Adhoc wireless network mcq PDF

Title Adhoc wireless network mcq
Course Bachelor of computer application
Institution Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University
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EC8702 Ad hoc andWireless SensorNetworksMultiple ChoiceQuestionsECE - 7thSemesterReg. 2017UNIT I AD HOCNETWORKS -INTRODUCTION ANDROUTING PROTOCOLSTOPIC 1 ELEMENTS OF ADHOC WIRELESS NETWORKS What is the access point (AP) in a wireless LAN? a) device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired ...


EC8702 Ad hoc andWireless SensorNetworks

EC8702 Ad hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks Multiple Choice Questions ECE - 7th Semester Reg. 2017 UNIT I AD HOC NETWORKS INTRODUCTION AND ROUTING PROTOCOLS TOPIC 1.1 ELEMENTS OF AD HOC WIRELESS NETWORKS 1. What is the access point (AP) in a wireless LAN? a) device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network b) wireless devices itself c) both device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network and wireless devices itself d) all the nodes in the network View Answer Answer: a Explanation: Access point in a wireless

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network is any device that will allow the wireless devices to a wired network. A router is the best example of an Access Point. 2. In wireless ad-hoc network _________ a) access point is not required b) access point is must c) nodes are not required d) all nodes are access points View Answer Answer: a Explanation: An ad-hoc wireless network is a decentralized kind of a wireless network. An access point is usually a central device and it would go against the rules of the ad-hoc network to use one. Hence it is not required. 3. Which multiple access technique is used by IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless LAN? a) CDMA b) CSMA/CA c) ALOHA d) CSMA/CD View Answer Answer: b Explanation: CSMA/CA stands for Carriersense multiple access/collision avoidance. It is a multiple access protocol used by IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless LAN. It’s based on the principle of collision avoidance by using different algorithms to avoid collisions between channels. 4. In wireless distribution system __________ a) multiple access point are inter-connected with each other b) there is no access point c) only one access point exists d) access points are not required View Answer Answer: a Explanation: A Wireless Distribution System allows the connection of multiple access


EC8702 Ad hoc andWireless SensorNetworks

points together. It is used to expand a wireless network to a larger network. 5. A wireless network interface controller can work in _______ a) infrastructure mode b) ad-hoc mode c) both infrastructure mode and ad-hoc mode d) WDS mode View Answer Answer: c Explanation: A wireless network interface controller works on the physical layer and the data link layer of the OSI model. Infrastructure mode WNIC needs access point but in ad-hoc mode access point is not required. 6. In wireless network an extended service set is a set of ________ a) connected basic service sets b) all stations c) all access points d) connected access points View Answer Answer: a Explanation: The extended service set is a part of the IEEE 802.11 WLAN architecture and is used to expand the range of the basic service set by allowing connection of multiple basic service sets. 7. Mostly ________ is used in wireless LAN. a) time division multiplexing b) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing c) space division multiplexing d) channel division multiplexing View Answer Answer: b Explanation: In orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, digital data is encoded on multiple carrier frequencies. It is also used in digital television and audio broadcasting in addition to Wireless LANs.

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8. Which one of the following event is not possible in wireless LAN? a) collision detection b) acknowledgement of data frames c) multi-mode data transmission d) connection to wired networks View Answer Answer: a Explanation: Collision detection is not possible in wireless LAN with no extensions. Collision detection techniques for multiple access like CSMA/CD are used to detect collisions in Wireless LANs. 9. What is Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)? a) security algorithm for ethernet b) security algorithm for wireless networks c) security algorithm for usb communication d) security algorithm for emails View Answer Answer: b Explanation: WEP is a security algorithm for wireless network which intended to provide data confidentiality comparable to that of traditional wired networks. It was introduced in 1997. 10. What is WPA? a) wi-fi protected access b) wired protected access c) wired process access d) wi-fi process access View Answer Answer: a Explanation: WPA or WiFi Protected Access is a security protocol used to provide users and firms with strong data security and protection for their wireless networks (WiFi) to give them confidence that only authorized users can access their network.



EC8702 Ad hoc andWireless SensorNetworks

1. IEEE 802.11 defines the basic service set as the building block of a wireless 1. LAN 2. WAN protocol 3. MAN 4. All of the above Answer

Answer: A

2. In wireless LAN, there are many hidden stations so we cannot detect the 1. Frames 2. Collision 3. Signal 4. Data Answer

Answer: B

3. A set that makes stationary or mobile wireless station and also have optional central base station is known as 1. Basic service set 2. Extended service set 3. Network point set 4. Access point Answer

Answer: A

4. Wireless communication started in 1. 1869 2. 1895 3. 1879 4. 1885 Answer

Answer: B

5. The wireless transmission is divided into 1. 3 broad groups 2. 6 broad groups 3. 9 broad groups 4. 8 broad groups Answer

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TOPIC 1.3 EXAMPLE COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS OF AD HOC NETWORKING TOPIC 1.4 AD HOC WIRELESS INTERNET, ISSUES IN DESIGNING A ROUTING PROTOCOL FOR AD HOC WIRELESS NETWORKS TOPIC 1.5 CLASSIFICATIONS OF ROUTING PROTOCOLS, TABLE DRIVEN ROUTING PROTOCOLS 1) Alternate and adaptive routing algorithm belongs to ………. A. static routing B. permanent routing C. standard routing D. dynamic routing 2) ………. protocol is a popular example of a link-state routing protocol. A. SPF B. BGP C. RIP D. OSPF 3) An example of the routing algorithm is … A. TELNET B. TNET C. ARPANET D. ARNET 4) The Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol(EIGRP) is categorized as a …….. A. Distance vector routing protocols B. Link state routing protocols C. Hybrid routing protocols D. Automatic state routing protocols

Answer: A

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EC8702 Ad hoc andWireless SensorNetworks

5) In ………. routing, the routing table hold the address of just the next hop instead of complete route information. A. next-hop B. host-specific C. network-specific D. default 6) ………. was originally developed to provide a loop-free method of exchanging routing information between autonomous systems. A. OSPF B. EIGRP C. BGP D. RIP 7) In ………… routing, the destination address is a network address in the routing tables. A. next-hop B. host-specific C. network-specific D. default 8) Logical partitioning of the network, authentication and faster convergence rate are the advantages of …. A. OSPF B. EIGRP C. BGP D. RIP 9) The ………. flag indicates the availability of a router. A. up B. host-specific C. gateway D. added by redirection 10) The types of autonomous system defined by BGP is/are .. A. Stub B. Multi-homed C. Transit D. All of the above 11) For a direct deliver, the …….. flag is on. A. up

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B. host specific C. gateway D. added by redirection 12) A ………. AS has connections to two or more autonomous systems and carries both local and transit traffic. A. Stub B. Multi-homed C. Transit D. All of the above 13) In unicast routing, each router in the domain has a table that defines a ……… path tree to possible destinations. A. average B. longest C. shortest D. very longest 14) ………….. supports the simultaneous use of multiple unequal cost paths to a destination. A. OSPF B. EIGRP C. BGP D. RIP 15) In multicast routing, each involved router needs to construct a ……… path tree for each group. A. average B. longest C. shortest D. very longest 16) Which of the following is/are the benefits provided by EIGRP? i) Faster convergence ii) partial routing updates iii) High bandwidth utilization iv) Route summarization A. i, iii and iv only B. i, ii and iii only C. ii, iii and iv only D. i, ii and iv only


EC8702 Ad hoc andWireless SensorNetworks

17) In OSPF, a ………. link is a network is connected to only one router. A. point-to-point B. transient C. stub D. multipoint 18) ……… is the process of consolidating multiple contiguous routing entries into a single advertisement. A. Faster convergence B. Partial routing updates C. Route summarization D. Multiple protocols 19) In OSPF, when the link between two routers is broken, the administration may create a …….. link between them using a longer path that probably goes through several routers. A. point-to-point B. transient C. stub D. multipoint 20) ……….. is the process of introducing external routers into an OSPF network. A. Route redistribution B. Route summarization C. Route reintroducing D. Route recreation Answers: 1) D. dynamic routing 2) D. OSPF 3) C. ARPANET 4) C. Hybrid routing protocols 5) A. next-hop 6) C. BGP 7) C. network-specific 8) A. OSPF 9) D. added by redirection 10) D. All of the above 11) C. gateway 12) C. Transit 13) C. shortest 14) B. EIGRP

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15) C. shortest 16) D. i, ii and iv only 17) C. stub 18) C. Route summarization 19) D. multipoint 20) A. Route redistribution

TOPIC 1.6 DESTINATION SEQUENCED DISTANCE VECTOR (DSDV) 1) Which of the following is not the requirement of routing function? A. Correctness B. Robustness C. Delay time D. Stability 2) The ……… protocol allows the administrator to assign a cost, called the metric, to each route. A. OSPF B. RIP C. BGP D. BBGP 3) If there is only one routing sequence for each source destination pair, the scheme is known as ….. A. static routing B. fixed alternative routing C. standard routing D. dynamic routing 4) The Open Shortest Path First(OSPF) protocol is an intra domain routing protocol based on …….. routing. A. distance vector B. link state C. path vector D. non distance vector 5) An/A ……….routing scheme is designed to enable switches to react to changing traffic patterns on the network. A. static routing B. fixed alternative routing


EC8702 Ad hoc andWireless SensorNetworks

C. standard routing D. dynamic routing 6) The Routing Information Protocol(RIP) is an intra domain routing based on ……..routing. A. distance vector B. link state C. path vector D. distance code 7) The term …….. refers to which node or nodes in the network are responsible for the routing decision. A. decision place B. routing place C. node place D. switching place 8) In ……. routing the least cost route between any two nodes is the minimum distance. A. path vector B. distance vector C. link state D. switching 9) For centralized routing the decision is made by some designated node called …… A. designated center B. control center C. network center D. network control center 10) For purposes of routing, the Internet is divided into ……. A. wide area networks B. autonomous networks C. local area networks D. autonomous system 11) In ………. a route is selected for each destination pair of nodes in the network. A. flooding B. variable routing C. fixed routing D. random routing

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12) To create a neighborhood relationship, a router running BGP sends an ………. message. A. open B. update C. keep alive D. close 13) The technique which requires no network information required is …. A. flooding B. variable routing C. fixed routing D. random routing 14) An area is …. A. part of an AS B. composed of at least two AS C. another term for an AS D. composed more than two AS 15) Which of the following produces high traffic network? A. Variable routing B. Flooding C. Fixed routing D. Random routing 16) In ……….. routing, we assume that there is one node (or more) in each autonomous system that acts on behave of the entire autonomous system. A. distant vector B. path vector C. link state D. multipoint 17) When a direct delivery is made, both the deliverer and receiver have the same …. A. routing table B. host id C. IP address D. Net id 18) In OSPF, a ……… link is a network with several routers attached to it. A. point-to-point B. transient


EC8702 Ad hoc andWireless SensorNetworks

C. stub D. multipoint 19) In ……. routing, the mask and the destination address are both in routing table. A. next-hop B. host-specific C. network-specific D. default

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20) In ………. the router forwards the receive packet through only one of its interfaces. A. unicasting B. multicasting C. broadcasting D. point to point Table of Contents Answers: 1) C. Delay time 2) A. OSPF 3) B. fixed alternative routing 4) B. link state 5) C. standard routing 6) A. distance vector 7) A. decision place 8) B. distance vector 9) D. network control center 10) D. autonomous system 11) C. fixed routing 12) B. update 13) A. flooding 14) A. part of an AS 15) B. Flooding 16) B. path vector 17) D. Net id 18) B. transient 19) D. default 20) B. multicasting


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EC8702 Ad hoc andWireless SensorNetworks

1) A wireless network interface controller can work in a) infrastructure mode b) ad-hoc mode c) both infrastructure mode and ad-hoc mode d) none of the mentioned Answer: c 2) In AODV routing algorithm for MANETs, the route is discovered at time a.only when the network is established b. in middle of the transmission c. when there is a need for route by the host d. when there is no need for route by the host Answer: c 3) Which one of the following routing algorithm can be used for network layer design? a. shortest path algorithm b. distance vector routing

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Answer: c

TOPIC 2.6 SENSOR NETWORK SCENARIOS TOPIC 2.7 TRANSCEIVER DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 1. A form of modulation in which the amplitude of a carrier wave is varied in

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EC8702 Ad hoc andWireless SensorNetworks

accordance with some characteristics of the modulating signal, is known as ___________

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B. Collision

angle modulation aloha amplitude modulation modem Answer

C. amplitude modulation 2. Modulation in which two binary values are represented by two different amplitudes of the carrier frequency is known as ___________ amplitude shift keying amplitude amplitude modulation aloha Answer

A. amplitude shift keying 3. The simultaneous transmission of data to a number of stations is known as ____________ broadcast bandwidth analog transmission aloha Answer

A. broadcast 4. Which layer of OSI determines the interface of the system with the user? Network Application Data link Physical Answer

B. Application 5. Which of the following condition is used to transmit two packets over a medium at the same time? Synchronous Collision Contention Asynchronous

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6. Which of the following summation operation is performed on the bits to check an error-detecting code? Codec Coder-decoder Checksum Attenuation Answer

C. Checksum 7. Frame relay operates in the _________ application, presentation session, transport physical, data link data link, network Answer

C. physical, data link 8. Repeaters function in the ________ layers application, presentation session, transport physical, data link data link, network Answer

C. physical, data link 9. Which of the following is not a connecting device? Bridge


EC8702 Ad hoc andWireless SensorNetworks

Gateway Transceiver Hub Answer

C. Transceiver 10. Which layer in the network supports Gateways? Lower 3 Upper 4 All 7 Layers All but the physical layer Answer

C. All 7 Layers


UNIT III WSN NETWORKING CONCEPTS AND PROTOCOLS TOPIC 3.1 MAC PROTOCOLS FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS 1) A Data Link Layer converts a packet of data into __ finally. A) Frames B) Bits C) D) Answer [=] B Explanation: Yes. The data link layer takes packets from Network Layer and converts to Bits before

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handing over to the Physical layer. 2) The two sub-layers of a Data Link layer are ___. A) LLC - Logical Link Control Layer B) MAC - Medium Access Control Layer C) Both A and B D) Data Layer Answer [=] C Explanation: LLC (Logical Link Control) layer and MAC (Medium Access Control) layer 3) Which is the sub-layer that accepts frames from the upper layer that is Network Layer? A) LLC (Logical Link Control Layer) B) MAC (Medium Access Control) layer C) D) Answer [=] A Explanation: The LLC layer receives frames the Network layer. It is topology independent. 4) The functions of a Logical Link Layer (LLC) are ___. A) Error control B) Flow control C) Creating and managing the communication link between two devices with the help of the Transport layer. D) All the above Answer [=] D 5) The types of data services offered by an LLC (Logical Link Control) layer are ___. A) Connectionless which is fast and unreliable B) Connection-Oriented which is slow and reliable C) Both OptionA and optionB. D) None Answer [=] C


EC8702 Ad hoc andWireless SensorNetworks

6) Which is the layer that is responsible for sharing the physical media (transmission medium) among many computers or devices? A) LLC (Logical Link Control) layer B) MAC (Medium Access Control) layer C) D) Answer [=] B Explanation: Medium Access Control (MAC) layer which is a sub-layer of the LLC (Logical Link Control) layer actually shares the physical transmission medium among many devices. 7) Every Computer or an Internet device has a unique MAC address. State TRUE/FALSE. A) TRUE B) FALSE C) D) Answer [=] A Explanation: The manufacturers of internet accessing devices hard code unique MAC addresses into each device.

8) The types of Medium Access Control are ___. A) Centrally Access Control B) Distributed Access Control C) Both option-A and option-B D) None Answer [=] C 9) The modes of a MAC to share a transmission medium are ___. A) Round Robin B) Reservation C) Contention D) All the above Answer [=] D

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Explanation: Round Robin, Reservation and Contention are the three modes of sharing the access medium used by MAC protocol. 10) In Round-robin mode of MAC, each station gets ___ priority whether access to the medium is needed or not. A) different B) equal C) D) Answer [=] B Explanation: Each station will get an equal opportunity to use the shared medium like the cable connecting two or more stations. 11) In Reservation mode of MAC, each station in the network ___ a time slot for a finite or infinite amount of time to access the shared medium. A) should reserve B) need not reserve C) D) Answer [=] A Explanation: Whichever station reserves a time-slot first, it will get full ...

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