Activity 1 - Ethical Dimension of Human Existence PDF

Title Activity 1 - Ethical Dimension of Human Existence
Author Mikaella Paula Lamadora
Course Human Resource Management
Institution Ateneo de Manila University
Pages 4
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Mikaella Paula M. Lamadora BSA-1EActivity # 1Ethics Identify a list of: (a) obligations we are expected to fulfill, (b) prohibitions we are required to respect, and (c) ideals we are encouraged to meet. Discuss whether these are ethical in nature or not. a. Obligations we are expected to fulfill In ...


Mikaella Paula M. Lamadora


Activity # 1 Ethics

1. Identify a list of: (a) obligations we are expected to fulfill, (b) prohibitions we are required to respect, and (c) ideals we are encouraged to meet. Discuss whether these are ethical in nature or not. a. Obligations we are expected to fulfill In general, an obligation is a course of action that we are obliged to follow, whether it be legal or moral. Each of us has the obligation to play meaningful role to ourselves, to others and in the community. However, these obligations differ based on the roles we are required to perform.  Obligations to Family - Support and respect every one of the family including our parents, siblings, and extended family  Obligations to Nation - Obey and respect the rule of law - Care for and restore the nation’s natural resources - Vote for the right leaders - Pay taxes  Obligations to others - Tolerance and respect people - Accept differences and diversity b. Prohibitions we are required to respect Prohibitions in law refer to the act or practice of prohibiting something, which may be liable to punishment if you breach one of those. And whoever is issuing the prohibition, our choice is to respect it or risk the prohibition’s consequences.  Respect Human Rights  Respect Privacy  Respect Beliefs  Respect Labor rights  Respect Property c. Ideals we are encouraged to meet An ideal is a principle or value that we actively pursue as a goal. And all of us have certain ideals, toward which we should strive for and achieve in order to reach our full potential as human beings.   

Trust Fairness Respect

 

Happiness Charity

These are all ethical in nature because these are what we needed to fulfill, respect and meet in order for us to live a life without regrets. 2. Are clothes a matter of pure aesthetic taste, does it make sense for clothes to become a subject in a discussion of ethics? Why? How about other forms of adornment, such as tattoos and piercings? Clothes is not just a matter of pure aesthetic taste; it affects a wide range of individuals, regions, and traditions, and also perceptions and conventions. Even today, many people do not have the liberty to dress what they want; some dress according to their culture's dictates or out of necessity. If ethics is narrowly defined as the ‘rules of behavior’ I would say it makes sense to discuss what clothing is appropriate in various venues such as school, church, public places. Therefore, yes, it should become a subject matter in ethics. Clothes and body adornments are a symbol of a person's philosophy and belongingness, not just a representation. So it must be thoroughly understood and explained especially now that we have a widespread of standards of perfection, which builds a pathway to discrimination, and an unfair acceptance between people of different races, clothing statements, and body adornments. 3. Look for a newspaper article that tackles an ethical issue. Consider the following questions: NEWS ARTICLE: "Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines." a. What makes this a matter of ethics? Many women in the Philippines are unable to meet the family's ideal dimensions. Unintentional pregnancy is normal, partly due to a high unmet contraceptive requirement. But abortion in any case is illegal and thus highly stigmatized, the Philippine government has done its utmost to improve access to contraceptive service. Abortion is nevertheless popular but sometimes done under unsafe and obsolete circumstances. What makes it more a matter of ethics is that we have a very high access to contraceptives but our people tends to not use them for many various reasons. b. What is your own ethical judgment on this case? The judgment is pretty simple, creating and killing lives is horrible and a very big problem, so policymakers and government agencies shouldn't stop educating the public about contraception, ensuring a very adequate funding for contraceptives services and eliminating barriers to obtaining methods, particularly to those rural areas and poor populations. Promote family planning to all married women. Since

there is a law for this which is the Reproductive Health Law, nearly all Filipino women should have access to reproductive health information and services that help them to plan and care for their families. c. What are your reasons for this judgment? Because people needs to realize that this are humans as well. They are carrying a potential future of this country. They are carrying a person who has dreams with it. But then they're just going to stop that dreams by killing them while they're still unborn. Government needs to stop or lessen this happenings inside our country. It's such a shame that this people could be sometimes rich and they still manage to abort the child. People needs to realize that when they enter this situation that there's no point of return. You as a person needs to take that responsibility as an incoming parent of the unborn child. We should give love and care for that child inside. They really need to get a life. People are so stubborn this days. This is why we have to make things that assures as that those child will be born and not be killed because that's very unethical and brutal as well.

4. Brainstorm and come up with a list of common Filipino values. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of these. a. Hospitality Strength: Generosity combined with good manners and respect. Weakness: Concerns about trust are given birth. b. Religiosity Strength: Love for God shapes characters and builds faith to persevere in the face of difficulties. Weakness: Strict adherence to tradition and a bahala na mindset c. Family Oriented Strength: Family acts as both a motivator and a drive to achieve greater heights. Weakness: Providence as a result of financial situation and push to desperation d. Hardworking Attitude Strength: Persistence and attention, especially at work, as well as flexibility (like working overseas), Weakness: Fatigue, susceptibility to depression, stress, and desperate attempts to make money

5. Imagine that you are a legislator. What rules or laws that currently prohibit certain acts or practices would you want to amend or repeal? Also, are there certain acts or practices currently permitted by the law that you would want to prohibit? Think of this on the level of your school, your city, and the nation. If ever I am a legislator or a lawmaker, I like to amend the prohibition of same sex marriage in the Philippines. Other countries already passed the law of same sex marriage. That is why some of the member of LGBTQ today are venturing to the other country. Because of legalization of its civil or religious ceremony of marriage. I know Philippines is a religious country, we practice what is written in the bible. A man is for a woman, but it also stated there the "equality". Personally, I am not a religious kind of person but I follow the way of goodness. As one of its countrymen I don't have any problem with that even though I am a straight woman. As you can see, same sex marriage is also a marriage equality. Two people of the same sex or gender has a mutual connection, and intimacies in entering the civil union. 6. Comment on this statement: “What I believe must be true if I feel very strongly about it.” I disagree with the statement. This is because most people center their beliefs on forms of bias. Thinking it or believing it does not make anything right or wrong but only an understanding of how these biases can give someone perspective leading to more truths that are difficult to accept. In my point of view, what I believe has nothing to do with how I feel about it. Feelings are real, but they cannot be categorized as fact or truth. I simply used evidences and experience to determine the truth, not emotions. That is why we must learn to trust objective information, which is unbiased and does not include feelings or personal interpretations, rather than subjective information, which mixes facts with feelings, that can lead to biased information. 7. Is looking after the benefit of your own family over all other aspects considered as another form of egoism? Discuss. In my opinion, it is not egoism to prioritize your own family's needs over the needs of others. We can call the "act" egoism if it does not favor our own "ego." On the other hand, watching out for my own family is more of an act of altruism, which is unselfish concern for the well-being of others....

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