 – 15:50 *BU1804 Workshop Thurs 16:00 – 1650 (Compulsory for all BU1804 students)

Room/Location C4-14

Please check the student first portal for the latest classroom allocated to your respective tutorial.

** Student first portal: Refer to Subject Outline Part B for links to Class Registration and Timetable information. Subject Outline Part B is available on the subject site in the Subject Outline menu item.

3.4 Student participation requirements You are expected to be an active participant in the learning process and are encouraged to participate in workshops and undertake weekly readings. It is expected that all students review the weekly case study, in advance, to enable meaningful workshop discussion. The case studies are designed to discuss the subject theory in real world situations. Your learning experience will be greatly enhanced if you collaborate and share ideas with other students. One easy way to achieve this is to form a study group with 2-3 other students with similar needs and expectations. The JCU Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy (4.3) indicates that, “a 3 credit point subject will require a 130 hour work load of study-related participation including class attendance over the duration of the study period, irrespective of mode of delivery”. This workload comprises timetabled hours and other attendance requirements, as well as personal study hours, including completion of online learning activities and assessment requirements. Note that “attendance at specified classes will be a mandatory requirement for satisfactory completion of some subjects” (Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy, 5.10); and that additional hours may be required per week for those students in need of English language, numeracy or other learning support. Tutorial Attendance Requirements: Tutorial attendance is essential to do well in this subject. According to the 2019 Subject Outline – Part B, 1.6 Attendance, it is stated that full time international students are required by ICA to have an attendance percentage of 90%. Students without valid reason and have an attendance rating below 90% will be reported to ICA monthly. Singapore Local students are required to maintain a class attendance rate above 75% on a monthly basis. Attendance will be regularly monitored throughout each semester. Failure to maintain the required attendance will be subjected to disciplinary action. Students will be liable for associated academic penalty and financial penalty. If a student is unable to meet the attendance requirement, the student should discuss their reasons with a student counsellor and the relevant associate dean prior to falling behind the attendance requirement. CBLG: Brisbane | Cairns | External | Singapore | Townsville

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Please refer to page 40 of the James Cook University Singapore – Student Handbook

3.5 Feedback on student learning During the study period, short formative, (non-assessed), on line quizzes will be available, with immediate feedback, to provide students with self-assessment opportunities to monitor your theoretical and practical understanding of subject content. You can also get feedback from your peers by participating in class activities, developing shared understandings in small group activities and whole class discussions. Apart from feedback provided on your formal assessment within three weeks of the official assessment date, self-reflection and consultation with the lecturer are further ways you can gather feedback on your learning.

3.6 Subject resources and special requirements The required textbook is available to purchase online through the publisher or the bookshop that is located at B102 (between the Gymnasium and Psychology Clinic). The JCU Library has limited copies of all prescribed textbooks, however please note that these are strictly available for 2-day loans only.

Williams, C., & McWilliams, A., & Lawrence, R. (2017). MGMT 3rd Asia-Pacific Edition. South Melbourne: Cengage Learning.

All subject readings and resources, including journal articles, websites, videos, print are available to view online from your Readings list via your LearnJCU subject site. Additionally, you can find the most appropriate library subject resources, including dedicated discipline libguides, relevant databases and access to library services and staff through the Your Library tool, in your LearnJCU subject site. Further Reading Davidson, P. and Griffin, R.W., P. (2006). Management. (3rd ed.). Milton: John Wiley and Sons. Bartol, K., Tein, M., Mathews, G., Martin, D. (2008). Management: A Pacific rim focus. (5th ed.). North Ryde, NSW: McGraw Hill Australia. Campling, J., Poole, D., Wiesner, R., and Schermerhorn, J.R. (2008). Management. (3rd Asia Pacific ed.). Milton, Qld: John Wylie & Sons, Australia. Clegg, S., Kornberger, M., Pitsis, T. (2005). Managing and organizations: An introduction to theory and practice. London, UK: SAGE Publications Ltd. Goldwasser, I., (2007). Management: A guide to management principles and organisational behaviour. South Melbourne. Vic: Nelson Australia Pty Limited. McShane, S., Travaglione, T. (2007). Organisational behaviour on the Pacific rim. (2nd ed.). North Ryde, NSW: McGraw Hill Australia. Moscardo, G., Lamberton, G., (2013), Sustainability in Australian Businesses: Principles and practice. Wiley, Australia. Robbins, S., Bergman, R., Stagg, I., and Coulter, M. (2009). (5th ed.). Management. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia. Samson, D., Daft, R.L. (2009). Fundamentals of management. (3rd Asia Pacific ed.). South Melbourne, Vic: Cengage Learning Australia. Waddell, D., Devine, J., Jones, G.R., George, J.M. (2007). Contemporary management. North Ryde, NSW: McGraw Hill Australia Pty Limited. Wood, J., Zeffane, R., Fromholtz, M. Wiesner, R., and Creed, A. (2010). Organisational behaviour: Core concepts and applications. (2nd ed.). Milton: John Wiley and Sons.

CBLG: Brisbane | Cairns | External | Singapore | Townsville

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Online and Electronic Resources The following libguides available from the JCU Library website will provide details on referencing, plagiarism, findings marketing books and journals: - referencing – plagiarism - journal articles,-dvds-and-more - books Learning & Writing Skills workshops and notes to assist with writing an essay; presentations et

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