all chapter Applied Statics and Strength of Materials 6th edition Limbrunner solutions manual pdf PDF

Title all chapter Applied Statics and Strength of Materials 6th edition Limbrunner solutions manual pdf
Author farsh sardar
Course Mechanics of Engineered and Biological Materials
Institution University of Auckland
Pages 7
File Size 364.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Instructor’s ManualforApplied Statics andStrength of MaterialsSixth EditionGeorge F. LimbrunnerLeonard SpiegelCraig D'AllairdBoston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco HobokenAmsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal TorontoDelhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong K...



Instructor’s Manual for

Applied Statics and Strength of Materials Sixth Edition George F. Limbrunner Leonard Spiegel Craig D'Allaird

Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Hoboken Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo



___________________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, Hoboken, New Jersey and Columbus, Ohio. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, 221 River Street, Hoboken, New Jersey. Many of the designations by manufacturers and seller to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps.

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ISBN-13: 978-0-13-384067-4 ISBN-10: 0-13-384067-0



Table of Contents

Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Chapter 7


Chapter 8


Chapter 9


Chapter 10


Chapter 11


Chapter 12


Chapter 13


Chapter 14


Chapter 15


Chapter 16


Chapter 17


Chapter 18


Chapter 19


Chapter 20


Chapter 21






APPLIEDSTATICSANDSTRENGTHOFMATERIALS SixthEdition GeorgeF.Limbrunner,P.E. CraigT.D’Allaird,P.E. NOTES: 1. Thesolutionspresentedhereinare,ingeneral,somewhatabbreviatedtoconservespace. Verylittleexplanationisfurnished.Sketchesarekepttoaminimum.Fewchecksareshown.  2. Thesolutionsfollowtheproceduresdevelopedintheexamplesinthetext.  3. Thesolutionsarebasedonthelimitedtablesfurnishedinthetextand/ortheappendices. Thetablesfurnishedareforthepurposesofthistextonlyandshouldnotbeusedfor design.  4. Thesolutionsforthedesignproblemsaregenerallynottheonlysolutionnorarethey necessarilythemosteconomicalsolutions.  5. Pleasenotethatproblemnumbersinthesolutionmanualaredepictedwithbothdashes(‐) andperiods(.)betweenthechapterandproblemnumbers.Theseareinterchangeable.  6. Itshouldbenotedthatthepreviouseditionsofthetextusedlowercasestodenote stresses.Thishaschangedinthe6thedition,butduetotimeconstraintsthissolution manualhasnotbeencompletelyupdatedtoreflectsuch.  7. Ifyoufinderrorsinthismanualorinthetext,pleaseforwardthemtomeat [email protected]. CraigT.D’Allaird Troy,NY November2014




Chapter 1



Prob. 1.1 Prob. 1.9 FOLFNKHUHWRGRZQORDG (a) (a) c  √10  7  12.21ft c2 = 112 + 132 – 2(11)(13)cos 80°   (b) b  √20  16  12.00m = 15.50 ft -----------------------------------------------------------sin 80° sin A sin B Prob. 1.2   15.50 11 13 (a) a  25 sin 48°  18.58ft →A = 44.3°, B = 55.7° (b) b  √25  18.58  16.73ft (c) h  b sin 48°  16.73 sin 48°  12.43ft (b) -----------------------------------------------------------a2 = 782 + 852 – 2(78)(85)cos 72° Prob. 1.3 = 96.0 ft a  √72  67.3  25.59ft sin 72° sin C sin B   A = cos-1(67.3/72) = 20.8 78 a 85 -1 B = sin (67.3/72) = 69.2° →A = 57.4°, B = 50.6° -----------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.4 (c) Right Triangle Check AB=28 sin70° = 26.3 ft Check a2 + b2 = c2 -----------------------------------------------------------A  tan󰇛7⁄24󰇜  16.26° Prob. 1.5 B  tan 󰇛24⁄ 7󰇜  73.7° -----------------------------------------------------------c  10  6  11.6ft  Prob. 1.10 θ  tan 󰇛6⁄ 10󰇜  31.0° C = 180° - 55° - 63° = 62° -----------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.6 100 c a AB  12  16  20ft   sin 63° sin 55° sin 62° BC  12  32  34.2ft A  tan󰇛12 ⁄16 󰇜  36.9° sin 63° 󰇛100󰇜  108.8ft ∴a C  tan󰇛12 ⁄32 󰇜  20.6° sin 55° -----------------------------------------------------------sin 62° 󰇛100󰇜  107.8ft &c  Prob. 1.7 sin 55° θ  sin󰇛5 ⁄6 󰇜  56.4° Perimeter = a  b  c  317ft x  12  10  6.63ft ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.11 Prob. 1.8 S = wt of one shock Assume all angles to be 45° P = wt of one set of brake pads R   2  3 cos 45°  0  6 sin 45°  0.1213mi Eq1: 8S + 10P = 101.6 lb R   0  3 sin 45°  6  6 sin 45°  0.364mi. Eq2: 10S + 6P = 106.2 lb R  󰇛0.1213󰇜  󰇛0.364󰇜  0.384mi. Multiply Eq2 by 8/10: Eq3: 8S + 4.8P = 84.96 lb 8S + 10P = 101.6 lb - 8S – 4.8P = -84.96 lb 5.2P = 16.64 lb P = 3.20 lb ∴ S = 8.70 lb

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Prob. 1.12

󰇛b󰇜1.815ft → in. FOLFNKHUHWRGRZQORDG

26 20   →∴  B  41.77° sin B sin 60° D1= 78.23 and D2= 101.77 AB 20 →∴ AB  29.39ft  sin 78.23° sin 41.77° BC  󰇛AB󰇜  50  2󰇛AB󰇜󰇛50󰇜 cos 60° BC  43.52ft 43.5 50  →∴ B  84.25° sin B sin 60° C180‐60‐84.2535.75 -----------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.13 󰇛a󰇜0.015ton  2000 lb⁄ ton  30.0lb 󰇛b󰇜30.0lb  16 oz.⁄lb  480oz. -----------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.14 󰇛a󰇜5mi  5280 ft⁄mi  1yd⁄ 3ft  8800yd 󰇛b󰇜5mi  5280 ft⁄ mi  26,400ft -----------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.15 mi ft 1hr 1min ft 60  5280    88 hr mi 60min 60sec sec -----------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.16 1yd  1rod  rod ft      160 43,560 acre 3ft 5.5yd acre -----------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.17 (a) 125,000,000,000gal  384  10 acre  ft ft  gal 7.481   43,560 acre ft (b) lb 125,000,000,000gal  62.4  ft  521  10 tons gal lb 7.481   2000 ton ft -----------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.18 7.75in. 3 󰇛a󰇜27′  7 " →   0.646ft → 27.65ft in 4 12 ft

in 0.815ft  12 ft  9.78in. in 0.815ft  12  9.78in. ft 0.78in. 32  24.96 25 ∴ 1.815ft  1󰆒  9 " 32 -----------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.19 Volume=Area  length in. ft π󰇛2in. 󰇜 󰇛0.25mi󰇜 󰇡5280 mi󰇢 󰇡12 ft 󰇢 4  in. 1728  ft =28.80 ft3 Flushing Water=2(28.8 ft3)(7.481 gal/ft3)=431 gal -----------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.20

-----------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.22

-----------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.23

-----------------------------------------------------------Prob. 1.24

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