ACTG 6146 midexam - asdsadsad PDF

Title ACTG 6146 midexam - asdsadsad
Author Shane Dolot
Course Intermediate Accounting 1
Institution AMA Computer University
Pages 16
File Size 112.2 KB
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CREATED BY: KUYA JOVERTIf teens are grow in a judgmental or critical environment. They can grow up defensive. A: TrueA person love ________ can tell you how they want to feel loved and appreciated by the significant people around them. A: LanguageIt pertains to our ability to recognize an emotion be...


CREATED BY: KUYA JOVERT If teens are grow in a judgmental or critical environment. They can grow up defensive. A: True A person love ________ can tell you how they want to feel loved and appreciated by the significant people around them. A: Language It pertains to our ability to recognize an emotion being felt, and able to verbalize it. It involves self-reflection A: knowing one's emotions or self-awareness Our emotions are rooted from our _____ instincts. We need to sense, detect, assess and act on any threat. A: Survival Busy parents ________ time with things like gadgets, clothes, cars and money. A: substitute ______ is the element present when one is fighting some overwhelming anxiety. It helps us to motivate ourselves A: hope It is the most important determinant of satisfaction in a relationship. It include support from the partner, sexual satisfaction, emotional, financial and physical security. A: rewards of the relationship The following statement defines the word leader, except for: A: the strongest member of the group The emotional centers of the brain are linked to the areas that are involved in cognitive learning. That means all smart people must have very high emotional quotient. A: False According to Goleman, believes that we have little control on what emotion arises in a situation. However, we have the power to control how long it can last. A: managing emotions It is a leadership theory asserts leaders display certain personality traits such as decisiveness, persistence, high-level of self-confidence and assertiveness. A: Trait Theory People express and share their affection in _____ ways. A: diverse Leadership is learned through behavior. Leaders should and can learn how to become better leaders. A: Behavioral Theory Emotional intelligence is important because it affects the following areas, except A: economic status

Adolescents should not be allowed to fail. They should continuously drive for the highest standard. Failure can only mean that they did not try hard enough. A: False Love is an assortment of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection. It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. A: True Parents act as their children's role models on what intimacy and love is. A: True Parents and children should give their ________ attention. It is a powerful communicator of emotional love. A: undivided Some people prefer ______ touch at an appropriate time, place and manner. This comes in the forms of hugs, a high-five and even just a pat on the back. A: physical A _______ is characterized by a unconditional positive regards towards each other. It is a mutually beneficial relationship for all the people involved. It is built on trust, respect and integrity. A: healthy relationship Love and intimacy can only happen if there is sexual attraction between two individuals. A: True Robert Sternbergs developed, The Triangular Theory of Love. What are the three components of love? A: intimacy, commitment, and passion This theory involves vision, which leader uses to rally support from followers, and the role of the leader uses to rally support from followers, and the role of the leader is in motivating others to support the vision to make it happen. A: Participative Theory Linda is being moody and agitated. She is about to take an important college entrance exam. Her boyfriend, William, is having a tough time. She does not have time for him anymore and often irritable. Instead of picking a fight, he gave her space and let her that he is there for her. In this relationship William showing that he is ______. A: ready to provide support Sympathy is the ability to understand the feeling and experiences of other people. It is important in the a healthy and thriving relationships. A: False A leadership trait where one is not satisfied in staying in their comfort zone. They are continually evolving looking for ways change and evolve. They are open and flexible to change. A: Ingenuity Which family of emotions would you classify the following: INFATUATION, AGAPE, ADORATION A: love

____ intelligence is the ability to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustrations, to control impulse and delay gratification, to regulate one's moods and manage stress. A: emotional The feeling of being in love have physical, emotional and psychological signs. A: True There are times that we meet people that we immediately like or dislike that is somehow the result of our past relationship and experiences. This is called the ______. A: transference effect Investments made by the couple in the relationship includes the following: time spent together, common beliefs, and _______. A: mutual experiences Arrange the following words from the LEAST INTENSE to the MOST INTENSE: PANIC, ANXIETY, FRIGHT, NERVOUSNESS A: CONCERN, NERVOUSNESS, FRIGHT, PANIC People experience and feel love in diverse ways. A: True There are three stages of falling in love. The first stage is known as ______, also known as the love struck phase. A: Attraction ________ are words phrases and gestures that confirms, acknowledges the positive traits and behavior of a person. A: Affirmations Parents should let their children disagree with them. This can train them the important negotiating skills that is an important part of maintaining relationships and preserving a sense of self. A: True This is the kind of attraction that results from proximity. Proximity can lead to familiarity. A: propinquity effect _________ this is a type of connection which is closely associated with a person and which can only have meaning to a person. A: Personal relationship As we grow, the people we have close relationship and interactions grows. A: True ______ is the ability to recognize the emotions on others. A: Empathy ______ is the absence of the acceptance of for each other. It is the constantly fault-finding that results to negative feelings towards each other A: Criticism Love and belongingness is a basic human need. A: True

Building healthy personal relationship happens naturally. A: False The more feelings are pushed down measures the level of self-control and determination of a person. A: False The following statements describes authentic leadership, except for: A: leadership is hierarchical Quality ___________ means parents to learn to speak with their teens rather than at the teens. Parents should start to recognize their A: conversation Recognizing and managing feelings appropriately in ourselves and of others is part of our social-emotional intelligence. A: True We all have _____ for all to our relationships. This includes mutual respect trust and integrity. A: responsibility Among our family and friends are where the first significant relationships we develop. A: True Which of the following statements defines influence? A: the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command Sadness gives us the change to reflect and step back from the world, reset, recharge and heal. It lets others know that we might need some loving. A: True Lance always breaks his promise. He makes last minute cancellations with his family commitments without any proper excuse. What does he need to do more in his relationship with his family? A: Show a level of integrity Most adolescents would refrain from the physical gestures of their parents in a public setting. They might perceive it as a source of ________, but it may not mean that they don't appreciate it. A: embarrassment Developing kindness is important for social competence, relationships, and connection. A: True Adolescents are not yet capable of developing good listening skills. They are too young and too preoccupied with their own concerns. A: False A leader that is conscious of their own strengths and weaknesses. They know how to utilize their weaknesses and at the same time augment their weakness the help of others. A: Self-awareness Organizing groups, negotiating solutions, personal connection and social analysis is a domain of emotional intelligence on ______. A: handling relationships

The concept of love can only be felt by mature adults. A: False Teens need to learn how to manage anger and other _______ emotions. This could be done with the help of their parents, school and other adults around them. A: Negative Acts of service freely given as true expressions of emotional love. This can come as doing chores or favors for someone. Loving service is not _______, it is voluntary act. A: slavery ____ is a broad definition of how we interact and behave with other people. It can also dictate how they interact and behave with us. A: Social relationship Among our family and friends are where the first significant relationships we develop. A: True Leadership is learned through behavior. Leaders should and can learn how to become better leaders. A: Behavioral Theory Adolescents should not be allowed to fail. They should continuously drive for the highest standard. Failure can only mean that they did not try hard enough. A: False Most adolescents would refrain from the physical gestures of their parents in a public setting. They might perceive it as a source of ________, but it may not mean that they don't appreciate it. A: embarrassment ______ is the sense of value and pride people put in themselves. A: Self-esteem What type of social influence is observed is the Filipino value of pakikisama? A: compliance The ___ consist of a nuclear family and the parents of the either the husband or wife. This may also include other members of their immediate family members like uncles, aunts and cousins. A: extended family Parents should limit ______ their children. They should spend more time honestly affirm their good qualities. A: criticizing Filipino still put importance in _____ values, show high esteem of personal dignity, express consideration for the feelings of others. A: Personal Filipinos are part of the ______ race. It is a mix of the Indonesian, Chinese, Indian, Spanish and Euro-American culture. A: Malay ____ it consists strategies, belief and values that parents used in their child rearing. A: Parenting style

____ are things, people, groups or organizations that can that modify a person's behavior, belief and attitude. A: Social influencers Parents can serve as ____ to their children. Parents should exhibit the same values that they try to instill to their children. A: Models For most Filipinos, family remains to be a central figure their lives. As reflected by the close relationship between relatives. A: Family Filipinos families are religious. They show remarkable resilience amidst problems because of their faith. A: religious _________ this is a type of connection which is closely associated with a person and which can only have meaning to a person. A: Personal relationship Filipinos are known to hospitable and enjoy social events. Which practice best illustrates this? A: Festive and grand celebrations of throughout the year in celebration of the different holidays welcomes relatives and friends. According to Albert Bandura, children learn behaviors through _____. Younger children are not able to differentiate which ones are good or bad. A: observation Self-esteem and body image is important among teens. Many people have trouble people have trouble _____ and this can affect their self-esteem. A: adjusting A strong influencer among teens are the celebrities they _____. A: idolize ___ are first learned in the family structure. Children learn how to interact and communicate with their family members first. A: social skills A ___ is someone that rears the child or children while earning an income. He or she is the one of the biological parent of the child or children. A: single-parent Parents need to understand the challenges that adolescents undergo. Which of the following is not a major concern for adolescence? A: financial independence Filipinos are known for the deep value for family. Which practice best illustrates this? A: Filipinos are known to have wide extended families living in one home which usually includes grandparents, aunts, uncles and even cousins. Filipino deems pakikisama or _____ is very important. A: social acceptance

Most of the time media images of skinny girls and muscled guys affect a person's body image. These images are highly _____ by editing softwares like Photoshop. A: distorted Filipinos men show reverence to towards women and children. A: reverence The Filipino is tight-knit. There is a _____ personal relationship with the extended family structure. A: close Authoritative parenting is the key factor in the ____ development of an adolescent. A: psychological The Filipinos are noted for their friendliness and ________. They are most welcoming of visitors in their homes. A: hospitality Which type of social influence is observed in this situation? Parents use their authority over the children. A: obedience Filipinos are known for the deep value for family. Which practice best illustrates this? A: Filipinos are known to have wide extended families living in one home which usually includes grandparents, aunts, uncles and even cousins. Some teens with low self-esteem may become ______, lose interest in activities or friends and even hurt themselves using alcohol and drugs. A: depressed The Filipino _____ and traditions are reflection of their faith, national identity, their closeness with the environment and their love for life. A: customs The Filipinos are fun loving. This observed in the colorful and vibrant _____ and celebrations all over the country. A: fiestas Which family of emotions would you classify the following: BEWILDERMENT, WONDER, AMAZEMENT A: surprise Usually a person who has ____ self-esteem will make friends easily, have a better control of their behavior, and will enjoy life more. A: high The Filipino family is still very traditional despite of modernization. A: traditional This is the psychological control that parents use on their children that can cause psychosocial problem later. A: emotional manipulations What differentiates personal relationships with social relationships? A: the level of intimacy and vulnerability

A healthy _____ allows a person to explore other aspects of growing up, such as developing good friendships and a good sense of relationship. A: attitude It is a social unit of two or more persons who share resources, share responsibility for decision, share values and goals, and have commitment to each other over time. A: family Strong ties of loyalty bind Filipinos to their groups and the and their familial "utang n loob" or debt of ______. A: gratitude Teens should focus on our passions, interests and stay away from _____ influences that tells you that you aren't good enough. A: toxic ______ is how someone feels about his or her own physical appearance. A: Body Image Filipino families have a ______ of authority. Formal authority resides in the Father, but the decision making is shared with the mother. A: hierarchy Despite _____, family values remains vital to the Filipinos. Like most Asian families, family remains traditional. A: modernity It is a profession that someone gets into because he found the match to his life goals, skills, personality and interests. A: career The following are factors that affect the personal development of children, except: A: temperature ____may also play a part in your career choice. These can be affected by your own parent’s career choices. This reflects your likes and dislikes, family history and even your hobbies. A: Personal preference _____will definitely help you find your careers. A: personality characteristics ____is your drive and reason why you do something. This can help you achieve and overcome difficulties that you might overcome obstacles in your career. A: motivation In choosing your career, you should consider your personal values, personal goals and future plans for yourself. A: self-concept Parents tend to _______ the career choice of their student. They might encourage their children to enroll in the courses that they might think as more rewarding. A: influence Children at an early age are expected to share in the household chores. This instills early on a sense of _____. A: responsibility

______ is a part of tertiary education program. It provides training in job related and technical skills. A: vocational education A ____ that matches your motivation and interest can make you reasonably contented. A: career Filipino families are noted for their _____. Parents invest time, resources and love to their children. A: values - wrong modernity – wrong elders – wrong responsibility – wrong eldest – wrong hierarchy – wrong family oriented – wrong extended families – wrong grandparents - wrong Respect among ____ is deemed important in the Filipino family. A: elders ______ provide a student insight about the field they are in. It provides the opportunity for future professionals to observe and even practice their skills. A: internships Most schools will have a _____, this a person that can help discuss your career options. A: career counselor Personal development is the______. A: activities that improve awareness and our sense of identity ______ are experts in their field. These are people that you can also talk to know more about the skills, knowledge and demands of the field you are interested in. A: mentors ____is a kindof psychological counseling that helps family members develop better communication and resolve conflicts. A: Family therapy Which of the following statements supports that Filipinos take pride in education? A: Every home would have their children’s diplomas decorating their walls. In making a genogram, who are the people best to interview? A: grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles Filipinos are _____. Most people put their family as a top priority and motivation. A: family-oriented _____ are passed on to the children through family traditions and customs. A: values _____ are a valuable tool for gaining insights in your traits and behavioral tendencies. A: personality tests Open and honest communication among family members is essential for a chaotic family. A: True ______ play an active role in the rearing of the younger members of the family. Most of them lived with their adults children and are valued members of the family. A: Grandparents

Aptitude tests measures how well you can do the job. It focuses more on the _____ that is required of a specific job. A: Skills ______ reflect our purposes in life. It includes personal objectives that is the driving force behind everything that we do. These are themost important things that we want to accomplish. A: Life goals An _____ include relatives from marriages like grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and inlaws. A: extended families The _____ in the family is charged with taking care of the younger siblings. A: eldest ____is your drive and reason why you do something. This can help you achieve and overcome difficulties that you might overcome obstacles in your career. A: Motivation __ traits are characteristics passed on by their parents to their offspring. A: hereditary Despite _____, family values remains vital to the Filipinos. Like most Asian families, family remains traditional. A: modernity Most Filipinos are pressured to that follow a career that their ______deem as the best option. A: parents Filipino families have a ______ of authority. Formal authority resides in the Father, but the decision making is shared with the mother. A: hierarchy An _____ include relatives from marriages like grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and inlaws. A: extended families These activities can help you find the best career, except A: staying at home and watching television Your career can influence overall _____ in the future. Most people would spend more than 30% of their time working. A: happiness Personality tests can be especially useful in _____ job performance. Job performance is how well an employee comply with the demands of his job. A: predicting _____ are passed on to the children through family traditions and customs. A: values The ____ is part of the limbic system of the brain and is involved in instinctive reactions. A: amygdala

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