Adams Garth 11.17.19 Prospectus Template PDF

Title Adams Garth 11.17.19 Prospectus Template
Author Garth Adams
Course Ethical Dilemmas and Stewardship
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 39
File Size 894.1 KB
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Download Adams Garth 11.17.19 Prospectus Template PDF


Dissertation Prospectus How Emotional Intelligence Influences the Correlation between a Student's Career Employment Post-Graduation and the use of Transformational Leadership Submitted by Garth Adams November 17, 2019 Dr. Alen Badal

2 Dissertation Prospectus Introduction University administrators observed that Emotional Intelligence (EI) "to be a significant predictor of the student's psychosocial employability attributes" (Coetzee & Potgieter, 2013). The research may provide value that can be utilized within a universities career development department, admissions department, or student services department. The research helps staff to better counsel students in their approach towards their career post-graduation. Early on in a student's academic career it is recommended through previous research that freshman should utilize emotional intelligence training in their academic programs (Gliebe, 2012). The academic environment has an opportunity to provide more than subject matter knowledge, but also social knowledge to survive. The student’s academic habits can carry over to their career habits; academic leaders need to determine the emotional intelligence of their students to better determine the approach to the student’s career decision-,aking process (Samuel Olayinka Salami, 2010). Jiang (2016) stated that the future needs to study the underlying role of emotion in career confidence based on the emotions and career framework to determine the leader’s direction for the educational development of their students. The study correlates a strong relationship between career approach and emotional intelligence (EI), suggesting the understanding of EI is one of the predictors of future job performance. Mathew and Gupta (2015) analyze the relationship between transformational leadership (TL) and emotional intelligence (EI), suggesting continued research to apply EI to enhance transformational leadership style and student awareness on larger diverse populations. Matthew Moser (2017) stated that future research was needed to assess leaders

Prospectus Template v.8.2 05.09.19

3 “emotional intelligence and transformational leadership” and does it have significant effects “statistically to student achievement.” The objective is to assist leaders and students both in becoming more emotionally intelligent to increase educational and career success post-graduation. This study may extend the prior research by possibly filling a defined gap from the current literature.


Learner SelfEvaluation Score (0-3)

Chair Evaluation Score (0-3)

Reviewer Score (0-3)

Introduction This section briefly overviews the research focus or problem, why this study is worth conducting, and how this study will be completed. The recommended length for this section is two to three paragraphs. Dissertation topic is introduced along with why the study is needed. 2 2. Provides a summary of results from the prior empirical research on the topic. 1 3. Using results, societal needs, recommendations for further study, or needs identified in three to five research studies (primarily from the last three years), the learner identifies the stated need, called a gap. 4. Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. NOTE: This Introduction section elaborates on the Topic from the 10 Strategic Points. This Introduction section provides the foundation for the Introduction section in Chapter 1 of the Proposal. 1.

Reviewer Comments:

Background of the Problem The United States’ federal student loan program has an issue with the amount of student loan debt currently exceeding over $1 Trillion citation needed?. The federal student loan program began measuring how a university prepares its graduates for employment. It is referred to as Gainful Employment, as it will measure the Prospectus Template v.8.2 05.09.19

4 graduatesgraduates’ student loan debt to their professional earnings. This is known as the debt-to-earnings ratio. If the debt-to-earnings ratio is too high for a program of the university, then the university could lose its eligibility to award its student population any Title IV funds (Federal Student Aid, 2019). The amount of the student loan debt is currently moving towards a potential economic downfall. Each year that the numbers climb with no solution, creates more economic hardships. Gainful Employment regulations were an initial step in creating a solution (Federal Student Aid, 2019). The regulations focused on academic outcomes and employment outcomes of the students whom have completed the entire program, graduated, and are seeking employment. If their debt-to-earnings ratio is “less than 8% of total earnings...the university is considered to have passed the requirements” (Mayotte, 2015), para.9). Alumni with debt-to-earnings ratio between eight and 12%, the university is in a warning zone, and alumni that incur a debt-to-earnings ratio larger than 12%, then the university will fail the Gainful Employment requirements (Mayotte, 2015). If the university does fail this requirement for three consecutive years, or are in a warning zone for four consecutive years; then the university will not be able to offer Title IV funds to its students for a minimum of three years (Mayotte, 2015). Without the ability to offer its students Title IV funds; the university will be unable to financially maintain its functionality and have to close its doors. With more of a focus on student outcomes and employability, universities have seen emotional intelligence as a predictor to an alumnus’ potential earnings and career opportunities. To increase the debt-to-earnings ratio for alumnus, the focus has shifted to the use of emotional intelligence in a student’s career employability. Universities

Prospectus Template v.8.2 05.09.19

5 observed that emotional intelligence (EI) “to be a significant predictor of the students psychosocial career success post-graduation” (Potgieter & Coetzee, 2013). The results from previous works on emotional intelligence and transformational leadership were positively associated with self-perceived academic and career successes for students in higher education. Matthew Moser (2017) stated that future research was needed to assess “emotional intelligence and transformational leadership” and does it have a significant effect “statistically to student achievement” post-graduation. It is still not known if the use of emotional intelligence and transformational leadership in a student’s academic environment improves the development of the student’s career traits that are used post-graduation. Criteria

Learner SelfEvaluation Score (0-3)

Chair or Score (0-3)

Reviewer Score (0-3)

Background of the Problem This section uses the literature to provide the reader with a definition and statement of the research gap and problem the study will address. This section further presents a brief historical perspective of when the problem started and how it has evolved over time. The recommended length for this section is two-three paragraphs. 1.

Includes a brief discussion demonstrating 1 how literature has established the gap and a clear statement informing the reader of the gap. 1 2. Discusses how the “need” or “defined gap” has evolved historically into the current problem or opportunity to be addressed by the proposed study (citing seminal and/or current research). 1 3. ALIGNMENT: The problem statement for the dissertation will be developed from and justified by the “need” or “defined gap” that is described in this section and supported by the empirical research literature published within the past 3-5 years. 4. Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. NOTE: This Background of the Problem section uses information from the Literature Review in the 10 Prospectus Template v.8.2 05.09.19

6 Strategic Points. This Background of the Problem section becomes the Background of the Study in Note, this section develops the foundation for Chapter 1 in the Proposal. It is then expanded to develop the comprehensive Background to the Problem section and Identification of the GAP sections in Chapter 2 (Literature Review) in the Proposal. Reviewer Comments:

Theoretical Foundations/Conceptual Framework and Review of the Literature/Themes The Theoretical Foundations section of the prospectus provides a big picture of the theory(ies) or conceptual models that will provide the foundation for the study and addressing the problem statement. The preliminary Review of the Literature/Themes section defines and describes the major topics or themes related to the dissertation topic. The Theoretical Foundations, as well as, the problem statement helps to define the Research Questions. Theoretical foundations/conceptual framework. This section names and describes the theory(s) or model(s) that will provide the Theoretical Foundation/Conceptual Framework for the research study. Additionally, it describes their relevance to the proposed study topic and the stated problem that came out of the Background section. Citations from seminal and/or other sources are provided to justify the selected theory(s) or model(s). Seminal sources are ordinarily significantly older than 5 years (consider, for example, such seminal thinkers as Piaget or Vygotsky). For a quantitative study, it should provide the theory or model for each variable as well the rationale for studying the relationship between the variables. For a qualitative study, it should discuss how the theories or models are relevant to understanding the phenomenon. Review of the literature/themes. This section on the Review of the Literature/Themes provides a bulleted list of the major themes you have synthesized from Prospectus Template v.8.2 05.09.19

7 the literature related to the research topic and problem statement for the dissertation. Each theme should have a one-two sentence summary that describes the theme and its relevance to the dissertation research problem. Include at least two empirical research citations from the past 3-5 years for each theme. The analysis of the literature review is fundamental to identifying the gap (GCU, 2017). For example, list the themes that will be used as organizers for the larger literature review in Chapter 2. See below: ● Theme 1. Write a few sentences here to describe the theme and include appropriate citations. ● Theme 2. Write a few sentences here to describe the theme and include appropriate citations.

Reviewer Chair or Learner SelfScore Score Evaluation (0-3) (0-3) Score (0-3) Theoretical Foundations and/or Conceptual Framework This section identifies the theory(s) or model(s) that provide the foundation for the research. This section should present the theory(s) or models(s) and explain how the problem under investigation relates to the theory or model. The theory(s) or models(s) guide the research questions and justify what is being measured (variables) as well as how those variables are related (quantitative) or the phenomena being investigated (qualitative). Criteria

Review of the Literature/Themes This section provides a broad, balanced overview of the existing literature related to the proposed research topic. It describes the literature in related topic areas and its relevance to the proposed research topic findings, providing a short 3-4 sentence description of each theme and identifies its relevance to the research problem supporting it with at least two citations from the empirical literature from the past 3-5 years. The recommended length for this section is 1 paragraph for Theoretical Foundations and a bulleted list for Literature Themes section. 1. Theoretical Foundations section identifies the theory(s), model(s) relevant to the variables (quantitative study) or phenomenon (qualitative study). This section should explain how the study topic or problem coming out of the “need” or “defined gap” in the as described in the Background to the Problem section relates to the theory(s) or model(s) presented in this section. (One paragraph) 2. Review of the Literature Themes section: This section is a bulleted list of the major Prospectus Template v.8.2 05.09.19

8 themes or topics related to the research topic. Each theme or topic should have a one-two sentence summary. 3. ALIGNMENT: The Theoretical Foundations models and theories need to be related to and support the problem statement or study topic. The sections in the Review of the Literature are topical areas needed to understand the various aspects of the phenomenon (qualitative) or variables/groups (quantitative) being studied; to select the design needed to address the Problem Statement; to select surveys or instruments to collect information on variables/groups; to define the population and sample for the study; to describe components or factors that comprise the phenomenon; to describe key topics related to the study topic, etc. 4. Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. NOTE: The two parts of this section use information about the Literature Review and Theoretical Foundations/Conceptual Framework from the 10 Strategic Points. This Theoretical Foundations section is expanded upon to become the Theoretical Foundations section in Chapter 2 (Literature Review). The Theoretical Foundations and the Literature Review sections are also used to help create the Advancing Scientific Knowledge/Review of the Literature section in Chapter 2 (Literature Review). Reviewer Comments:

Problem Statement This section of the Prospectus evolves from the Background to the Problem section above. The Problem Statement section begins with a declarative statement of the problem under study, such as “It is not known if and to what degree/extent/if there is a difference...” (quantitative) or “It is not known how or why …” (qualitative). Questions to consider when writing the problem include: 1. What is the need in the world or gap in the literature that this problem statement addresses? 2. What is the real issue that is affecting society, students, or organizations? 3. At what frequency is the problem occurring? Prospectus Template v.8.2 05.09.19

9 4. What is the extent of human suffering that the problem produces? 5. Why has the problem received lack of attention in the past? 6. What does the literature and research say about the problem that can and should be addressed at this time? 7. What are the negative outcomes that this issue is addressing? After the short declarative problem statement, this section then describes the general population affected by the problem. Then, the learner needs to address the importance, scope, or opportunity for solving the problem and/or the importance of addressing the problem. This section ends with a description of the unit of analysis. ● For qualitative studies, this describes how the phenomena will be studied. The

unit of analysis can be, for example, individuals, group(s), case unit(s), community, organization(s), processes, or institution(s). The unit of analysis bounds how the researcher will study the phenomena. ● For quantitative studies, the unit of analysis needs to be defined in terms of

the variable structure (conceptual, operational, and measurement). At the operational level, the unit of analysis gets determined and defined by (and must align with) the research question/problem statement. o

The conceptual level of a variable in a school setting may be, for example, student achievement. The operational level of the variable may be student performance in social studies. The measurement level for the variable may be individual student scores on the high stakes test, or percentage of overall students passing the test (at the school level).


Learner SelfEvaluation Score (0-3)

Chair or Score (0-3)

Reviewer Score (0-3)

Problem Statement This section includes the problem statement, the population affected, and how the study will contribute to solving the problem. The recommended length for this section is one paragraph. 1. States the specific problem proposed for research with a clear declarative statement. 2.

Describes the population of interest affected by the problem. The general population refers to all individuals that could be affected by the study problem.

Prospectus Template v.8.2 05.09.19

10 3.

Describes the unit of analysis.

For qualitative studies this describes how the phenomenon will be studied. This can be individuals, group, or organization under study. For quantitative studies, the unit of analysis needs to be defined in terms of the variable structure (conceptual, operational, and measurement). 4.

Discusses the importance, scope, or opportunity for the problem and the importance of addressing the problem.


The problem statement is developed based on the need or gap defined in the Background to the Study section.


Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format.

NOTE: This section elaborates on the Problem Statement from the 10 Strategic Points. This section becomes the foundation for the Problem Statement section in Chapter 1 and other Chapters where appropriate in the Proposal. Reviewer Comments:

Purpose of the Study The Purpose of the Study provides a reflection of the problem statement and identifies how the study will be accomplished. The section begins with a declarative statement, “The purpose of this study is….” Included in this statement are also the research design, target population, variables (quantitative) or phenomena (qualitative) to be studied, and the geographic location. Further, the section clearly defines the variables, relationship of variables, or comparison of groups for quantitative studies. For qualitative studies, this section describes the nature of the phenomena to be explored. Criteria

Learner SelfEvaluation Score

Prospectus Template v.8.2 05.09.19

Chair or Score (0-3)

Reviewer Score (0-3)

11 (0-3) PURPOSE OF THE STUDY This section reflects what the study is about, connecting the problem statement, methodology & research design, target population, variables/phenomena, and geographic location. The recommended length for this section is one paragraph. 1. Begins with one sentence that identifies the research methodology and design, target population, variables (quantitative) or phenomena (qualitative) to be studied and geographic location. 2.

Quantitative Studies: Defines the variables and relationship of variables.


Qualitative Studies: Describes the nature of the phenomena to be explored.


Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format.

NOTE: This section elaborates on information in the Purpose Statement from the 10 Strategic Points. This section becomes the foundation for the Purpose of the Study section in Chapter 1 and other Chapters where appropriate in the Proposal. Reviewer Comments:

Research Questions and/or Hypotheses This section narrows the focus of the study and specifies the research questions to address the problem statement. Based on the research questions, it describes the variables or groups and their hypothesized relationship for a quanti...

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