Aguilar v Texas - Summary Criminal Procedure: Investigating Crime PDF

Title Aguilar v Texas - Summary Criminal Procedure: Investigating Crime
Course Criminal Due Process
Institution Northeastern University
Pages 2
File Size 48.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Aguilar v. Texas case brief...


Aguilar( v(Texas Wednesday,/ October/ 5,/2016

12:50/ PM

• 1964 • Facts: ○ Aguilar's/ home/ was/searched/ for/narcotics/ after/ two/police/ officers/ obtained/ a/warrant/ issued/ based/ on/the/officer's/ affidavit/ that/states/ that/they/ had/received/ reliable/ information/ from/ a/credible/ person/ that/ drugs/would/ be/found/ in/the/ defendant's/ home ○ Appellate/ court/ affirmed/ defendant's/ conviction/ for/ illegal/ possession ○ Supreme/ court/ held/ that/ the/search/ violated/ 4th/amendment • Issue:/ Can/a/warrant/ obtained/ through/ officer's/ statement/ of/credible/ information/ be/used/to/perform/ a/legal/ search/ and/seizure • Holding:/ No • Reasoning ○ The/ search/ violated/ the/4th/amendment/ because/ the/ affidavit/ didn't/ provide/ any/basis/for/ the/determination/ that/probable/ cause/ existed/ § The/ compliant/ contained/ no/affirmative/ allegation/ that/ the/ affiant/ or/aggiant's/ unidentified/ source/ spoke/ with/ personal/ knowledge/ of/the/matters/ contained/ therein § Not/sufficient/ basis/for/ probable/ cause/ ○ Warrant/ for/ the/search/ should/ not/have/ been/ issued/ - the/ affidavit/ did/not/provide/ sufficient/ basis/ for/ probable/ cause/ ○ TWO/PRONG/ TEST § The/ magistrate/ must/ be/informed/ of/the/ reasons/ to/ support/ the/ conclusion/ hat/such/an/informant/ is/reliable/ and/credible § The/ magistrate/ must/ be/informed/ of/some/ of/the/ underlying/ circumstances/ relied/ on/by/the/person/ providing/ the/information ○ The reliability of both the information and the informant must

○ The/ reliability/ of/both/the/information/ and/the/ informant/ must/ be/independently/ shown...

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