ACFI1002 course outline PDF

Title ACFI1002 course outline
Author Jessica Fowler
Course Accounting Practice
Institution University of Newcastle (Australia)
Pages 9
File Size 392.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 56
Total Views 142


Course outline...


Faculty of Business & Law

Newcastle Business School ACFI1002: Accounting Practice 2020

MISSION: To build and sustain a vibrant learning community that advances business knowledge. In working to achieve our mission, we pursue: Opportunity for academic development that builds our research capabilities, both within disciplines and across disciplinary boundaries; Collaboration with local, national and international partners; Research-led and student-focused teaching and learning opportunities

OVERVIEW Course Description

Accounting Practice extends both the knowledge and skills developed in Accounting for Decision Makers (ACFI1001). It examines the fundamental principles underpinning accrual accounting and financial reporting providing you with the technical skills of accounting, including the analysis, recording, preparation and interpretation of accounting information. Your understanding of the accounting professions' standards of practice will be further enhanced.

Please note: S2 will be fully online for offshore students. S2 onshore students will commence face to face learning from the beginning of Semester 2. Contact Hours Integrated Learning Session/Workshop Face to Face On Campus 1 hour integrated learning session and 2 hour workshop per Week for Full Term Students are expected to complete 4 hours of guided learning via online preparation, lectures, interactive workshops, tutorials, discussion groups or self-directed learning and an additional 6 hours of independent study per week.

Contact Hour Requirement There is a compulsory attendance requirement in this course.

ILS: 1hour per Week for Full Term, WRK: 2hours per Week for Full Term

Unit Weighting

All commencing students must participate in 80% of the ILS: 1hour per Week for Full Term, WRK: 2hours per Week for Full Term. Commencing students are those who have commenced study at UON for the first time in 2020. Continuing students are those who have studied previously, either in an enabling program or any undergraduate or postgraduate program.


Assumed Knowledge

ACFI1001 Accounting for Decision Makers


Students are required to spend on average 120-140 hours of effort (contact and non-contact) including assessments per 10 unit course.

Please refer to the course Blackboard site for details of teaching staff for ALL course offerings. The primary contact for courses is the Course Coordinator, whose details are listed on the course Blackboard site.

CRICOS Provider 00109J

ACFI1002: Accounting Practice - 2020

Student Consultation

Course Learning Outcomes

Thursday 9:45 -10:45am, room X210 (Newcastle City) Friday 10.00 – 11.00am Zoom Meeting (Ourimbah) On successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Apply the double-entry system to a transaction data set, and manually proceed through the steps of the accounting cycle 2. Apply the double-entry system to problems involving the purchase, valuation and recognition, and disposal of inventory and noncurrent assets 3. Employ appropriate methods to record receivables and bad debts 4. Prepare a bank reconciliation and related journal entries 5. Identify, explain and critically appraise the principles underlying the procedures identified in 1-4 above 6. Prepare financial reports (Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement) for non-manufacturing firms in accordance with relevant accounting standards 7. Demonstrate a developing awareness of the ethical practices and conduct of the accounting profession. 8. Demonstrate an understanding of, and communication in, accounting terminology and contexts.

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ACFI1002: Accounting Practice - 2020

ASSESSMENT DETAILS This course has 4 assessments. Each assessment is described in more detail in the sections below Assessment Name

Due Date



Learning Outcomes


Workshop Focus Questions

Each Weekly workshop (except workshop week 7)





Practice Set

Tuesday - Week 10 by 11:59pm





Mid Semester Class Quiz

Week 7 in Workshop





Final Examination

Formal Exam Period




Late Submissions

The mark for an assessment item submitted after the designated time on the due date, without an approved extension of time, will be reduced by 10% of the possible maximum mark for that assessment item for each day or part day that the assessment item is late. Note: this applies equally to week and weekend days. Time referenced is time in Newcastle NSW

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ACFI1002: Accounting Practice - 2020

Assessment 1 – Workshop Focus Questions Assessment Type Purpose Description

Weighting Length Due Date Submission Method Assessment Criteria

Return Method Feedback Provided

Tutorial / Laboratory Exercises The focus questions are designed to provide formative feedback to students on their developing knowledge of practical accounting skills. In each workshop (except Workshop 7) students will be required to complete a question for assessment. These questions can ONLY be completed in allocated workshops. The question will be collected and graded by the tutor and returned in the following week. There are 11 focus questions: the mark from the best 10 attempts at these will account for 10% of the final grade. If for any reason you are ill and unable to attend, provided documentary evidence is submitted to the Course Coordinator, alternative arrangements may be made. Note: Offshore students will be required to complete this assessment online, during timetabled class time. 10% 15 minutes per focus question Each weekly workshop (except Workshop 7) In Class - for face to face students Offshore students will be required to submit this assessment online. Further instructions are available from the Course Blackboard site. Two (2) Criteria will be used:  Demonstrated Understanding of relevant concepts  Accuracy of Calculations In Class – for face to face students Offshore students: Online via course Blackboard site In Class – for face to face students Offshore students: Online via course Blackboard site

Assessment 2 - Practice Set Assessment Type Purpose


Weighting Length Due Date Submission Method Assessment Criteria

Return Method Feedback Provided

Online Learning Activity This assignment has been designed to provide students with experience in the practical and technical skills essential to accounting, through the completion online, of a set of accounts for a fictional business using MYOB software. The practice set provides students with the experience of using the MYOB accounting software to complete a real world simulation of transactions for a single month in the accounting cycle of a small retail business. Purchase details for the practice set will be provided on blackboard. 20% Not applicable Tuesday of week 10 by 11:59pm Online Four (4) criteria will be used:  Demonstrated understanding of relevant concepts  Application of appropriate accounting procedures  Accuracy of journal entries and postings  Preparation of appropriate financial statements Online Online - Feedback will be provided online at each stage, throughout the submission of the assignment.

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ACFI1002: Accounting Practice - 2020

Assessment 3 - Mid Semester Quiz Assessment Type Purpose Description

Weighting Length Due Date Submission Method Assessment Criteria

Return Method Feedback Provided

Quiz The purpose of the quiz is assess students' knowledge and understanding of fundamental accounting concepts and methods. The quiz will be held during Workshop 7. This multiple choice quiz will comprise a combination of questions on theory and questions requiring numerical calculations. Topics from workshop 1 to workshop 6 (inclusive) will be included in the quiz. Students must attend their allocated workshop for the quiz. Please note that your participation in the quiz at your scheduled workshop time is not negotiable unless there are exceptional circumstances which are supported by a medical certificate or other written evidence. Note: Offshore students will be required to complete this assessment online, during timetabled class time. 20% 90 minutes (including reading time) May be varied for Offshore students due to COVID-19 restrictions Face to Face: Week 7 – In Class Offshore: students are required to complete this assessment online, during timetabled class time. Face to Face: In Class Offshore students: Online via course Blackboard site Three (3) criteria will be used:  Demonstrated understanding of relevant concepts  Application of appropriate accounting procedures  Accuracy of answers Not Returned Face to Face students: in class Off-Shore: online via the course Blackboard

Assessment 4 - Final Examination Assessment Type Purpose Description

Weighting Length Due Date Submission Method Assessment Criteria

Return Method Feedback Provided

Formal Examination The examination tests students' cumulative financial accounting knowledge and skills. Students apply a foundational level of knowledge of accounting theory, concepts and techniques to analyse and solve problem-based questions and demonstrate appropriate written communication skills via short response questions. This will be a CLOSED BOOK examination – no memory aid will be allowed. 50% plus 10 minutes reading time Off-shore students: May be varied depending upon COVID-19 restrictions Formal Exam Period Formal Examination Four (4) Criteria will be used:  Demonstrated understanding of relevant concepts  Application of appropriate accounting procedures  Accuracy of calculations  Ability to clearly convey answers to theory questions Not Returned No Feedback. Examination scripts will not be returned to students. Final examination scripts will be made available for review by students, upon request, in a controlled and monitored setting. Students are required to make requests, directly to the relevant course coordinator. Completed examination scripts are kept by the Newcastle Business School for a period of six (6) months only, from the relevant fully graded date. Requests made after the six (6) month period cannot be considered.

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ACFI1002: Accounting Practice - 2020

SYLLABUS Course Content

Topics in the course include but are not limited to the following: 1. Recording business transactions 2. Measuring profit and the adjustment process 3. Completing the accounting cycle 4. Retailing operations 5. Inventory costing methods 6. Accounting information systems: subsidiary ledgers and special journals 7. Internal control and cash 8. Accounting for receivables 9. Non-current assets 10. Cash flow statement 11. Partnerships 12. Accounting concepts, assumptions and principles.

Course Materials

Required Text: Nobles, Mattison, Matsumura, Best, Fraser, Tan, Willett, (2016). Horngren’s Financial Accounting, 8th ed. Sydney: Pearson. ISBN:978-1-4860-2107-9 Perdisco Practice Set – Purchase details will be provided on course Blackboard site. Please refer to the course Blackboard site for details of additional recommended texts.

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ACFI1002: Accounting Practice - 2020


Topic Recording Business Transactions

Class Preparation Ch. 2

Workshop Activities Refer to blackboard for learning activities Focus Question 1


The Adjusting Process

Ch. 3

Refer to blackboard for learning activities Focus Question 2


Completing the Accounting Cycle

Ch. 4

Refer to blackboard for learning activities Focus Question 3


Retailing Operations

Ch. 5 + Appendices

Refer to blackboard for learning activities Focus Question 4


Retail Inventory

Ch. 6 + Appendices

Refer to blackboard for learning activities Focus Question 5


Accounting Information Systems

Ch. 7

Refer to blackboard for learning activities Focus Question 6


Current liabilities and Payroll

Ch. 11

Refer to blackboard for learning activities Assessment 3: Mid-Semester Quiz – Week 7 – in Class


Internal control and Cash

Ch. 8

Refer to blackboard for learning activities Focus Question 7

Ch. 9

Refer to blackboard for learning activities Focus Question 8




Non-Current Assets

Ch. 10

Refer to blackboard for learning activities Focus Question 9 Assessment 2 due: Tuesday of week 10 by 11:59pm


Cash Flow Statements

Ch. 16, pp. 676-695

Refer to blackboard for learning activities Focus Question 10



Ch. 13, pp. 572-584

Refer to blackboard for learning activities Focus Question 11


General Principles of Ch. 1, pp. 16-19, Refer to blackboard for learning activities Reporting and Ch.17, pp. 745-750 Revision Please note: Assessment completion and submission methods for Offshore students will vary depending upon COVID-19 restrictions. Please refer to the course Blackboard site for further details.

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ACFI1002: Accounting Practice - 2020

CONTACTS School Offices

Newcastle Business School – Callaghan, Newcastle City & Online NeW Space 409 Hunter Street Newcastle [email protected] +61 2 4921 5511 Newcastle Business School - Ourimbah BO1.13, Business Offices Ourimbah [email protected] +61 2 4349 4453

Newcastle Business School - Sydney 55 Elizabeth Street Sydney [email protected] +61 2 82626432 PSB Academy Enquiries Ph: +65 6390 9000 Log your question or request to the PSB Program Executives at the following website:

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ACFI1002: Accounting Practice - 2020


Communication Methods

This course is graded as follows: Range of Grade Description Marks 85-100 High Outstanding standard indicating comprehensive knowledge Distinction and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of (HD) an outstanding level of academic achievement; mastery of skills*; and achievement of all assessment objectives. 75-84 Distinction Excellent standard indicating a very high level of knowledge (D) and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of a very high level of academic ability; sound development of skills*; and achievement of all assessment objectives. 65-74 Credit Good standard indicating a high level of knowledge and (C) understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of a high level of academic achievement; reasonable development of skills*; and achievement of all learning outcomes. 50-64 Pass Satisfactory standard indicating an adequate knowledge and (P) understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of an adequate level of academic achievement; satisfactory development of skills*; and achievement of all learning outcomes. 0-49 Fail Failure to satisfactorily achieve learning outcomes. If all (FF) compulsory course components are not completed the mark will be zero. A fail grade may also be awarded following disciplinary action. *Skills are those identified for the purposes of assessment task(s). Communication methods used in this course include:


Blackboard Course Site: Students will receive communications via the posting of content or announcements on the Blackboard course site. Email: Students will receive communications via their student email account. Face to Face: Communication will be provided via face to face meetings or supervision.

Course Evaluation

Each year feedback is sought from students and other stakeholders about the courses offered in the University for the purposes of identifying areas of excellence and potential improvement.

Academic Misconduct

All students are required to meet the academic integrity standards of the University. These standards reinforce the importance of integrity and honesty in an academic environment. Academic Integrity policies apply to all students of the University in all modes of study and in all locations. For the Student Academic Integrity Policy, refer to

Adverse Circumstances

You are entitled to apply for special consideration because adverse circumstances have had an impact on your performance in an assessment item. This includes applying for an extension of time to complete an assessment item. Prior to applying you must refer to the Adverse Circumstances Affecting Assessment Items Procedure, available at All applications for Adverse Circumstances must be lodged via the online Adverse Circumstances system, along with supporting documentation.

Important Policy Information

The 'HELP for Students' tab in UoNline contains important information that all students should be familiar with, including various systems, policies and procedures.

This course outline was approved by the Head of School. No alteration of this course outline is permitted without Head of School approval. If a change is approved, students will be notified and an amended course outline will be provided in the same manner as the original. © 2020 The University of Newcastle, Australia

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