All antonyms asked SSC 1997-2020 PDF

Title All antonyms asked SSC 1997-2020
Course corporate law
Institution Amity University
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This PDF contains all the ANTONYMS asked in SSC exams from 1997 to 2020(with detailed solution). This compilation has been prepared by the experts of EK keeping in mind the role of previous year questions in SSC CGL CHSL CPO etc exams. EK has prepared many such compilations topic wise.Mak sure that check them out by visiting EK. Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here Must Check

Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here


For more compilations, Join Select the most appropriate Antonym of the given words. 1) FRAIL 1. elaborate 2. fancy 3. weak 4. robust Solution : 4 Frail - easily broken Robust - Strong

2) ENDURANCE 1. indolence 2. patience 3. tolerance 4. persistence Solution : 1 Endurance- ability to endure hardship ,persistence, tolerance Indolence - laziness,slowness in the mindset

3) INTENTIONAL 1. designed 2. voluntary 3. calculated 4. accidental 2

Solution : 4 Intentional - planned,done deliberately Accidental- unintentional, happening by chance 4) LAMENT 1. bleed 2. bemoan 3. appeal 4. celebrate

Solution : 4 Lament - to express grief

5) APPLAUD 1. denounce 2. magnify 3. commend 4. approve

Solution : 1 Applaud - to praise,to express approval Denounce - to criticize

6) ENRAGED 1. pleased 2. livid 3. aggravated 4. infuriated

Solution : 1 Enraged - angered ,infuriated


7) INFINITE 1. boundless 2. eternal 3. vast 4. limited

Solution : 4 Infinite - boundless, endless,eternal 8) CONTIGUOUS 1. contactual 2. separated 3. neighbouring 4. adjoining

Solution : 2 Contiguous- connected, adjacent 9) SUBSIDE 1. ease 2. enlarge 3. diminish 4. abate

Solution : 2 Subside - to become lower,to descend Enlarge - to make larger

10) INITIATE 1. begin 4

2. finish 3. trigger 4. commence

Solution : 2 Initiate - to begin,to commence Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here

11) CONSUME 1. save 2. absorb 3. devour 4. exhaust

Solution : 1 Consume - to spend,to devour 12) TENSE 1. relaxed 2. stiff 3. close 4. strained

Solution : 1 Tense - not relaxed,stressed

13) WANE 1. increase 2. abate 3. fall 4. dwindle 5

Solution : 1 Wane - to decrease,to dwindle

14) ERUDITE 1. ignorant 2. savvy 3. highbrow 4. scholarly

Solution : 1 Erudite - scholarly,highbrow Ignorant - unknowledgeable,lowbrow

15) OFFBEAT 1. conventional 2. weird 3. freaky 4. unique

Solution : 1 Offbeat - unusual ,unconventional

16) FUTILE 1. hollow 2. worthless 3. barren 4. productive

Solution : 4 Futile - incapable of producing results,worthless,barren 6

17) PERTURB 1. Fluster 2. Soothe 3. Confound 4. Commend

Solution : 2 Perturb - to disturb, to bother Soothe - to restore to ease/comfort

18) IMPEDE 1. Expedite 2. Thwart 3. Retard 4. Hamper

Solution : 1 Impede - to hinder,to hamper,to thwart Expedite - to accelerate the progress of

19) REPUGNANT 1. Odious 2. Pleasant 3. Austere 4. Sombre

Solution : 2 Repugnant- arousing disgust or aversion; odious Sombre - gloomy,dismal Austere - simple,unadorned,lacking trivial decoration 7

20) DUBIOUS 1. Likely 2. Dusky 3. Shady 4. Fishy

Solution : 1 Dubious - open to suspicion, fishy,shady

21) DEMEAN 1. Debase 2. Belittle 3. Admire 4. Ignore

Solution : 3 Demean - to debase,to belittle Admire - to praise

22) ADEPT 2. proficient 3. deft 4. inept

Solution : 4 Adept - skilled,versed,proficient,deft Inept - not proficient Topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) : Click Here 8

23) RECKLESS 1. heedless 2. brash 3. daring 4. cautious

Solution : 4 Reckless - careless,heedless,daring (indifferent to danger)

24) MORTALITY 1. fatality 2. lethality 3. death 4. birth Solution : 4

25) TURBID 1. varied 2. clear 3. mixed 4. confused

Solution : 2 Turbid - unclear,confused,obscure

26) AWARE 1. robust 2. impervious 3. resilient 9

4. ignorant Solution : 4

27) INNATE 1. basic 2. simp le 3. unassuming 4. acquired Solution : 4 Innate - inborn,intrinsic ; not acquired

28) DISCARD 1. distribute 2. waste 3. adopt 4. share

Solution : 3 Discard - to throw away ,to reject

29) BLUNT 1. sharp 2. charred 3. large 4. lengthy

Solution : 1 10

Blunt - not sharp

30) REPRIMAND 1. Reproof 2. Reward 3. Redeem 4. Rebuke

Solution : 2 Reprimand - rebuke ,A formal reproof

31) COMPLY 1. Consent 2. Defer 3. Adhere 4. Oppose

Solution : 4 Comply - to agree,to consent or conform

32) BESEECH 1. Implore 2. Exhort 3. Command 4. Invoke

Solution : Beseech - to invoke,to beg or implore ; exhort


33) SAGACIOUS 1. Prudent 2. Ingenious 3. Ignorant 4. Astute

Solution : 3 Sagacious- Having farsightedness 34) ADORN 1. Grace 2. Disfigure 3. Enrich 4. Subdue

Solution : 2 Adorn - to decorate, to make more beautiful

35) SOGGY 1. dry 2. gloomy 3. broken 4. unfit

Solution : 1 Soggy - soaked with moisture Click here for the topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution)

36) CULPABLE 1. innocent 2. disagreeable 12

3. reserved 4. offensive

Solution : 1 Culpable - blameworthy

37) CHIVALROUS 1. annoyed 2. valiant 3. cowardly 4. indignant

Solution : 3 Chivalrous- gallant,honourable

38) EXULTANT 1. depressed 2. energetic 3. wounded 4. delighted

Solution : 1 Exultant - elated,happy 39) Quiescent 1. Indifferent 2. Active 3. Peaceful 4. Dejected Solution : 2 13

Quiescent(adj)- inactive 40) Exodus 1. Departure 2. Arrival 3. Refund 4. Exit Solution : 2 Exodus(n)- A sudden departure of large number of people 41) VICIOUS 1. Unfortunate 2. Virtuous 3. Baneful 4. Sinful Solution : 2 Vicious (adj)- violent,destructive, bad Virtuous (adj)- good,righteous

42) HILARIOUS 1. Blithe 2. Merry 3. Sad 4. Happy Solution : 3 Hilarious(adj)- very funny, full of hilarity;merry 43) VIGILANT 1. Rash 2. Cautious 3. Wary 4. Alert Solution : 1 Vigilant (adj)-watchful 14

Rash - not careful

44) FLEXIBLE 1. Supple 2. Stale 3. Stiff 4. Soft Solution : 3 Click here for the complete study material of English for SSC CGL CHSL2020

45) BROAD 1. Narrow 2. Wide 3. Long 4. Large Solution : 1

46) LIBERTY 1. Independence 2. Convenience 3. Dependence 4. Deliverance Solution : 3 Liberty(n)- freedom 47) Derogatory 1. Complimentary 2. Intricate 3. Depreciating 4. Insulting


(For free)

Solution : 1 Derogatory (adj)- insulting ,dishonourable

48) Obsolete 1. Recent 2. Outdated 3. Remote 4. Rigid Solution : 1 Obsolete (adj)- outdated

49) Friendship 1. Slavery 2. Amity 3. Enmity 4. Arrogance Solution : 3

50) Sparse 1. Scanty 2. Abundant 3. Tranquil 4. Costly Solution : 2 Sparse (adj)- not dense; meager

51) DEXTERITY 1. Skill 2. Ignorance 3. Mastery 4. Agility 16

Solution : 2 Dexterity - skill

52) DIVIDE 1. Unite 2. Break 3. Engulf 4. Split Solution : 1

53) Bizarre 1. Weird 2. Strange 3. Happy 4. Usual Solution : 4 Bizzare - strange, unusual

54) Allure 1. Attract 2. Repulse 3. Rewind 4. Revive Solution : 2 Allure(v)- attract Repulse - repel

55) Hostile 1. Violent 2. Amiable 3. Adverse 4. Unfavourable 17

Solution : 2

56) Sluggish 1. Sedentary 2. Active 3. Weak 4. Dull Solution : 2 Sluggish- dull,inactive

57) Glee 1. Woe 2. Bliss 3. Fun 4. Joy Solution : 1 Glee - joy,happiness Woe - sadness

58) Persist 1. Cease 2. Remain 3. Continue 4. Insist Solution : 1 Persist - to persevere, to remain Cease - to stop

59) HASTE 1. Lose 2. Dash 18

3. Delay 4. Rush Solution : 3 Haste - hurry,rush

60) FICKLE 1. Flighty 2. Crafty 3. Stable 4. Subtle Solution : 3 Fickle - changeable, not stable

61) GROTESQUE 1. Distorted 2. Ugly 3. Attractive 4. Monstrous Solution : 3 Grotesque- distorted,hideous, not attractive

62) STRINGENT 1. Lenient 2. Strict 3. Stern 4. Severe Solution : 1 Stringent- strict,stern Lenient - not strict

63) Repulsive 19

1. Revolting 2. Attractive 3. Brilliant 4. Hideous Solution : 2 Repulsive- not attractive

64) Native 1. Urban 2. Foreign 3. Rustic 4. Rural Solution : 2

65) Industrious 1. Lethargic 2. Cautious 3. Durable 4. Diligent Solution : 1 Industrious- hard-working Lethargic- sluggish, not hard-working Click here for the topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) 66) Assist 1. Conceal 2. Decline 3. Support 4. Obstruct Solution : 4 Assist - to help Obstruct - to impede 20

67) Malice 1. Goodwill 2. Humility 3. Hypocrisy 4. Truth Solution : 1 Malice - ill will

68) Foul 1. Nasty 2. Proud 3. Fair 4. Vile Solution : 3 Foul - nasty,dirty

69) Persuade 1. Dissuade 2. Induce 3. Impress 4. Pervade Solution : 1

70) Rear 1.Back 2. Hind 3. Front 4. Lower Solution : 3 21

71) Mellow 1. Soft 2. Medium 3. Hard 4. Shiny Solution : 3 Mellow- soft or tender

72) Emerge 1. Disappear 2. Appear 3. Surface 4. Announce Solution : 1 Emerge - appear

73) Extol 1. Censure 2. Boorish 3. Realistic 4. Exposure Solution : 1 Extol - to praise Censure- to criticize 74) Humane 1. Kind 2. Sympathetic 3. Cruel 4. Living Solution : 3 Humane - kind 22

75) HASTY 1 sudden 2 cautious 3 reckless 4 urgent Solution: 2 Hasty - to act in haste Reckless- careless,heedless

76) ACCESSIBLE 1 reachable 2 stressed 3 attainable 4 restricted Solution: 4 Accessible- reachable

77) URBAN 1 modern 2 alien 3 rural 23

4 casual Solution: 3

78) MEAGRE 1 common 2 scarce 3 plentiful 4 minor

Solution: 3 Meagre - deficient in amount,scarce 79) SPARSE 1 dense 2 strong 3 thin 4 weak Solution: 1 Sparse - not dense ,meager ฀ CLICK HERE FOR THE HINDU PHRASAL VERBS COMPILATION ฀ CLICK HERE FOR THE HINDU IDIOMS COMPILATION ฀ CLICK HERE FOR THE HINDU VOCABS COMPILATION


1 ulterior 2 exterior 3 interior 4 superior Solution: 4 81) PROSPERITY 1 adversity 2 simplicity 3 nobility 4 affinity Solution: 1 Prosperity- affluence Nobility - aristocracy, upper class Affinity - a natural attraction towards something

82) CENSURE 1 shame 2 distrust 3 criticism 4 praise Solution: 4 Censure - to criticize, to blame 25

83) DESPAIR 1 dearth 2 calm 3 hope 4 pride Solution: 3 Despair - to be hopeless Dearth - scarcity

84) EXCEPTIONAL 1 rare 2 unique 3 optional 4 ordinary Solution: 4 Exceptional - uncommon ,not ordinary

85) FEROCIOUS 1 fierce 2 prudent 3 gentle 26

4 cunning Solution: 3 Ferocious- fierce ,wild ,brutal Prudent - judicious, sagacious Cunning- crafty ,clever

86) MISERY 1 dearth 2 poverty 3 censure 4 bliss Solution: 4 Misery - unhappiness, poverty

87) ASCENT 1 nascent 2 descent 3 crescent 4 recent Solution: 2 Ascent - an increase Nascent - newly formed 27

Crescent- marked by an increase; like moon

88) FLEXIBLE 1 pliant 2 elastic 3 stiff 4 variable Solution: 3 Flexible- pliable ,supple,bendsome Pliant - easily influenced Stiff - rigid

89) NOVEL 1 old 2 original 3 new 4 fresh

90) OMINOUS 1 threatening 28

2 foreboding 3 auspicious 4 baleful Solution: 3 Ominous - threatening, inauspicious, portentous Auspicious- of good omen,marked by prosperity Foreboding- an evil omen,a sense of evil to come Baleful - ominous,portending evil

91) RETALIATION 1 reconciliation 2 retribution 3 retrospection 4 regression Solution: 1 Retaliation- an act of revenge Reconcile- to restore a friendly relationship Retribution- vendetta ,personal venegeance Retrospect- consideration of past times. Regression - a return to a previous state. Click here for the topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) 92) LOYALTY 1 faith 2 treason 29

3 trust 4 fidelity Solution: 2 Loyalty- faith Treason - treachery, the crime of betraying one's own country. Fidelity - faithfulness to one's duties.

93) ADVANCE 1 shift 2 move 3 progress 4 retreat Solution: 4

94) ARROGANT 1 humble 2 rough 3 bold 4 uncouth Solution: 1 Arrogant- having excess pride in oneself. 30

Uncouth - strange ,unfamiliar

95) TACIT 1 inaudible 2 silent 3 mute 4 explicit Solution: 4 Tacit - expressed in silence,but not made explicit;silent

96) PROCEED 1 ahead 2 recede 3 forward 4 continue Solution: 1

97) MENTAL 1 brainy 2 ability 31

3 strength 4 physical Solution: 4

98) CHRONIC 1 routine 2 regular 3 infrequent 4 continuing Solution: 3 Chronic- prolonged,frequent, Continuing

99) COMPLACENT 1 humble 2 satisfied 3 confident 4 trusted Solution: 1 Complacent- self satisfied

100) SALIENT 32

1 negligible 2 prominent 3 striking 4 clear Solution: 1 Salient- prime ,important, prominent

101) RANDOM 1 formal 2 specific 3 irregular 4 casual Solution: 2

102) SHALLOW 1 deep 2 narrow 3 crooked 4 slight Solution: 1 Shallow- superficial,not deep Crooked- not straight, having bends 33

103) AMASS 1 collect 2 horde 3 heap 4 distribute Solution: 4 Amass - to collect, heap,to horde

Click here for the topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detailed solution) 104) POROUS 1 spongy 2 permeable 3 impermeable 4 absorbent Solution: 3 Porous - permeable, full of tiny pores

105) ABSTRACT 1 elusive 2 concrete 3 intangible 34

4 vague Solution: 2 Abstract - a summary of a longer publication. Elusive- rarely seen,difficult to make precise,vague Intangible- Incapable of being perceived by the senses.

106) HOPE 1 daring 2 courage 3 despair 4 confidence Solution: 3

107) GAUNT 1 lean 2 bent 3 plump 4 old Solution: 3 Gaunt - lean ,haggard,bony


108) VIRULENT 1 dangerous 2 amicable 3 lethal 4 powerful Solution: 2 Virulent - highly poisonous ,lethal Amicable- friendly

109) ROUTINE 1 normal 2 accepted 3 regular 4 different Solution: 4

110) CONCLUSIVE 1 clear 2 undeniable 3 ambiguous


4 decisive Solution: 3

111) EMACIATED 1 lean 2 fat 3 thin 4 shrunken Solution: 2

112) BOLD 1 confident 2 cheeky 3 brave 4 timid

Solution: 4

113) PERPETRATE 1.commit 2.perpetuate 3.react 37

4.prevent Solution: 4

114) COMPROMISE 1.treaty 2.dissent 3.agreement 4.disturbance Solution: 2

115) RESTRICTED 1.unbounded 2.barred 3.unmanned 4.banned Solution: 1

116) THREATEN 38

1.Coax 2.Criticize 3.Compete 4.Commend Solution: 4

117) RECOVERED 1.last 2.latest 3.leased

4.lost Solution: 4

118) ILLUMINATE 1.add 2.erase 3.light 4.darken Solution: 4 39

Illuminate- to glow,to light up

119) DEFICIT 1.adhere 3.surplus 4.remove Solution: 3 Deficit - deficiency in amount or quality Adhere -to be attached or devoted. Surplus - excess 120) PUBLIC 1.common 2.ready 3.private 4.restricted Solution: 3

121) PROGRESSIVE 1.conservative 2.repeated 3.aristocratic 40

4.moving Solution: 1 Progressive- liberal ,gradually advancing in extent

122) TYRANT 1.patron 2.benefactor 3.champion 4.rival Solution: 2 Tyrant - usurper,a despot Patron - a defender of something Rival - a competitor

123) WEAKNESS 1.illness 2.strength 3.bravery 4.disability Solution: 2 Click here for the topic wise compilation of questions asked in SSC CGL 2019-2020 (with detaile solution) 41



1.prevent 2.shorten 3.allow 4.increase Solution: 2 Prolong - to extend in space or length 125) SCANTY 1.small 2.concise 3.profuse 4.precise Solution: 3 Scanty - less than needed in quantity Concise - brief Profuse - in great quantity or abundance Precise - exact,accurate

126) ACQUIT 1.evict 2.clear 3.forgive 42

4.convict Solution: 4 Acquit - to declare not guilty Evict - to force someone to move out

127) ABSURD 1.sensitive 2.selfish 3.sensible 4.sentimental Solution: 3

128) ASCENT 1.descent 2.depression 3.decent 4.distant Solution: 1

129) FOREIGN 1.rustic 43

2.rural 3.indian 4.native Solution: 4

130) VIGILANT 1.careful 2.careless 3.visible 4.elusive Solution: 2 Vigilant - careful Elusive- rarely seen,difficult to make precise

131) EXTRAVAGANT 1.generous 2.deficit 3.pauper 4.thrifty Solution: 4 Extravagant - exorbitant, profuse in expenditure


Pauper - extremely poor

132) CRUCIAL 1.trivial 2.imperative 3.pivotal

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