ABH & GBH - Revision - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title ABH & GBH - Revision - Lecture notes 1
Course Criminal Law
Institution Nottingham Trent University
Pages 4
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This lecture gives a condensed account of the offences of ABH and GBH....


ABH,GBH-Revi si on Assaul toccasi oni ngact ualbodi l yhar m s . 47Offenc esagai ns tt hePer sonAc t1861 Ac t usReusr equi r es : 1.as s aul t( orbat t er y) 2.oc cas i oni ng;-c aus i ng 3.ac t ual bodi l yhar m( ABH) r emembert odi s c usscaus at i on-f ac t ual l yandl egal Rober t s[ 1971] Canal s ohav eabat t er ybyomi s si ont hatc aus esact ual l ybodi l yhar m

Act ualBodi l yHar m t he“ har m”neednotbeper manentors er i ous Mi l l er[ 1954]-“ anyhur tori nj ur ycal cul at edt oi nt er f er ewi t ht heheal t horc omf or toft he v i c t i m”-l ear nt hi soffbyhear tt hi si swhatABHi s . T at t ooi ng-ABH-Wi l s on-nos ex uali nt ent-ex t ens i onoft hebodymodi fi cat i on Ps y c hol ogi cal i nj ur yi ncl uded ChanFook[ 1994]-Pr i vyCounci l Ps y c hi at r i ci nj ur ycanamountt oABHi ft her ei san“ i dent i fi abl ec l i ni c alcondi t i on” St r ongemot i ons-ext r emef ear ,di s t r es s I r el and[ 1998] HLendor s edChanFook ,anx i et yneur os i sanddepr es si v edi sor der s . Ex per tmedi cal ev i denceneededt oshowt hats ympt oms ex pl ai nhowbadt heps y c hi at r i ci nj ur yi s-depr es si onsat i s fi esABH s ev er edepr es si on-GBH

MensReaOAP-l i s tMRandARofal l offences

SavageandPar ment er[ 1992] i nt ent i onorsubj ec t i v er eck l es s nes st ot heas saul tonl ynott heABH s ameasc ommonas s aul tandbat t er y

GBHs. 20OAPA1861-St epupasneedsi nt ent Twoal t er nat i v ef or msoft heact sr eus-WoundandGr i evous-onesec t i ont hati nc l udes t wooffenc est hatar equi t edi ffer ent-woundi nghasal otl esscul pabi l i t yHast hes amemax i mum penal t yof5y ear si mpr i s onmentass . 47 t al kaboutl abel l i ngt heor y

Act usReus( 1) GBHmeans“ r eal l ys er oushar m”k nock edunc onsc i ous-Headi nj ur y— DPPvSmi t h [ 1961] Saunder s[ 1985] J udgedobj ect i v el ybyt heJur y-i t ’ snotf ort hedef endantt os ay

Bol l am -howev ercant ak ei nt oac countt hos echar act er i sesofVt hatmak et hei mpac ton hi m/ hermor es ev er e

Gr undy[ 1989] t ak et hewhol ei nj ur i esandaddt hem t oget herwhi c hcanamountt oGBH I ncl udesbi ol ogi cali nf ec t i ons / di seas esandps y c hi at r i ci nj ur yi fs uffici ent l ys er i ous .

I nfli ctwhatdoesi tmean?

Doesnotr equi r eei t heranas saul torbat t er yconfir medi nI r el andandBur st owc onfir medi n Di ca[ 2004] Youc ani nfli ctbysol el yc aus i ng Lor dSt ey ni nI r el and-nor adi c aldi v er genc ebet weent het er m“ i nfli ct i on”i ns20and “ c aus e”i ns 18-butt heydon’ tac t ual l ymeant hes amet hi ng. Compar ewi t hCl ar ence[ 1888]-husbandwhogavehi swi f egonor r hoea I nfli cthadt obedonebyass aul tandbat t er y

Act usReus( 2) Unl awf ul l y‘ wound’ woundi ng-got hr ought hel ay er soft hes ki n-Mor i ar t yandBr ook s[ 1834]-epi der mi sand t heder mi s J CC(Ami nor )vEi s enhower-di dnotamountt oawoundast hebr ok enbl oodv ess el si n t hev i ct i msey edi dnotamountt oawound I sass aul torbat t er yapr er equi s i t eofwoundi ng? T ay l or[ 1869]ass aul torbat t er yi sr equi r ed I ft hepoi ntc amebef or et heSupr emeCour tnow,l i k el yt of ol l owI r el andandBur s t ow.I r el and-Si l entphonec al l s-nophy s i c alc ont actnoas s aul t Sav ageandPar ment er[ 1991] HLsai dt hatawoundc oul docc urwi t houtabat t er ybutwoul dbev er yr ar e-t her ei sno c l earaut hor i t yont hi satt hemoment .

MensRea-s. 20 Mal i c i ous l y I nt ent i onorsubj ect i v er eck l es snes s Mowat t-barqui t el ow-i fy oui nt ends omehar m andcaus e-butc auseawoundy oucan bel i abl ef oras . 20offenc e-mi ghtbedeemedascont r ov er s i al-c anhur tt hem mor et han y ouar emeantt o.

s. 18OAPA1861 ARi sdi ffer enc e-i ns t eadofi nfli ct i ngy ouar ec aus i ngGBH I r el and-di ffer encebet weeni nfl i c tandcaus e MRdi ffer enc e-hav et ohav ei nt entt os omeGBH muc hmor es er i ousass aul t-maxl i f ei mpr i s onment I mpor t ant 4separ at ef or msoft heoffence 1) unl awf ul l yandmal i ci ous l yc ausi ngGBHwi t hi nt entt ocauseGBH 2) unl awf ul andmal i c i ous l ywoundi ngwi t hi nt entt oc auseGBH 3) mal i c i ousl ycaus i ngGBHwi t hi nt entt or esi s tar r est 4) mal i c i ousl ywoundi ngwi t hi nt entt or es i s tar r est

mal i c i ous l ybecomesr edundanti ti scov er edbyt hei nt ent i ont ocaus eGBH 3&4ar eaggr av at edas s aul t s

MensReaoft her esi star r estoffences Mor r i son( 1989)CA Dmus thav ei nt endedt or esi star r es t-“ hemustbesubj ect i v el yr eck l essast ot heGBH”hemus tf or c es omehar m Pr os ec ut i onmus ts howt hatt hear r es twoul dhav ebeenl awf ul Ref or m LawCommi s si onRepor tNo.361onRef or m ofOffencesAgai nstt hePer s on( 2015)-av ai l abl eont heNOW l ear ni ngr oom.-whyt hel awhasdev el opedhowi ti s ....

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