Abiog-Christine-D - hdhdhddb PDF

Title Abiog-Christine-D - hdhdhddb
Author Celine Rivera
Course Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Pages 20
File Size 2.3 MB
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Bulacan State University Bustos, Campus Poblacion Bustos, Bulacan

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement in Microeconomics (EC 103)

Submitted by: Abiog, Christine D. BSBA 1 - L

Submitted to: Maria Celia G. Sarrondo Submitted on: May 2020

Republic of the Philippines Bulacan State University City of Malolos, Bulacan Tel/Fax(004)791-0513 Office of the Dean of Instruction COURSE SYLLABUS MICROECONOMICS 2nd Semester, A. Y. 2019 - 2020 COLLEGE COURSE CODE FACULTY




COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the students to the meaning and concerns of economics; the role of scarcity in economics, basic economic problems and methodology of economics. It also presents basic concepts in consumer behavior, firm behavior, the notion of supply and demand, and the different types of market. Its objective is to present simple frameworks for analyzing the choices made by consumers and firms and how their decisions affect market. ATTRIBUTES OF IDEAL GRADUATE (AIG)

Highly competent

Ethical professional


Contribute to country’s sustainable growth and development

LEARNING OUTCOMES (LO) On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following: LO1. Internalize the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the institute to achieve excellence in education. Be oriented with the policies and rules, and course requirements. LO2. Grasp how economies work, gain the basic motivation and behavior of individual economic agents, and how they react to changing economic environments. LO3. Understand that markets, through the price system, are quite an efficient mechanism for meeting individual needs. LO4. Apply the analysis of demand and supply and how these two basic forces determine how much of any good will be willingly produced and consumed and at what price it will voluntarily be traded. LO5. Understand that one’s opportunities and constraints are defined by his/her purchasing power, as influenced by his/her income and the market prices of goods of his/her interest. LO6. Explain the concept of production function and delineate the three stages of production using the concepts of total product, marginal product and average product.

LO7.Compare and contrast the behavior and characteristics of a market controlled by a single firm (monopoly) and many firms (perfectly competitive firms) Use the concepts of pricing, output production and welfare.


 The whole class will be required to submit a holistic portfolio of their culminating performances to provide evidences of achieving the learning outcomes and demonstrating the AIG set by the University. RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT: Criteria




Structure Ideas

All or almost all of the entries have a connection to structure.

Most entries have a connection to structure.

Few entries have a connection to structure.


The proper format has been followed for all of the entries.

The proper format has been followed for most of the entries.

The proper format has been followed for few of the entries.


All or almost all of my entries use correct.

Most of my entries use correct

Few of my entries use correct


All entries are present, in order, and together.

All entries are present, but are either not together or in order.

All entries are not present, but they are together or in order.


Mastery of the Contents of the Study

Rubric for Individual Report Satisfactory Needs Improvement 70 – below 85-90 No mastery of the Poor mastery contents of the of the contents; study; never lots of errors practiced on his/her with no effort to own, or quit before improve or completion of the proof of oral presentation. practice.

Very Satisfactory 95-96 Good presentation; researchers show that they have practiced outside of rehearsal.

Excellent 97-100 Outstanding presentation; above-andbeyond; presentation is excellent and wellrehearsed.

Body Language

No movement or descriptive gestures.

Very little movement or descriptive gestures.

Made movement or gestures that enhanced articulation.

Movements seemed fluid and helped the audience visualize.

Student does not display clear introductory or closing remarks.

Student clearly uses either an introductory or closing remark, but not both.

Student displays clear introductory or closing remarks.

Student delivers open and closing remarks that capture the attention of the audience and set the mood.

Delivery is either too quick or too slow to meet apportioned time interval.

Delivery is in bursts and does not meet apportioned time interval.

Delivery is patterned, but does not meet apportioned time interval.

Good use of drama and student meets apportioned time interval.

Tension and nervousness is obvious; has trouble recovering from mistakes.

Displays mild tension; has trouble recovering from mistakes.

Makes minor mistakes, but quickly recovers from them; displays little or no tension.

Student displays relaxed, selfconfident nature about self, with no mistakes.

Consistently uses a monotone voice.

Displays some level of inflection throughout delivery

Satisfactory use of inflection, but does not consistently use fluid speech.

Use of fluid speech and inflection maintains the interest of the audience.

Introduction and Closure




OTHER REQUIREMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS:  Regular Class Attendance  Group Activities  Active Class Participation  Submission of Projects and Assignments

Major Examinations and Quizzes

GRADING SYSTEM: Long Test/Chapter Test/Quizzes Midterm and Final Examination Oral Recitation Activities and Project Total

30% 40% 20% 10% 100%

Final Grade = Midterm Grade + Final Grade ÷ 2 1.0
















LEARNING EPISODES: Learning Outcomes LO 1

LO 2

Topics - VMGO of the College - Course Outline - Grading System - Class Policies CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1. What is Economics 1.2. Economics as a Social Science 1.3. Microeconomics and Macroeconomics 1.4. Positive and Normative Economics 1.5. The Methodology of Economics





2.1. Scarcity and the Basic Economic LO 3

LO 4

Questions 2.2. Technological Choices and the Production Possibility Frontier 2.3.How Economic Systems Answer the Basic Questions CHAPTER 3 - DEMAND, SUPPLY, AND MARKET EQUILIBRIUM 3.1. The Concept of Demand 3.2. The Concept of Supply 3.3. Changes in Quantity Demanded and Quantity Supplied 3.4. Shifts in the Demand and Supply Curves



3.0 75

5.0 74 and below

Learning Activities Memorize the VMGO of the College. Define the economics as a social science. Compare and contrast the two main branches of economics. Enumerate and discuss the basic questions that economics seeks to explain. Distinguish between a shift in the supply curve versus a movement along the supply curve.

3.5. Market Equilibrium 3.6. Elasticity Concepts 3.7. Some Applications 3.8. Other Related Concepts - Consumer’s

Discuss how does the market adjust when there is disequilibrium.

Surplus and Producer’s Surplus

LO 5

LO 6

LO 7

CHAPTER 4 - THE THEORY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 4.1. Utility Concepts and Measurement 4.2. Consumer Equilibrium 4.3. Indifference Curve Approach 4.4. The Budget Line 4.5. Income and Substitution Effects CHAPTER 5 - THEORY OF PRODUCTION AND COST 5.1. The Production Function 5.2. Production Analysis with One Variable Input 5.3. Costs of Production 5.4. Production Analysis with Two Variable Inputs

CHAPTE 6 - THE MARKET SYSTEM 6.1. Perfectly Competitive Market 6.2. Imperfect Competition 6.3. The Role of Government


Distinguish between ordinal and cardinal utility; total and marginal utility.

Explain the concept of production function and delineate the three stages of production 14-15 using the concepts of total product, marginal product and average product. Discuss the 16-17 assumptions about the perfectly competitive market. Compare and contrast the behavior and characteristics of a market controlled by a single firm (monopoly) and many firms (perfectly competitive firms) Use the concepts of pricing, output production and welfare.

REFERENCES: Pagaduan, Martina B. Dr. PA., MICROECONOMICS PRICE THEORY Copyright 2011

Costalles, Achilles C., ECONOMICS: Principles and Applications, Copyright 2010 ONLINE RESOURCES: -http://iheartintelligence.com/2015/05/14/22/economics_as_socialscience -http://www.iep.utm.edu/greekphi/ - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer_behavior - http://www.theologicalstudies.org/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi CLASSROOM POLICIES: 1. All students must attend classes promptly and regularly. Only students enrolled in the course are allowed to attend the sessions, sit-ins may be allowed depending on the instructor’s approval. A student shall be marked tardy 15 minutes after the set time and absent after 20 minutes of the scheduled time. Unless the instructor have prior notice of his/her absence or tardiness. Lastly, unless the subject instructor concerned gave prior notice, the students may leave their assigned room 15 minutes after the start of the scheduled time. (see F. Attendance, BulSU Student Handbook)

2. Students must be in the prescribed uniform for the day. (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in university uniform, W- washday sleeveless, shorts, rip jeans are not allowed; and SFED and recognized organization Shirt is allowed). Furthermore, male students must sport a haircut that does not exceed the collar line and does not cover the ears. Wearing of earrings for the male is prohibited and for female students excessive jewelries’ and make-up as well. (see Responsibility, BulSU Student Handbook)

3. During written examinations, class presentations, laboratory activities and term examinations the students must be in the prescribed uniform or the instructor may refuse to give the student the written or practical activities. Students must refrain from talking to their seatmates, answering phone calls and text

messages and listening to music through their earphones while taking the written exam or laboratory activities. No students can use the restroom/lavatory unless necessary during the examination.

4. During classroom discussions, the student must refrain from making too much noise, playing with their cell phones, answering a text message and phone calls.

5. Students are not allowed to stay earlier than 15 minutes and later than 15 minutes before and after their class schedule.

6. For unavailable circumstances such as sickness or death of an immediate family, a medical certificate authorized by a physician or an excuse letter with photocopy of parents’ identification card should be passed on the day of return to school. Prepared by: MARIA CELIA G. SARRONDO, LPT. Faculty, CBA

MA. ANTONETTE M. TOMAS, DBA Program Coordinator, CBA Checked by

EDITHA N. DE REGLA, MAEd Curriculum Coordinator Noted by ALLAN B. PLENO. MBA Area Chair, CBA Recommending Approval: ALBERT C. SANTOS, Ph.D. Campus Secretary Approved by: CIRIACO M. GARCIA, Ph.D. Campus Dean

and my teacher with due respect.


As treated this one as my first best entry. This photo was taken last Dec. 14,2019. That time we felt so much nervous, because Mam Uche our PE Prof. gave us 1month preparation but if you think that we almost catch the steps or we're done. No! You're wrong because we have so many schoolworks, also we need to review and to compile our requirements. In that 1month we just practice less than 2weeks before the final performance. It's Dec. 13 and still we're not yet done. I do not know whats happening in our section that time. Where's the unity? It's been 7pm and still practicing and at the end of the day we're not yet done. The day after is the performance day. Our call time is 6:30 am and most of our classmates are on time but some are late. We don't have the final steps in last part but thanks God they came before the performance. Okay, we're done!And we perform happily. After all the performances they announced the winners, guess what ? Yes we are one of the winners. In fact we are first runner-up.


This one Mam Uche told us that we need to group into 6 and who ever we wanted is okay. All we need to do is to make a tone and the lyrics must be the mission and the vision of BulSu. So we started to record our voice in Bustos church near Bulsu Campus but we failed because some students make some noise. They're shouted and laughed together. So we decided to go in the house of Anne. And after that we started to record. At first we laugh because of our distorted voice but after a few minutes we took it seriously. That night its done. The day after, we already practice our dance steps that is connected to the tone of our song. Fast forward, during the performance we play the music which is our recorded voice and started to dance. After that our professor announced the grade of each group. And we're shocked because we didn't expect that we will got a perfect grade. And our Prof gave us a compliment and that was a great feeling.


This short film serves as our final examination in NSTP under Mam Aloja. We (1L) need to do our best of the best and our full effort because our grades depends on our performance. In fact, our Aerobics coincides with this short film but we prioritize aerobics first because its performance day is ahead of time and so the outcome is that we do not know how to start but, it doesn't matter. Unity is a must! We need to act as a team. Rehearse here, rehearse there, rehearse everywhere and if you will see us, you will see that we are united. All we want that time is to finished our play clearly and nicely. After the practice we will perform and after the performance we are all happy. We are able to survived! Then after a while, Mam Aloja make an speech about our short film she also happy because we reach her expactations at the same time it was sad that she said goodbye since it was the end of the semester. But all in all we're glad that she teach us to be kind and to act as one.


For me, this is also one of my best entries. We take this MMW activity last Nov. 12, 2019 under Sir Salvador. I trully hate mathematics, I don't even understand the explanations of our prof so when he gave this activity, I was surprised. I do not know how to answer. But I tried my best. I used the formula that I remembered. It has been difficult for me to do so. And after that, I checked once again whether it was right or of there's something need to change. Fast forward, after checking I shocked! But not because I got a low score in fact I almost got a perfect score. I am very much happy and thankful to my friends who helped me that time before taking this activity. All I can say is just don't be afraid just trust your own ability.


This monologue is performed individually, if you can see in this photo you will think that we are grouped but its not because we are just a batch 1. My topic needs to much emotion. Before I perform, I don't know how will I cry? How will I catch the attention of others? But all in my mind to perform well. I keep on fighting, I know I can do that! I know I can be more! And time passed by, I will be the next performer. I'm not yet started but my eyes was already teary because I felt so much nervous. During my performance, I cried. I shout. And I shocked because I did it. I gave the best of my best and I'm strongly happy that I survived. Maybe I can't reach 100 but 98 is enough! Atleast I know that I gave so much effort for my dramatic monologue.


Yes this is worst! Imagine, my score is just 42 out of 100? I trully don't know what happen because I reviewed all the notes that I had. I prepared well so I'm pretty sure that I will pass but definitely no. Our prof gave us a bonus to write something she discussed throughout the semester that we still remember. I found out that she said that afterwards so I didn't write anything to improve my score. Maybe I didn't hear or I didn't pay attention on her directions because I focused on my test paper which is so difficult. Definitely it is my fault. Next time I will listen first before focusing on test papers.


Yes this is also worst. As you can see my score is 20 out of 40 in accounting which is one of our major subjects. It's just sad that I got a bad score. Yes I'm not good when it comes in accounting but I did my best. I asked my classmates as well as my seatmates while taking this. I thought what I did is right but no it's not. After seeing my score I felt sad. I asked my self, Why? What happen? Where did I go wrong? And then afterwards I accept the fact that I failed. I motivate my self ofcourse that I will do it better next time. It's okay to failed sometimes because I believed that failure is not the opposite of success in fact it is a part of success.

How has covid-19 affected your personal life? What is the implication of it in our economy? If I were the President of the philippines or the head of Department of health, how would I handle this situation? Must read. Let's start. COVID-19 is short for Corona Virus Disease-2019 from Wuhan,China. It is an infectious disease cause by a newly discovered virus. It is came from the viruses that circulate among animals. Based on the news that I've watched, bats are considered as natural hosts of the virus. This virus is very dangerous, every single day the number of people infected are increasing and those people felt too much pain they experienced mild to moderate respiratory illness. If you don't want to be one of those people all you need to do is to follow all the best way not to stop the transmission of virus but to slow down the transmission. Be well informed about the virus, the disease and its causes and how it spreads. We can protect ourselves from virus by simply washing our hands atleast 20 seconds and after that apply an alcohol. When to hold or touch something you already need to wash and to apply alcohol. And if ever you go outside you must wear a mask, also apply physical distancing that aims to reduce physical contact between potentially infected people healthy people. This virus spreads primarily through the droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes so it is important that you practice coughing into your flexed elbow or you may used tissue and after using make sure that you dispose it carefully after a single used. This corona virus disease...

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