Advertising on Facebook PDF

Title Advertising on Facebook
Course Social Media Marketing
Institution Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Pages 11
File Size 501 KB
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Learning Linkedin Mandatory Assignment: Advertising on facebook...


MARK 3374 – O02

Advertising on Facebook Over the years, Facebook has proven itself to be the most popular and used social media platform, with over 2.7 billion monthly active users in 2020. (H. Tankovska, 2021) The social media site paved the way for users to connect with their long-distance family members and friends and share their milestones with the world. Facebook has extended its services over the years to cater to the needs of its different users. It became a social network service that businesses can rely on to market their brand and products. The site provided an expanded interactive media within its platform for companies to advertise their brand and spread the word around called the ‘Business Manager’.

Business Manager

With how fast evolving and innovative society is, more companies are using the world wide web to advertise their business. With media platforms like Facebook, companies have more insight into consumers' behavior and their purchasing decisions. Moreover, advertising on Facebook helps companies to reach out to wider demographics, making it easier for businesses to gain brand recognition.

Business Manager is for people running ads or managing pages or connecting with different businesses and, want to have a dashboard where they can control everything in one place. It is a useful resource if you have multiple ad accounts, multiple people managing your Facebook presence, or you're working with an agency.[ CITATION Meg20 \l 4105 ] Moreover, this platform helps companies to delegate tasks within the organization by controlling the access intended to every role.

MARK 3374 – O02 Setting up Roles & Permissions Business Manager is a vital and secure tool for businesses linked with other outside parties associated with their marketing or has several employees managing their media pages. It gives the company the ability to restrict roles to omit any security breach within the organization and ensure that the business functions smoothly. The roles can be assigned on the User section of Business Manager.

There are two roles in Business Manager: employee access and admin access. Employee access or standard access can only work on assigned account accounts and tools. In this role, employees can either manage campaigns: where they can create, edit, access reports, and view ads, or limit their role to only view performance: accessing reports and view ads. Meanwhile, admin access can manage the Ad account. In this role, the user can control and account settings, finances, and user permission. Moreover, they can create, edit, access reports, and view ads.

MARK 3374 – O02

There are another two additional and advanced roles in Business Manager: finance analyst and finance editor. Finance Analyst is for users who are limited only to check any financial details and transactions of the page, while a finance editor role has access to both financial statements and the ability to edit and access payment methods and cards associated with the account.

Manage Ads and Campaigns

Creating Ads and Campaigns

In Business Manager, you can create and manage all your ads in a dashboard called 'Ads Manager.’ In creating a campaign in Ads Manager, you have to go through 3 different steps. The first step is Campaign. In this procedure, you need to identify what is your marketing objective. There are three choices with their respective categories in Ads Manager: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion. To ensure that you are using the most accurate and effective marketing objective for your ad, I found an article that explains every category: Link.

MARK 3374 – O02

The next step after picking the campaign objective is Ad Set. In Ad Set, you can tailor the demographics according to your preferred market. In this procedure, you need to identify your audience, target demographics (location, age, gender, etc.,), placement or feed location of your ad, and the budget and schedule you have assigned for it. Moreover, there is also a detailed targeting section. It is useful if you want to niche your audience according to interests, behaviors, etc.

MARK 3374 – O02 The last step is the Ad itself. This step is where you put your creativity to the test. In this procedure, you go through the format, media, and additional creative such as text, link, languages, and tracking. In choosing the format, there are two different options: carousel and single image or video. The carousel lets your ad have two or more scrollable images or videos, while the latter one only displays an image or video. However, there is an option to make a slideshow with different pictures.

The texts and links section are where we add in the primary text for the ad, call to action, creation, and creative text. This is where you bring to life your advertisement so that it appeals to your target market. (Adams, 2020)

MARK 3374 – O02

As your business grew, the more you try to put your brand out there. Over some time, you'll be publishing numerous ads to engage with your market. If you're running the page on your own, this will be hard to manage. Thankfully, the Ads Manager has a feature where you can manage your ads and campaigns in bulk or through excel.

Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel is a piece of code that you place on your website. It helps you track conversions from Facebook ads, optimize your ads based on collected data, build targeted audiences for future advertisements, and remarket to qualified leads. (Adams, 2020) To put it into simpler terms, once your Facebook pixel generates, it will help you track the activities happening on your website. It will start tracking every action, such as when users leave, interact with a post, or click. It will help you understand the effectiveness of every ad that you publish and reconsider any decisions. Moreover, with all the data and statistics tracked, this will help you control the algorithms and retrace back to that market and distinguish a better conversion when

MARK 3374 – O02 you publish another ad. Tracking the success of your Facebook Pixel is going to be key in the campaigns that you create and the audiences that you target. (Adams, 2020)

Custom Audiences

Custom audiences are a powerful way to directly target your customers and prospects on Facebook. (Adams, 2020) Custom Audience is a group of people that are already interacted with your business. These include website visitors, email lists, video viewers, and all the ones who have interacted with any content on your page. Every custom audience has different value levels, depending on their engagement with your page. The higher the value level of engagement they have on your page, the more likely they will interact and purchase your products.

MARK 3374 – O02

There are two different ways to create an audience. The first one is using your sources. These are from any activities on your website, app, offline activity, customer list or email list. In using your website as your source, you can create an audience based on your website visitors. This can be more enhanced with the help of Facebook Pixel. As mentioned above, Facebook Pixel can track all activities, even the specific ones, that can help create an audience depending on their engagement with your products. Another option is using Facebook sources. It is from any interactions based on the company's page, engagements with videos published, or past events attendees.

Advance Advertising Techniques

A. Split-Testing

To optimize the effectiveness of Facebook ads and maximize its potential, there are various ways to do it. Facebook has a built-in split testing tool or A/B testing, and you'll find it when you begin to create a campaign. (Adams, 2020) The built-in split testing tool lets you test two ads with different images or text but provides the same context. It will split into two, ad A and ad B.

MARK 3374 – O02 Both of them will be published at the same time to their target demographics, but not both of them will show up to the same viewer. The goal is to distinguish which one is more effective and has gathered more engagements. It's important to always be testing your advertisements and measuring the results. This is a proven way to increase optimization of your advertising efforts. (Adams, 2020)

B. Re-targeting Retargeting your audience can be done with the help of Facebook Pixel. This is a crucial advertising technique as it will help you distinguish if your ad is reaching out to your niche audience. To do this, you need to create a custom conversion in Facebook Pixel. Custom conversions let you create rules for events or URLs. When you create these rules, you can measure more specific customer actions. (Adams, 2020) Moreover, you can create custom conversions based on your custom audience. In this way, you can target an audience that would highly likely appeal to your advertisement when they see it.


Online advertising’s landscape is always changing. (Adams, 2020) That said, it is important to keep the ad updated and guarantee that it is achieving its desire results. The course covered various resources and, it is vital that these are utilized accurately to ensure that the ad is maximized to its potential. The instructor went over how to create a campaign and ad and the importance of revisiting the content itself and understanding the data behind it to find out its effectiveness.

MARK 3374 – O02 My Conclusion Facebook has become so beneficial to me in terms of personal use. However, going through this course, I am given the opportunity to expand my knowledge of what Facebook has to offer. In this course, I was able to identify alternatives to advertise and the importance of retracing back to every advertisement content. I've learned about the importance of tailoring the audience for better results. Moreover, I'm given an outlook to look at advertisements from a different scoop perspective. I've learned so much about how to navigate through Business Manager, Ad Manager and be familiarized with the benefit of Facebook Pixel.

Overall, Business Manager is helpful for all businesses. Every company, large-scale, smallscale, or locally owned businesses must have a Facebook page and have advertisements. In this way, it will not only help achieve its targets, but also attain recognition from bigger demographics.

References Ada ms , M.( 2 0 2 0 ,J a n u a r y1 4 ) .Ad v e r t i s i n go nFa c e b o o k :Ad v a nc e d. Re t r i e v e df r omLi nk e d i n : ht t p s : / / www. l i n k e d i n . c o m/ l e a r n i n g / a dv e r t i s i n g o n f a c e bo o k a d v a n c e d 3 / g e t s t a r t e d wi t h f a c e b o o k bu s i n e s s ma n a g e r ? u =21 0 9 5 1 6 H. Ta n k o v s k a . ( 2 0 2 1 , J a n2 8) . Mo s t Po p u l a rS o c i a lNe t wo r k sWo r l dwi d easo fOc t o b e r2 0 2 0, r a n k e db ynu mb e ro fa c t i v eu s e r s .Re t r i e v e df r o mSt a t i s t a : ht t p s : / / www. s t a t i s t a . c o m/ s t a t i s t i c s / 2 7 20 1 4 / g l o ba l s o c i a l n e t wor k s r a n k e d b y n u mbe r o f us e r s / La wr e n c e , C. ( 2 01 6 , Oc t o b e r5 ) .1 4Fa c e b o o kAd v e r t i s n gOb j e c t i v e sY o uNe e dt oKn o w. Re t r i e v e df r o mCha r l i eLa wr e n c e :h t t p s : / / c h a r l i e l a wr a n c e . c o m/ h o wt o c h o o s e t h e r i g h t f a c e b o o k a d v e r t i s i n g ob j e c t i v e /

MARK 3374 – O02

t t p s : / / a d e s pr e s s o . c o m/ b l o g / f a c e bo o k a d s c us t omPi c t u r e su s e df o rt hi sp a p e ra r ef r o m:h a u di e n c e s gu i d e /...

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