ACG Chapter 1 problems with answerw PDF

Title ACG Chapter 1 problems with answerw
Author Valerie Castaneda
Course Accounting for Planning and Control
Institution Florida International University
Pages 1
File Size 23.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Chapter 1 ...


MUL TI PLECHOI CE. Chooset heoneal t er nat i v et hatbest compl et est he s t at ementorans wer st heques t i on. 1)Budget sar eawa yf ormanager st oc ommuni c at et hei r A)deci s i onmak i ng. B)pl ans . C)c ont r ol . D)hi r i ngpr ac t i ces . 2)Compar i ngac t ual r es ul t st obudget si sanex ampl eofwhi choft he f ol l owi ngmanagementf unct i ons ? A)Cont r ol l i ng B)Anal y z i ng C)Di r ec t i ng D)Pl anni ng 3)Themanagementac c ount antatT ec hnol o gyI nnov at or sdet er mi ned $500, 000i st heor gani z at i on' s ear ni nggoalt oacc ommodat et heor gani z at i onal pl andur i ngt hefi r s t quar t erdur i nganewy ear .The ac c ount antr eal i z est ha tt oac hi ev et henewear ni nggoal ,t heoper at i ons managerneedst oi ncr eas e t hepr i c eoft ec hnol ogypar t sc har gedt oac ons umert o$250. 00peruni t . Themanageri ss c hedul i ng anews t affmeet i ngt odet er mi nei ft heyneedt oi nc r eas et hemar k et i ng effor t satt hefi r m,ori ft he y needt odes i gnanewpar tt hatus esmat er i al st hatar el es sex pens i v et o pr oduc e. Whi c hoft hef ol l owi n gmanagementr es pons i bi l i t i esi st hemanager i al ac c ount antus i ngi nt hi s e x ampl e ? A)Cont r ol l i ng B)I mpl ement i ng C)Di r ec t i ng D)Des i gni ng E)Pl anni ng TRUE/ FALSE. Wr i t e' T' i ft hes t at ementi st r ueand' F' i ft hes t at ementi s f al s e. 4)TheSECr equi r esani ndependentcer t i fi edpubl i cacc ount ant( CPA)t o audi tr epor t sgener at edb y manager i al acc ount i ngs y s t ems . 5)Thedesi gnofamanagementac count i ngs y s t em shoul dc ons i derhow r epor t saffec templ oy ees ' behav i or . MUL TI PLECHOI CE. Chooset heoneal t er nat i v et hatbes tcompl et e st he s t at ementorans wer st heques t i on. 6)Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngs t at ement si st r uer egar di ngmanager i a l ac c ount i ngi nf or mat i on? A)Manager i al ac count i ngi nf or mat i onemphas i z esr el ev anc e. B)Manager i al ac count i ngi nf or mat i oni saudi t edbyCPAs . C)Manager i alac c ount i ngi nf or mat i oni spr epar edannual l yandquar t er l y . D)Manager i alac c ount i ngi nf or mat i onmus tbepr epar edi nc onf or mi t ywi t h Gener al l yAc cept ed Ac count i ngPr i nci pl es( GAAP) . 7)Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngper s onsorgr oupswoul dbel eas tl i k el yt or ec ei v e det ai l edmanager i al ac c ount i ngr epor t s ? A)CEO B)Cur r ents har ehol der s C)Pl antmanager s D)Sal est er r i t or ymanager s 8)Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi snotus edi nac os t benefi tanal y s i s ? A)Amountneededt oi nv es ti npr oj ec ti ni t i al l y B)Bookv al ueofpas ti nv es t menti nequi pment C)Amount sf orf ut ur ec os t sofpr oj ec t D)Fut ur ebenefi t st ober ecei v edf r om pr oj ec t 9) Pet e' sCol aCompanyi si n v es t i gat i ngt heposs i bi l i t yofadopt i ngal ean t hi nk i ngphi l os ophy t hr oughoutt hei ror gani z at i on.Es t i mat edc os t st osetupt hec omput er s y s t em ar e$1, 650, 000; t r ai ni ngempl oy eesi nl e anoper at i onsi ses t i mat edt oc os t$175, 000;and t hegener al ex pens esof es t abl i s hi ngt hepr ogr am ar ees t i mat edat$315, 000.Thees t i mat edv al ue oft hepot ent i al s av i ngsi s

$1, 975, 000.Dot hebenefit sout wei ght hecos t sordot hec os t sout wei gh t hebenefi t s ,andbyhow muc h? A)Be nefit sout wei ghc os t sb y$165, 000. B)Cos t sout wei ghbenefi t sb y$150, 000. C)Cos t sout wei ghbenefi t sby$165, 000. D)Benefit sout wei ghc ost sb y$150, 000. 10)Thephi l os ophyt hatc ent er sonpr oduct i onasneededi sk nownas A)s uppl y c hai nmanagement . B)JI T. C)TQM. D)ERP. 11)TheSa r banes Oxl e yAc tr equi r escompani est ohav et hei ri nt er nal audi tpr ocedur esas ses sedatl eas t A)quar t er l y . B)annual l y . C)mont hl y . D)atanyt i met heyc hoos e.

12)Whi choft hef ol l owi ngwas notar es ul toft heSa r banes Oxl e yAc t ? A)Ther ear enewr equi r ement sf orCPAfi r ms . B)TheCOO as sumesfi nanc i al s t at ementr es ponsi bi l i t y . C)Audi tc ommi t t eesmus tbei ndependent . D)Ther ear es t i fferc ons equencesf orwhi t ecol l arc r i mes . 13)Whi choft hef ol l owi ngs t at ement saboutXBRLi sf al s e ? A)TheUSi st hefi r s tc ount r yt omandat eus eofXBRL . B)XBRLs houl ddec r easet het i mec ompani esspendc onv er t i ngt hei r fi nanc i ali nf or mat i oni nt ov ar i ousgov er nment pr es c r i bedf or mat s . C)XBRLwi l l dec r eas et heneedf ormanual fi nanc i al i nf or mat i ons ear c hes . D)XBRLi sonl yr equi r edf orpubl i c l yt r adedc ompani es . 14)XBRLs t andsf or A)Ex t r ac t abl eBusi nes sRepor t i ngLoca t i o n. B)Ex t ens i bl eBus i nes sRe por t i n gLanguage. C)Exi s t i ngBus i nessRes pons i bi l i t yLanguage. D)Ext ensi v eBu si nes sRegi s t er i ngLoc at i on. 15)I FRSs t andsf or A)I nt er nat i onalandFor ei gnRepor t i ngSy s t ems . B)I mpor t antFor ei gnRe gi s t er i ngSy s t ems . C)I nt er nat i onal Fi nanci al Repor t i ngSt andar ds . D)I nt er nat i onal andFor ei g nRegi s t er i ngSt andar ds .

1)B 2)A 3)E 4)FALSE 5)TRUE 6)A 7)B 8)B 9)C 10)B 11)B 12)B 13)A 14)B 15)C...

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